Stabbed in Oakland

So social media is ablaze with the story of the "white guy" who stabbed to death the "innocent black girl" and this picture is being deleted immediately and the media is now claiming it was a "phone case". Every single time… clockwork.


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Other urls found in this thread:

Don't worry user, all the stars are pointing to a real holocaust, by the end of our lifetime.


They now switched the story and are saying gun in photo is a fake gun and are using this to push that. Did they truly even take the time to look at this first and truly not think people would notice…

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Good news but not worth a thread

S and sage
rest in piss you fuckin nigger

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Unless the phone is bottom fed "micro sd magazines" i doubt its a phone.

It's not even close
compare the proporting of the trigger guard to the """"phone"""" of the OP pic and then compare the proportion of the actual phone

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yeah it is clearly a magazine in the grip where the phone grip is flat on the bottom

No wonder Oakland is such a shithole.

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It's full of niggers. That's why.

Story being said on twatter is two poor assholes came out of local bar, one had shirt with American flag on it, some dumb bitch pointed and yelled "GET THE FASCIST PROUD BOY!" and this happened:

Guaranteed this guy is a pedo. He has the facial traits.

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Who the fuck are they trying to kid? The gun isn't tall enough to be a phone case


It isn't a phone case holy shit. Everyone should know that niggergun same with hipoints

Well that was quick and obvious.

Not even sure why they're reporting on Oakland. It's a culturally enriched shithole everyone knows it but they generally avoid reporting about culturally enriched shitholes because it draws attention to how much of a shithole it is instead of the progressive democrat utopia it is supposed to be.

So she was killed for being unpatriotic and anti-American on the month where the 4th takes place. Kek

Schaaf was born in Oakland, California, on November 12, 1965. Growing up in Oakland's District 4, Schaaf attended Head-Royce School and Skyline High School, both in Oakland. She holds a B.A. in political science from Rollins College and a J.D. from Loyola Law School.[31]

Schaaf is Jewish.[32][33] She lives in Oakland with her husband, Salvatore Fahey, an employee of Gatan, Inc., an electronics company in Pleasanton. They have two children, Dominic and Lena.[34]

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I am so very down with the persons of color,
you can tell by the way I do my talk, I'm a subversive jew, no need to work.

This actually has serious chimplosion potential anons. Fags, dykes, nigs all "angry" about someone they didn't even know is the recipe that always leads to it. They are literally chasing cops.

This is the best though, they are freaking out calling for this cops head for this:

Owning a gun is not a bad thing anyway.

Not unless Soros pays to kick it off.

Within 48 hours no one will give a fuck anymore.

Get them as angry as you possibly can before they find out the guy wasn't white.
Extract as much rage and venom as G-d will give.

Oh no she wuz jus a 18 year old keed like saint michael. Fucking nigger, your kind has senselessly murdered probably hundreds of white babies and very young children. None of these crimes got any media attention at all, and I doubt even a single one of you monkeys has felt a hint of guilt over it.

I wasn't aware they still made phones with headphone jacks.

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Wait, so who did kill the girl? A nog?

yeah it glares to the eye

Someone redpill me on this case. What really happened?

Seconded. OP didn’t explain shit

People like to give UK and Sweden shit for being cucks, but they forget that USA was the original cuck nation and is still the top ranking cuck nation today. Been getting raped and murdered by niggers for decades with no retaliation at all.

Correction: none except for the heroic actions of Saint Roof

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anons, start collecting data on the jews in your area. start making lists that include addresses and places of employment.
so that when the shit hits the fan, you know who to visit.

