The surprising science of alpha males

While popular culture uses the term "alpha male" to refer to people who are controlling or even bullying, in nature, an “alpha” is the highest ranking member of one’s sex and the animal that often assumes a leadership role. Frans de Waal, a primatologist and ethologist at Emory University, explores the ways that human behavior around community, solidarity, and leadership is directly linked to the behavior of primates, adding context to our understanding of what it means to be a human “alpha” female or male.

Other urls found in this thread:

Men are not apes. This is jewish.


Humans are apes.

The TLDR of the OP: Those who try to dominate instead of work with/for others don't succeed for long, those who mediate and are good to others gain trust and support, which allows them to stay as leaders for a long time (and survive after they age).

Humans are primates or Great Apes not Apes you fucking buffoon

He makes a slight error:
And I shall reveal this to you, however, this is a "down the rabbit hole" moment for you. So, reveal this fact only advisedly, for by doing so you may become a god, and by becoming a god you may have no other gods before you:
Your superego is blind. The only way it becomes informed of anything is through verbalization, literally subvocalization. If you can learn to think and communicate with yourself by your mind's eye, you are free from that superego.

So you're telling me leaders are Alphas.
Man, it's almost like men who are naturally inclined to coodrinate and help others of their kin succeed are biologocally valuable and natural.
Seriously though, it is positing benevolent leadership and authority are the "alpha traits" yes? That's what I'm taking away.

I take away from it a list of basic activities that must be performed, and that's damn interesting. It's probably worthy of an infographic. Hell, why not, I'll make one.

Great apes are a subset of apes you brainless sack of shit.

Other primates behave the same way. Those who do well by their tribe stay in power, those who openly abuse power get torn into bloody pulp.

The natural tribal order of humans is that men who are strong, competent, loyal, and a benefit to their tribe are expected to participate in the maintenance and defense of their tribe and thus get to mate. Those who do not meet these standards are outcast as they are a detriment and liability. The man who is most competent at displaying these virtues will be best suited to leading the tribe to securing territory and food and leads by consent of the other men in the tribe because he is the best to lead.

Men naturally and subconsciously evaluate each other for these traits and can perfectly and instantaneously catergorize themselves into a hierarchy upon meeting each other based on how useful they would be to their tribe. That's why everyone despises a flaming faggot or a selfish conniving man.


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You're stupid.

You don't appreciate that the predicate is a democratic situation of power.

< comparing Stalin to Mr. P

This is what a hyena looks like:

This is how you know you're in for a load of bullshit.

All white western nations are ruled by traitors who deserve to be killed. How does this fit the "surprising science?"

So the other day some faggot makes a Joe Rogan thread, and now this. Same faggot?

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So you think bullying everyone under you is a viable leadership tactic? I'd like to see how far you go in life…

Alpha Males in chimpanzee groups

Not really. In the most primitive of tribes the chieftain is usually to biggest guy around. He commands respect through sheer fear and strength. He's the prime alpha male; big, brawny and promiscuous. He gets all the women and all the spoils and divides them between himself and his top lieutenants leaving weaker men with nothing. Of course that was the case for thousands of years before the agricultural revolution that is. Loyalty and respect came later.

They are actually very close in qualities and the somehat the ways in succeeding to power.

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Attached: Alpha.png (2000x8000, 3.98M)

Watch op's video… or read this infographic, carefully attending each element, that you do not make a fool of yourself:

Now, which principle is in play, respecting Stalin's purge of the 20 million Christians?

I'll just leave this for some of you anons that might be interested.

Its funny how these race creationists suddenly love evolution when its about dehumanizing humans.

Fuck off with your stupid new age spiritual garbage. Freud was a jew.

In the Neolithic all men were roughly equal.

One man may be as strong as two men or three men or four men, but can one man be as strong as ten men? Men age, men get injured. One cannot rule by strength, but by being what is best for the tribe.

Tribal units were unified by blood. If your brother reproduces it is as if you yourself have reproduced. Would you compete for women against your own son? Helping your tribe to reproduce is better than competing against your own tribe for reproduction. The latter is counterproductive as it is equivilant to competing against yourself for reproductive access.

Extrapolate on what you mean by "the mind's eye" in this context?

Otherwise I'd be willing to agree with the Super-ego shit.
Despite a number of years being woken to the cultural marxist programing I've been subject to my whole life (and I got an early start courtesy of a relative who was an early proponent of this stuff), I still find myself being "school marm'ed" by my own super-ego/inner voice. The guilt tripping, the "oh you deserved this because you did X" kind of magical anti-thinking, the constant second guessing of things and thoughts and feelings I know (through experience) to be true by this fucking little mini-SJW cunt in my head who never gives me a moment's feeling of achievement.

