JewsForHitler - Part 2

Since my first thread was bumplocked, here a new one. Here the archive of the first thread:

Another video quite interesting for us, and also good for showing normals, is his video "How A Jew Became A Nazi" - in this video he not only shares why he became one, but also historical data on the atrocities of the Jews and those who took action against them coincidentially had to bite the bullet:

Mods, if you have a valid reason to bumplock or delete this thread or ban me, then feel free to do so. I have not transgressed any rules in the last thread while you enabled shitposters to do whatever they please. We cannot allow to be ruled by children - opposition to him is fine, what is not fine is the shameless hostility that comes from those that resemble a woman on her period.

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Other urls found in this thread:

The world of later today.

Anons, i'm so fucked I don't know what to believe anymore. Does it even matter what the truth is anymore? I can't find proof the holocaust happened. I need proof, I can't have any. All the proof is circumstantial , likely but no smoking cigar. Have any other anons struggled with this?

Why can't the Jews offer simple proof. Why is it a crime to ask questions? Am I going insane? I am fucking losing it. Going back and forth between places and ideologies. The truth. Is it even out there? How can a crime so large as a holocaust cover up happen? or a holocaust for that matter and no proof? How are these massive events possible with no easy discernible proof. How can a propaganda story take over the whole world? How is that even possible? I am going insane.

Most people also cannot handle the ego death of accepting that they fell for a lie. Tell them a lie early in life, and then tell them the lie over and over again, tell them on radio, on the TV, on the movie screen, in newspapers and magazines, and the mental break of accepting the truth is too much for 95% of the population. Congratulations, you're becoming exceptional.

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Yes, of course. The truth always prevails, yet is a little difficult to reveal in these days of subsequent floods of misinformation. JFH has two videos about the holocaust and shows bullet-proof arguments why the holocaust is a lie.

There are simply too many inconsistencies and impossibilities in the story for me to take it seriously. A pretty basic principle that you can count on is that it takes significantly longer to disprove a lie than to tell a lie. This is a story created by thousands of pathological liars over the course of decades, if not concocted at least partly in advance over centuries insofar as it conforms to ancient Jewish apocrypha. It would be foolhardy and insanity-inducing to bother trying to disprove this massive rat's nest of lies. No doubt, part of the reason this story was even created was in order to consume the minds of anyone who dares doubt it, instead of devoting their energies towards something more productive/destructive.

In brief, there are so many inconsistencies and problems with the story that via Occam's Razor the whole thing ought to be discarded. One's energies would be better devoted dislodging those powers who created the lie in the first place.

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Do you believe that the Germans killed more jews than existed in Europe at the time?

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fuck off polvol2

remember that they say that 6 million jews died, and also 5 million more people where gassed (gypsies, gays, commies).
So you not only have to calculate the time to take to burn 6 million jews, but also calculate the time that it takes to burn 11 millions undesirables
The numbers just don't add up

I remember my "awakening", the sadnes will pass and fury will take its place
Use this new righteous fury to better yourself and create something beautiful

Daily Reminder that there were jews that served Germany during WW2, and in high positions as well. The only way to find who is a good kike and and bad kike is by asking them who they are. Kikes are nationalistic to (((their people))) and (((israel))), it is literally in their religion as well. When you ask them who they are, if they reply with ((("im jewish"))) than that means they are (((israel))) first, whatever country they were born in second. Meaning they will help subvert and destroy their host nation. However, if they say they are American, or whatever without even mentioning being jewish, than that means they are nationalistic.

This video explains how the Germans weeded out the good kikes from the bad.

Sir you are gravely mistaken!
There might be mostly tolerable and even some relatively reasonable Jews. However there are no good Jews.
But if you know stories or rumors of this mythical fantasy creature "the good Jew" please do share. I am interested in learning an anecdote of one to amuse myself with the thought.

PS. >daily reminder.
So you share these tails for a living or is it merely a hobby?

