(((esoterics))) of White Genocide

The hidden design of the Jew World Order.

The Invasion:

1. Europe is named after the goddess Europa who was carried off and raped by Zeus in the form of a bull.

2. In the esoteric tradition the bull has always signified masculinity (yang) and therein the patriarchy. In modern times the Western patriarchy is signified by the bull market of capitalism. This is seen as the great evil of materialism that is bringing about climate change and repression. Notice how the Left often refers to capitalist as Fascists? Same theme of material patriarchy. In ancient times Zeus was the patriarch.

3. ISIS follows Sunni Religion of Cuck™. Sunni Religion of Cuck™ has a long tradition of Sufi mysticism (esoteric) teachings. Isis is also a goddess (yin) that many say represents Venus (lucifer). But this ISIS is a very masculine tradition and teaches material goals to bring forth a spiritual world caliphate through war and RAPE, which I explain below.

Attached: cunt vs materialism man.jpg (836x674, 127.22K)

Other urls found in this thread:


The Rape:

or why the Feminist cult defends Islamic rapists.

1. The bull of Islam united will then rape Liberal-Socialist Europa.

Bringing forth a unification of polarities (uniting Yin with Yang). Unification of polarities is the highest goal of many major esoteric themes, including in Buddhism.

2. Feminists representing Venus (love and luciferian light) are the spiritual path to enlightenment. It is believed that they will birth a new race of Europeans/Americans and liberalize the children. To the modern esoteric, a virgin is not physical virginity but spiritual. The spiritual virgin is a slut, who refuses the wedding ring (ring of bondage, ring of Saturn). And through this process is more enlightened and can lead the materialistic meat eating mankind into a higher state of consciousnesses. This is why we see that after a terrorist attack, celebrity sluts come out and say "only love can save us", as in love the terrorists to prevent terror.

3. Also it is important to note that many esoterics sees what Christians would call Satan as the Creator, and this is why it has been easy to play with themes and indoctrinate people of different faiths at a young age (while offering them wealth and power).

Because the material world is bad, all personal deities such as Allah, or God, or YHWH are actually manifestations of the devil tarot card: the horny goat or bull, the flesh of Adam, nature and matter itself. And only through Sophia (feminine 'wisdom'… or Luciferian light as opposed to Demiurge matter) can man go from Sparta-like dumb warriors into feminine Athenian sophists. And in this sense, because nature is bad, even the Atheist is seen as profane. Only spiritual science is held as the highest form and much of our modern science is really just esoteric occult lies posing as real science. But don't disagree with them or you're ignorant and profane, a stupid caveman.

To put it in more simple terms, femininity is subconscious and masculinity is conscious, and they must be united to bring forth a higher being. See the Masonic drawing board with three pillars. One pillar being Beauty, the other pillar is Strength, and the third Wisdom which the Mason must achieve by uniting the first two pillars.

4. 9/11 was a ritualistic act done by Jews and the Bush cartel using esoteric Kabbala (even Mossad's official credo is esoterics 101). The first two pillars were knocked down. The 9/11 memorial became a cube (Saturn) flowing down into the earth (materialism) with water (feminine rebirth). After which was built the third pillar of wisdom, a reflective twisted "One World Trade Center".

If you look at the dates of 9/11 there is a very esoteric meaning here. The same can be said about the Apollo mission to impregnate the moon goddess and unify the world in space, JFK and Marylin Monroe ("sex goddess" as she's called today) who were both killed in a ritualistic fashion.

From the slaying of the patriarchal patriotic bull (who warned us of their plans in his last speech) now burns the divine flame at the JFK memorial.

5. Also take note that when you see devil movies like Rosemaries baby, to the esoterics who make them they see the devil as a male patriarchal force raping the innocent feminine divine, giving birth to profane flesh babies. They believe Christians/Muslims/Jews worship this evil materialistic devil god, or god the Creator because creation/nature is profane and evil. To them material is bad because it is not the true light of the spiritual realm which rests the higher deity. This higher deity is the All or Monad. Lucifer/Sophia/Venus is only a way to reach this Monad and she is trapped by the masculine demiurge Creator. The fall of Lucifer to them is not a fall but Lucifer descending down to help mankind learn divine feminine wisdom, just as Prometheus, just as Buddhas come to earth to teach enlightenment. Lucifer represents both masculine and feminine united (Venus and the rebellious angel), also called Abraxas. And through him/her love we can ascend beyond the flesh into our avatar spirit bodies in the Monad or "All". Again these themes are about unification of all religions so they will use any theme to push their agenda. There is a reason it is called multiculturalism while trying to destroy the diversity of cultures, religions, and races.

