Get your popcorn 🍿the happening line up is lit for August as fuk 💯
Happening Lineup
Have a white first post
Wait so what the fuck. They are now essentially protesting the fact that people have different ideas than them? Like how else do you spin that?
Right in (((time))) for the Primaries. Great work Spencer you fucking Communist pedo fuck. I hope a real Aryan caps this scum.
seems like an opportunity to redpill via (((twitter))) about the (((far-right))) & (((neo-nazi))) and why you should not be a land-whale. land-whale pills have highest priority.
Low IQ post. Richard Spencer is not part of any of these.
Jason Kessler who has militantly disavowed the Alt-Right is organizing Unite The Right 2.0 in Wash DC and possibly Charlottesville again. This time he promises no Nazis and antisemites
Portland and Berkely Events are Patriot Prayer. Non racist proud boy related Christian group that likes Trump.
Anyone who attends an irl rally or gathering of torches AT THIS POINT IN TIME is a fed or a retard
Kill yourself, retard
Spencer's a huge annoying faggot, but he's not a commie.
I can't see so strongly counter-signalling people who espouse what you do, and want white people to do well, unless you're a subversive trying to D&C.
I get not agreeing with him on how to go about our goals, but to continually lie to try to smear him, is highly suspicious.
they do realize charlottesville was a unite the right protest that got fucked with by antifa who caused the fatalities by threatening people with guns causing them to test out the challenger's torque and traction in a flight or fight response, right?
inb4 implying james field didn't swap out for an incapacitated jimmy fields
Unless it's on private land, it's very unwise. I predict Washington DC will be 10,000 Antifa vs one Jason Kessler. Check out his if you want to really hate someone
this will be funny
I'm actually rooting for Antifa this time. I don't want them to get discouraged from showing up. I love seeing anti racists beating each other up. Let them fight
Who would even go to this if he wants to ban all racists? Does he think kosher conservatives are going to show up or something?
As much as I can agree about the whole controlled opposition thing, I must say that through the "alt-right" (mainly Brett Steven's writings, when he was using the term in 2007 before abandoning it) if it weren't for it being an entry point, I would have not found the articles that alt-right people write about "inner schisms" with "the 1488" crowd. Back then I had to look into what the 1488 even was. And then through careful examination of the ideas, I came to see who was right. That's what I think of every time I see a normie or lefty publicly using the term. All that's going to do is lead normal people with enough IQ and natural curiosity to seek out information about what the ideas really are and what people who think about it say in their own words from their own sources. Their biggest mistake was even letting the term "alt-right" trend on facebook. And now that it's no longer a few people talking on the internet, they shot themselves in the foot when they made the term a house-hold buzzword. Best thing is to also make sure (((alt-right))) keeps naming "da big bad 14/88 crowd" because the more they bring it to attention, it's free advertising. And once people learn the truth, it'll grow. There's no turning it off once they find out.
A landwhale who had a heart attack because of the exercise;
She wasn't just fat, she was obese, we're talking blimp size, there's a gif/webm of the cunt on a stretcher somewhere.
Sounds gay as fuck.
That being said it's a good thing that milquetoast 'conservatives' get targeted by antifa, if anything it will push more of them rightward.
And thats an understatement. She was stay puft tier.
Heather the hambeast had a coronary and was a fatty fat fat
The car never touched her
They stand for nothing, then?
Let me guess, we should all be BASTE CIVNAT CENTRISTS, right?
We must NEVER EVER oppose the ongoing genocide of White people, right?
Gas yourself.
Look at how much bullshit the kike media flung about the landwhale who died of a heart attack.
They are orchestrating these "marches" in order to attempt to get sensational anti-White soundbites and news bits.
I am not saying to do nothing.
Also, spread the word about pedowood. There are threads up about it.
WE know that.
But anyone who is still hooked up to talmudvision diversiTV kike news only receives the "kosher approved" version in which "ebil nahtzees gassed and then ran over a poor innocent girl freedom marcher." They probably also only use old pictures in which the heart attack woman looks normal-weight.
It's all bullshit.
Here's hoping.
Checked salient dubs
Yes he is, he's a (((national bolshevist))).
Facts mean nothing to the law in charlottesville and it's a mistake to go back there. I gave kessler the benefit of the doubt the first time around and it was a shitshow and I learned alot about how the law doesn't work there.
Isn't the guy heading the Patriot Prayer a mixed-race libertarian who is a-okay with fag marriage?
Shitshow or not, I don't regret going. Easier for me to say though since I didn't get caught up in any of the negative repercussions.
hahhaa, should be good. "we gona go out into da streets and let all White people know how much we be haten them n sheeiitt" that should work out well for them
White. checked
Always nice to get the "enlightened" skeptic take on events…
prop. they are affiliated with race mixing (((proud boys)))
that why his wife has the communism ribbon in the pic with him and Laura Bush?
