Cristian Shilling on Zig Forums

I've seen a lot of threads and posters on Zig Forums shitting on paganism and vehemently defending Christianity using mental gymnastics.
I, for one, am not a Pagan, but I dislike some of the attributes of Christianity from a Natsoc perspective.
There was a Pro-pagan thread on Zig Forums where I aired my grievances in a pretty long effort post.
But that thread got shoahed by the mods so now I am depressed.

The main issue, regardless of your stance, is how the Christ posters are behaving over on Zig Forums.
All of them act like they are constantly under siege by "satanists" or whatever.
They post misquotes of Hitler while at the same time ignoring the quotes from the bible that don't align with there "ideal form of Chritianity"
All of them fall under the "not true socialism" fallacy where if someone points the things Christianity does now and has done in the past, They will say that it's not proper Christianity. e.i. only Catholics are bad.
They only argue semantics half the time.
They argue like complete Jews and flood the board with threads like pic related.

They need to called out on their crap.

Attached: Christ Shilling.png (2499x1165, 1.17M)

Other urls found in this thread:

What a coincidence, I've been seeing Fedoras and Pagans and Christians shitposting in other threads, and derailing it to hell and back.

Almost as if there's some kind of D&C kikery afoot. Much like this fucking thread.

Your understanding of Christianity is clearly lacking. Fuck your scotsman bullshit in the ass, dipshit.


interesting digs.

Listen user - not all debate is shilling. While there is consensus among anons on a great many things here, religion is not one of them.

Short example more than this thread is worth the relates to the purpose of Christianity. One could argue Christianity is the best way to win over Americans, while also admitting to Nietzsche's 'slave morality'. Likewise, a pagan could tell a great truth regarding the strength, wisdom, and connection to their race which they have gained through pagan symbology (or maybe theyreally are doing rituals and shit idk how that works) while admitting that would be an extremely stupid tactic in /our/ effort to subvert the culture.

TLDR OP is a faggot sage the thread.



Attached: 1BO.jpg (470x302, 41.33K)

Pay attention to the post formatting.
There is a new line after every punctuation mark.
This is indicative of a bot.

those quads… checked

OP is a faggot that's going to burn in hell, you all need Jesus

dub dubs… checked

wew, take some time before posting next time.

Yes! I think it's D&C to. I didn't make this thread for that though.
I think the mods are playing favorites, and the favorites happen to be christians which are dominating the board without challengers.

wew lads.

Good that someone is keeping track of this. I believe someone in a recent thread put it best. The true goal of the christian shills isn't to demonize christianity or impose it on Zig Forums completely, it's to disrupt proper analysis into its jewish origins and how it allowed the jews into europe and subsequently made them powerful.

Who gives a shit, they're against the kikes and the pedowood shit, that's all that matters.
Pol is not one monolithic entity, and only shills want it to be, because that would be easier for them to direct.
Now, fuck off with this gay thread and get back to digging into the pedo scandals.

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I'm a Pagan, and you misspelled your OP.
My thread was better than yours and got anchored. Hopefully you get banned. Make a proper OP, you fucking cuckchanners.

Maybe the mods nuke the threads because it derails into faggots jumping in with poorly written bait and spamming by larpy fedoras, larpy pagans and larpy atheists.

And in the end, you have 2 faggots with 60+ posts and a smattering of 2+ posts cheering for their side.

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The cognitive dissonance is astounding.

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Larpy Christians, correction

Then why does pic in OP exist?

Oh I know who this is. It's the guy lunatic who always.
That's not proper grammar, but I'm sure in your sick mind you think it is.

kampfy is gone, fuck off. we freeze peach nao, the truth will out

christianity is harmful to the white race because it is benevolent and race-blind; many christians also interpret it to mean the jews are a sacred chosen race, these types are the only grassroots zionists that aren't jews themselves and there are millions of them.

the youth have abandoned christianity and consider it a religion for uncool, boring faggots that have no fun. any movement that attaches itself to christianity is doomed to fail because everybody hates christianity now

jesus was literally a jewish rabbi, christians worship a jew as their god

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"Am I the only one left on Zig Forums thread (far right)"
That had nothing to do with Christianity. In fact, it might just be that you are (((Robert Sepehr))) and decided to include it because (((esoterics))) were mocked in there.
The entire thread was about how most of nu/pol/ only cares about stupid shit or FED recruitment for rallies and bump it. That was until Pedohunt came to town.