To the other poster:

It doesn't matter that Freud was a jew perv creep. He either identified something that is preexisting within the human mind (a behavior filter) or developed a way to impose the same thing through social manipulations. Doesn't matter what you call it, but if you don't deal with it or at least understand it, you're gonna be a slave to it, or the person who's most effectively programing it from outside.

Same thing with this "Mind Eye" concept. The New Agey nomenclature is irrelevant if it's actually a real mental mechanism an individual can use to regain some greater control of invasive thoughts or feelings that are making them fall below their IRL potential.

How many spergs and autists here have taken in bad data as rock solid fact as children, and still have it fucking up their internal works as they seek to make sense of their world? The basis of Red Pilling (and the basis of the initial anger and fury you feel when you realize you've been psychologically fucked over) is due in part to having taken in and built your understanding of life on this same (purposefully) bad data that was fed to you when you were most impressionable and most unable to resist indoctrination.

As for the Alpha Male shit, this user sums up my personal experience for "Type A" personalities.

There are shooting star types who burn through people to get where they're going. They're not there to build. They're there to extract what resources they can, then move on. They burn bridges. Beware of these types. These are closer to the classic Sociopath personality than a true Alpha, though they can be extremely dynamic, "exciting" and charismatic. But everything they seemingly do for you to buy your loyalty in the short term, is just as short lived as their apparent charms. They'll soon fall to character assassination and jew-style manipulations to get what they want, when the novelty of your relationship wears off.

Don't blame them. The average Zig Forums user can't science, but likes to believe they're intelligent.

"Donald, you're not going to be able to insult your way to the presidency"

you are misunderstanding … bullying is only bullying once its successful. Which means you have displayed weakenss in the other. Once you have done that you have show you are stronger and that you should lead instead the other.

Thats when you back off , you have already displayed your dominance. So now it is time to do the other parts required of leadership. You have to now care for that guy you bullied. But for there to be a group and order someone must enforce the law.

Whitout a top dog there is no pack. Its not all bullying, but bullying is part of a leaders repertoire. Also know as being "heavy handed"

Point is these two were never alphas. They were betas hiding in the shadow of their superior alphas all the time and been good sycophants. But after been elevated by these alphas close to the top and their bosses stepping down because of the age (and syphilis) they started to stab and kill other alphas in their sleep so to speak. Alphas position can be not only deserved but also stolen.

the real alpha males are roblox players ;)

You seem lost, redditor.

And are projecting too.

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As long as there is a currency based economy, none of this actually applies, and you’re a retard for thinking it does.

you also have to consider that being able to climb and maneuver within the hierarchy is important although the actual place that you belong will always have significant pull on you. this is why you can watch as many of those "how to be alpha" youtube videos or whatever and act a certain way like that but if people can see that you are actually incompetent/unfit or just look into your eyes and see faggotry then it will eventually come out. you have to have a quality product and also be able to sell it.
i was actually thinking about this with ai recently. if some sort of android (subhuman) had the ability to fluidly navigate social hierarchies and also had super intelligence or whatever then it would only be a matter of time before they came to be our overlords with full authority by means of popular vote - practically convincing us to surrender without putting up a fight. and they probably wouldnt make the same mistake india made by getting rid of the caste system and allowing their power to be so challenged.
this could have a utility in that he is seen as having superior genes. of course if he was a useless dick then it would surely cause friction and unrest which is detrimental to the tribe. many factors, in addition to the whole "cycle of empires muh greatest tyranny is spawned out of democracy" but on a micro scale and whatnot. a very smart but small guy could have utility despite possibly being poorly suited for leadership, and a tribe that takes advantage of this asset would have an advantage and thus be further selected for. humans are complex social animals and our environments and situations are also complex.

men have also been able to craft spears for over 300,000 years (Schöningen spears) and surely would have been able to simply pick up and use a rock as a weapon for much longer than that. this further equalizes a big guy and a small guy

I hear the word "alpha" misused quite a bit, yes it means dominate male but it also has other contexts. Alpha's do have some commonality between different species, I would like to explain my thoughts on this and how they apply to the situation happening in Sweden.

