George Takei and homosexual indoctrication

An interview Howard Stern had with George Takei (sucked dick on public television once)


Hollywood's, or rather homosexuals approach to molestation.
Keep in mind child diddling is a leading cause for homosexuality, and homosexuality inherently promotes pedophilia. In order to "integrate" a child an adult man must have sex with a child at around the age of 14.

In 2002 Steve Baldwin, the executive director of the Council for National Policy in Washington, D.C, wrote "Overwhelming evidence supports the belief that homosexuality is a sexual deviancy often accompanied by disorders that have dire consequences for our culture, Child Molestation and the Homosexual Movement,"

(published by the Regent University Law Review)

His studies found

In her thesis also written for the Regent University Law, Review Reisman cited psychologist Eugene Abel, whose research found that homosexuals

Larry Kramer, the founder of ACT-UP, a noted homosexual activist group, wrote in his book, "Report from the Holocaust: The Making of an AIDS Activist": "In those instances where children do have sex with their homosexual elders, be they teachers or anyone else, I submit that often, very often, the child desires the activity, and perhaps even solicits it."

To learn more about homosexuals and pedophilia:

As I was saying:

There have been 747 archives of his twitter Zig Forums must stick their nose in every corner. God knows what he's done.
Archives to his website
godsend anons

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Other urls found in this thread:

H(Howard Stone-kike)
G(George Takei)
C(Howard's co-host)

The hosts encourage Takei as if this were some juicy story they are aching to hear, when it is in fact a story of child molestation.

video transcript:
H: George, where did you go to summer camp?
G: At lake arrow-head in southern california.
H: How old were you at the time?
G: I was 13.
H: And you what? Blew your councelor?
(Co-host laughs)
G: Uh, no I was very young-
H: Yes
G: and uh-
H: 13 is young, yes
G: and he was- he was- an older teenager-
H: Go ahead.
C: uh-huh
G: He was camp councelor.
H: 19, would you say?
G: Uh, he was about 18 or 19, yeah, and he was experienced.
H: Yes.
G: -and, um, we each had cabins and he was the councelor in my cabin
H: He could tell that you were a gay man? Was it evident at 13?
G: No, no, no it wasn't.
H: No?
G: But, uh-
H: Were you sure at that point that you were gay?
G: No, I was not sure.
(Co-host laughs)
H: Right, and, uh, how did he seduce you?
G: Well he started touching me and-
C: Wait a minute, did he-, he came into your cabin?
G: Yes.
C: You two were alone?
G: Yes.
C: He sits down next to you on the bed?
G: Yes.
H: How where you alone in summer camp?
G: (untangable) in the cabin
H: And where were the other boys?
G: They were all hiking or something or something was happening
C: Doing little boy things.
(George laughs, not convincingly)
H: Somehow you managed to stay behind?
G: Yes.
H: Do you think sub-conciously you stayed behind because you wanted to be alone with him?
G: No, no I was- there was some kind of reason of why I had to be there.
H: You were on your period?
(Co-host laughing)
G: He was going to teach me something.
C: Oh, yes he was!
(They errupt in laughter)
H: and you, uh, sat there and he touched you and did you feel-
G: (Untangable)
H: were you molested, in a sense, because you were 13?
G: No, no, because I was kind of- I thought he was pretty attractive.

Oedipus complex - The Oedipus complex is a concept of psychoanalytic theory. he positive Oedipus complex refers to a child's unconscious sexual desire for the opposite-sex parent and hatred for the same-sex parent. The negative Oedipus complex refers to a child's unconscious sexual desire for the same-sex parent and hatred for the opposite-sex parent. Freud considered that the child's identification with the same-sex parent is the successful outcome of the complex and that unsuccessful outcome of the complex might lead to neurosis, pedophilia, and homosexuality.

A summer camp counselor can be seen as a father figure. A strong attractive man leading several boys. By raping a young man in the developmental stages of sexuality, it complicated the Oedipus complex and resulted in confusion and homosexuality.

Remember when he jerked off a teenager on stage?

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it complicated the resolution that is.

Yeah, that is what I was thinking about when I put that he blew a guy. I couldn't remember the disgusting thing he did in public.

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Justin Roland, writer and actor, claims that in many "realities" Rick, clearly an adult male, is in a "passionate" and "healthy" relationship (maybe to homosexual standards) with Morty, clearly a child. Ages said to be 70 for Rick and 14 for Morty (just as I stated earlier for a prime age to indoctrinate) I never thought I would have to know this information but here I am.

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He is a writer and actor for the show.

Owen Benjamin , a former comedian and active in Hollywood, speaks on the reasoning for the shoahing of his career:

His career was ruined for speaking out against the Hollywood pedophile machine. You can hear how passionately he speaks out. His associate or friend (at that time) Richard B Sausages was forcing his 5 year old son to get pumped with estrogen and dress as a little girl. As any man with his testicles still attached to his body would do, Owen was out raged and called out the man's madness. To his surprise, none of his "friends" backed him up. This is the complete lunacy that is being pushed by these kikes.

*who was active in Hollywood

yep, he voices both Rick and Morty.