It was anchored because Imkampy still runs this place or Druid/pol/ (*Saturn worship, pedophillia, drug abuse) wouldn't be considered a legit thread.

Christianity is always about "true Christianity" which wasn't even Jesus' sect. It was Paul's.

It's weird how Christians lie about this. They all have these two specific enemies, the Odinists and the Athiests, yet ignore that Zig Forums does do raids here and deletes all 'chan satanist' threads asking Christians to help expose these fucks.

You guys are so fucking Jewish. I've never met Christians irl like you scum outside of the Vatican.

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Want to know how I know you aren't from around here?

In my experience Christians are not our allies. They put faith above their race, and since their faith is Jewish they do not support anything worthwhile. They only seem to get animated and angry over faggots. Which are a problem, but really just a symptom of a larger issue that they purposefully avoid.
They'll always squirm when you force them to answer to scenarios where they have to choose either a pious shitskin or a natsoc white man. To them, blood and soil mean absolutely nothing. Only subservience to yahweh.

These people idolize a Jewish god and his messiah who preached to the Jews to sever their racial bond to yahweh and offer their religion to the entire world. They worship a Jewish traitor as a white European. Their brains are all sorts of fucked up.

I'm not a Christian, but I have no beef with them. Even if Jesus we're just another guy, preaching love and peace sure can't hurt too much. What I do have a bitch with, is when people start quoting the Bible as the foundation of a political argument. That's when I tune out, and I'm not alone in that.

OP wants a clip of your foreskin

First I'm a bot, now I'm "the guy lunatic"
I'm not who you think I am sperg.
I haven't even been on this site in months, which is why I'm concerned about the state of it.
Also If I didn't Break the Lines then everything would be too messy in my opinion.

See? you also broke your lines the same way here:

He has the same look that a soyboy has when handed a nintendo switch. How awful and insane.

Love and peace? Whenever a jew preaches about love and peace it means "lay down your arms so you can be more easily controlled" rabbi yeshua is no different.

idk what a goon is and you're the only one that goes on leddit if you know that. regardless, ad hominem

whites are the most empathic race and thus are the most likely to sympathize with that message. this gives us a disadvantage relative to other races by pacifying and castrating whites while other races will gladly chop our heads off

it's called a "fear grimace" and it's a primal gesture of submission

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Yeah, you're the same guy.

Type a post in the appropriate format then, führer of Zig Forums, I'm sure it will be easier to read. Also from the OP:
Forget about me. Who exactly are you?

Attached: Nice Guy.jpeg (464x700, 62.5K)

The guy who has caught your bullshit in every thread.

90% of butthurt Christians are Americans, simply because they are the most behind the curve of ditching Christianity, which never was a big thing in Europe anyway (believe it or not).
But they think we have all these heathen, non Christian things for, I don't know, completely random purposes, or something, and not because they werekept because they worked and Christianity was an invading, philosemitic faith usurious money lusting after leaders who forced the population to become Christians instated.

I"m not feeling like making huge posts again, either.
It's way too fucking hot for that, I mean 32 C in Germany, fuck that shit.
If you think Christianity is the bees knees, it's your foreskin, bro, not mine.

Anyway, the other thread is still up so I'm gonna link the two last posts I made in it and wish Americans would start taking at least somewhat seriously.

Like really really really reflect on these things, but probably not.
Again, I don't have to live their lives so if they want to do some hokey rationalizations and shit, they can be my guests.

Attached: whaddayameanyoucantfindthisinthebibleitsperfectlychristianshutup.jpg (500x600, 61.05K)

[pey-guh n]
1. Disparaging and Offensive.
1325-75; Middle English < Medieval Latin, Late Latin: 'pāgānus' = "worshiper of false gods",
orig. "civilian" (i.e., not a soldier of Christ), Latin: "peasant", "rural", "civilian",
derivative of 'pāgus' = "village", "rural district".

Like "nazi", an Bavarian insult used by jews to attack their political opponents, the NSDAP.
There is no "pagan".


This has always bothered me. I want a better name to refer to Paganbros as.

t. Christian


It doesn't take long for those kikeworshippering mods to act, does it?

Pretty sure crypto-semitism has it's own board.

user, semantics is the meaning of words. This is a very important thing. Without semantics you say 'solve' as in "to fix" when 'solve' actually means "break apart", the opposite of fix.
The jew argument is most often using truths to fabricate lies, e.g., to correctly assert that a 1% fault in a statistic makes the statistic "false".
This is how jews lie.

you can call them heathens, if you want.