Wow, way to invade the strongholds of the "far-Right" there in order to combat them. What's next? San Francisco? Harlem? Atlanta?
Did that asshole wake up yet?
i was thinking the same thing. if he dosent wake up in three months, he is not waking up at all
The spiral continues. My best guess is it all falls apart and real civil unrest starts before next presidental election. Regardless of who wins the two sides are at increasing odds and I don't think any person in the world could bridge that gap.
If Trump is slated to win the (((progressives))) and (((communists))) will go full violent revolt (limp wristed as it may be) which will lead to retaliation.
If Trump loses then the (((civnats))) will have no reason to accept the loss peacefully after the events of the left in the past few years, so they will probably begin doing the same shit the left is doing, buying a little.more time, but the government will go in to full pozz 1984 open borders and sex changes for all mode in return in order to assure that liberal policies and politics are too engrained to be defeated ever again, which will more than likely be the catalyst for the right to finally say "fuck it".
Regardless, this divide won't stop and can only escalate due to the wide differences between morals themselves.
Just need to be around to pick up the peices and ensure Utopia through the final solutions.
Damned racists.
A year later and people are still buying the narrative that a bumper no more than 2 feet off the ground hit an adult woman in the chest and killed her…
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b5aafc: 4 (10.26%)
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> 00's (1 total; 20.00%)
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> 444's (1 total; 100.00%)
The Challenger was absolutely devastating, but if they want it to be able to survive a maneuver like that, Dodge really has to start using better steel, and more of it.
And would it kill them to finish their engine parts? the edges of their cam lobes look like a machete blade after going against a stack of bricks.
It still blows my mind to see how retarded people are about Charlottesville.
You are all correct.
People still believe they guy they arrested was the guy who was driving and they've completely forgotten about the two dead in the downed helicopter. The whole thing reeks like Sandy Hoax.
Holy shit, I knew she was fat but I didn't know she was that fat.
Neck yourself, faggot commie
Let the blood spill by the gallons this August.
radicals on both sides…who would win?
all the blacks mexicans and lgbqtrspvwxyz and their supporters vs whatever groups the right has?
She was gigantic. Why do you think they only use that ONE picture that shows her face and nothing else? Landwhale red flag.
You first, "fellow nazi"
i not a nazi or a notsee
why dont they protest the alt-right where the alt-right is, suburban america?
That's not true, they stand for
Nobody is going to show up. Jason Kessler is being paid by Jews to embarrass pro white advocates
Considering the cuckservatives and racists will be killing each other, the Left might win
#AllOutAugust should be monitored
Yeah, don't want to cost any votes to our BASED neocon niggers now do we?
I haven't forgotten about them
I was the one that called up the v staties and talked to Carolyn geller who absolutely gushed info over the phone.
All I said was I was setting up an online memorial for the fallen officers and she told me about the make model how old it was how experienced the pilots were the ground maintenance schedule etc
It was a Bell 407G chopper
The jews saw the last Charlottesville was good optics for them, and they want to repeat it. No surprise.
Having said that, I'll be watching with beer and popcorn.
Only the paid faggots will show up and it will fail hard just like the rest.
Watch out, nazis!
Whatever! Just start the damn civil war.
Having these violent unstable birth defects rioting around the country is exactly what we need. Normies hate them. It will push people toward Trump.
how does he keep getting away with it?
See, this is the big deal.
All this has done is normalize white advocacy and push the overton window.
White people, I think, are beginning to realize they are under attack and are just growing tired of living in multiracial, multicultural societies that are all divergent from the cultures they actually practice and come from.
The Alt Right just seems like a bunch of spergs at times, who can't organize correctly yet because the situation hasn't forced them to.
The label is kind-of constructed by our adversaries, some of the dudes who are figureheads of the movement are losers, but I don't buy that they're controlled.
Basically, they're just another group ramping up the political chaos while we swirl around the inevitable rise of strongmen who will fight to see us out of this.
We have not reached the Rubicon yet, Caesar is still out slaying the collapsing Republic's enemies, i.e. building himself up; the state meanwhile necessarily has to and will grow unstable.
It'll probably be a coalition of corporate and military leaders, official or not.
The next few years the plebians will get fiesty and the proverbial farmer-citizens will have woken up, particularly in the United States, where, I think, racial identity is still stronger in the subconscious than elsewhere.
Brazil-ification won't happen by said nature alone.
Europe is in a different situation, but I don't think they'll escape it either.
Call it being far-sighted, like Enoch Powell or what-not.
But I guess that's beside the point.