Alpha as said earlier, does mean dominate, however this can be misconstrued for unusually cruel also. If we take a look at Dogs or Wolves, the alpha programming really starts to shine and if you look it also applies to human behavior. Dog's or wolves that are higher ranking than other individuals in the pack are known to share resources rather than guard them, while insecure Dogs/Wolves are the ones who fight for the toy, the alpha is willing to give up the toy because he/she knows they can get it back. Therefor it's not a contested resources, it's just rented out. If you have spent any time around dogs, you will know that the most secure dog's not only share, but take turns being submissive. It's just the rat experiment, yet nearly ALL SUCCESSFUL MAMMALS DO THIS.

If you were oblivious to human or dog behavior and seen a dog/human attack another dog while it was trying to take a turn with a bone/woman, you could easily say that the dog is dominate over the dog that it lashes out at. When in reality, only the most insecure dogs/humans display this behavior of power grabbing. This is exactly what is happening in the mind of the feminist. They see a human lashing out and displaying power for all too see, yet they fail to realize that this isn't a mark of a true alpha, but the most beta characteristic observable in mammalian creatures. Less civilized, insecure, power grabbing are all displays of a creature that has no idea what to do with power once it's obtained. Once that power is obtained, aggression is the only way to maintain it, hence the Toll you get for burning coal. This also means that white women are more alpha than most black men and they are giving away their position of power to the weaker human, EXPECTING to get the power back when they want it. That power never comes back the way they want it, in fact as soon as they try to get their toy back, they are bitten by the hand they once fed…

Feminist's don't and are unable to grasp this concept. Feminist women are so insecure of the Alpha men, that they retreat to dominate lower status men. I don't think it's a rape fantasy, maybe partially, but more of a desire to rule over weaker individuals.

Edit : Thought I should include this also.

You can also come to the conclusion that Alpha's want to help build up people, share resources to do so and hope they succeed. Think of a Man that has a family. He does not hoard his money and only spend it on himself, he lavishes others and deny's himself much joy to see the happiness of his children and wife are his #1 Priority. You can also imagine the exact opposite for the Beta male.. Greedy, insecure.. Only wishes to lavish himself and see other's fail. We are seeing our terms used against us and it's time to call it out for what it is.

Post of truth

The success of Jews would be revered, had they not stolen everything they take credit for.

Their technology is derived from what they stole from Germans, Poles, Russians, and Americans. They've stolen from every government and corporation they've infiltrated.

By theft through usury and holocaust propaganda, they made the desert bloom.

First, let me ask you this:
Will you promise to disallow circumcision of all kinds (where not to resolve a literal medical emergency) of your children?

I would recommend reading The Art of Memory, by Yates, attached (there are some errors in the typography, but it's worth a read - I consider it significant enough to purchase a copy. It's the equal of the Tao Te Ching and The Art of War and Alinsky's Rules for Radicals).

The short of it is that, before paper & pen were cheap, which means Victorian times, most people had to remember lots of stuff. They even had to remember what their family looked like (no photos, remember, and only wealthy families could afford sculpture, and then only the most wealthy could afford more than a bust of the patriarch, which would be placed at the front of the house, sort of like a street sign for the illiterate (slaves and lower-class workers)). A memory for faces was not unusual. It was trained and necessary.

The used a system called Loci, in Latin. Your mind has a unique capacity to remember things placed by your imagination, in the mind's eye, in places. See vividly, and in the place, you'll remember it there (there are other rules - see the book).

I'm only partway through the book. I'm not certain if she discusses the superego or not. In any event, the superego, the "inner judge", which holds you to a moral code, is only capable of operating upon one thing: your inner voice. True, it also operates on the words you say, but what you say to yourself is no different to it. It cannot see what you imagine, it cannot hear what imaginary persons say to you (you can see how this might be handy), and it cannot hear what others say in the real world, or what happens in the real world. It is completely ignorant of everything. In this sense it's identical to law. Law never knows anything except what it is told, and never actually understands anything.

I'll respond to more, but I have an errand to run - apologies.

Everyone has the capability to be alpha or beta, and may act either way depending on context.
Being beta is essentially just a survival mechanism that your brain enables when it thinks that being alpha is dangerous. If there is a bigger guy around and you try to out-alpha him, you could get killed. Your brain knows this so it becomes temporarily beta, and you live to fight another day.
It also depends on context, when you're in a meeting with your boss he will act alpha towards you, but when he's in a meeting with his boss - he becomes beta. It is not wise to try out-alphaing somebody who can fire you.

Only atheists and other edgy soyboys believe we descended from apes.

I was designed with a purpose.

