If this is already in the catalog, I will dauntlessly be shilled about it regardless. TRUMP being manipulated by (((you know the fuck who)))

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Other urls found in this thread:

Cool it with the Jews talk. It makes you sound ignorant.

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Israel is meddling in our democracy

You know where you are rabbi??

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Legit can't tell if this is failed satire or if you're clinically retarded. Hang yourself, user.

Do you mean Israel? People keep bringing up this 'jew' thing, but im not seeing it.

Israel just passed a law making them the official representative of all jewry.

I thought that was really cute when they realized they were a jewish state

thats baiiiit

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thats right, words are wind, watch their actions.

thats right, Trump is anti Israel and pro guns. Nothing to see here.

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Israel is the only party who benefited from pulling out of the Iran deal.

actually lots of hollywood celebrities said that trump was hitler! TAKE BACK THE INTERNET! TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP

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Lots of ziowood celebrities were also anti-Bush, they tend to oppose any conservative, that doesn't mean they aren't kiked.

Stop looking at what trump is doing and start listening to what hes saying! Hes gonna build the wall! SPACE FORCE 2019!TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP

Going in to Afghanistan makes a lot more sense when you look at the map.

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Fuck all jüdenratt to death with 20 cm of wood

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Dasritebot confirmed


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Israel's fucking toast in less than 2 months. They have about half a meter of water left in their reservoir before they can't pump anymore.

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what are you on about lol

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Satan plz

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Bibi said he told Trump to which automatically means it's true because we now all of a sudden trust Bibi? How do we know he isn't just saying this to take credit of something he didn't do?

user, either way it is damning.

It’s a few days old, yeah. You can always search the catalog using your browser, you know.


It was obviously in Israel's Interests for the US to exit that deal.
Obama made the same deal with Iran that Bill Clinton made with Kim Jong Un- stop the sanctions and allow Iran to ability to develop nuclear energy and purchase uranium etc consistent with those ends. We tried that with DPK and they developed nuclear weapons. Iran would just do the same. Russia sells them the uranium, so of course Putin is opposed to the US leaving the agreement. The EU is just scavenger beetles trying to pick our bones clean to launch their own empire, and they are controlled by Germany, who is under the thumb of the nation that provides 70% of their energy- Putin.

Israel can be completely destroyed with one nuclear strike.If a nuke hits Tel Aviv right now, Israel is gone. And the Iranians already have the technology to launch missiles at Israel from Iran.

How is that white people's problem? Jews have done everything in their power to turn our nations into third world multicultural NIGHTMARES and to attack white men and women at their souls?

There's no reason for anyone to support someone who actively attacks you day in and day out. Their problems are their own.

OP is a faggot. I don't give a shit what Netanyajew says. That's anachronism. Trump was against the Iran deal before he ever became president…

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I like how you just instantly believe what the jews say.

If the kikes think that they swayed Trump to end that deal, don't show them Trump's tweets shit talking said deal from the time when it was being put together. If they feel like it wasn't their idea, then they will be less likely to give Trump what he wants.

Thing about Trump is, he will get you to pay him to do something he already wanted to do. Good skill to have in general. Doubly so in a president.

sage for being a faggot

Now that is critical thinking not really

Your post wasn't thinking at all.

Trump will just give them our water.

Shills purposely neglecting the boomer question. Boomers are fucking retarded on the jewish question. They still largely buy into the 'greatest allies' meme from all the wwii propaganda about daddy saving the Jews bullshit.
Trump is good for white people, as evidenced by his actions and the sperging Jewish media, but he's still a boomer.
Nice try shills, you faggots.

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You believe Trump wasn't working for Israel back then lol?

Do you intend to be an insufferable cunt in a court of posts?

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I have a bridge to sell you.

Assuming your retarded premise isn't just an attempt to black-pill anons away from Trump (which it absolutely is) what would you have us all do? Would you have us stop supporting him? Who would you have us support instead? Who advocates for us more than him?

Another shit eating grin shill with rhetorical statements. Trump is compromised and jews are jews as usual. But if something like this worded statement in OP falls on Normie ears, shit could get interesting….. FOR YOU

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An odd development. This could be damning if it weren't for
They was compromised years ago and I wouldn't trust them unless it's been confirmed by other sources or the actual .
Alternative media sites have just been discussing the recent pedo cases in Hollywood after the Harmon vid was leaked to them

This is not to say that it might not be true, but given Trump's crackdown on child trafficking and the Harmon/Gunn shit I would be a little skeptical.

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The most anti-white candidate possible.

This is your imagination. Trump has never once advocated for Whites. I challenge you to find just one case of Trump explicitly advocating for Whites. You can't.

Well yeah… his favorite channel Fox is where it is thanks to Jews… half his family are Jews… he got loans from Jews… it's almost like you need to have Jews involved to get anywhere in this world!

They don't use desalination for water? Might explain why they're poking through the Golan Heights for more than just oil for Genie Energy.

Forgot to sage there Moshe?

It's the perfect buffer zone for Israel. It's a no mans land. Any ground invasion from the far East could be stalled there while they activated whatever schemes they had.

user I'll call niggers the "city/urban youth" in certain company but everyone knows I'm talking about niggers.

This is a bot if you can’t tell


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Tell me more


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you scared kikes, I can tell, but you're not nearly scared enough.

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you scared kikes, but not nearly enough. even your fear is cheap.

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Yet he talked about Iran deal since beginning of his primary run.
Kikes being kikes and claiming credit as usual

stupid nigger kikes ran out of water? thought that only happens in Africa.

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gas up the bikes guise, ray swore now!

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The (((US))) created and owns the (((EU))). There is no EU becoming an Empire.

Why don't you guys just admit that you admire Israel? You know you do. You love seeing the rat faced Jews shooting Palestinians, it's give you a tingle up your leg. You're more than ready to go fight Iran for the chosen people. Just be honest with yourself and never come back here. Go, embrace the inner kike lover and be free.

As if Trump even notices you. Does he draw power from you worshiping him or something, I mean what the fuck are you retards even babbling about? Go back to watching Fox and Hannity. You know you want to.

*visibly gags*

Trump often blinks when he is lying, watch for it.


There would be more credence to your post if you took the time to white more than half a paragraph for it and post weak memes.

He also often talks up people right before talking shit about them.


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It really isn't, considering Whites are the minority of American citizens in youngest age brakets. He is advocating for American citizens, which means shitskins.

Go take a navy shower.

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