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It is not mythical, but fact. Hitler knew that not all jews were bad, it is stupid to consider an entire race evil because of the actions of most of them. There is a reason why Germany allowed recruits of Asians, Afrikans, Indians, and jews. Ubermentch and Untermentch come in all races.

However, I would like for you to try and disprove that jews not only served Germany, but some even got high honours from their service. I want to laugh today.

*ubermensch, untermensch


Literally a thread defending Jews.
You should have been banned you fucking kike faggot, and if the mods won't do it now, then we're pretty clearly in a serious bind.

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Take a look at this thread.


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Ah, I take it you are one of those siegetards who wants to kill and remove every jew. Good luck with that, in the real world, you have to pick and choose who to work with, and Hitler found exceptional kikes to help with his cause. If you don't like the truth, you can go elsewhere rabbi.
You're one retarded nigger, are you?

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Yeah, that's nice kike.
Tell us more about how Jews are White and how we need to listen to this TOTALLY BASED JEW on Jewtube.
Shilling your shit here is against the rules ya know.

Yeah, this sure ain't a raid, we just got two anons in the same thread at the same time on h8/pol/ who, ya know, as ya do, just want to shill for BASED Jews.
Hitler lost.

Its sad that polvol2 is allowed to continue making these awful shit threads.

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Is polvol2 kamphy?


Oh, right, for those watching at home:

I kind of figured. Why is he still sperging out in the meta though?

Because they made him a mod again, and so, being the spergy autistic turkroach that he is, he seems to figure the best thing to do is attack anyone who criticizes the new moderation as being kampfy, thus attempting to delegitimize the sort of critique that got him removed in the first place… Assuming he even was removed in the first play and this isn't all some big psy-op to fuck with the board in hopes of driving away the bad-goyim which the administrators don't like very much.

That's my guess, at least.

That said, he's also been making a ton of awful bait threads - including covering for nigger-dick posters (or else, BEING nigger-dick posters and covering his trail) - like this one.
Purpose unclear, but unquestionably nefarious in intent.

And he is whining about the reply amount of posters in a thread with 15 posts + his invaluable contribution of

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You could at least provide one source that says that Jews aren't white. But all you do is acting like a woman when she is visited by the Red Army. Only a Jew would fear Jews exposing Jews, because those Jews are a great danger bringing waves of normals into the movement. Of course, you want to shut down valueable sources, CIAnigger.

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Yeah, that's nice bro, tell us more about how Jews are White.

Wow, you sure changed your tune with a quickness, didn't you?

You just keep giving me ammo don't you?

Says the crying Jew whose so upset his thread got bumplocked that he just had to come back and shill for his favorite BASED JEW some more.

Keep being useless, woman.

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They cluster apart from Europeans, and every single euro govt in history has treated them as foreigners in one way or another.

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here you go, turkroach.

Keep being Jewish, kike.

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how about jews themselves saying it.

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The dirty kike just wants to have an argument to try to legitimize this thread, thus its not even worth engaging.

This thread is an obvious shitpost/shill, and polvol2 is running out of time before the board requires its hourly checkup.
When it does, either he'll be forced to remove it, or he won't, in which case we'll have pretty clear evidence of the way things swing around here now.

Not only Europeans are white. There are three Caucasian races; the Semites, Hamites and Japhites (Indo-Europeans). Caucasians spread throughout the Middle East, North and East Africa, Asia Minor, Nothern India and Europe. I posted the map on my last thread
Your point is?

We do not even need the map, just read through all anthropologic history books, or the genealogies in the Bible at least. But won't do that, because you're an irrational woman who gets easily aroused by her own hysteria.

You just keep giving up more ammo don't you?

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You have nothing to offer, rabbi. Where do you think the name Europa comes from? It comes from the Phoenician princess. Can you tell me where Phoenicia was again?