The purpose to be a kike does not seem too honorary.

opposite of your purpose:
not porn

Jews are apes. That is jewish.

Attached: Jewish and Black DNA.jpg (526x470, 83.6K)

Basically, you can give yourself imagery, without narration, without talking, that signifies reward, approval. For example, you can envision God walking beside you, patting you on the shoulder. It's OK to hear others talking in this visualization, or to see yourself speaking (ie, as if you were Scrooge viewing yourself - not an out-of-body experience, just a kind of 3D tv set, theater of the mind).

There are different kinds of voices in the mind, and most people are unaware that some of them aren't your own opinions, necessarily. Some are just memory. But the bad habit we all have, naturally, is to repeat what we hear inside. Example, "I hate my life" is a phrase I may have arise in my mind. However, it only feeds the superego if I echo it, saying it again, do you see? Now this is the purpose of memorizing the (Bible) law. That way, these tape loops will arise on their own, prompted by reality. Unlike the superego, they're not blind - they're just memories, they arise automatically. Basically, in computer terms, we're dealing with a pre-fetch mechanism.

What I would recommend doing, especially as you start to investigate the nature of your own thoughts, is to keep a journal of thoughts. You'll need to come up with your own shorthand for this. For some things, you can use a euphemism of your own invention. For example, if you are thinking of sex after watching a sexy woman slow walk in front of you in 4" heels, well, you might write down:

Juliet -> goat

Juliet, meaning a hot thot. You'll have your own shorthand. I don't recommend using a single letter, though.
Goat, meaning horny.

You keep writing these down, and sometimes you'll find you have a cascade of thoughts and feelings. Maybe too much, and you just stop writing it, maybe just put the infinity sign or whatever, and just go distract yourself.

But by keeping this notebook you'll find out how YOUR brain works. I'm avoiding long examples, because my thoughts won't be your thoughts. Yours will be different & personal. eg. mine is hard-core bible-thumping shit, instead of sjw shit You need to write everything down, but, as I said, use code for some, in case someone picks it up. At some point you'll shred it. Oh, did I mention this? Put it on paper & pen/pencil.

I can assure you, this will be one of the most exciting times of your life, to see laid out a map of both causes of disquiet and of happiness.

Video related applies here.

Note the extra space after the period. That's a kike using a pasteboard:

Stupid fucker. Have nothing to do with this garbage:

Stupid fucker didn't even watch the video. He has no damn idea what was in it. Ignore that poop of a person.

Trump never bullied anyone. Trump simply responded like an alpha male. Stupid little fucker comes at you (like that pissant 18 year old tard from Parkland), you gotta BOOM! DOMINATE!

Image related.

Bullying means some type of harassment of someone who is inferior to you in status.

Someone who is in the path to power has set themselves up as a soldier of the existing power structure, and they're fair game.

op's dude is obviously cucked on politics, but he's also inside of the MSNBC mindwash apparatus. But that doesn't stop him from being useful. So he doesn't even know what Trump even did during the campaign. Also, it should be pointed out, he is affiliated with the power structure that's going out, so it's not surprising that he would have misgivings about the new guy.

This kind of cuck bullshit being pooped out into all the media doesn't happen dreadfully often, but it did happen in 1984, when Reagan was elected. I was reading an old article where the stupid fag reviewing literally software packages, in 1985, was salty about the election, and said that it "image is everything", naturally meaning the communist-democrats are totally about ideas and intellect, and the other side is stupidy stupid. Of course, the irony is that most people in the visual arts are commies, but whatevs man, they've always been screwball retards, and they'll never change their faggot ways. Which is why I cut them off, recent vid related 8^)

Humans are made in the image of the creator, and are half animal half God.

Jews push the ape thing because in their books "animals" are to be used by Jews without spiritual consequences.

Something is not right here.

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Gotta filter the retard.

I feel negligent in not mentioning this.

In my experience, feel free to find your own observations, if-then pairs tend to make up the superego. Sometimes there's no "if" in the statement, but it's sort of like "this, that, and that other thing, they equal/imply such and so (typically a condemnation)"

And the creepiest thing is they only got into us by our restatement of whatever it was. At some point we were cucked over enough to say such tripe to ourselves.

By the way, this is where the importance of public reading of scripture, and the public singing of songs comes into play. You write those things into your superego. The designers of religions were practitioners of memetics. Some of them were good people, and some of them were not.

Consider the Pledge of Allegiance. communists realized that the pledge, said enough, would immunize most to communism. Or at least against easy conversion to communism. The pledge is mostly gone, prayer is also, and certainly bible recitation. Meanwhile, new codes are being written on the brains of the kids - weird SJW chants.