Embedded, for the lazy.

Numbers Don’t Lie

> And that’s why it was no surprise when a 2009 report prepared for a bisexual health summit revealed that 74 percent of bisexuals had been sexually abused as children. (For other studies focusing specifically on the connection between childhood sexual abuse and homosexuality, see here:

Also, anyone have the study that showed that male goats would reject female goats and only want to fuck sheep if they were put in with sheep in their sexually formative years?

You'll have to give him that's some iron trust in is sphincters

Oh myyyyyyy

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What's up with the victim blaming?

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I am going to vomit.
I’ll pass. Invoke royal decree, you’re all banned.

Of course the gook became a faggot. He voted for the party that put him in a concentration camp. The guy is out of his fucking mind. Also, you know he was fiddled by other gooks while in the camp, not this story he's telling himself. That was nearly sixy years ago and peoples memories are horrible. There's been a ton of studies recently.


Takei is very fucking prolific on both Facebook and Twitter. I wonder if there's a way to devalue his brand. Anytime someone uses Takei or retweets/reposts something from him, you can always subtly put in a screen grab of him jerking that dude off on Stern. Because he's a fucking degenerate.

Remember, what these degenerates protest the loudest about, they do.

How the fuck are these faggots allowed to openly discuss this shit and get away with it?

There was some screen caps a while ago of a forum describing male boys being raped by their fathers and friends, and they were saying

Not exactly what you're refering to, but have some of my infographs.

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It's right there in front of us.



What is eight years of Obama for 500 Alex?

It’s said that schistosomiasis may also be partially responsible for faggotry. I read something from a former faggot once that he did a vaseline cleanse on himself which killed the toxoplasma gondii in his body and he lost all attraction to men. Take that as you will, but the real schisto (and toxo) research is pretty solid. COPYPASTA!

I’ve said it before, but it’s probably time to say it again. The most likely explanation for human homosexuality is that it is caused by some pathogen. It’s too common to be mutational pressure (and we don’t see syndromic versions, as we would in that case), it’s not new, identical twins are usually discordant (~75% of the time), and it’s hell on reproductive fitness. There is no way it is adaptive–the helpful gay uncle notion, group selection, compensating advantage in females, etc–these range from impossible to bloody unlikely. It doesn’t exist in most hunter-gatherers: you have to explain what it is you’re even talking about when you ask them. Presumably with diagrams.
As for Freudian explanations, exotic-becomes-erotic, etc: just reading the social-science literature on the subject is enough to make you wonder if the human brain really does exist to cool the blood. A fair number of the smarter people interested in the subject agree with me. Not that they think it proven, but they agree that it is the only theory out there that makes any evolutionary sense. Bill Hamilton thought it made sense. So does Alan Grafen. Mike Bailey thinks it more likely than any other explanation tendered thus far.
My model–not the only possible model based on a pathogen, but reasonable–leans on a couple of natural examples. One is narcolepsy. We now know that narcolepsy happens when a particular kind of neuron, concentrated in a little region in the hypothalamus, somehow gets zapped. 99% of narcolepsy cases happen in the 25% of the population that has a particular HLA type – which suggests that something, probably a virus, triggers an overenthusiastic immune response that zaps a neuron subpopulation that produce a particular neurotransmitter (called hypocretin or orexin) that regulates appetite and sleep patterns. And it doesn’t do anything else: narcoleptics aren’t stupid. You can compare narcolepsy to type I diabetes or Parkinson’s disease. Suppose there’s a neuron subpopulation that performs a key function in male sexual desire: wipe out that subpopulation, and Bob’s your uncle.
Another is toxoplasma, which we now know changes mouse behavior in ways that increase a mouse’s chance of being devoured by a cat, the definitive host for toxo. Infected mice are attracted to cat urine, while uninfected mice avoid it. In fact, in infected mice, cat urine apparently triggers activity in neural pathways involved in sexual arousal. Microorganisms can reprogram sexual attraction in mammals.
I have had people complain that I’m neglecting the social aspects of homosexuality, what it means, how people think of it. Let me tell you a story. In certain parts of west Africa, boys are expected to start menstruating around age 14. And they do, sort of: you start seeing blood in their urine. When that happens, there’s a big ceremony, everyone says, ‘Today you are a man.’ Whatever. The thing is, that’s about the time they put the boys into the flooded rice fields, where they’re exposed to schistosoma haematobium, which causes urinary schistosomiasis. It’s bad for you: it can impair growth and cognitive development in children, reduces productivity, and is a potent cause of bladder cancer over the long term.
Our explanation of male menstruation as urinary schistosomiasis must undermine these people’s worldview. Eliminating schistosomiasis would undermine it even further, just as the rubella vaccine dealt a heavy blow to deaf culture by cutting the number of congenitally deaf children in half. Isn’t that just too damn bad.

