Kike-heiress Clare Bronfman arrested today
Dominoes are starting to fall, boys. These pedo fucks won't be laughing anymore!
I wonder how many kikes are shitting bricks right now?
Kike-heiress Clare Bronfman arrested today
Dominoes are starting to fall, boys. These pedo fucks won't be laughing anymore!
I wonder how many kikes are shitting bricks right now?
Other urls found in this thread:
How bad it must be…
Age of consent Mexico 13.
Prostitution is Legal.
What did they do to be kicked out of frickin Mexico? Surely they were employing, spending, private security, cops, etc. in MX?
I believe they recruited the Mexican president's daughter or somethin similar, trying to find it.
If I recall from the first NXIVM thread, isn't Bronfman associated with the Roth-youknowwhos in some way? Funny, I just saw this same thing on Voat, something related too, don't know if it's connected or anything or what's really going on, but supposedly this also just happened recently.
Rothschild’s Ex-Wife Found Dead, Hanging from Doorknob at Home
Annabelle Neilson dies aged 49-years-old - police say death is 'not suspicious'
17th July 2018 @ 12.23pm
that's a call-sign of an old order that has always been doing this shit; usually with something red
did it to that sous chef and the queen of pedoland's sister recently
Reminder Dali lama paid 1m to endorse NXIVM and the bronfman sisters
Oh man. Fuck POL.
These women were clearly under immense pressure from institutional and internalized misogyny.
When are you racists on POL going to understand that these women can't have done this because they are oppressed minorities.
Can't wait to laugh at you guys over at leftypol.
How the fuck did she pay that?
The indictment, obtained by Fox News, alleges the group made up Raniere’s “inner circle” and helped him with various illicit activities such as conspiracy to commit crimes like…harboring of aliens for financial gain
Typical kikes are typical.
Why don't they just surgically put a spinal cord ring on people instead of a stupid ankle bracelet?
Because it’s fucking illegal
So is ritually raping kids but that never stopped the kikes who run the government.
this is huge.
reminder guys. this isnt kike shill misdirection.
there are literally JEWS being arrested
connected to a company connected to the ROTHSCHILDS.
also, reminder, not everybody understands this stuff.
only anons that have dug understand it
and that should be a revelation in and of tself
That is neither cruel nor unusual. That is acceptable and necessary.
Here's proof the pdf contains the indictment.
shit bait, fuck off and get roped
So he didn't mind forcing girls into prostitution until it was his daughter's turn.
they took half her shekels? but still, why are they letting them out with ankle bracelets for their evil shit? What fuckery is this? any high IQ responses will be appreciated. t.low IQ chad horsedick
And in typical jewish fashion, both of the jew-parties are connected to NXIVM, Trump through his former campaign manager Roger Stone, introduced to him by the boy-trafficker Roy Cohn, and currently working for Alex Jonestein, who shared a lawyer with the Bronfmans.
they are rich Jews, from New York they are connected to all the most powerful people in the world. They must of fucked up big time, and pissed off some other Jews to get even get an arrest record. Just this arrest speaks volume, they really were fucking evil to make this happen.
Listen, fellas, my meme magic detector is ringing of the hook here. This is big story.
Here's a good summary of some of the events surrounding this cult that few are talking about (sex with 12yr olds, murders, etc.)
from what I can glean, NXIVM was competing with another pedo cartel. Dog eat dog, it figures as they are Satanists, its like some nigger-tier Bloods vs Crips shit. So yes, they were thrown under the bus. Still not (((black nobility))), I guess.
Wait. Bail/bond payment is only accepted as cash or cashier's check. That's a might big check.
so it looks like they want to spin this NXIVM as a limited hangout to hide the full extent of the conspiracy. Predictable move, but it works on the sleeping goys.
While Necheles proceeded to point to the bails that had been set earlier that day for Bronfman’s co-defendants—$25,000 and $5 million, respectively—Judge Garaufis stated that the defendant’s significant wealth put her in “a different category.” The defense’s initial proposal of a $25 million bond, secured by various properties as well as $2 million in cash, co-signed by Bronfman’s sister and brother-in-law, was deemed “woefully insufficient” by the prosecution. Penza questioned the accuracy of the list of Bronfman’s assets that had been provided, which detailed over $70 million in real estate assets, including a $47 million Fiji property, saying that, “the government is asking for more information.” Penza also accused the defense’s statements of “minimizing” Bronfman’s conduct and “her role in operating this enterprise.”