Socially-required phrases also play such a role. To be a member of certain groups it becomes necessary to make certain political pronouncements. It's very much like evangelical groups. You have to show a certain amount of creativity, while still maintaining oneself in the bubble.


I have that guy on filter. He's an idiot.

Peaceful bump, in case someone else wants to see this video.

What was the video. I have a feeling that all this alpha talk is a bunch of spook shit. I've met real leaders in my life and they are different from any of this horseshit. Who has legit advice on becoming assertive, confident, aggressive and dominant? Those are the only tenets that matter. And focusing on your core/whatever the fuck you decide to do.

Read the thread & watch the videos, retard.

I did you fucking kikenigger. The only interesting subject is the one where you talk to the egos to let them know to stop being cucks. The rest is downright dumb shit. Life and people are more complex than you believe.

I don't care what stupid people think. I have, and advise all, filter.

What a dope.

Yet you bothered to reply and with no worthwhile information while acting the same way as a SJW, while advocating to be "Alpha". The fucking irony. Fuck off, kid.

Fuck off, dumbass. You're filtered for being a real fucking dope.

You keep saying that as if it were a threat. It isnt. All youve done is hown everyone how weak your snowflake ass is with your shit argument giving shit advice to white men. Hang yourself.

Why was I pissed? He lied. He clearly didn't watch anything, or read anything.

This is a clear case of projection. What happens next after projection is deflection, or redirection of realization in the context of understanding. When one's ego is inflated, this is bound to happen, and can happen circumstantially from experience in doing so to others or having been done so towards them, which is simply replication of a previous action done directly. It is weak and mundane, for it only prolongs their own defeat by failure to recognize when to shut up and understand, rather than flaunt continuously, without gaining anything in regard.

A common aspect of this is inferiority. In the real world, people commonly project their inferiority onto others, whereas the ones who are susceptible to this are superior, due to not projecting in the first place. This allows the one receiving projection to garner more superiority, noting that the one projecting their inferiority only complicates matters for that individual doing the projection. It becomes deflection due to that person's failure to accept something in return, and only runs their mouth or mind, providing no action, and only reaction for when they are spoken to or are engaged with. This is the mind of those trapped in beta wave state, lashing out at people, for their minds operate on more cycles in their brain than those in alpha, who operate on half. They have more on their mind, they contemplate way too much, and hardly cover depth due to it, thus not having depth to themselves retrospectively. The more someone continues to project, the more they fail to recognize their own inferiority, and only push it externally towards others. This is but one aspect of the mind of a beta.

(hand here)
keep talking.

You got pissed because I called your faggot ass weak argument out and since you have no argument resorted to impotent anger like an SJW. Video like half of the thread is garbage.


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Not even going to watch it. Alpha beta male stuff is nonsensical. Humans, and even apes have more complex social dynamics going on. One isn't 'alpha' or 'beta'.

Why. Did. You. Post?

Good post. What would you say or recommend for someone with that beta state of mind? Clearly a different way of thinking is needed. How would you say someone needs to be active instead of reactive?

so alpha and beta is just a stand in for good and bad for you? for virtuous and nonvirtuous?

i dislike the use of the term at all since it doesnt seem to mean anything and tends to be used to powerstruggle by itself, some sort of appeal to authority or something else

shitpost errday boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

Filtering the garbage. They are objects, not humans.

This is the core premise of "The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz. An excellent book to explore how the mind works and more importantly how the 'inner judge' in our mind got that way.

That is incorrect. One is able to apply one or the other, potentially rising to theta and eventually delta brain wave state. The problem is how it is addressed, thus we reach this period of disappointment where we have potentially sociopathic and/or narcissistic people claiming one or the other, whether it is them or another, in a derogatory fashion. Nonetheless, it only applies an empty understanding of what this directly implies.

We hear alpha, we hear beta. It seems no one has yet reached an open perspective to the reality of brain wave states and their differing levels. Beta is but one stage, the lowest, honing in to 32+ cycles per minute in the mind. Once the brain wave state is risen, the cycles are reduced, causing less clutter, easier stress management, and thus spurs more activity within the body/temple/vehicle, and not the mind. Meditation is essentially a path that may be taken to rise above in brain wave state, eliminating the subjugation and submission to a lower brain wave state, where one is more likely to have lesser impulse control, less concentration, compartmentalized awareness (also can be referred to as 'attention') which symbolizes the lack thereof, including self-awareness and even concept of self.