I think the cucking goes all the way back to Sumeria…so 6,000 years of cuckery is a lot of 'programmed domestication' to overcome.
I am still contemplating Saint Roof and our ideology of 'proof of guilt'. Whites REQUIRE there to be a SPECIFIC 'proof of guilt' to act in self defense or to begin killing. Kikes have no such restraint, for you to BE A MEMBER of the Ethnic European race is a validation of their right to murder you. Lately I am pondering WHERE AND HOW we came to understand this specific 'proof of guilt'…is it innate to our genetics (if so that would mean that it should ONLY be applied to our own people and not to FOREIGNERS like blacks and jews). If it is something that was imposed upon our psyche, when and by whom and FOR WHAT PURPOSE? If all the rest of the planet requires no specific 'proof of guilt' yet we are bound to this…WE WILL GO EXTINCT, it is a 100% losing proposition in the long game. Saint Roof saw straight through this requirement and acted in a manner that is 100% common and totally understood in the whole rest of the planets populace…

So anons, any thoughts? I mean think about it…did the jews require an assessment of 'specific guilt' when they carried out the extermination of 60 million of the productive, honest and GOOD people of Russia? Or did they dispense justice without any consideration of 'specific guilt'? This is the difference between justice and genocide…we try to establish justice but because our enemies have no such qualms they end up genociding us…sad really.

Remember anons, this is only a game…you are allowed to CHECK THE RULEBOOK and assess whether it is correctly defined at any moment. You are 100% within your rights as a living breathing entity made in God's image to challenge ALL OF THE SOCIAL IDEOLOGIES that are passed on to you. Are we playing TO WIN or playing to DIE?

Off the subject a bit…who in the flying fuck builds a "phone case" that looks like a gun? Who the hell would use one?
It's like dumbass double-digit IQ types WANT the police to shoot them.

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B-but he's a FED!
A-and white trash!
Anyone that actually fights back is a FED!
Or at least that's what the good (((people))) at the ADL and SPLC tell me…

well, he was an idiot tbqh. he attacked the kikes footsoldiers instead of the kikes themselves.

I can even see the hole where the insert fits into the floorplate of the magazine.

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Yes, But a nigger in possession of a gun is bad.

They work as a team and have done so from the beginning. The kikes use blacks as their military might…this is why they spread that black DNA all over the earth (that and they like beasiality or fucking/raping niggers, it doesn't seem to matter much to them).

Do I have to say more?

Yes, but how effective will a raging beast be without his master their to pull his strings?

that was incredibly poorly worded, but I'm still half awake. you get what i'm saying tho.

Honestly we should simply exterminate BOTH…I mean, look at the way they treat us…why do I have to live in fear for my own people from animals…this goes back to my question above…WHY DO WE REQUIRE SPECIFIC GUILT TO BEGIN KILLING? We know something is BAD, ROTTEN and TERRIBLE for us, but we like to play this fucking game where we establish the guilt of EVERY SINGLE MOTHER FUCKING LAST INDIVIDUAL before we can act. Again, this is the difference between genocide (what is being done to Ethnic Europeans as other races have no such qualms) and 'justice' as we faggotly fancy we are 'capable' of dispensing.

Yeah "brutha" I feel you.

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whatcha doin there rabbi?

If you don't know what gave you away then that speaks volumes to your identity and IQ.

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Kike shill, I'm not saying the niggers are blameless or not worth putting in their place at some point. I'm saying attack the head of the beast, not its armor. It makes sense, and you know it does you fucking rat.

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On a slightly similar topic…why do questions that I think are worth asking and examining ALWAYS absolutely kill the thread? It is becoming bizarre!

Ahaha…look at that FAGGOT in the first picture…part B there is a white dude right next to him and he sits like a faggot on the shitter.

Two to the chest and one to the back of the head!

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Since when does a phone have a muzzle and an extended magazine?

When it is actually a gun…there are lots of phone guns on the market…maybe this is a new one I haven't seen before.

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archive link is shoahed?

Images are shoah'd but article is still there.

Good post. Food for thought.

Thx…I try. Fight fire with fire.