Attached: isitheathen.mp4 (320x180, 10.49M)

>That had nothing to do with Christianity. In fact, it might just be that you are (((Robert Sepehr))) and decided to include it because (((esoterics))) were mocked in there.

I included it because it's what came up when I put "christ" in the search bar.
Why does everyone think I'm someone else? Is the new meta here just to play a guessing game about who's behind the keyboard?
I thought the idea of this site was discussing things anonymously without people judging you for who you were irl.

I know it's technically correct in some ways, but it still smells like pejorative to me. And it's so nonspecific, too. Putting Hellenics in with Norse and Egyptian would be like using a single word for Shinto, Taoism, and Buddhism because they all came from the same very general geographical area.

meaning we're not always of one mind, and you know that's what I meant.
That doesn't mean we don't work together to accomplish shit.
Jesus, it's like you're retarded.

literally the most leddit post i've ever seen on Zig Forums

oh, ok

Well they're all related. And Norse is closer to their source Vedic history

I have been using "Celtic". I figure if "Paganism" is a return to the "old gods", which existed in the European cultures before the first century, then using the identity of that time makes sense. It is agreed amongst historians that the European people from Iberia to Siberia called themselves "Celt" as early as the beginning of the Bronze Age, with the Urnfield culture. The artifacts and burial sites are similar going back even further to the Funnelbeaker Culture but them being "Celtic" is mere speculation.

I mean, sure, they're related. But they're not the same thing. When I say "Pagan" or "Heathen", I feel like I'm saying "Oriental".

I suppose that makes sense. Though I'd prefer to see some kind of consortium of each "branch", so to speak, decide on their own demonym, too.


no u.

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Without knowing the individual tribes like Helveti or Picts, I have been using the following:
North = Nordic
NorthWest = Gaelic
NorthEast = Slavic
Central = Germanic
SouthEast = Balkic
SouthWest = Hispanic
South = Italic
It isn't accurate but it is al based on the languages of the largest groups. You can also call 'Gaelic' as 'Celtic' since that area is the only one that have retained it's Celtic identity, this includes Northern Spain and Portugaul.

Celtic is an ethnonym not a religion you fucking dolt


I'm actually kind of proud of my folks here.

Cry harder adherants of the Desert, worshippers of the god of flesh and nullification. IHVH is weakening by the hour.

Thanks nigger for pointing out the obvious.
Celtic people didn't follow a religion, they personified nature, like all pre-jew people. But thanks for being a huge faggot.

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Yeah that's how you conquer a people. You say "if you like your old gods, you can keep your old gods" and they go "okay, I guess it's not so bad". Happened throughout all of history. Easter is a month-long holiday that celebrates the coming of spring.It is named after Ēostre, the Goddess of the Rising Sun. Only in the US is it called Easter. Most everywhere else it is called after "passover" and is only a day or so, since jews stole it and subverted it and made it about jesus.

It isn't "paganism" see
It isn't an "organized religion".
It is about nature and the natural world.

no its not you fucking hippie, reread the old texts. when aurelius speaks of "nature" he isnt talking about worshiping a fucking tree, when Odin speaks of Yggdrasil he isnt talking about a literal giant tree, they are talking about the cosmic and iron laws of nature. Nature, as in the cosmos, as in the universe. All religions are organized, you really think the Celtics were just a bunch of disorganized hippies who lived in trees? Their religion was highly organized and centralized, even compared to Roman Paganism.

Don't reduce shit to meaningless nonsense like that.
We are in agreement, then. Chill the fuck out with acting like an uppity nigger. I call them Celts because there is no known name for their belief system, mostly because it wasn't separate from every day life. If you have a more accurate label, please share, but "pagan" and "heathen" are insults not unlike "nazi".

Worshiping trees isn't that weird, either.

We readily call malfunctioning devices "stupid things" as if they have a mind.
Stands to reason that people were REALLY GLAD to have beautiful trees and in some cases fruit bearing ones like oaks that made the boars fat.
In fact, Baumfrevel of "Schmerbäumen" (tree vandalism of fattening trees, like oaks etc, smer = fat/grease, root of the word "schmieren" to grease up, and smear in English, etc) had DRACONIAN punishment, from mutilation of the hands to disemboweling.

There's also words even in high German (aka modern German) that pertain to significance of trees, etc.
They could have gotten rid of that in the high German reform, etc, but they did not.

