Former Marvel Director Deletes Twitter Account After Calling Out Hollywood Pedophilia Jokers
I'd be scared if i was that person, calling (((them))) out like that without a mask
Hopefully they murder her and that turns out to be their undoing. Win-win.
She seems to be more afraid of his jewish masters than of "cybernazis".
Keep pushing. In a conflict, as time goes by, opponents adapt to the tactics and methods of the winning side and end up balancing and maybe even overturning the war (e.g. Napoleonic wars). We need a swift victory before that happens.
Ya fucking joking right?
Who do you work for?
what a dumb cunt
She'd get destroyed by Ronda Rousey (aka Ms. NO STRIKING ABILITY) let alone a man
you moron. you have to be a vanguard and the truth will liberate you.
"give me liberty or give me death"
you act like she's namefagging…
fucking shill
Rest in benis Lexi Alexander a week from now
Fuck Yea!
Aww yisss inspects those female bodies around the clocks.
I get vageen when I post mean things about minoritys on Twitter.
This. Turn the kike against it's self.
I love watching these people eat each other alive
We should have HER direct Guardians 3
Gotta love how the jewish Breibart is 'leading' the fight against Hollyweird pedo's, it's almost as if they want to misdirect and control the steam release to minimise its casualties.
The Aut-right is like a breath of fresh air, to all the elite pedo jews that manager the entire thing….
Unfortunately this is at odds with the Pedowood story in that a """famous""" movie director like this should know when to keep her mouth shut about the family business.
On the other hand, Alexander was obviously not hired for her brains.
Just watched punisher warzone, it's was almost artful in how horrible it was. Also started that creepface doug Hutchinson
That wouldn't have gone down well with her superiors. No surprise she deleted her twitter afterwards, they probably chewed her out for it.
No, it's Ben Shapiro, standing firm for his principles.
The vulnerable cry out in pain as they strike you.
Fucking great movie.
I like how they keep going with this instead of calling a rape a rape.
does anyone have the meme comparing Dan Harmon to the black weaboo pedophile, Michael whatever, with the flash drives of CP
hahahaha fuck me
Will you take a stand against circumcision?
Freudian Slip?
Thoughts immediately go to the bomb making video by (((an isis muslim))) that was left up on (((youtube))) for a day.
she cannot be that dumb she mocks islam
I saw that too. Hmmm…
fucking kek
In the current political climate this should be enough to end her career if made into an effective meme.
She is in no danger because her remarks are not about any one specific person in particular. She just voiced a more or less generic lament.
And the power brokers and 'elites' are not omnipotent anyway. John Podesta has been repeatedly called out as a pedophile, and he is close not only to the bloody Clintons but also to whoever facilitated the Seth Rich elimination (perhaps one and the same). Yet, in spite of all his connections with the powerful, the most that happened to people like David Seaman - who repeatedly called out Podesta by name as a kiddy diddler - was that they had their youtube accounts demonitized.
I suspect Podesta once had the power to have somebody killed - critics say Andrew Breitbart died for naming Podesta as a child molestor. (pic related) So your comment makes a point that's well taken.
But either that power has left him now, or it has its limits. There are a lot of 'them' among our sickening "elites", but they're not omnipotent.