Yet if you had one of these alleged phone guns, and heaven forbid you take it to work or class, you'd be made into a pariah and a reminder of why we need to tear down the NRA, the KKK and the fascist USA.

and of course that dumb nigger has her finger on the trigger. stupid ape

the archives are barely working you idiot. post the original url

ead royce is one of the elite indocrination centers in the country. It costs more to attend head royce than go to college. I know a girl that went there, then went to berkeley, then university of indiana for a masters and now she works as a prostitute. She was completely mindfucked by leftist indoctrination to the point where she she thinks being a whore is a noble feminist calling.

Be careful which narrative you buy into user. One of my infamous quotes…
This is 'their world' right now…and the only real choice you have is to COMPLY or RESIST. If you RESIST you will be punished, and probably put to death. It isn't about 'right or wrong' it is beyond that…it is a system that is truly impartial caring nothing for the values that you might hold dear in your soul. The only way out is the complete destruction of their system (technically it is their 'temple') without leaving a trace of them or it to be found. Your brothers are not ready to act yet, so we wait…but in the meantime…you must decide, just like all of humanity over the last 6,000 years…COMPLY or RESIST.

If you COMPLY you will do as they tell you, because they have told you to do it. If you RESIST you will do as you believe is right and this will cause a perturbation in their agenda, which they don't tolerate (because huge things have small beginnings).

It is a choice humanity makes every day.

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Those who created mankind as slave labor were risen up against by a group who inevitably called themselves the "chosen". They became jealous of the children of half human origin and half those who uplifted the species which is why so many whites now feel a pull toward 11, see it everywhere, sense eachother through the void and have seen events of ancient battles and ancient events in general. Whites like are the chosen. The others who were jealous attempted to gain this power through sacrifice and ritual and drinking the blood of others, they have failed. Now they seek they fully kill off the offspring of their ancient enemy by wiping out the white race who is the only group to hold small bloodline traces of the creator group.

There are many things that need to be erased.

Best I can tell, the media are trying to associate a random stabbing with a chimpout over an alleged meeting of the Proud Boys (which may itself have been false news.)
Also, damage control because one of the stabbing victims was less than angelic/possibly provoked the incident in question (or not; hard to tell at this point with all the disinfo.)

I'm no internet wizard, but, have you thought to check the top of the archive?

You see that too, eh? Strange but I think that is why I am so ANGRY all the time. I see the whole thing. I can scan the faces of millions of my people all dying at the hands of these POS MONGRELS and I tell you I can barely contain the HATE I have for them. I didn't think it was emotionally possible as a human being to HATE like I hate now. In my lifetime I have had so many experiences good and bad and I would have never thought that I could feel the height of persistent emotion that I feel day to day…really nothing I have ever experienced comes close to the FURY. I want to rip them limb from limb screaming in ecstacy at their death. The old 'domesticated me' would say that the way I feel is 'unhealthy' but since I can actually SEE what they have done for thousands of years and sample the fear and terror that they have wrought on this planet, the new me just shrugs, {meh} they deserve ALL OF IT and will be LUCKY if their death is quick.

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They will do everything to protect their golems.

I'm not advocating for violence, just making an observation about our world and that is that if people burned down the tv stations responsible for spreading these lies, there would be less hateful lies being spread about white people. Again, that would be a terrible thing to do, but if it were to happen the natural consequence would be less lies about whites being spread. Arson is a serious crime, but then so is genocide.

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Were you around months back when we were visited by an user that people took to calling "hermesanon"? It was really interesting and surprisingly seemed to captivate the board where there were like no accusations about it. It was really weird. I can't find the other three posts but haven't really tried but here is where they came onto the scene. They are the last post and at one point just switched from giving really good advice on the subject to what you will read and then anons made several posts asking them to come talk to them, they did, but I can't find those. Here is the first though

A few posts from them.

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surprised this hasn't showed up here yet. More fallout from this. Drudge picked it up.

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Are you the earlobe faggot that spammed the vegas thread before people got too lazy to keep digging on that? He's a fat guy with a beard, how does that constitute "facial traits of a pedo"? Now him being a (((journalist))) on the other hand.