Attached: fag dike muslim jesus.jpg (658x1007, 146.18K)

It's quite ironic (((your))) use of "esoterics".
It's a D&C kike meme and (((you))) think (((you're))) calling out kikes or something.

The Offspring:

1. The children of Europa were the three kings who died to become the Judges of the underworld. Think St. Peter at the gates of heaven. Those who judge your deeds and say if you receive eternal life. The new techno-race will judge the old-flesh.

2. Eternal life to the modern esoteric (I stress modern, as in Luciferian and post 1850s) is immorality through technology (transhumanism).

3. The new race of mixed Arab, African, Europeans (African, Hispanic, Europeans in America) in their opinion will be very Liberal. With no culture or religion or National ties they will invite a NWO and world religion of the esoteric. Rejecting materialism with new technology (including mass genocides), the new race will accept their fate.

4. Avatars will be the new heaven. Heaven is not a material paradise but like with Buddhism, it is uniting with the All or Monad in bodies of pure spiritual light (now see by modern esoterics as the web/internet bodies). Sam Altman (alt-man, a Jew and possibly a fake name) is a tech billionaire who recently paid a company 10K to kill him and put his brain in formaldehyde so that it could be uploaded into the cloud. The WEB, or world of pure inter-connected light is where Altman plans to live eternally. And if you think I'm bullshitting you, look it up. The other part of this is the coming transhumanist machine body ("Ghost in the Shell") that will be provided for those who upload their mind into the cloud (kill themselves and make a mental imprint). Many of the movies you've been conditioned with involve machines advancing through AI to kill mankind. This is done in order to graduate your acceptance of uniting with machines in order to prevent extinction by them.

See: Blade Runner, Terminator, Videodrome, Existence, Dark City, Avatar, the Matrix… (the Matrix is pure esoteric occultism and the directors are now both trannies (transhumanism).

The New World Order:

1. Root races were a theme invented by Madam Blavatsky. Her writings have become the model for the modern esoteric teachings of the NWO, along with Albert Pike, Many P. Hall, Alester Crowely… Starting with her, there was a garden of Eden theme in evolution. She defines this process as a creation and destruction cycle. Starting with a "root race" the ape (or sometimes fallen spirit) evolves from primitive androgynous beings (Adam and Eve), into bisexual animals, into heterosexual marriage (patriarchy), and then cycles back into bisexuals until the race reaches the height of spiritual enlightenment as an androgynous god-like or angel-like being (the Elohim or Aryan according to her).

2. The anti-materialist and pro-spiritualist see modern white males (and all males) as the middle patriarchal evolution into the new higher beings. In order to destroy this they must make white males (the most powerful males on earth) into bugmen feminists, followed by bisexual, followed by transsexual, followed by non-racial and anti-patriotism, followed by transhumanist.

Attached: lord of the pedo.jpg (479x599, 104.71K)

Learn to use parantheses correctly.
And don't forget to take your meds, schizo subhuman.

The Avatar of light

who jumps from body to body is seen as the last evolution of hu-man. But it must be noted that this is a recent interpretation for esoteric Freemasonic beliefs. The old Freemasons never intended to kill the white race and turn people into cyborgs (they also invented Nationalism). As I stated, it begins in the mid-1800s. And even Frederik Nietzsche is guilty of causing some of these memes do to his Ubermensch theories. Although Nietzsche did this as a warning of nihilism leading to the modern nu/male–bugman–hipster that would cause the death of the Aryan race! And yes he said the lower races, lead by the Jews through a form of "communalism", would try to kill the, "Aryan aristocratic race" after Europeans have been turned into nihilists with, "the death of God", ie., tradition). As far as people like Crowely and sex magic in Hollywood, this is part of the transition from the sacred whore (Venus/Lucifer) into bisexual man, into transexual, and finally trannyhumanist BORGs. His "Beast" is in fact the Creator, as he sees it. And he uses this as an excuse to do beastly things like child sacrifice and rape into order to unite the polarities, going beyond good and evil. But really he's just a junky deviant used as a theme to brainwash and blackmail people. The elite initiated will use both pillars of masculine evil Strength with feminine innocent Beauty to untie the world into the third pillar of Wisdom (Sophia, Abraxas, androgynous) by any means necessary. (See Sabbatai Zevi 1666 Jews).

