Brit/pol/ #2858: 3.6 Roentgens Edition

MEP Ann Widdecombe sparks fury with gay science comments

7-year-old trans child wins LA Pride Parade with fierce strut in heels

Sajid Javid refuses to rule out extending Britain's departure from the EU beyond October and says he wants to find an alternative to the controversial Irish backstop if he becomes Prime Minister

Donald Trump warns he could stop sharing the US’s most secret intelligence with the UK if Jeremy Corbyn becomes Prime Minister

‘Trump would have got Brexit done by now’: Farage blasts May’s handling of Brexit negotiations as new poll shows his Brexit Party leading NATIONALLY in a General Election for the first time – just 20 seats short of a majority

US flags line The Mall (although Trump won't parade down it) as London makes last minute preparations for US president's visit - as it emerges palace will use Prince Andrew to diffuse drama with 'golf diplomacy'

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on the second episode, time for strong independent le science woman time

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Delusional lad, take him to the sick bay

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only two minutes in and she's already annoying me with how overly le smart she is tbh

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Fucks sake that will ruin it for me tbh

her character really isnt even that bad, I havent noticed it up until you lads mentioned it

What’s 3.6r in rads?

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it's pretty obvious when you know tbh

Kolya was a good lad

>the female nurse stops the doctor and mentions that it's radiation burns
wait how the fuck did no-one else notice that, why was it le clever nurse who asked about iodine pills the episode before

apparently she's not in it that much because there's no way they could hamfist her in much more than they did otherwise the incident wouldn't've happened

It's only if you know about it that you'll notice it tbf, but personally she stood out ridiculously as all the lads at the plant didn't know what was going on but in her two minutes she got some dust from the air and solved everything

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Something’s wrong with the timeline.

Not great, not terrible.

3.6radians ≈ 1.14π rads

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nite nite neets and yanks

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Yeah, not bad. It’s okay 👌

This lad has left to kill hookers.

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Get started with tDCS today!

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Well, the dead hookers on the roof will turn to soil eventually.

China demonstrated it can take out the Internet, today.

>the women know everything just because

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Based, do it everywhere tbh

You wait, she’ll suggest they try democracy.

i can't find this guy's music anywhere

It's when you notice it you really fucking notice it, she feels really out of place considering all the other characters barely knowing what happened, and yet she wiped her finger through the air and immediately knew the fucking answer, not any of the professors at the site, not any of the specialists, just her.

she's supposed to be a composite character representing the entirety of the soviet nuclear industry.

That's really bad tbh

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What are you watching again, lad?

Not watching anything right this second, lad

It was only two minutes into the episode and I was cringing, it's really fucking hamfisted in. The show's still kino but it's rather jarring for it to go from serious drama to the fairy godmother who has to deal with the grrr big bad evil MEN who are in charge and just WON'T LISTEN to her because they are BIGOTS even though she is RIGHT.

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the tone is a bit off with the partymen too, reminds me a bit of that death of stalin film. It almost seems comedic at the meeting and when the two members are taken away once it's revealed they had been lying

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I get that it's a show so they are going to overdramatise bits tbf, but to insult the memories of the dead by forcing modern propaganda should be punishable by death tbqh.
Did you ever see the BFV storyline? They did a bunch of it
I just got to the bit where she had her epic spy phonecall where they used codewords to avoid the bigot MEN

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Was having a little think lards and I've finally realized why I became such a timid faggot and it's really fucking simple gay shit like low self worth, I thought it was arrogant to push my will onto others. Even a simple things like Having a conversation I thought was selfish, like a vampire sucking up their time that could be invested better elsewhere. Thinking it has a childhood root cause, tbh lads I'm too thick too introspect so this simple shit is a fucking revelation

Over used fucking next to simple

I've started to just talk about what I want and ignore anything else tbh

but what if you have nothing to talk bout

i'm like this too. now i'm a boomer and people want/expect me to voice my will and steer events, but i'm just too quiet and lost in my head to do it.

killed the thread

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watching kinobyl tbh

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on tv?

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good lad

you want to be an egoist? why not just ask people what they are doing and listen? most people want somebody to listen to them


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ffs, fine, i'll watch the fucking show. this better be worthwhile. been a decade since i watched fictional tv


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dramatised, you know what i mean

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I watch this at least twice a month tbh

fuck off to your bongo bongo shite lads its time for fun posting only

this one is my favorite



did you see the latest herbie web tunia video? barney was being a bad boy at his race and made mummy look bad but then he got brainfreeze from eating a snow cone and took a nap smdh


Is Herbie dead?

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Barney didn't give a solitary shit about training for the race smh, was always going to end badly.

are bassets supposed to be fat?



Post dead dogs


hmmm this is pretty kino actually

mostly the first episode tbh


yeah barney is a neet and hates mummy

The evacuation and suicide squad scenes are pretty kino

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Should I buy it, lads?

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What's it for?

zapping your brain into not sucking.

you're not schizo are you?

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I am assured he passed away.

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They’re the new e-cig.

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tbh you could stem & vape at the same time.



Keeek wtf

howling at this post for some reason. holy lele

It supplies 2mA, continuous, DC through voltage control.

Lauren Southern is retiring….