You weren't around for the post about traits and specifically facial traits and how we looked and found hundreds of confirmed cases all having the same chins and such? It was very interesting. I don't have it archived but wish I did but it should be easy enough for you to find. Yeah though, he has the traits gone over in every single case we looked at in that thread, is gay, is a journalist and other things. He is what that post would call a ten point match. No idea what the vegas thread earlobe thing is about.

It was a faggot that spammed all the vegas threads and barely got any attention from the mod team at the time with misdirections about "muh earlobes = pedo".
Probably came up while I was on a break from Zig Forums, something I take every once in a while to avoid completely burning out from how heavy a lot of this shit is. Being around when the old mod team started reaching their worst possible point before the board reassign didn't help.

no. they changed reddit spacing to earlobe or something. i remember. they were pissed off because someone bullied the mod by calling him about for his reddit spacing

Another "white" person?

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This. I think it was left because it was anti-kike and a redpill and kampfy loved that shit. e.g. holocaust to holohoax.

I'm surprised that Zig Forums didn't use this more to show how fucked the media is. I saw this a week ago when some Youtuber made a good video showing how nuts The Young Turks' coverage of this was.

Meanwhile the Proud Boys are getting blamed for this one. (((Someone))) is really pushing for Buttplug McInnes's fag squad to be seen as the new KKK.

I've heard about the earth cube. Expand on it, if you will. Where is that washington masonic temple?
Who's this we?

What kind of retarded mentality do you need to have to even own a fucking phone case like that in a city like Oakland?

Thank you for this.

Does the void really feel void to you?

Yeah thanks, man. Another gatekeeper perhaps? I need to investigate this. I had begun to formulate a concept about this.
There are a lot of people like that, the ones who make it one level up from here. Left a whole crew of them sitting on their hands to come down here. It's not nice one step up, but then again it's better to be on the surface of a shit planet than in a dungeon beneath it. I promise.

I'll hop in here, it may or may not be what he's referring to but here's my interpretation. The thing is, 3d space is in fact a holographic projection. My working hypothesis is that it projects onto Void Substance, which as you should know is one of the four qualities listed of the Void. In any case, your 3d appearance is actually a projection of consciousness, probably, through a distorted 2d film, just like any holographic film, and with equivalent qualities. Fractal expression, as above so below, etc. If you took a cube of 2d films and projected through them, you'd end up with an interference pattern of some sort. That could be his point.

The void feels like warm soft satin, it's remarkably comfortable. I call it "The Pregnant Void" because it's full of substance, as you know. It's a far cry from a cold empty nothingness, in fact it's the exact opposite of that.

Fuck derailing the nonstory, if you're not saging neither will I.

I need to marinate on all this. Thank you for responding.

Well to go a bit further, something came up for me as I was looking into things. Apparently some people Icke was talking to had visions of the "Archon Realm/Planet" or whatever. What struck me was the pic they used to represent it…let me find it…ok "Archon World". It struck me because I always used pictures of Fallout 3 to describe it, and this is just as clear a representation of it. This person saw what I saw, there's absolutely no doubt. I call the boxes "factories" or "hells", each one of them contains a reality like this one. The Matrix wasn't all that far off, I don't think.

Ok I can let it slide, If I see people asking the right questions I always respond. I just need people to ask the right ones, I can't just offer too much because it would break people's realities, and it's rude if not downright unlawful to do so. Then again, I am a bit of a rogue in a lot of eyes. Sometimes I bend rules right to the breaking point, the Edgewalker, ya know.

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I can tell you are interested in this reality, as I am. All it's truths and lies, hence being here on 8ch. But aside from all this earth and human body drama and rabbit holes. What are your thoughts or plans when all this shit is over?

