Had Trump taken five minutes to think these tariffs through he could have set up trade deals with other countries (india, sand niggers) to minimize the blow.
Trump To Announce $12B Stimulus For Farmers
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Keynesian economics, look it up.
Based. I love Jewish soybean agribusniess
Looking at Trump's based fashy neocon globalist cabinet, what's the odds this is for pushing farming into GM foods?
If you want my money going to farmers just leave it in my pocket, I buy local fruits and vegetables.
This tbh.
Great Britain decided to be food self-sufficient after getting its supply choked off during war.
We are /natsoc/ here and nothing is more nationalistic and socialistic than subsidizing farmers to insulate our nation against famine and being at the whim of foreign powers.
This is not welfare, but I can stand behind it after the news of the admin going after soy because it's not milk.
wonder how that will sell.
Why I am not suprised?
25% tariff on $200 billion chink products
= +$50 billion in taxes
-$12 billion for welfare program
= +$38 billion
Can you nigger shills learn some basic human math before you spew your stupid here?
trick question, of course niggers can't into math
This was to be expected tbh. Even Trump repeated on many occasions that we would have to suffer some pains with implementing tariffs but in the long run would benefit greatly. And you're already seeing that happen if you're paying attention at all.. China can't compete with the tariffs, neither can the EU or Canada.
Fucking retards think this shit happens overnight.
Fuck this bullshit. They act like restaurants never go out of business because people aren't buying their food.
user plz.
I normally do not support stuff like this, but without farmers everyone starves.
gotta keep those niggers stuffed full of vegetable oil somehow
starting a thread with the the kike-ington post kys
Next up;
That's retarded.
No (((you))) fucking kike.
Due to mega corporation farms like Monsanto etc. prices are so fucking tight farmers make shit.
When my father was growing up it used to be that the boys in high school would get summer jobs on farms making fucking bank doing the work and it would all be tax free.
Now with Monsanto et all propped up by corporate welfare that can't be done. The only way to compete is to use illegals.
A side-effect of this will be to remove that necessity, which will hurt the illegals and hurt the mega corporation farms.
But (((you))) knew that.
So much for "bootstraps".
Farmers have always been welfare queens.
no u
Who do you think these subsidies are for?
Nigger if we are making so many soy beans you can't make a profit unless you feed half of China
Quit history lesson, if farmers are forced to reduce productivity, the price of food goes up. The price food going up wouldn’t be a bad thing, and it would encourage an increase of yield in a world where corporate farmers weren’t so dominant. However, since they are so dominant, the drop in production from small independent farmers and cooperatives would cause them to lose market share. Trump is basically saving the smaller farmers with this action.
Real change can’t happen as long as corporate farms exist. Although I am not opposed to corporate farms, they’re basically reaching antitrust levels.
not even close to an argument
Most "farmers" in USA are spic-loving GMO globohomo corporations
Put soy out of business, don’t buy it.
Off topic but this is the top Trump thread, so if you want more info about it start a different thread, it's not something I'm willing to do. You might even go back to the inauguration speech to find more dogwhistles. All according to kekaku
Getting closer
Could be worse.
Except that it all goes to huge Jew owned agriculture oligopoly that floods the country with illegal spics, not to white family farms.
So US is now using taxpayer money to sustain farmer corporations to feed the chinese with soy without needing to rise export prices instead?
Wasnt the objective of this trade war to fuck the chinese and traitor corporations?
This is the exactly obama polices but without trade war.
Just to keep the chinks out of our bidness.
The US has been subsidizing farmers for a hundred years you fucking retard.
Agrinome here.
The core problem is agricultural oversupply, causing low prices.
The US generates too much food causing low food prices. The US Govt also subsidizes agriculture and oil, lowering food prices further.
US govt likes low food prices because it means happy (docile) populace. Rome gave out free grain for the same reason.
wtf I love high food prices now
It generates too much corn. Corn subsidies have ruined America's food independence. If the farmers weren't encouraged to grow garbage via subsidies the market would reflect it in better food at a cheaper price. Instead our retarded leaders subsidize E85 gas and corn syrup mind poison fizzy drinks.
Oh fucking joy.
These giant subsidies are the reason family farms are dying off and the the American diet has been reduced to shitty corn byproducts. Not to mention the problems of over-consumption.
Has literally been debunked you stupid pseudo-socialist kike. It's one step short of supply-side economics in terms of being a fucking retarded move.
We spent hundreds of years doing a lot of stupid shit, and historical economics will almost universally decry those practices as being bad ones. Precedent doesn't excuse bad decisions, especially when that precedent confirms it as being a bad decision.
The fuck? Food prices are already high enough here as it is. I think it's mainly due to gas still being $3 and over a gallon. Last stressful thing my family needs is skyrocketing food prices because "muh agricultural surplus". Go back to the oven you fucking Jew.
exactly … whats the problem?
Don't work with currencies other than labor backed.
This if anything.
0. Recall entire military
1. Author declaration of war against entire world
2. (((WTO))) and (((Federal Reserve))) employees are now de-facto ememies of the state
3. Arrest and summarily try them for treason
4. Firing squads for 48 hours
5. Author declaration of peace
It doesn't help that we are also producing crops that are shit for consumption because they want to prop up shit industries like ethanol fuel or water intensive like almonds etc. We would have more use and less waste with industrial hemp if we could get our treejews like Weyerhaeuser to stop fighting it. We've made so many shit agri decisions because a few jews want to make shekels at the expense of human life.