And actual studies on toxoplasma gondii which show that infected persons BECOME MORE LIBERAL, AS THEY HAVE FEWER SELF-PRESERVATION MECHANISMS.

funny way to say kidfucking



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oh my

ohhhh myyy

nice low effort post shill


Hmm. I've been dealing with severe depression and low energy levels for a while. (((Medication))) didn't help and neither does exercise or diet or herbal teas or anything else.
I've vaguely suspected that Toxoplasmosis might be the culprit, since I was completely fine until I moved into a house with a cat and got scratched by it. After December of that year it all started. When I read that TG has an effect on schizophrenic patients I began to wonder if it was the cause of my own depression, since the cat scratch lined up so well with the onset of my depression. Now with this new data, maybe I should hold off trying to treat myself with Noopept and get a blood test. Thanks user.

I've met some homosexuals, mostly women since I went to a college that has more of those.
They have many things in common I like to observe people :
-abusive parents(beatings, ignoring the child, extreme strict control over their lives)
-borderline or downright sociopathic behavior
-they cheat all the time with other people
I know that this isn't statistically sound but I was starting to see a pattern. I also tended to avoid these kinds of people since they were always pieces of shit.
I only know one lesbian that turned her life around. But I've seen many women that fell under the influence of these demons after a breakup and can't get out.
Really frightening to see.

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That's one ugly "teenager" What would you do if you had a net worth of 12 million?

You should look up some stats on how many different sexual partners the average sodomite has.

Another thing about fags is they see everything and everyone as disposable the sole point for doing new things or meeting new people and shagging them is the pursuit of novelty. When the novelty wears off, that person, style, brand or fetish is discarded. Thrown away like old trash, and I'm not sure you've noticed user but the entire fag phenomenon is a meatgrinder of death, disease, and human misery fuelled by drugs and shunning all evidence of mortality hence the Gay Death expiration date of say 35. The younger a man or boy is from that cut off the more desirable he is, but past it he'll only get any in bathhouses.
Fags are destroyed by this in the thousands each year from suicide, overdose, murder (voluntary or involuntarily), STD complications, and more and more often, death by misadventure as they do stupid things like breathplay with untrained hands and secondhand equipment on their own. You don't soley need a rope to die of chokey fappy, sometimes spraypoppers (Ethyl Chloride) and a gasmask and icelocks (Locks that are frozen together and melt open over time, for selfbondage) will kill you just fine. And then we get into bugchasers but thats more of the same moo. Just another slow way to suicide yourself while getting fucked, which seems to be some kind of instinct with these people. Die while having sex.

Anyway Point is every bit of these fuckers is about siezing fresh flesh and grinding it to shreds with thousands of cocks so it will fuck then in return as all of them are cutdicks and can barely feel anything at all and that drives them to mortification of the flesh to feel Something Anything at all and thus they are dependant on a tiny minority of tops chasing them like Thots chase a Chad Thunderdick. Hell, they chase him too. Even as to be his servants!

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"I smoke because I'm hoping for an early death, and I need to cling to something…"

Sounds like you lived it faggot

Some of us were on the fringe of (((art scenes))), and he's 100% correct.

I also got tired of "try to convert the het boy" games the sodomites love to play. And I hate cats.

While living in sf every straight male friend I had over years came out gay, then cross dressed then came out as trans. I'm talking hetero males from mid states not slurred speech lisp faggots. Some of them had gfs who they were monogamous with. All the girls cheated, all the men became insecure, lonely then gay then trans

That's really disturbing. Got any stories?

You have a young man, an old man, and a "pickle". Think about it.

Those faggots were weaklings to begin with if all it took for them to start down a path of degeneracy that ended in chopping their dicks off was some cunt cheating on them.

Please, do tell some stories though.

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What do I care if some old LARPing queen pays someone to suck them off? It's none of my business.

Pick your battles. Homos aren't on my radar.

Oppose ALL forms of degeneracy with every fiber of your being, you fucking faggot.

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Noted. But you're missing the point. We don't have unlimited resources to fight the whole world, and their degeneracy is self-defeating. "Never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake."

I'm trying to keep the globalists from robbing me of my own autonomy. And you're trying to keep trannies out of bathrooms. For what - so they don't see your pee pee? Jeezus there are more important fronts.

Let's go our own paths here.

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A sitting US senator, (((Brian Schatz))), who has power over military, law enforcement, etc., has stated that he believes whites must be liquidated.

We call them kikes here, boomer

Yep, former degen here. I was an autistic sperg that was told every goddamn lie you ever heard, by everyone I ever knew up to 25 years old, and then learned the truth the hard way, by falling into it like a faceplant into broken glass.
Words cannot describe how lucky I am to have had JUST 350 partners. I'm practically a virgin compared to all the fags i know with exploding hemmerhoids, and anal cancer, and colostomy bags and then there's the freaks that actually have such things as fetishes to the point they make 1man1jar/2men1hole look like a children's Christ's Mass special. Like this link, involving a faggot exploding an m-80 up his asshole twice. Seriously folks, is proof that fags all want to die, and spread whatever virus is making them do this. It is that fucked up.

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Forgot to mention, without conversions and corruption of children and adopting kids to break in later, the meatgrinder would run out of raw meat.

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Hating gays is so passe.

Nice to see my screencaps are alive and well.
Have some more!

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