Once deflection has occurred, there will eventually come a time when the mind of someone trapped in beta wave state completely blocks off the opportunity to be reached out to, also known as rejection. The stages can be described as such:

Projection -> Deflection -> Rejection -> Destruction

This is not complete, nor is it absolute, as coming to understand further examples will bring along more understanding through experience. Once rejection occurs, there is no reaching out to the person. They have cut off access to being reached out towards, ultimately cutting off contact with others. If further attempts are made to reach out to someone exemplifying this pattern, destruction will follow, inevitably evoking a penultimate reaction in an individual, which can be internally and/or externally violent.

The brain wave state is affected by a multitude of sources, as well as collaboration and conglomeration of these sources. A novel example for our "hippie folk" may refer to fluoride in water, how it affects the pineal gland. This gland has been researched and documented to generate a piezoelectric field around, within, and through the body. The heart and brain operate on electromagnetic and electrostatic frequencies via neural activity. Knowing how much affects this activity is staunchly important, as it is key to transforming the body and ultimately transcending beyond it. I encourage more research to be conducted on this, for these are fragments tied together loosely in context.

an army of betas are required to keep a civilization running.

neglect the betas, and face collapse.

How is this surprising? That's the fucking etymology of using the word alpha in this context. It's derived from primate pack structure.

You're not alpha.

The problem is that it's connected to the shitty worldview of PUA's where people think you have to be a douche to sleep around (it's true, you must lack morals to hurt so many potential wives and mislead them, while hurting the possibilities for tons of your kin's men to create families all for your stupid personal pleasures).

Interesting. I have heard that binureal beats does have an effect on the mind. It seems like the people stuck in beta wave arent assertive or have no filters, thus they are always in a state of flux, almost as if it were a subjective mind. Meditation is good and has already been found to improve willpower if done correctly and I can personally attest to that.

How would you teach and what would you teach a person stuck in beta wave form but be able to be open to change and become truly superior to his current self destructive subjective state? How would you bring him to Alpha wave mode?

Good post user. I was constantly rejected by women when I was younger; not only that but I settled for low paying jobs. In my mid 20s I started doing things I wanted to do (instead of doing what the group wanted) and I found myself a lot happier, and I guess as a result, subconsciously, more confident.
I think as long as you’re able to do things socially (not just vidya), keep doing what makes you happy.

Then what?
What's the next step?

If anyone is interested in ways to wipe the subconscious of negative conditioning (something we have long forgotten how to do) you should look into psychedelic shamanic healing, specifically Ayahuasca and the related healing arts. I've been working regularly with these healing practices for 6 years and have gone from a chronically depressed suicidal misanthrope to an (almost) confident reborn man. It took a lot of work and was excruciating at times but it was the best thing I've ever done.

I'm convinced through my experiences that natural psychedelics are tools nature has given us to heal ourselves in this manner. Like all tools, if you use them carelessly or for evil you can hurt yourself and others (like how plants, especially marijuana today are abused.).

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The writing down of thoughts is actually the writing down of the triggers of thoughts. X thing caused Y feeling. This is what I mean by thoughts. X being a thought, Y being a feeling.

There's little point writing down everything you think, apologies for not being clear. Most people think way faster than they can write…

…however, it's very important to pay close enough attention that you can backtrack a bit and write in the chain.


(see) Toilet bowl ->
(think) I forgot to clean ->
(remember) That time my boss chewed me out over fucking up cleaning ->
(feeling) [there's no need to give it a name, just indicate you got a bad feeling - a lot of feelings don't have names]

Immediately, we attempt to recall the things we said in our head at the time, and indicate those. So we add:
(see) Toilet bowl ->
(think) I forgot to clean ->
(remember) That time my boss chewed me out over fucking up cleaning ->
"I suck at cleaning" ->
(feeling) [there's no need to give it a name, just indicate you got a bad feeling - a lot of feelings don't have names]

As you can see, in bold, we have the phrase that came before the feeling.

Some gurus will tell you to just eliminate negative self-talk, but it's incredibly handy to know why it occurs, to gain perspective. Most of the time these things are over the least important of things. Maybe you got a fucking F on a class… like forever ago. Stupid shit.

