How life has changed for American millennials over the decades

How life has changed for American millennials over the decades

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Have you taken the S.W.E.A.T. pledge yet?

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so the median income hasn't risen in over 40 years? Are the charts inflation-adjusted? That in itself could be the reason for the declining homeownership rate and the marriage rates. Who can plan a family without money on hand?

"Waah! I want free shit! Bernie said life would be easy if we just nationalized everyone's assets!"

Trolling aside, if you stupid edgy little fuckers would get off you ass, put down the vape, and VOTE we'd be in a much better place. You have nobody to blame but yourselves.

"B.b.but muh boomerz!"


Shut up, boomer.

im sure theres statistics somewhere that show that the millennials that skipped college and just went straight into the real world and advanced through experience became more successful and are actually building families.

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Yeah, I wonder why (((statisticians))) haven't investigated something that could end up saving the goy-, I mean, children a lot of money.

Pretty obviously not, shit some people are born without legs or arms, they're half the man I am

how tf is that millennials? that's halfway to boomer

Except despite the fact that over 50% of people work in fields that have nothing to do with their college degree, businesses still hire the people with degrees first because "it shows they can stick to something."

It is the primary factor.

Second factor is that Millenials are spineless pussies, are even physically weaker than people the same age in the 1980s.

well. who do you think takes the money?

Sounds legit.

College boys talk like fags.

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most jobs nowadays don't require a spine.

still not a boomer though.

sadly, these types of jobs are becoming fewer and fewer.

college boys build the device you are currently using.

Having a life kina does, tho.

Hey moshe thats weak D&C.

Good graphs to redpill people on how fucked things actually are.

Hey Faggots,
My name is John, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are entitled, low income, millennials who spend every second of their day asking me for handouts. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any real estate equity? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of your elders because of your own low net worth, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than opposing judeo-christian American values.
Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I was promoted to company president from entry level IT, and paid for my degree with my part time job. What assets do you own, other than "stack of video games and cartoon dolls"? I also get frequent flyer miles, and have a banging hot third wife (She just waxed my 'vette; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.
Pic Related: It's me and my better half

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i am an honorably discharged veteran with an aircraft mechanic bachelors degree and certification
still struggling to find decent employment

shits fucked

in my case i think its because of an over population of nonwhites in the area flooding all of the job markets
i could move on to new pastures but it hurts to move away from land that my family has owned for a long time
i dont really want to live in a remote area either but i guess whites are not allowed to enjoy the conveniences of a developed town in (((their))) america

Yeah and some people are even black.

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Kill White Nationalists for treason
They have ruined every single attempt by Whites to defend themselves in real life for the last 50 years

Wow. Really makes you think.

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I live in 95% white land. The other day I went into Arby's and there were 3 shit skins working. How the fuck are these people starting to find my city.

Amen brother,

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That's a funny way to spell Jew, shill-kun

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videos of children being gang raped in mudslime camps is ayokay, but whites pointing out the unsustainable amount of those exact mudslimes in the video raping the child invading europe is not okay.

It's a fucked title. It's just a comparison of people in that age group from that period to now. Boomers were in that age group back then.

Good job

Bullshit I've crossed paths with bigger neets and incels then me who work and have no life outside of it not even any co worker friends
It's not mutually exclusive anymore

I love it.

this is it real or nominal income; what year are they using as baseline


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That's absolutely bullshit. At least if you have any semblance of a skill based job. Recruiters are going crazy for new hires. This last year I was headhunted at a 40% pay increase.

GenX here. Stop whining.

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Mine went up. Not sure what (((Bloomberg))) is talking about.

Shutup boomer-lite

tfw lost my comfy job today after two years so I get to go on NEETbux. fuck all you faggots

Califag here. The job market is absolute shit, and everything costs high to the point you need to get 2-3 jobs just to get by.

Even then, those jobs are only reachable by nepotism now. The American dream here is pretty much dead and buried.

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This is the case. Unchecked immigration has really fucked up the States.

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I'm assuming you are talking about pajeets and chinks taking up high paying jobs. If you are directly competing with niggers and single mother spics then you are doing life wrong.

Thats a funny way of saying "chinaman working for $.05 on the hour"

The generational names being marketing bullshit aside, holy shit are you and other youngfags just getting more and more retarded? You all collectively hit your heads? What the fuck is with "everyone above 24 is a boomer" being a thing now? Absolute niggery.
Reeks of "I'm an edgy 14-23 year old and think people like three years older than me are shit because some of them have jobs and I'm still in school" faggotry.

This is just genius Monster AD campaign.

The monster thing is true, but I wasn't even using it in that context. Gen-X doesn't know the pain of being a millennial, graduating into a recession that no one cared about and working shit service jobs and getting into debt in colleges that are 2000% more expensive than they were just a few decades ago to not have enough money to buy real-estate that is also hyper-inflated so we live with our boomer parents still or pay exorbitant rent prices, and then get told by boomers and boomer-lites to stop complaining.

