Fourth Reich Aesthetics

Fourth Reich Aesthetics

What flag should we have?
What should our symbol be?
What should our name be?
What countries should be included?

Attached: Reichs of Germany 1st Reich 2nd Reich 3rd Reich Holy Roman Empire.jpg (2000x2000 36.92 KB, 351.86K)

Other urls found in this thread:

The next great push for cleansing Europe of jews and mudslimes from Europe will be Poland, Hungary, Austria, and Italy.
They will be fighting countries like Germany.

An ancient European pagan symbol.
Celtic or nordic


We should all have our own flags of common motif. With thematics taken from every nations own nature, traditions, folklore and religion.

Checked. I agree wholeheartedly

Not this shit again.
Your contracts are coming to an end soon Shareblue, assorted NGOs and glow-in-the-darks. The future does not belong to you.


Attached: unnamed.jpg (900x900, 69.37K)



Phoneposter's life is a misery

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Just noticed 9fag watermark, pardon my faggotry

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The fourth reich can only be made up of germanic people. Otherwise it would have nothing in common with the other 3 reiche, and therefor wold be the first european realm.
Here is a flag for after Germany gets Anschlussed by Austria.

Attached: flagge2.png (753x486, 15.63K)

either you change that to 'NSDAP' or delete the thread, everyone should know of the fact that the word (((nazi))) is an allied slur invented by a frankfurt kike, using it onlt serves to not only demean yourselves, but also to push their (((media))) narrative


dumb mother fucker

I seriously wonder what were the religious doctrine of the old pagan gods
Are there any surviving texts of them?

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My point still stands you trash talking dumbass, (((their))) use of the term nazi is meant to dehumanize the opposition, your link is a jewified publication as per the pic on , now you either change the OP for less jewish semantics or you can fuck off pea-brained nigger

Probably in Vatican archives. Most information we have about old religions is from folklore and legends. Atleast regarding Eastern EU region

I like the word Nazi and will continue to use it

Underrated Post

Also 4 is a good number. Tertaskelion has 4 arms, 2 tertaskelions have 8 arms, therefore 4 tetraskelions have 88 arms. I'll go for meta-tetraskelion that have 4 tetraskelions inside.

i vote for the black sun
lets get esoteric in this bitch

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the third reich was designed to encompass germanic and nordic men and their ancient belief systems. most men of north western and northern descent are germanic or pagan.

Odal or life rune

Positive colors are good, but blue and green make for a shit uniform.
Posting the links so no "removed due to copyright claims".

Just how new are you?

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Here we go again…

Could you be any more desperate to appear ingroup? Ignoring how gay the topic itself is; if you want to make a thread like this then fucking present something yourself.

glad I didn't like it, because it makes me feel like a cuck if I do, tough luck nigger

Yes Schlomo, everyone knows that lie. You've been desperately trying to spread it for years. There is nothing wrong with nazi, your attempt to make people ashamed of their heritage is as obvious as your nose.

All whites could be citizens of the Reich.

Now with more anime

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globally reported
enjoy your ban

fuck off with your shitty mind games, schlomo. the only kike around here is (((you)))

Give no fucks.

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the Truth has been spoken

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Germany isn't the villain. Only the kikes who control it and the US are the villains.

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Checked user, but can you call it germany anymore since all that was german was lost during the war?

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Not all was lost. While WW2 was a huge detriment to humanity as long as Germans exist it can be undone.

Attached: For the coming man.webm (280x208, 2.45M)

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the German Existing today and the Germany that you are talking about is different

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I seem to recall a very similar topic on this by some faggot that went around posting "Ashes and Echoes". While Germany then and now are different it doesn't mean that the spirit of National Socialism or the people that are able to care that torch are all dead.

If you guys can achieve this ! than Godspeed to you

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4th Reich - Unified West

I am a lowly mobile browser right now and the app I am using only let's me do one at a time. RIP.

Attached: JzLdGoM.png (800x500, 132.74K)

Not happening. At the rate things are going, Germany won't even exist in the near future. If a European nation is to conquer all of Europe, as you suppose in your image, it certainly won't be Germany. There are many nations socially decades ahead of Germany who'd be more inclined to take that step. Germany is currently filled with Germans who are socially inclined to be self-loathing, weak, passive etc. Maybe three or four generations down the line they'll be different. The younger Polish generations are already there. There won't be another "reich" unless German people somehow manage to continue to exist another century or two and outlive their current mentality.

Not this thread again………..

Poland always wanted an alliance between the Baltic and Black seas. It should have looked for the Baltic and Mediterranean. V4 are inseparable. Austria and Hungary have a good history together.
Italy is the missing piece, and their government and people are compatible.

Attached: v4 and friends.png (376x642, 15.63K)

Final Culture

Breddy sure that book was renamed during translation and was not originally titled 'nazi-sozi'.

The answer to this thread is pretty clear.
Either Tetra which is more representative of Zig Forums as it commemorates the old gods Zig Forums has uncovered as well as the Reich, or the New Swabia flag which we adopted for /sudpol/.

Attached: TETRA.jpg (710x641 45.13 KB, 462.81K)

Here are some SS division insignia i made. Its not possible that those atomwaffen fags were the only ones to come up with this idea, is it?

Attached: SS_Burgund.png (399x426 70.32 KB, 54.15K)

Attached: SS_Eisland.png (399x426 37.07 KB, 62.6K)

Attached: SS_Heimathüter.png (399x426 49.17 KB, 45.61K)

Attached: SS_Italia.png (399x426 72.71 KB, 26.83K)

Attached: SS_LSKalki.png (399x426 45.34 KB, 53.4K)

Attached: SS_Spionage.png (399x426 41.37 KB, 40K)

Attached: SS_Vercingetorix.png (399x426 40.18 KB, 52.56K)

Attached: SS_Winterland.png (399x426 50.5 KB, 33.4K)

Filtered for spamming all these fucking pictures, nigger.

Filtered for complaining about pictures in an aesthetics thread.

What about Middle Eastern, South American, or pretty much every region/country on the planet with their own SS emblems? the more the merrier.

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despondently checks

These fucking suck, stop using a drop shadow and kill yourself please

Attached: atom weed.png (495x600, 36.56K)

Are you retarded? Only jews and brainwashed golems used nazi. It is literally a jewish made derogatory word for NatSoc. Fuck off with that shit, kike.

Subtle anti-american D&C thread you got here, real nice.

What would be the old hungarian gods?i can't seem to find a symbol for it/them

Slide thread.

The command of the Third Reich never surrendered. Technically, a resurgence will still be the Third. Sage because you dumb niggers didn't mention it.


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