Whether or not they were genuine, they nonetheless supported the cause and fought hard till the end. You cannot disprove that.
No, it's not you paranoid/subversive kike. You can either be retarded, or you can acknowledge that you can use other people, even jews, like pawns for the greater good.
This sure doesn't feel like a kike in disguise. Accepting in jews to serve your cause has nothing to do with losing the war, schlomo. When the world is against you, you can only go for so long.

You can only bury the truth for so long until it falls on top of you, juden.

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Why are you bumping this thread?

More than you do, as usual, Jew.

Not from Jews, who are not White.

We're just running out the clock now polvol2.
Active within the last 4 minutes.
If you go silent again, tells us all we need to know about you - dozens of reports waiting for this thread, no doubt, so what're you gonna do?



Sorry, but your weak rebuttals make little sense. You are grasping at straws, juden. If Hitler was here right now, he could call you a subversive fool, or even a kike. Again, you cannot ignore history. Jews served for Germany, and served well. Try to disprove that

Pro-tip: You can't, rabbi.

Yeah, that's nice Jew, tell us more about how Jews are White.

If Hitler was here right now, he'd probably order me to execute you for being such a disgusting subversive kike and engaging in such a disingenuous advertising campaign.

Oh, this is interesting, now polvol1 is active - yet seems to be ignoring this thread and all its reports.

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He's probably ignoring it because I didn't violate any rules and is laughing his ass off how you anons get this assblasted.

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I never said jews are white, you massive kike faggot. Take your strawman and shove it down your circumcised dick.
Except he indeed had jews serve in his military. Are you playing dumb, kike? Or is this one of your pilpul techniques you are using? Either way, it's not helping your point. Watch the video I gave, read a few books, or go back to your local synagogue.

If you still reply with nonsense, I'll take it as a sign of defeat and surrender. So make your next post count.

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Your last shit-tier thread is still in the catalog.

Also reported your post for duplicate thread.

SO, now the mods are ignoring violation of board culture, ignoring Jews shilling on Zig Forums, AND ignoring their own rules!

Oh, my bad, this is the IP you've been using to push your pathetic argument of jews doing something to serve their own interests somehow justifying their presence.
My bad (((fellow white))).

And he lost.
Think maybe that'd change his perspective a bit?

And of course, I'm documenting all of this.

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You guys sure got quiet all of a sudden!

Why don't we go ahead and bump this thread.

And check those fucking dubs while you're at it, kikes.

No. You lost this point. The next better be worthwhile.
Ah, so now you acknowledge that he had jews in his military? Thank you for not being retarded and/or subversive for a bit. Also, his military defeat literally had nothing to do with how he selected his soldiers.
No, because as I said earlier, having jews or non-Germanics in his military had nothing to do with his defeat.

Since you have no leg to stand on in this argument, as well as failing to sideline me with strawmans, I win this argument. Next time, be less transparent.

Don't be too hard on this kid, he forgot to lurk two moar years.

No, you're very-obviously the same faggot on a VPN.
Nobody else but you and me are still in this thread.


Seems dubious. Knowing the nature of kikes and the context, seems more likely there was a lot of enterprising young kikes recognizing they could harm the enemy from within - but again, I don't really care, because Hitler was in a desperate state struggling to survive, so if he let MISCHLINGS in, well, I can forgive him in his desperation.

We are not so desperate. And there are no good Jews - Jews not being White, of course.

You know, niggers fought for Hitler too. Buncha Africans died in Berlin at the end.
Are niggers also BASED, (((fellow goy)))?

And there's your other IP, right on schedule.


jews for hitler is a (((christcuck))) subvert pushing cancerous bullshit and try to stop whites holocausting the jews, as they deserve
kill yourself, retard

Also white=ethnic european.

So, I think let this lie now. Gonna head on over to the meta thread and post these screens.

Pretty obvious where we are at this point: Mods ignoring their own rules, mods ignoring board culture, mods ignoring blatant shilling/advertising by and for Jews.

nu/pol/ - its not just a meme!