Lastly there reason the former Prime Minister of Israel said that Eurasia will still be around after they destroy all Nations and make Israel the center of the U.N. is because according to esoteric tradition Asians are already open to trannies, Buddhist beliefs in escaping the flesh/material birth, avatars, and have no problem killing millions of people for these beliefs (see Mao). Many Euro-Asians are already prepped with the fondness for Soviet nostalgia, already mixed race, already use to dictatorial figureheads, very poor and docile, BUT with an innate hatred for the Venus Liberal-Socialist, even more than the Islamic bull. So it will take some doing to push Russians into transhumanism and Soros is trying his best (again white people are the "problem").

The Dalai Lama is also major Transhumanist figure. Even Blavatsky predicted the messianic or world spiritual leader to bring forth the new age of the post-human would come from where Dalai Lama lives. To quote him, "If science disagrees with Buddhism, then Buddhism must be changed"

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Europe was named after a Phonetian Princess.

Esoteric magic religious slide posts
Thanks shills. We really love those! Keep it bumped up, ok?

The entire Tranny pedo movement is based on these (((Gnostic))) occult beliefs that are tied into the Tech "giants" or the techno-slavery age.


Because there is no human, no nature, no reality. Just their shapes. Their control. They're BORG.


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This pathetic thread must be the work of (((CuckState))).

After being buttfucked in (((Butterfly))) he decided to invest more time on his other sliding projects:
-pseudoscience (flat earth, electric universe)

This is why the world hates you. Not because you are "chosen". Fucking idiots.

(((Druid/pol…..ROBERT ))) doesn't want this info getting out. He's always shit posting this time of night.

Attached: fucking annoying.jpg (1013x711, 125.96K)

See what I meant…

Also note:

If you want to understand their methodology of control look into Order of Assassins (40 virgins in heaven goy! Blow yourself up! Be all religions, sex and drugs and power!).


EGO DEATH = MIND CONTROL (of the oldest kind).

Attached: mind control.jpg (602x844, 143.93K)

This. Also being deluded enough to believe that any group of people is "chosen."

Schizo is back

Thus eradicating the evil "white male" as a species and according to their plan, from spiritual existence as a being. Kabbalah is one of their most powerful weapons.

How is ego death mind control?

It isn't. It's the exact opposite of.

They were the first Islamic secret society and also allied with the Kingdom of Jerusalem. The Jews cut a deal with Hasan ibn'Sabbah to try and wipe out the Christian leaders of the Crusade.


Take my arms that I might reach you"
But my words like silent raindrops fell
And echoed in the wells of silence

the Alchemical/Hermetic version of the Gnostic tradition.

again, they are uniting things as a process to spiritual development. As time went on (((someone))) or someone (Blavatsky) suggested not only to unite the world but to first burn away the old compounds by mixing thne in a scarificial destrucution of Western Civ and the white race, representing the Patriachy or the sacrificed bull of heaven, the penis, sex, base nature.

CyBORGS, trannies, white genocide, NWO.

They're fantasy world hucksters. People who fear reality, whatever reality is. So they make shit up based on other made up shit.

And the people bowed and prayed
To the neon god they made
And the sign flashed out its warning
In the words that it was forming
And the sign said "The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls
And tenement halls
And whispered in the sound of silence

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Good job, OP. It's okay, you are not along on this one. Beware - Jewish occultists and cryptojew 'familiars' (I jest) are all over Zig Forums trying to promulgate their kabbalistic attitude. Remember, the motif of the bull refers to 'El Elyon'. represented by the bull and named 'Moloch' in the Talmud. In (((Phoenician))) the word 'Israel' means 'Saturn'. As you probably are aware, the motif goes back even beyond the time of Sumerian culture and the myth of the battle of Gilgamesh and the divine bull.

LSD was a high-level psych warfare invention of the Mossad and CIA. MK-Ultra and MK-Search are still denied to have even existed by jew shills today. 'Ego' is a jewish concept taken from the kaballah and merged with neo-platonic theory of the mind. Ego death = Spiritual Enslavement.

