These cowards only have power because they attack in packs. Since were anonymous, they have no one to retalliate against.
Drop your bikie intelligence in this thread.
These cowards only have power because they attack in packs. Since were anonymous, they have no one to retalliate against.
Drop your bikie intelligence in this thread.
You know they post here right?
They really like bikes, that's all I got. Hunter S Thompson, for all that he was; seems to written quite a bit about Hell's angels
Bikers are wife-beating degenerates and need to be exterminated.
Kek is friends with the Hell’s Angels, and posting about them probably is going to attract attention you don’t want.
Christ you faggots are transparent.
Good luck with that. Have fun with the bikers.
Ger a load of this guy, doesn’t know anything about Hell’s Angel’s.
God you're such a dumb faggot
fuck off shill
Lol, somebody just got his ass kicked for having a big mouth in a biker bar.
Not your fucking army, faggot. Learn how not to get a beating.
Hey, they are friendly people.
They cruise the back roads of America, keeping them free of feral niggers and doing the lord's work running drugs and guns to keep our economy booming. They don't hide behind the screen shitposting stale memes, just the wind blowing through their hair while they ride your mom bareback.
Are you fucking stupid?
Never knew that your stupidity and failure can reach this low.
I'm gonna tell my biker friends to run you over mr. glow-in-the-dark.
It’s almost a guarantee they will hear about this and find you opie. Good luck, I would recommend you look elsewhere and try some other avenue of approach.
Bikers sure are smart aren't they.
Kek I wonder if bikers are pedos
I just know who you should respect, and who you shouldn’t fuck with.
Don’t fuck with Bikers. They don’t play stupid games.
Not stupid. OP is just an agent provocateur who was sent here to sow division between the theorists of the white race and its more promising ministers of violence. But it's his first day, so he forgot we're not completely retarded.
It worked on reddit
Why? Unless you have crimes they committed against the White race they're not our problem. And taking down pedokikes is way more fun! OP sounds like some fag who can't get laid at degenerate bars and blames the macho bikers for his homosexuality
Lurk, faggot. There are a dozen ways to find you from your posting history here. They're mostly a hassle, so don't piss anyone off or create a fun doxing challenge, and you should stay anonymous. Fuck off the crowd, however, and you're going to have a bad time like pic related.
OP wants us to divert the energy.
Funny how the shills protect pedophiles now.
HST lied about the initiation for the HAs. Instead of orgies it's them shitting and pissing on the new guy's guys vest or some shit.
Speaking of which, the field they greased is still covered with scars, kek.
mods are useless as usual i see
I think we'll just keep digging on your pedo paymasters instead.
How about everyone just goes away and leaves me alone? Forever
Nobody cares, fuck off.
I've been here for quite awhile and have seen little to no discussion about H.A. , moreover even on halfchan I never see anyone talk about them.
What gives? Is it really a well known fact that they are active here?
I die multiple times a day. It never holds though.
Bikers are utterly irrelevant
Bikers keep to themselves and stay in a low profile, unlike nigger gangs that act like retards and wonder why they all inevitably go to prison.
If they do post here they keep their mouths shut about it like any decent user.
They are active here, yes. I also know you don’t bring them up in mixed company. If you want to meet them, drive your ass to their local hideout and start talking to them.
I know who they are. I wouldn’t interfere with their business. I don’t advise anyone to do so. Like the rest of the biker clubs out there, you don’t want to interfere with their club activities. If you’re invited, and welcomed, you will know. They will make sure you know. I don’t recommend bring them up in mixed company like this.
Nice try, FBI. Get your info from your actual informants lol
They're drug dealers and enforcers for the old mafia.
it should be illegal to belong to a criminal gang like this.
Did you forget where you’re at? This is like all the Elites of everything posting here. I know David Duke even lurks here, and Paul Nehlen used to post here.
you talking to the fellow rodent in your pocket
NO (((you))) do it rat
I have known some bikers, and they are one of the last bastions of white identity left. Secondly, yeah they have boomers in their ranks, but more redpilled boomers than the standard stumbled on to reddit types. Those guys have kids, and some have grandkids, and would personally drop what they are doing to go beat a pedo's skull in on a hunch.
This, of course, doesn't apply to every MC or every member of one, but enough to be good in my book. Sans the fucking spic copy cat "MC"s that are just normal mexican gangs but with motorcycles.
To the bikers here, it really is like th show Sons of the Anarchy?
How can i get to be part of a bikergang without knowing how to ride a motorcycle?
Please tell me this is bait. I doubt Bikers even know what a VPN is.
End discrimination against bikers!
Who do you think you are coming here and telling us to discriminate against bikers? Are you some kind of extremist? We don't do that here. Zig Forums is a board of peace. Now get!