Linden trees used to be used as "courts" for minor infractions and disputes and the judgement was "mild" aka "lind" -> "lindern" (ameliorate) etc.

But yeah, thread is anchored so I'm not gonna write too much.

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Thanks, user, I didn't know that.
My name means "of the tree".

Also, I thought 'worship' meant more than "to honor". Trees shall be honored.

Old English worðscip, wurðscip (Anglian), weorðscipe (West Saxon) "condition of being worthy, honor, renown," from weorð "worthy" (see worth) + -scipe (see -ship). Sense of "reverence paid to a supernatural or divine being" is first recorded c.1300. The original sense is preserved in the title worshipful (c.1300).

all insults which sound cool and edgy, and this is a tool with which we can use for propaganda. why are you afraid of labels? you should embrace them, and make them something worthy.
besides, pagan or heathen roughly mean the same as "ethnic religion". this describes it perfectly.
It is inaccurate to just call a belief system "Celtic" or "Celticism", especially when most branches of Paganism are not Celtic. Celtic is a culture and ethnicity, not a religion. Celtic Paganism or Celtic Religion is only for Celtics.

they were never worshiped by pagans, only used as tools. They are portals between the worlds, their roots hook down into the earth and deepest Hells, their Branches lift up the the skies and Highest Heavens, and their trunks occupy the middle-earth and realm of mortals. The Germanics didnt hang their enemies and their weapons from trees because they revered trees, this was just their way of sending their souls to the Father of the Slain, suspending them in mid-air, between Earth and Heaven, so that the Valkyries can bring them to Valhalla. Romans and Greeks had trees and groves near their temples for similar reasons, to act as pillars through which the Gods' energy is relayed. It is the same with the Yggdrasil; youre a fool if you think the symbolism of the World Tree has to do with tree worship, and not with being a representation of their cosmology. It shows how the Germanics perceived the world, as being split into three parts; the higher realm, where great plans are made, great temples timbered and great nations born, the middle realm, where day to day life occurs, and where the conflict between high and low is carried out, and the lower realm, where all things that rot and die lurk, where the ruin of men and civilizations grows and where things are hidden in shadows.

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chris chan shilling?


Time line that has occurred between 7/19-7/22

The tweets all seem to revolve around this inside joke of fucking, rapeing, murdering, eating, and other degenerate satanic acts

He posted his tax return gross income of 327 million for last year…

He was demanding you talk to Admin…

Many refugees in FullFeg

This video is a must!!!

Hollywood is the Royalty of America…
And commit just as much evil as them also…

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The Christian by his jew master must destroy all idols, they are driven to it. That is why the Christian rarely smacks the jew, who has no idols, and allows him in but instead goes after the heathen with vitriol as a life mission. I see it as having to have to run its course, like all things, those so continuously duped by the jew time after again will be commanded to do the jew's errands like in the centuries before, and so after, until the jew runs out of such a kind.

I try wherever I am to speak to whites of our old ways and of the jew shyster, the Trickster has always been our enemy. Some whites are receptive but for others they were raised in the church, first bathed in the church, first sung in the church, first read in the church, first spoke in the church and all before that Rabbi on the wall who allows them to larp as a chosen for the price of their servitude to him.

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Does any of you dumbasses know how to differentiate classical christian monarchy to Vatican 2?
The Bible was written in the sole purpose to counter jewish takeover of the world and you retards try to spit on it because you illiterates think thant it promotes racemixing and loving niggers and whatsoever
fun fact, it's not case and you guys are the #1 cause why jewish media propaganda is winning because no normie give a shit about your white power bullcrap
people want to be proud of their nation and race and yet y'all act like fucking niggers promoting "black power"
good goy, forget that you are irish, britan, swedish, anyways we ARE ALL THE SAME, let's jusste racemix amongs white while the media demonize us about the fact that we promote white supremacy
oh but goy, don't forget the jews are excluded from that

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If I'd earn a buck for every low-level anti-Christian smear I'd be a millionaire already I swear.

Kikes have lots of idols and demons; they are literal satanists, after all.

WHICH "old ways" of the many thousands of local cults and mythologies?

Jesus cannot have been a rabbi for the simple reason that talmudo-rabbinism didn't exist in his time yet. The closest thing would be the Pharisees, which Jesus explicitly denounced and attacked in no uncertain terms. But you know that, right Gershom?

this tread is full of illiterates and uncultivated pagans that probably never even read the Bible and yet acting like they can morally outmatch it