I just don't see the sense in punching at people who are ultimately just accelerating the establishiment of the conditions necessary for this all to be changed.
You don't have to like them, like I said.
Continue in more fruitful endeavors instead, the time is coming.
Let me also state it is fucking retarded to go to these kinds of rallies, though.
The big things go down around election times, i.e., during periods of percieved instability.
Now I wont be in portland for the actual event but I will be at a rather big gathering of potential antifa/antifa sympathizers immediately after the event. It will involve meeting and greeting, name and information exchange, the works.
If we were to somehow get stills of all of their faces with or without masks there is a very good chance I will be able to identify at least one or two at this later less rioty event.
Wear a secret hatcam
black tie, I could use a button cam of some kind if I find one in time.
This. It's probably a result of this imageboard having eventually spreading around to the normalfags,but a lot of people here seem to not know that we must first push the overton window, before we can assume power ourselves. That's the entire reason why we memed the shit out of Trump. He doesn't match with us completely, but I think that he's at least sincere about immigration and trade, which were the things that were about to turn our country into South Africa.
Or if you have nothing to lose. Or if you understand what's at stake and understand the repercussions if you are doxxed even if you do have something to lose. The more people they doxx, the more it will be normalized. The more people go out in to the streets without fear, the more the mainstream will understand that we truly care about our cause. I understand it's a terrifying concept at the moment, especially if you have a family and a good job, but there are many in our movement who have neither and should be out there in the streets fighting for the white race.
If you are too caught up in your ego and self-preservation you are never going to do anything worthwhile for the movement to save your people. It goes beyond you.
Why did the helicopter crash and deaths of its pilots get memory holed?
Less sensational?
Because there was no realistic way they could blame people on the ground for it.
I have mixed feels about this. These events that are going down on August 4th in Portland and Aug 5th in Berkeley aren't actually Alt-Right Dickie Spencer bullshit. The Portland one is the same patriot prayer group that brawled with and beat down Antifa on June 30th and Zig Forums cheered for it, not called them Alt-Right fags. Likewise the Berkeley event is just some "Say no to Communism" rally to troll and trigger the left, not an actual gaylord Alt-Right rally like what's going to go down in Charlotseville. Leftist propaganda is just trying to conflate it all together, to make it sound like any right wing gathering is automatically some retarded neo-KKK tier fed LARPer trash.
The Portland knockout king who vegetated that Antifatard with the baton is claiming he and his boys will be at both events in the northwest, so things could get interesting. I just don't know whether we should head out there to separate ourselves from the Alt-Right bullshit and to fight Antifa, or if it just feeds the left in doing so. The (((media))) will kvetch either way, a part of me feels we might as well head out there to fight and take the flak, but at the same time any number of retarded happenings or false flags could go down as well that will end badly for everyone and give us bad optics.
Trying to unite behind the memory of Heather Heyer? Dude….
The left is absolutely retarded and the best way they could actually destroy Trump is by embracing and celebrating him.
Anti-racist Brawlathon August. Wew lads, I thought things were already insane enough. This is just what the chaos gods ordered.
You got that one right. Spencer is the last true ameircan far leftist. I'm quite fond of him and his opinions regarding Stalin
I wonder who will win. The people or antifa
Depends how much the cops protect antifa.
No cop meddling, the people always win.
That reminds me to post all my Charlottesville memes.
Was she ever inside the dodge car of peace, though?
She was never even touched by it.
Touched by a Challenger. Next, on CBS
Spencer and Eunuch are still to blame, they're the reason the original Unite the Right gained any traction.
Speaking about Rufio, I was having some fun forcing retarded glitches in Oblivion and one of the NPCs told me that I saw Rufrius Vinicius knock a man down with one punch. I wish he'd teach me a bit about hand-to-hand combat.
literally who?
This thread needs a reminder of why TRS and its (((Alt-Right))) buttbuddies, like Dickie Spencer, are homos: >>>/trs/
The time of the Caesars is fast approaching. The silent but firm footsteps is getting louder and louder. I predict it will happen in the US due to the countries military culture and willingness to fight which unfortunately was knocked out of Europe through two world wars. This 'imperium' will most likely occupy Europe to save them from themselves like the Romans did to the Greeks. Iron-booted power on the neck of all the sectarian groups fighting out of pure necessity. I don't know what this Caesar will look like but as you said, it could be corporate leaders or military. It might very well be a combination of both. The word Caesar here is just used a pretext to conjure up an imagine of what it would look like when the Caesar comes. Mass media, mass money and democracy will have to go, again out of pure necessity. and (((they))) will flee like rats when it comes.
So they're going to use "FUK NAYTZEES" as an excuse to riot and loot, I'm guessing?