Absolute worthless replies. Stop projecting your schizoid worldview onto OP's information. He is not an esotericist or occultist, he is simply showing you the occult aesthetics of the jewish agenda.

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Self destruction is nihilism and mind control. The destruction of personal depth and personal self for the "other world" magic BUBBLE…… This is what ego death looks like.

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It's the religion of PEDOWOOD! Not joking…..

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Ego death prevents one from falling into the trappings of delusion; if anything, it is the exact opposite.

One must destroy themselves to build themselves up. To simply accept who you are without struggling against a false sense of self is exactly what you advertise against: nihilism and mind control.

If there is no ego to manipulate, there is no control.

I'm less inclined to read anything you post.

Dearest OP, a footnote: I don't mean to derail the thread, which is obviously an elucidation of the neo-platonic perception of the jewish problem. I just want to post this video, because I believe you ought to rethink your worldview. We all have the same historical enemy here, so let's not get into D&C about who is a kike. I just want to relay some arguments from Jay Dyer against gnostic worldview material, because he was the guy who changed my mind greatly on the subject.

Gnosticism Refuted & St Irenaeus Against Heresies - Jay Dyer

Yeah, like an infant


No real discussion





Get fucked CuckState

Get fucked again!


By the ethics of the psychology system from which you borrow your idea, your claim that you have no ego to manipulate is an egotistical idea in your head that deranges you. Having no ego is the equivalent of having no bias on anything, therefore no realistic worldview or 'logos' (logic). I don't believe in the jungian-freudian model of the three aspects of the psyche, borrowed from plato and reconstituted, but it appears you do. This influences the way you interpret your experience, so it is a necessary obstacle to overcome.




Bring it on, CuckState! It would be an honor to die fighting! My ancestors demand it! They've demanded it since forever!

I'm not implying you will survive after attacking me.

I don't agree.

If ego is the equivalent of having no bias, then ego must then be something that is acquired by experience – but we both know that this is false; ego is inherent.

Sorry, I didn't click your link.

If a lack of ego*

You need to read this. I don't believe in your psychological model, because I think it is a jewish distortian of Christian and Aristotelian spirituality - but let's just say I do temporarily. Carl Jung wrote a book called 'Aion; the phenomonology of the self'. You need to acquire this book here (libgen.pw/item/detail/id/660376?id=660376) and read the first chapter on the Ego. If, after reading this chapter, and hopefully the rest of the book, you still believe the Ego is your enemy and still uphold the idea of interal conflict as external security, you have failed yourself greatly and should go back to philosophical and spiritual basics to relearn all the basic concepts you have assumed and skipped over with your trust in Psywar/Psyops culture.

I know what you Tool-listening-to, dude weed lmao, indecisive children are like. I have saved many of you.

I don't care what you do or don't believe in; I have no investment in any "psychological model" other than the words that I type.

You know what's Jewish?

Submitting yourself to the ego. And to further my point:

And you can't even save yourself.

99% of people I have talked to about ego death and depersonalization as psychology pragmatism have no idea what they're talking about, no clear understanding of the sciences of the christian men who birthed psychology (Hegel, Hall, Hartmann, Wundt, Jung). At best you have memorized some neitzche quotes, but can't see what a stretch it is to try to take his nihilistic and judaic 'will to power' and apply it to psychology.

I could tear a modern 'psychologist' to pieces.

So you admit it - you don't adhere to the scientific tenets of the very people from which you borrow your terminology.

Look at the mess you're making of this thread. You are not apt to deal with this subject. God is the only spirit with the power to save anyone or anything.

CuckState please man, don't lose it. It seems as if you are falling apart. I understand that you are angry and anxious but you need to relax.
Lie down. Breath. Relax. I know stress can build up to dangerous levels and people think of really dark things when that happens!

Don't do it man, life is beautiful. Think of all the good things in life and how much you might accomplish one day. But even if you don't, even if your dreams collapse, it's ok. You can live a normal life. Away from Zig Forums.

Please don't hurt yourself.

Terminology is exactly that. The "scientific tenets of the very people from which you borrow" could not be more irrelevant and has nothing to do with using a term to communicate. Your logic is lacking.