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this can't be real can it?

Are these prices adjusted to inflation?

I already hated niggers and spics, but now I hate women too

What the fuck is that chart even?

100% viral marketing campaign that correlated with an 18.5% spike in the sales of that flavor of monster.
It's worse, they assumedly got polacks to buy something with the Hebrew mark of the beast written on it

This is your own fucking fault. It's also your own fucking fault for letting your mother influence your life decisions this much.

The problem there is exactly like I said, it's being used against people that are millenials. Gen X is generally 60s-80s birthdates, actually 61-81 according to some (((experts))). This makes "millenials", especially since the term was expanded to encompass all of Gen Y, 1982-2001 birth dates or so. Owing again to how fucking stupid the named generation thing is, the dates for each of these generations not only vary depending on source, they overlap like fucking crazy. If your parents have some of your siblings when they're 18 and have you when they're 40, you're the same generation as your siblings even if the marketing generation names label you as part of a different one.
What makes the meme especially stupid is, again, it's being used against people that are millenials just for being a few years older.

It's a double-whammy too. D&C and a marketing campaign for jewey energy drinks in one, and pretty fucking sadly it's actually working.

Whatev. I live off a trust fund that gets bigger every year. I'd say fuck you to you if I cared enough.

But seriously I have respect for you working types. It's only because of you that my trust fund earns the interest that I live off.

This is literally what advertising was since the dawn of times. Memes to sell goods.

30 yo boomer is quite good. Product placement is very simple, give him the can. But character itself is organic and very true, this sort of the guy holds monster can.

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For the record the real ETERNAL millennials are 25 and up until now aka the cancer that is killing the planet

Thank Arby's.

It's inflation-adjusted. Base year is 2016. They use the urban CPI.
To give perspective, 35 years ago a fresh graduate in computer science got $16k. 45 years ago the median income for a white family was $12,600.

This. I never look for work and I make six figures. I average about two recuiters per day contacting me through linked in. Nobody cares about my education, they send me problems and follow up with job offers. And all my skills I got for free or cheap on the internet. The only legit excuses anyone has are (1) laziness, (2) stupidity or (3) debilitating disease.

Please tell me that's inflation adjusted…

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We have to survive as a race or we will perish as individuals. The false state of America must be destroyed for our survival.

I realize that now, but at the time I was in a disgusting, fragile state. The reason for it was pathetic, but there's nothing to be done about it now. If it's any credit, I didn't accrue a single penny of debt, I had that much of my wits about me.

Needless to say, a guy who hasn't been employed since before King Nigger was reelected isn't likely to make it to even an interview, but unlike most people, I still have a few opportunities I can fall back on. The only problem, is that I'll actually have to go to a commie filled University first. I'm not worried so much that I'll be converted, but more that I'll be discovered at some point.

If I'm successful, then I'll gain access to young minds, redpill in handl

This your first summer on hatechan?

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If it makes you feel better, no one actually cares about experience unless you're a burger flipper. It's a total meme. In fact, people with bad experiences and habits are liabilities and often untrainable.

Just network, that's the only way you find good work. Only bad jobs are advertised, the jobs they can't give away to their friends.

Much smaller pool of employed over the last ten years means that the (((average))) wage falls when there are huge numbers of jobs created.

Statistics is kikery, or can be.


What the darn-diddily-doodily did you just say about me, you little witcharooney? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class at Springfield Bible College, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret mission trips in Capital City, and I have over 300 confirmed baptisms. I am trained in the Old
Testament and I’m the top converter in the entire church mission group. You are nothing to me but just another heathen. I will cast your sins out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before in Heaven, mark my diddily-iddilly words. You think you can get away with saying that blasphemy to me over the Internet? Think again, friendarino. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of evangelists across Springfield and your IP is being traced by God right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggorino. The storm that wipes out the diddily little thing you call your life of sin. You’re going to Church, kiddily-widdily. Jesus can be anywhere, anytime, and he can turn you to the Gospel in over infinity ways, and that’s just with his bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in preaching to nonbelievers, but I have access to the entire dang- diddily Bible collection of the Springfield Bible College and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your sins away off the face of the continent, you diddily-doo satan-worshipper. If only you could have known what holy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you from the Heavens, maybe you would have held your darn-diddily-fundgearoo tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re clean of all your sins, you widdillo-skiddily neighborino. I will sing hymns of praise all over you and you will drown in the love of Christ. You’re farn-foodily- flank-fiddily reborn, kiddo-diddily.

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That's your problem right there.

What the fuck were you doing?

Oaksterdam University

I was stoned and bought a 4 pack to try it, that shit is fucked up. I don't know what they put in it but it is definitely poison

This x1000, just talk amongst people, friends, relatives, even old co-workers and shit. You'll find WAY better jobs that aren't ever listed, I don't plan on listing my job openings when I start a business, that way I can only hire whites.