But if these subsidies can be used to ween the farmers off the corn tit and move them onto a better crop it is worth it. Sadly it isn't as simple as just planting something different.
If you eat meat, you're buying soy.
I have 800 acres of soy fields around my house. RoundUp Ready (tm). I hope the fuckers go out of business this fall.
Anyone who hires illegals must be executed for treason. They are aiding and abetting enemies of the USA.
Buy more expensive meat.
Not unless they're out of corn and other grains. Soy costs too much domestically to be used as feed. When they had a corn shortage a few years back the farmers fed their cows shitty chocolate before feeding them soy.
He can go fall in ditch.
but user, if it wasn't for soy we wouldn't have boys that look like this
wow cause how fucking long has corn been subsidized for globalist interests? what the fuck
At least it's going to Americans and not kikes and/or niggers. And $12Bn is a lot less than what we've been getting ripped off for by chinks/pajeets/meximutts/other assorted mongrels.
like it's not already being built.
You bastards will turn anything into a bitching opportunity.
You knew all along The Wall was never going to be a thing.
no comment.
t. samefag
nice job exposing your desktop shill
Fuck off shitskin, the wall was an esoteric metaphor only real whites understood. If we wanted a real wall, we would have gone through (((FEMA))).
My taxes pay for your (((subsidies)))
I eat what ate the soy, not what is soy. Huge difference. Almost all meat outside of specialty stuff is female, so the soy doesn’t actually impact them negatively.
When you buy meat at the store, it comes from a female of that animal. No one wastes their breeding stock on food supplies.
Did that 5 billion for wall funding get approved?
Don't know whose shilling at this point
That is the expensive meat brainlet. Outside of grassfed all quality livestock is fed soy. Grassfed is only more expensive because they take so much more space to feed the same animals.
When you’re the guy that grew up around farmers and was raised by a farmer, and you know more than a bunch of Jews that have an Internet connection.
This thread is proof that there are chink shills on this site
Yes, there are. They seem to ignorant about the country they have decided to occupy
lol holy shit retarded. the whole farm subsidy program is such a patchwork of faggotry that this argument is completely moot. also, protecting an affected industry in the midst of a trade war – as long as it is temporary – isn't really that big of a deal
Keynes was a WASP, faggot, pun intended and his economic theories were the basis of NatSoc/Fascism >inb4 Feder – read Feder then read Keynes and tell me how different it is – its neither (((libertarian))) nor (((communist))). you have the whole thing bass ackwards
Daily reminder that all this money goes to farms that are massive and using all sorts of nasty shit to keep crops alive. Not a single cent will be seen by family owned farms, the farms that any true natsoc would support. Keep sucking that jewish puppet dick nu/pol/
Sweet, free chicken. He's won the next election.
Nice try Zig Forums, last time I checked Drumpf was crashing the soy market prices by tariffing China.
Stimulus packages are a Jewish codeword for more welfare, regardless of what ((they)) allege happens
Because everything falls apart if gov isnt involved. Still not noticing it?.
I wonder if this is one of those things that goes completely unnoticed, but has a colossus impact in the long run.
this is the STUPIDEST ARGUMENT of all time. Food in America is NOT CHEAP. If you want to see cheap food in a civilized nation, you need to head over to the Netherlands.
And nothing of value was lost.
yes incentivize the soy farmers to switch to some other less cucked crop to grow hopefully it helps them transition from gmo as well
here is a wild fucking idea
Whatever will they do if they can't charge $4 for a loaf of fucking bread.
They're already jacking the unholy fuck up out of food here. Check prices here vs. England. They're fucking the average american sideways to force them to live check to check for the same shit they comfortably afforded 12 years ago on the (lets face it) same salary.
Of course there's "Quantitative Easing" under Obama that's largely to blame, but still, prices don't fucking double that quickly without some asshole profiteering.
as supply grows and demand goes down naturally prices will as well creating a demand vacuum essentially balancing itself out
and fuck soy and fuck china it would be much cheaper for everyone to ship it to south america particularly for the south americans to buy it from the US instead of china
If no one buys our soy, then it ends up getting used here, or rotting.
Doesn't that hurt Soy? There is less of a market for it making it less profitable. Combined with the awareness that's spreading about how it fucks with your head (and unlike sugar it's not addictive), it'll become too expensive for corporations to cram it in everything. At least that's how I see it.
That term means nothing its just fiat currency in which the government claims that the money supply is calculated based on labor activity. It still relies on faith in the government to back it. Also labor theory of value is marxist shit, what matters is what people are willing to pay for the product not how much effort was expended to produce it.
Germany didn't get out of its hole by some magical national socialist monetary policy but rather simply because they outlawed the tremendous amount of malinvestment that went on in Germany.
Daily reminder that without spics and niggers the US would have had a 0.8 to 1.8 trillion 2000USD budget surplus every year for the last 40 years regardless of what neoliberal or neocon bullshit was in place. Now imagine what would happen if kikes and liberal malinvestment was removed. Germany's success would be nothing in comparison to such a juggernaut.
gimme comfy farm pictures
You will never convince anyone kikeshill. Go oven yourself.
The fuck are you faggots thinking you are doing?
The wall was never meant to be a physical construct. It was always a clever metaphor for increased border security.
Brazil is buying American soy to sell to the Chinese.
Good. Employ all of our family, user! We love our farms here.
As always, the hand rubbing freetard outs himself
chinks confirmed as soyboys. Imagine that after a decade of soy consumption THE GRAET DRAGON OF CHINA is sucking his own dick.