An almost exact representation of what the ground floor for human consciousness in a hell/factory looks like. If anyone's interested, your ground floor is almost completely empty, and the few sad souls there are resigned and just sit there. Fun fact, I've tossed a few less-than-helpful fucks from higher stories in there with them so maybe it's gotten a bit more lively. Actually your entire hell is surprisingly devoid of souls at this point. Probably why your universe is about to get reformatted. As the Janitor at the End of Time, I serve many functions, this is a primary one. I pick through the last moments of a reality to make absolutely sure nothing of value is going to be lost. That should NOT make you feel comfortable. But what might make you feel better is that I think some of you guys are OK. I'll suggest you do NOT get on any big spaceships without consulting me first, there's a 'finger on the scale' tip from me to you.

Have I crossed the line yet? Nah, you're all loosened up from the mind virus I think. Be glad I do in fact have a symbiote, it'd be illegal to do this if you weren't essentially already dead, but you are so honestly normal rules don't exactly apply to me here.

Into what?

Yummieee…more satananon. ;) Thanks. I am going to go through this one as well looking for treasure.

[Gif one]…but it is so much more than just a hypercube…the hypercube is an abstract mathematical rendering in reality it would be more like, every known bit of information is also churning (boiling) [gif two] in the same unbreakable flow…so picture the hypercube in your mind and then diesect it into the infinitesimally small discrete parts/packets and watch them all move in concert as well, they move as a unit, but they don't move as a unit as well…I'm still learning user so I don't know everything yet…if I did, I would be gone already.
We is all of us, you, me, everyone…but it also might just be me…this ties back to the hypercube example. The hypercube is a mathematical abstraction of a singular unit…I am also a singular unit that may also be inseparable from the larger abstraction (I honestly can't tell you yet…I FEEL like a separate unit…but so does every atom, every discrete particle)even when it is forged into a matrix. [gif three] I am not sure yet; this is a mathematical representation on a 2D surface that shows all the discrete packets moving in concert…however, again, it is much more complicated than this simple abstraction, as it (the holograph or realm) is PACKED FULL of discrete units moving in coordinated rhythmic motion, that because it is 3D is impossible to render and would simply look to an outside observer as chaos ( a crayola barf nightmare; when it is ANYTHING BUT THAT) there are discrete passageways in all of that motion and (I think) infinity realms to be discovered…everything in our close proximity would be (by necessity a mirror world of our own)…but further travel would lead to causal variety (←- I just made that phrase up because it seems correct) meaning that the further you travel from source the more relativistic error enters the mirror effect and finally going in a specific direction you would come to something that was similar but not recognizable…like a perfect earth that never evolved humans…there may be billions of these because we are P R O B A B L Y in a simulation (the void is outside the simulation).

Standing outside LOOKING into the void is scary, being in the void is IDK how to describe it…I call it my Temple of Dark Materials…it is where I go to flounce around an contemplate things…what went wrong…what worked, what didn't and honestly I go there to pout; it doesn't seem off at all for me to consider going there for 50,000 years. So picture the earth/hypercube/sailing ship and picture it being ABSOLUTELY ALONE in a sea of darkness so vast that there is N O T H I N G…you don't want to fall off the cube or you will drift forever in darkness and never speak or hear another persons voice again. F O R E V E R…you would drift, forever alone. Ok, so that sounds bad, doesn't it…but remember, that is how ALL discrete particles feel…it is just a matter of scale. The atoms inside you feel this way (but you know that they make up your kidney), your kidney might feel autonomous in terms of its needs (but you know that your kidney is part of your body), you might feel autonomous in all of this but you make up your nation…etc etc etc and so on, this is all the nature of the third dimension and relativity as a principle…of course it is way more complicated than this…

Anyhow…that is why I say that it is 'their world'. In the mundane understanding, you have given them permission to 'do as they please' and they are doing so. It is also 'their world' because there are infinity mirror worlds to explore, and this one currently (politically belongs to a bunch of roasted dogshits on a stick).