I'm sorry, but the more you tell me, the more it appears you fall into the overwhelming majority category of people who haven't read both sides of the story (eg. the Bible) and only have a 'dog in the fight' so far as their 'ego' (your identity, which is what you're really in this debate to defend, which seems to me to be more important to you than the subject itself) is concerned. Like most, you can't even into the basic psychological concepts that you profess to advocate against. Perhaps you just refuse to cognize the fact that you have absolutely squandered your potential by choosing 'ego death' over spirituality, having been conditioned by kikes to percieve all spirituality as fallable nonsense. You waste your time here on Zig Forums with your pseudo-intellectual jewish propaganda. Christ is the only way to the divine, to God. What you are advocating is straight out of the synagogue.

If you wont reply to that, than at least reply to this: There are variations in psychology of the concept of the Ego. Mainly - Are you talking about Freudian Ego, or Jungian Ego? This will tell me everything I need to know about your position as an advocate of 'ego death'.

Subjectivity is the realm of the jew - the art of weaseling one's way out of any debate with the appeal to Chaos as the chief law presiding over Logos. If you worship 'Will', which you confess through your own logic, than you are not even 'you' and have absolutely nothing to argue. This hypocrisy needs to be fumigated the fuck out of this place for good. Stop playing dead when confronted with reality, it doesn't work against a reasonable conscious person.

I'm not talking about either; you have misrepresented your own being in my words. Your identity is similarly tied to your impersonal and detached approach to life. You tie your identity to constructs of thought that were conjured by other individuals rather than to trust yourself and your intuition.

Mainly, I'm just trying to say that everything you've said is utterly worthless.

A spark of the divine is in every Human; I'm not concerned with finding a path to "God."

Everyone is already there.

If you keep making the universal claim that 'Will' is the only human law, but you also claim that 'Will' is the only relation you have with the universe, than you are claiming that you are nothing and that is a claim that everything you're saying is thus MEANINGLESS.


Every creature knows God. It is merely a question of whether or not they listen.

Found the Jew.

Calling me Jewish won't make me Jewish. If anything, you behaving in the way that you are is the epitome thereof.

oh wow this same thread AGAIN
death to all kikes

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Your arguments are laden with sheer hypocrisy. You are lucky you even came across an user on my level, to help you to skip years of derangement, delusion and confusion caused by a simple set of mental errors. Your errors are expressed in your advocation of ego death and other subversive ideas of the mind. Please read what I have said to you. Please read Jung's Aion and hearken to Jay Dyer's talks I have linked to you. Anons like you are the reason why Zig Forums has the consensus that anyone discussing the ideological schism of christianity/hermeticism is D&C sliding. You can't even into the basics, yet you project the meaninglessness of your ideas onto my educated rebuttal.

Interesting fact:
Even though anchored they still post. Probably pre-written replies posted by a bot.


Assuming from your reddit spacing that you barely read anything, so here's an audio version of the beginning of the 'Ego' chapter of Jung's Aion. Start from here and get through it. Pay attention to what is said, and how you have deeply contradicted the system of the Ego and the consequential detriment to your psyche from doing so (Which is the dark power of the psyop that is 'ego death' created by Mossad/CIA).


So you admit that you are a basic bitch on the subject of psychology, and your advocation of ego death is just propaganda thrown into the thread to derail. The train stops here, user.

Attached: EgoDeath.PNG (571x597, 700.14K)

You're right, I didn't read it. It has no relevance. As I've said: use your own words to speak or don't speak.

Like I said, your identity is the only thing you are defending here. You can maintain it, but eventually there'll be nothing left of you to use to maintain it. Like the other user said, "Found the jew". You are in a jewish pseudo-intellectual predicament, mistaking your denial complex as a scientific psychological model. You haven't invented anything original, you are a guinea pig in a social experiment trying to justify to yourself your complete ignorance of what I am saying as intellectual superiority. Like I said, it's a downward spiral into nothingness with no return.

You aren't saying anything though; all you've done is echo the sentiments of the men who comprise your identity – much like a woman.

I'm not so much defending anything than I am using this as an exercise. Are you sure you aren't projecting?

In any case, even concrete cracks - and through those cracks rises life. Your analysis is cold and detached, and worthless by extension.