Kill White Nationalists for treason
They have ruined every single attempt by Whites to defend themselves in real life for the last 50 years

2 classes per semester of night school while working a full-time job means it takes 5 years to get an associates. Tons of people have done this - living independently, not taking on loans, and scrimping for community college tuition/books/etc. Is that a good model now? Whatever.
I know a woman who was a secretary while getting a 2-year in business and went into management. I know a woman who was cleaning bed pans while getting a 2-year in health shit and advanced. I think the guys tend to go into trades instead of this. Or they use the 2-year programs then transfer to 4-year.

Generstions understood as "being born from x year to y year" is stupid. To keep it simple, it should be by what generation your oldest parent comes from. For me, I'm squarely millenial because of my gen x parents. To make it more refined, you could factor in the year and make it a simple cutoff.

I agree but I also think many people think of themselves as “too good” for those really shitty entry jobs. For example a McDonalds District Manager makes $66k a year (according to a quickie jewgle search but I bet it’s closer to or above 70).
They even help their employees with tuition. But many people aren’t willing to go work at McDonald’s just for the stigma alone or they’re not willing to work in the trenches as a line cook. I’m a firm believer that the cream always rises to the top and if you have the intelligence and the drive you will succeed wherever you’re put.

It’s also important to point out how many people go to college because they literally think they graduate and someone is waiting to just go give them a job. Can’t tell you how many psychology majors I’ve met like what are you going to do with a BS in psychology? If you’re not going to reach the level of doctor in that field then don’t even bother.
Most people would be much better served going to vocational school, learning a trade, skipping college and using that time to build experience and network. Once you get in a Union you’re set.

Millennials make bad decisions -news a 10!

No one wants to work fast food because scum suckers work fast food. Its a catch 22. No one is dependable, and your dependability is abused, otherwise you are stilted. Not worth it, especially when the job itself is degrading and destructive. I would love to have a world where there was no demand for the job, for the job has no dignity. Any ounce of pride to be had is swiftly taken and undermined. Fast food is soul-crushing work.

You mean companies aren't hiring industrial psychologists anymore? Wonder why that happened.

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You're delusional if you think a place like McDonald's won't promote a nigger instead of you just because they're a nigger

The user said:
Dude wasn't working. How the fuck do you take 5 years to get a 2 year degree when you aren't working?

No they still are. I/O psych is HR stuff and there are a TON of masters programs. If you're a white guy and you have a knack for people get into it. We need people in the HR departments changing company policies from the ground up.

We could certainly use this. How does one get hired into HR in a typical company? Or, more readily, just looking at the companies that aren't hopelessly pozzed. I know you can forget about government social agencies; they're completely niggerfied.

Step 1: Go to college.
Step 2: Major in a related field (i.e. I/O psychology)
Step 3: Complete your degree with as high of a GPA as possible.
Step 4: Use your university's career center to find companies that are hiring

But you won't get your pensions when the finance sector you created collapses. Nor, did you have the best music. And guess who else lived in two millenniums and is not even that old yet?

Be serious. We're talking about "fucking white males".
What internships do they need?
What connections do they need?

Find someone who is in HR's management and make friends with them. Then just fucking ask for a job and they'll give it to you. The whole thing with HR is being good to people, if you can make friends with the boss then you've already proven to them you're good for the job and they're the only person you need to impress. Don't waste 4 years and $40k to do what you can do in a few hours and the cost of two cups of coffee.

I just told you exactly what to do, and you're trying to find an excuse of why you can't do it. GO TO SCHOOL. SEE WHAT OPTIONS ARE AVAILABLE THROUGH YOUR UNIVERSITY. BE A FUCKING ADULT.

I'm going to school right now for computer science and last semester I was going to apply for a scholarship since I've held a 4.0 for a while.

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A long time ago, as an impoverished Appalachian male, I scrounged to buy one of those "books with over a thousand scholarships". There was absolutely nothing in there that applied to me. Every single thing had a requirement for race, ethnicity, sex, or in a few cases being employed by a certain company. Fucking waste of money. I went into the military.

meant for

I'm sure the men who earned that money are glad they made the sacrifice for you

You’re delusional if you don’t think every single company would do that in Weimerica.

That’s my point, it sucks but there’s room to advance if you grind it out but everyone has to start somewhere. McDonalds was only one example of a multi billion dollar company where you can start working when you’re 14.

And did you apply or did you self-select out just because they said a preference was given?

hahah this aint Zig Forums boomer, but thank you for demonstrating just how fucking stupid your generation is. you had the most wealth and power ever accumulated by any generation in history and you gave it away for some shiny beads like a bunch of indian niggers. good job, but don't worry, we will correct your mistakes faggot. btw, i don't hire boomers, you don't get interviews at my office.

i bet you vette is an automatic

im looking forward to killing kike children :)

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I opted out and went about my semester. Why the fuck would I apply for a scholarship where preference isn't based on merit?

You're pretty stupid for having a 4.0 GPA. Should have told them you were trans and put on a wig if they wanted an interview.