The back and forth continued, with Necheles insisting that “a twenty-five million bail bond fully secured” is “enormous” for a possible five-year sentence.
Pedo or not, is anyone else freaked out that these degenerate sodom cults exist at all and the elite actively partake in them? There should be a revolution. Why do the people allow such evil to be on top and rule over them?
She looks scared and he looks like a predator.
Lemmings user Lemmings.
anyone based in ego will gravitate towards this. its all biblical. they don't have souls.
user if you're not even going to try just don't even bother.
SNCTM maybeh?
Reminder that Stormy has a brand
I don't trust neonnettle com at all. It's a non-site that shows up on right-wing boards when news involving big crimes happen.
Last time I saw neonnettle com posted or even mentioned anywhere was immediately after the country music concert massacre in Vegas, when anons were trying to sort out the real evidence from the BS…
I think neonnettle com may be a honeypot of some kind, perhaps collecting IPs or loading web bugs, or …
And why is your user ID 000000? - - Oh, wait…
Truthful digits. Even more, she flipped out on twitter when this was exposed. She seemed fucking scared.
Consider also that, through her sister, the family is connected to the man who was funneling money to the Libyan revolution under the guise of a phony energy company now masquerading as a phony drug company.
That they ACTUALLY arrested this demon and ran up the score on her bail is shocking.
But I am so fucking happy to see this that I can scarcely contain myself.
She's an actress. I doubt there's a sincere bone in her body.
Through her brother to none other than Queen Leaf xerself.
My If the Emperor had a Text to Speech Device brother
Out of the darkness we will rise
Into the light we will dwell
We came to rule the world with muse in arms
We are the clouds in the skies
We are the storm and the tides
We are the wind and the rain
The sun and moon
And the end of all time
We are the guards of the new world order
We are the soldiers the legion of light
We are the centre, the depth of the sun
Fire and flame, we are one
Out of the darkness we will rise
Into the light we will dwell
We came to burn the earth with muse in arms
We are the source of all sin
We are the stars and the sky the death and rebirth in a line
The sun and moon
The end of all time
We are the guards of the new world order
We are the soldiers the legion of light
We are the centre, the depth of the sun
Fire and flame, we are one!
that's why you copypaste a suspicious url in first
and see that the honeypot has been already archived and you can read it safely
No, bigger, like maybe O.T.O or Scientology, who fucking knows. A lot of secrets, these faggots love secrets.
you tell me
Post counts by user ID:
8a4f0a: 8 (15.09%)
Be checkin' these dubs!
> 00's (2 total; 20.00%)
> 22's (2 total; 20.00%)
> 55's (2 total; 20.00%)
> 88's (1 total; 10.00%)
> 33's (1 total; 10.00%)
> 44's (1 total; 10.00%)
> 77's (1 total; 10.00%)
> 222's (1 total; 100.00%)
fuck that chink faggot, he is hated in his own country for diddling kids. vampire buddha.
noice get satan
silver medallion for me
can you stop this spammy useless bullshit?
Thanks satan
Kinda like the SNCTM guy.
And the Eatons and the Irvings and pretty much all Canadian establishment. Justin is old money. His grandfather made a shitload of money running gas stations.
As always with these pedo scum, Slick Willy gets a taste.
Yeah, this has been known since, what, 2002? Good summary though.
Did I offend this guy somehow?
whats the story on the bogdanoffs?
How many vowelless orgy meme cults do you think they have set up around the world? Probably dozens.
i watched a video on jewtube and it said they cloned sminen of all people.
and i know who that kid is and why he got that name
nice try faggot
do u have a single fact to back that up
No one cares about this
I have exactly as much as you do, faggot.
Back to fucking Qlarp nigger.
hi shill
And right on cue, faggots begin to derail.
arrest them all
Quit bumping trash
filtered shill
Like clockwork. Sad!
You’re shilling cult nonsense
It’s literal trash.
No joke tho, Mels dad is even more of a badass than he is.
Not in a cult myself.
Good lord, you weren't kidding.
If the world was full of men of Hutton Gibson's caliber, these pedo kikes ashes would have been scattered to the winds long ago.
cult nonsense
top fucking kek
"A branch of notorious “sex cult” Nxivm — which has been known to brand female “slaves” with its founder’s initials — is covertly recruiting within the arty Brooklyn crowd."
Tom Hanks Guys
Dig on Tom Hanks
I am not in NewYork, so why would I care?
Fuck celebrity kikery, the Bronfman cunt being indicted is bigger than Hollywood. They are connected to every big name kike family at the top.
thats what they said about aids