If I am attempting to twist ignorance of what you are saying as intellectual superiority, whilst having put forth no effort to understand your logical construction, does that not mean that it is? (Superior)

Jan Irvin on MKULTRA, LSD, Hippies and Critical Thinking

Cool sophistry and deflecting. You're a solipsist. Everything you are saying is referring back to your solipsism. Your solipsism and picking and choosing what you want from whatever ideology/science (without obeying its rules and complexities) is why you are susceptible to such psyops as ego death.


This thread got censored by kike mods so there is no point getting back on the rails of OP.

Enjoy Nowhere. Enjoy 'you'.

I accept your concession. I will, thank you.

Stop trying to provoke me. You're a lost cause. You admitted it.

Here's your (You).
Stop allowing yourself to be provoked.

These last two posts are a perfect representation of our discussion. I figured it was worth mentioning.

You, the advocate of ego, insisting others stop provoking you. How ironic.

Your assumption that I am advocating Egotism is an error. Your assumption that my being provoked by anything more than my human concern for fellow anons and their fallacious ways is an error. I am above your degenerate pseudo-intellectual framework of 'self-invention'. There is objective truth in the Self. The Ego, a distortion of the concept of spiritual energy in the mind, is not to be discarded for some infantile want for power through 'Will'. To translate your way of putting it, you are really advocating the death of will and of the mind, which is the essence of being a subject of mind control. Your sophistry, arrogance and disregard for logic is a weak barrier for the mess that lies underneath. I know the convolutions of your worldview and understanding of the Self very well. Without your desire to improve, you will be nothing and only God himself could help you up. You debase your existence with neglect, and flaunt your irrationality as profound intellect. Help yourself, fool.

< I am above your degenerate pseudo-intellectual framework of 'self-invention'

< which is the essence of being a subject of mind control

Being long-winded for the sake thereof, just to repeat everything you've already said, isn't the best method of communicating.

You seem to require a reiteration, considering that you said yourself that you didn't read my posts (as well as deliberately ducking the majority of every post I made to avoid the damage to your barrier and innards).

Go ahead. If you want to go against what you said
and teach me something, then I implore you.

That isn't what I said, nor was it implied.

It was implied:

Admit it. You're a self-validating ignoramus and a solipsist using me as a training dummy for your basic bitch rotation exercise. Does it suck for you to be hit back by the rebound of your own blow?

It isn't implied in any of those posts. Inserting what you want to be there will not manifest it to become so.

You tell me.

This began with you trying to convince anons that our beliefs were meaningless, essentially. You have failed tremendously. I don't feel inclined towards anything you've said over anything I've said in regard. A quick google search pales in comparison to years of study, in it's ability to grasp such complexities as psychology and philosophy. You need authorities, sorry.

Needing authority is for subordinates. A man who can control himself is his own authority.

Enjoy your day, you've wasted enough time.

If your words held truth, I would be convinced. All your statements are just solipsistic projections.

Schizoposter is a disinfo shill, same shit you see flooded on youtube and geocity sites; he'll larp as a christian, a pagan and atheist but I honestly think he's a jew on the clock. His job is to confuse, he doesn't want you reading books and coming to conclusions on your own to point where you think Neo is the one plugging babies into the matrix.
A perfect example is Lucifer, anyone who spends any time researching it knows that the word Lucifer was a roman title of a priest-king and the story itself is about a Babylonian priest-king breaking his oath with God and getting sent to super hell.

Interesting, anymore info on this? And why wouldn't the actual factual books be banned by (((them)))?

Do you have any empirical evidence of this user's existence? inb4 you call me a schizo too. I spent this whole thread tackling the OP, so I am not shilling for OP. I only agree with about one third of his OP.


Jesus Christ is called the morning star and bright in 22:16 and a few other times. Lucifer is only a curse-word to profane mundies that think KJB is god and etymology is heresy.

If you actually want a decent understanding of mystery schools, a good place to start is The Secret Teachings of All Ages, summarizes all everything from Odinism to Egyptian. Next level up is The Arcane Schools had a swastika on it's binding originally. Makes a good case for the Rosicrucian-NSDAP connection.

You can look at the old 'esoterics of white genocide' thread, he'll scream about Thule Society & Himmler being ebil then says he worships a philosophy book about aesthetics written by a hardcore Thule Society member.


Schizo-poster is also the neanderkike shill, bobposter and the mongo that shits up /druidpol/. His formatting style and autism is unmistakable.

Is he smiley?