Now you just have to work out a way to get user there to post a video of himself doing exercises that also has landmarks in the background.
Sherlock's Angels MC strikes again.
Hell no… OP is a pedofile. fact
Nice try kike
It's a data mining thread, user!
Fuck off faggot.
Fuck off
Gee, it's almost as though actions have consequences.
Beat it fag or you're gonna have to eat your Bernie shirt again.
Good advice. Don’t get sloppy fat and wear sunglasses.
KIll yourself
I hardly know a thing about them. I hope they still don't sell drugs.
How about no
You can stay mad though
Have some tact, will you?
Im not even a fan of the whole biker culture, I think its kinda lame but the Hells Angel's have historically been a pro White organization so I am assuming OP is some faggot spic Mongol attacking White identity. Also, most bikers are ZOG off duty cops and faggot boomers anyway so who cares
SAGE because OP is a fag
Bikies protect Jewish interests such as real estate development and the liquor industry. They literally threaten to bash or bash residents who speak up against Jewish developments and degeneracy.
The biggest threat that the average user faces from bikies is not from the bikies themselves but from associates and people who want to become bikies. These want to be members will seek out people to bash to ingratiate themselves with the actual members.
Everything I have written above is based on what I have seen with my own eyes or on what extremely trusted sources have told me.
what is the point of subverting system suckers? momentum?
typical selfish boomers. selling their people out like indians for some beads
Well they have atleast learned something, that many whites still struggle with, that working together in violence and destruction of your enemies, is more effective than working alone.
I'm pretty sure that's just an American thing, just like the Antifa in America is pro-Israel, whereas it is not outside of America. I'd say it's probably the same with biker gangs. Atleast gangs such as Hell's Angels in Europe have neo-nazi sub-divisions..though I suppose that in and of itself is a bit of a kikey thing, as neos are degenerate as fuck.
That aside everything you wrote is more or less true, they are however better than mud-gangs and shitskin gangs - though that's picking favourites from the toilet, instead of flushing the entire bunch.
bikers - people who ride motorcycles
bikies - people in gangs who ride motorcycles and enforce their will with violence
the fuck outta here you ban evading torfag ozzie. go shill somewhere else.
you calling me a liar
This kike doesn't understand that we're smarter than him…
Based bikers did nothing wrong. If you don't want to be on the wrong end of a lead pipe, you'll shut your lying mouth, kike.
sage for fagthread
>you don't wanna mess with us them
>we'll they'll dox you! I-I'm friends with Jim so b-back off!
Fuck you guys are pathetic. Internet tough guy losers. In I never knew 13 year-olds could join the Hell's Angels.
Anyway, bikies are scum in my opinion, simply because here in Australia the pigs get them to rob gun owners, which gives them an excuse to forbid them from ever owning another firearm. I can forgive the meth-peddling and I would honestly respect and admire you guys if you were manufacturing or smuggling guns, but by working with cops to sell stolen guns, you are as bad as the politicians that castrated us.
The Sons hate kikes…..fuck off
Oy yey, that goy looks so degenerate. He definitely needs more soy lattes, and a 12-hour-a day office job.
Lol what a low effort kike thread. Muh they only attack in packs, citing what? One example? And like thats a bad thing, I guess we should all be lolberg anarcho-communists huh. Hells Angels are pro-white, KYS kike.
Bikies are pretty good tbh. They kept niggers out of my neighbourhood as a kid and would give the neighbourhood kids candy. All the middle class whites openly hated them but secretly liked that they kept our neighbourhood white and middle class.
If you steal from them, they will smash your toilet if youre lucky, or break your hand with a lead pipe. They dont just pick fights with nobody, in any organization thats seen as unnecessary "heat".
They are noisy, they intentionally rev up their engines to throw you off your center. Must be spiritual warfare. Demonic spawns attack in packs.
get fucked kikes.
trying to D&C one of the few remaining WN groups, who embody the continuation of the American Spirit–the Wild Wild West outlaw, who is only loyal to the Govt when it deserves it, which is almost never, and who is the sworn enemy of the (((banks))) and the (((intl corporations))), and who represents the spirit of self-determination, self-reliance and the true Natural Law of Man, which is beyond the Law of the State–the Ultra Vires of the Romans.
my father was a Hells Angel.
before i was born, he was going to name me Adolf if i was a boy, and Kate Katherkine if a girl (making my initials KKK). sadly, ended up not being named either of those due to the protests of my mother, but you can see which side the Hells Angels types will align with on The Day of the Rope.
HA's will always have my support.
Fuck Kek
Why the hell is this anchored?
Apreciate the intent, but names like that would have probably made your childhood and adolescence a lot harder. There is value in overtness when the enemy dominates the playing field.
Cuz it's a shill thread.
81 is the mc of peace