Mods also ban you if you call out their (((christcuck))) anti-white faggotory.

All talk, no substance. Are kikes all like this? Accuse you of things you never did? You sure are acting like one.
Yea, and see:

Since it's pretty clear that you are either retarded, or a subversive kike, I won't bother wasting my time with you. You lost. Read a book, and uphold the NatSoc principles. Unless you're a kike, than maybe run away before the NatSoc revolt comes.

Almost forgot the images.

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Its gotten hilariously bad.

That's nice kike.

Well, that and they seem to exaggerate a little. Pretty neurotic this user, probably a kikess.

Seems legit kike.

What is this link supposed to be?

Why are you so desperate to shut this thread down? What is the argument here? And at the same time bumping >>11912315 Pay per post?

Thread does start with a bad opening of whining about moderation but you continue to equally impotently cry mods mods mods with endless zero effort replies for no valid reason?

Forgot your own posts?
100% All of your posts are senseless spamming about moderation and everyone being jews. This is not a legitimate critique of anything. You should go back to the meta-thread if you have nothing to share outside your odd form of panicking over one thread that promotes some random no views video amongst many threads promoting the popular controlled opposition alt right. What are you doing?
If there exists a better alternative than the linked video or something about the content is incorrect feel free to point it out.

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it was bad when kikey was being a faggot and everyone had to go to /polk/, now its even worse

>What is this link supposed to be?
Oh, its supposed to be the kikes' last thread.
How peculiar. Seems maybe Zig Forums is getting cut off from the archive.xx sites.
No worries though, its still in the catalog - good ol internet archive is always there.

Why are you so desperate to defend it?
Funny that you'd reappear after so long just to help defend this thread.

Don't shill on behalf of Jews on Zig Forums.
Its pretty obvious.

Well, you see, this thread violates the rules and the board culture - the argument, as laid out in OP, is that board culture doesn't really matter, only the rules… But this thread violates the rules… So where are we now?

The mods know its here, tons of reports on it… Yet no action.

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IN conclusion.

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The thread is about jews for Hitler. There is nothing wrong with discussing jews who tell the truth about Hitler or the holohoax on Zig Forums in my opinion. Vid related and others like it are prime redpill material for newfags and normalfags in your own life.

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It sure is kike, it sure is.

How unexpected!

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Oh, you made an argument?
Let me go ahead an address it: Its shit.

This thread is jews trying to infiltrate to allow subversion, period.
Its what they do.

The only other assumption you can make is that this is just some noble Jew who wants to pursue truth!… Which doesn't fucking exist.
There are no good kikes - there are kikes who will seek to serve their own interests by acting against their own people, but there are no good kikes, and there are no kikes who you should support making propaganda for our cause, because that lets them get their foot in the door… Which is exactly what you want.

Case in point:

This kike isn't a "kike for hitler", he's just an old senile heeb. And that video?
I'm pretty sure that's an excised piece from Spielbergs THE SHOAH, isn't it?

So, what you ACTUALLY have there, is a few heebs who didn't toe the line in a fucking propaganda piece by jews and for goyim.
And you think thats justification for your argument here?

Hahah, get real nigger.

Nobody is fooled - you're trying to get your foot in the door. And as that faggot mod said to try to cover his tracks, this is bait - you're trying to exploit the shit-tier rules we've got in place now to justify creating a thread to shill on behalf of kikes, for infiltration and subversion purposes.

So, here's the deal: Every single time I see you kikes trying to shill for your kike buddies to get their foot in the door, I'm going to attack you.
And I'm going to hold the mods to account, because this kinda shit is how you end up with cuckchan-tier trash for a board.

In conclusion: Kill yourself, kike.

Kill yourself yid

I watched the first one, I've seen it before.

Its from The Shoah, isn't it?

Have you watched the 10 part series on jewtube called, "Battle Europa? Fantastic breakdown. Start with Part 1, "The Last Battle."


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