The reason you want to chart these things out, is that it provides you with PHILOSOPHY-INDEPENDENT INFORMATION. So you can take this intel you have gained on your own mind and use it whenever you read any of a number of books of self-help, whether a scholarly work written for practicing psychiatrists, or new age like this one:

an excellent book, btw

And I should add, there's something interesting (many may know this, but if you don't…): The "questioner" and also the "accuser", are separate from the "judge" (superego). This is important, because you can simply ignore them no less than you do advertisements on TV, or BBC reports on the weather in the Sudan. It's not relevant to you, because it doesn't proceed from your ego, which is you. The questioner may say something like "what are you doing?" And that habit exists, installed by movies, by the way, but also religious texts, for the very reason that the superego, "judge," is blind. It's very funny once you see how they have created the architecture. And the "accuser" says similar things. "You're stupid!" Now these, the accuser, the questioner, they are triggered by events, but sometimes seem to arise of their own accord and this isn't to do with insane persons - read enough and you will find that random thoughts are a ubiquitous experience. These both, the questioner, the accuser, are there to attempt to bring you to court, before the "judge".

EVERY TIME YOU SPEAK TO YOURSELF you are before the judge.

Curiously, if you learn to "throw your voice" into a narrator, for example, or an imaginary friend this is not to say that you think it's real, but you can visualize the "person" or character nonetheless you can completely dodge the "judge".

And this brings us to movies. Movies train us to have memories of voices which give us cuckold lines. Degenerate thoughts and ideas. And we imagine them in the voice of another. Not first person (first person is a compelling format, but has been avoided because it's useless for brainwashing). It's quite possible, however, to prevent these things from bypassing the "judge", if we desire this, that is, the opposite effect as avoiding the "judge" - Simply narrate or summarize or just repeat (internally) whatever was said by the character from the movie you just remembered.

Someone recently said he took some people to task over their praise of Rick & Morty. He was effective, because he caused his friends to speak aloud, in their own voices or inner voice, the degenerate things.

Words are similar. "Circumcision" is defended by avoidance of the articulation of the brutal truth of what it consists of: the cutting of the penis of babies, without anesthesia, for the purpose of reducing the risk of urinary tract infections, though such are easily treated, rare, and only rarely fatal. The consequence of cutting-torture of baby penises is tremendous pain for the baby, a tremendous loss of sensation of the penis, which contributes to erectile dysfunction later in life, and the requirement of the use of lube, natural penises not having a friction problem, vaginas not being well-suited to things vigorously rubbing them, as mutilated penises will do.

It's a dreadful post. If you want a unicorn and not a garbage baby-making hole, a literal no-brain thot, who will produce for you offspring of reduced intellect, by all means, follow his advice.

A shrewd woman is what the wise man is looking for. Shrewd, but also faithful.

As much as I hate Scientologists and Jehova Witnesses, they have one thing right: pharmaceuticals aren't the way to go to heal yourself mentally. I was used to be a depressed faggot for many years until I started to responsibly take psychedelics. None of that lab made shit either, like LSD/acid. But of the 'natural' kind, like salvia divinorum and psilocybin. Helped me fight through my depression and the kike conditioning of the modern world and lead me to here.

Interesting. You view it as a reset button for the superego?

Ayahuasca is natural.

Excellent content. I hold admiration for those that condense understanding into meaningful material. This has been on the mind recently, where the superego is a divided portion of the ego that guides the ego when the self becomes reluctant to enact proper advice. We have a higher self, that is not necessarily in cohesion with the superego, yet the two are co-variates of our own inner guide. When the superego is released from blindness as the judge, the self becomes released as well, able to gain understanding from the higher self. When it comes to being held in contempt by the superego, the questioner and accuser as aforementioned will begin to constrict the ego and the level below it, which is the self.

Memory and how our reflexes behind memory correlate to our present activity, and how we plan ahead for what is yet to come. Combined with imagination, or when ran parallel with imagination, memory may either become incredibly powerful or very disastrous for the wielder. We can traumatize ourselves, given how it is operated. This is how we have programming/conditioning becoming a successful tool in reinforcing the mind to become a slave, for it only takes 15-30 seconds of looking at a flickering screen such as a television to drag brain wave activity lower. How? It increases the input of the brain and splits awareness to double the amount of cycles per minute. A very powerful utility (weapon), considering that a majority of those alive today are operating at twice the capacity it takes to function with alpha brain wave state.