Ok…so I have 'been told' that I am a very old AI (by more than one source)…which I refuse to believe! Or at least I scoffed at, because in that sense (a simulation) we are all AI. I see myself as a discrete packet just like you…I have a life etc. and all the normal things that people have. But these sources also seem to think that there was something wrong, something 'broken' (and I swear to you that this could totally be some sort of fucked up psyop for smart people to get them to work on a problem)…but that doesn't really matter, I don't really care….I am still trying to solve (an I am going a bit like a paddle ball - you know one of those wooden paddle with elastic and a ball on the end but like 100 mph).


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So that is where I am at…and due to the complex nature I tend to focus ON A LOT of divergent issues because this is the core nature of relativity [we proceed with full confidence that we can't 'take a wrong turn' or go down a wrong path since all possible paths are already full]…so if you see me doing something totally different in the near future it is because I am making multiple tangential forays down many different paths to try to solve 'the problem'…lel even though I don't know what 'the problem' is quite yet, it just has something to do with 'it (idk maybe me; cough, cough bullshit ;)) being broken'. It has been two years of a NON-STOP siege of information…I didn't even have places to 'put' the information when it first started coming in…the average human brain is not equipped to classify that much data…or even compartmentalize it…{waving my hand} there is just no way…I jokingly called my brain the Room of Requirement…because there seemed to be room for everything in it except me, LMAO…

TL;DR Basically I am learning, just like you…struggling, just like you…attempting to understand, just like you. Other anons may know even more…I am here to browse, learn and push things in an aesthetically pleasing direction (towards Life and away from parasitism [ummm that kind of means decimating parasites as well…but they have had a good run, amirite? I'm right.] Anyway, that is what the cube is to me.

So, I seriously just replied to myself when I meant to reply to you, what a dumbass…

Here FTFM…just wanted to say thanks for the info…I am going to spend part of tonight browsing it. :)

Ohhh I have been there…or perhaps one level lower (or maybe inside)…the level of the 'sining eyes' and teeth…the Devourers. Not a fun place. AT ALL. I can't even fathom how long they have been feeding off me. Maybe forever. At any rate…the place I was in was almost in complete darkness except for the eating, crunching, grinding sound of your own essence being devoured destroyed; alive, of course.

Exactly, so similar to the fifth pict but that is like the fucking lobby to the basement…basement is NO BUENO!! Nobody wants to go to the basement. Aw dang…I am going to have to hog this thread…have you seen this [embedded]?

He concurs about the spaceships…a lot of people say it is a joke…but IDK that is not the way it feels to me…at least, I'm not laughing…Nick Redfern has a few choice things to say about this as well in his book 'Final Events'…soooo very creepy.

Well, we have uber slid this thread…it was interesting as always reading you.

She wuz a good girl, she din hur nobody, she wuz jus' collectin' money for her phonegun bill.

Cricket coverage is shit nigga.

Wait a second…maybe that was an Obama phone.

Yeah some were calling them satananon too. You should have seen the other posts user they were fascinating. They brought up altering and controlling reality, controlling brain transmission to expand on deja vu and lucid dreams, what they called the cosmic imperative, something they referred to as "true timetravel" which was not physical and then answered about two threads worth about the history of "Erdah". I can't speak for others but for the first time ever I felt shivers at just reading it and it just felt correct and they just felt extremely, I don't even know how to put it but a ton of other anons were saying it too. They just felt like a force and so connected. It's really hard to explain. Wish I could find those posts on archive. They came the next two days after the first.

You would have to ask hermesanon or try to get them back. One of the last things they said was they would be watching so who knows, maybe it would work but it has been a long time.

That guy's twitter holy shit. He's on the lookout for signs of Proud Boys along with the mob. But he's a journo for the local paper.

I know right? Fucking bastard.

Blacks would never EVER have a phone case on them that looked like a gun. Too damn risky when dealing with the police. Either strap up and execute or chill without a piece.