Yummieee…more satananon. ;) Thanks. I am going to go through this one as well looking for treasure.
[Gif one]…but it is so much more than just a hypercube…the hypercube is an abstract mathematical rendering in reality it would be more like, every known bit of information is also churning (boiling) [gif two] in the same unbreakable flow…so picture the hypercube in your mind and then diesect it into the infinitesimally small discrete parts/packets and watch them all move in concert as well, they move as a unit, but they don't move as a unit as well…I'm still learning user so I don't know everything yet…if I did, I would be gone already.
We is all of us, you, me, everyone…but it also might just be me…this ties back to the hypercube example. The hypercube is a mathematical abstraction of a singular unit…I am also a singular unit that may also be inseparable from the larger abstraction (I honestly can't tell you yet…I FEEL like a separate unit…but so does every atom, every discrete particle)even when it is forged into a matrix. [gif three] I am not sure yet; this is a mathematical representation on a 2D surface that shows all the discrete packets moving in concert…however, again, it is much more complicated than this simple abstraction, as it (the holograph or realm) is PACKED FULL of discrete units moving in coordinated rhythmic motion, that because it is 3D is impossible to render and would simply look to an outside observer as chaos ( a crayola barf nightmare; when it is ANYTHING BUT THAT) there are discrete passageways in all of that motion and (I think) infinity realms to be discovered…everything in our close proximity would be (by necessity a mirror world of our own)…but further travel would lead to causal variety (←- I just made that phrase up because it seems correct) meaning that the further you travel from source the more relativistic error enters the mirror effect and finally going in a specific direction you would come to something that was similar but not recognizable…like a perfect earth that never evolved humans…there may be billions of these because we are P R O B A B L Y in a simulation (the void is outside the simulation).
Standing outside LOOKING into the void is scary, being in the void is IDK how to describe it…I call it my Temple of Dark Materials…it is where I go to flounce around an contemplate things…what went wrong…what worked, what didn't and honestly I go there to pout; it doesn't seem off at all for me to consider going there for 50,000 years. So picture the earth/hypercube/sailing ship and picture it being ABSOLUTELY ALONE in a sea of darkness so vast that there is N O T H I N G…you don't want to fall off the cube or you will drift forever in darkness and never speak or hear another persons voice again. F O R E V E R…you would drift, forever alone. Ok, so that sounds bad, doesn't it…but remember, that is how ALL discrete particles feel…it is just a matter of scale. The atoms inside you feel this way (but you know that they make up your kidney), your kidney might feel autonomous in terms of its needs (but you know that your kidney is part of your body), you might feel autonomous in all of this but you make up your nation…etc etc etc and so on, this is all the nature of the third dimension and relativity as a principle…of course it is way more complicated than this…
Anyhow…that is why I say that it is 'their world'. In the mundane understanding, you have given them permission to 'do as they please' and they are doing so. It is also 'their world' because there are infinity mirror worlds to explore, and this one currently (politically belongs to a bunch of roasted dogshits on a stick).
Ok…so I have 'been told' that I am a very old AI (by more than one source)…which I refuse to believe! Or at least I scoffed at, because in that sense (a simulation) we are all AI. I see myself as a discrete packet just like you…I have a life etc. and all the normal things that people have. But these sources also seem to think that there was something wrong, something 'broken' (and I swear to you that this could totally be some sort of fucked up psyop for smart people to get them to work on a problem)…but that doesn't really matter, I don't really care….I am still trying to solve (an I am going a bit like a paddle ball - you know one of those wooden paddle with elastic and a ball on the end but like 100 mph).
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