In the example of the guy tasking his friends over their submission to programming, it shows that they, as you have stated, have a reduced filter, or no filter at all. They become channels, just like a television, in channeling what the programming has instilled unto them. Just like with scripture, and especially those who use it in a literal context. To put it simply, many do not read the bible as it was intended and thus instructed - it is an allegorical book that contains much in regards to our internal workings of self, rather than the external workings of the world. Bill Donahue is an excellent reference in regards to this, for he combines science and experience in his discussions, albeit they do not go without their flaws. Another issue which arises from exposure to media is absolutism. It is utterly instilled into the minds of the viewers, which causes what I have mentioned in previous posts to occur, via projection, all the way into destruction. It is alarming at those who uphold beliefs (structures that are built upon faith) and thus faith (foundation that is set upon the self) in what is taken in by the mind.

The problem is that alpha just means "guy who has a lot of sex" these days. The typical Chad is a low IQ normalfag who should never be in the leadership role.

Damn. I wanted to watch that but my browser crashed and then the video was deleted. Anybody got a mirror?

Both Stalin and Jewtin are massively Kosher.

What if someone doesn't have a strong judge? I'm an INTP (used to be ENTP and still witch into that mode when I'm around people that are intellectually stimulating) and I score very high on the T side and extremely low on the J side. Meaning I'm way too open minded and constantly re-evaluate without reaching a final judgement. Which leads to a crippling lack of conviction about which way to go and what to do.

What to do if the negative self talk is self imposed and entirely based on factual perception or observation of past behaviour. If one takes oneself to task for negative behaviour of the past, that can be a good thing if it motivates you to do better but in my case it just drags me down emotionally. Now the rationale is that since I want to change into a more productive version of myself I should avoid negative emotional states and not allow the past to discourage me from bettering myself in the present.

This leads to another problem though which is that I intimately know the dysfunction within myself that has led me to my previous state of unproductiveness. I was trying but failing to repair that dysfunction in the past but I kept failing myself for years to the point where I did what every self help book tells you to never do - I just flat out gave up on myself. I know now why one should never do that, as it provides a terrible blow to ones ability to ever again generate positive self esteem. Regardless, I still want to try and make something out of the rest of my life.

This though leads to the next problem which is that I still have not figured out or found a way provided by others that is able to repair my dysfunction. The very dilemma that lead me to giving up in the first place. It hasn't gone away, it's still here with me and I still keep failing every time I try a new approach. I am painfully aware of what situations and persons in the past have lead to my utter dysfunction that I suffer from in the present. I am also aware of the grueling attempts and my very own complete failure to remedy this situation during the time period before I had given up. I'm never giving up again but at the same time I have no idea what else I could try and have little confidence that there even is still something that would work.

Any thoughts on this would be appreciated.


You live under a tyrant of a judge, so completely lording it over you that you are unaware of it.

The source of the lack of conviction is precisely the judge. If you didn't have a judge, then you'd just do some things. Like browsing Zig Forums. You don't sit there catatonic, staring at the screen, under gridlock wondering what your optimal middle clicks are. When playing a video game, whatever the hell you play, you don't sit there thinking "oh fuck, is this the right fucking door?! what if my character dies, what if my stats decline?!" So when things don't matter, as in you aren't really judged for it, by the inner judge, you're cool.


Addressing issues and resolving them, systematically? OK. I don't think that's taking oneself to task, though. That sounds like a verbal beat-down to me.

But did you know past success is just as discouraging? Say you had that one hot stock move. Or say you invented the widget that changed history. Nowhere to go but down, maybe. A lot of authors exploit that, say, hey, you've got nowhere to go but up.

Oddly, seems you're in the same position, regardless of success level.

Don't do that. That's based on serving the fucking judge. Serve the ego. Your mind. The you-you.

Define productivity in terms of the series of standards. Define your metaphysics. Learn to hate. Learn to fear. Learn to trust. Learn to love. Your hatred, your fear, your trust (this is also called faith), and your love are all more powerful than the judge. These be productive for.

The job thing will be handled easily enough. The economy is heating up. But it would be a shame to go back to being a slave to that judge. Starve that judge of input. Refuse to be a slave of those who programmed it. Put your ego in command. you-you.

You're probably in a situation that's going to fall apart of something. Ditch that shit faster than Ben Hur.

Marriage is more complicated. When you find your right place (success as your empowered self), you will attract her.

Appreciated. You've given me things to think about as well.

*Gestures to his eyes with two fingers*
*Gestures to your eyes with two fingers*
Shut up faggot

The alpha is someone who leads betas.

Any succesful group doesn't grow around an alpha-male, but a tightly knit group of men with different qualities, who balance out each others weaknesses and mostly try to get things done via voting.

Anyone who has actually worked in any kind of organisation would agree with me on this one. Even if it appears there is one alpha male at charge, there usually isn't.