Meet the first Cuckservative: Wendell Willkie

I've been educating myself in political trends in American electoral politics by reading up on Wikipedia's articles on major elections and their primaries. Wikipedia is frequently an inadequate source due in no small part to their endemic bias, but they're decent for building a cursory education on topics that are not currently controversial. In the course of my reading, I've come to realize just how fucked America was after the 1940 Republican Presidential Convention because this man, Wendell Willkie, a strong candidate for America's first Cuckservative, was our party's nominee. He had next to no popular support, having carried no states in the primary and having the 5th most votes, only beating out one other candidate, but the GOP establishment pushed him through the convention anyway. And of course he was running against the crippled syphilis-ridden communist probable-crypto FDR who was going for a third term. In fact, the whole 1940 Presidential election has eerie parallels to how things might have turned out for us had we not won in 2016, regardless of what you think of what has transpired since.

To set the stage, I'll talk briefly about the state of the world in 1940. World War II had already started in Europe and Asia with the US being officially neutral, but already taking actions that can be considered acts of war to antagonize Japan and Germany at the behest of the second-term pro-interventionist (on the side of Britain) president Franklin Roosevelt. FDR had no desire to let go of the reigns of power before embroiling America in a war that he had worked so hard to engineer upon an unwilling public. Supporters of FDR at his party’s presidential convention had overwhelmingly thrown their support behind him, citing the ongoing war in Europe (never mind that it had no official US involvement) as the reason why they thought Roosevelt’s bid at an unprecedented third presidential term was necessary.

“So who the Hell is this Willkie guy?”, you might be asking yourselves. The simple version of it I’d try to get across is it’s as though you gave a guy with Trump’s background Hillary’s positions. Willkie was an industrialist from Wall Street that had never run for public office in his life prior to seeking the Republican presidential nomination. He used to be a Democrat, going so far as to vote for FDR in the 1932 Democratic primary, however his support for FDR soured when his electrical company’s monopoly was broken up under FDR’s administration. Like a typical Cuckservative, his response to this turn of events was to preach the holy word of the Free Market to defraud rubes who are too dumb to know that monopolies are the exact opposite.

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Willkie performed terribly in the short (as was standard for the GOP at the time) series of primaries that only included the states of California, Oregon, South Dakota, Nebraska, Wisconsin, Illinois, Ohio, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and New Hampshire. Willkie carried zero states and came in 5th of 6 places, carrying approximately a meager 1/5th of the votes the fourth placed candidate had secured. All of the better performing candidates were isolationists who opposed in varying terms US entry into World War II. Willkie, in contrast, was a strict supporter of US intervention on the side of Britain.

Of course, the mechanism by which such an overwhelmingly unpopular candidate took the nomination was entirely the machinations of the GOPe in the kind of convention fuckery that is typical of those human rats. The Convention was held in Philadelphia and over the course of multiple rounds of voting, his supporters managed to drown out and fatigue their adversaries, who initially outnumbered them. Wikipedia’s claims that Germany’s military successes over France may have caused him to become slightly more popular among a public that was being bombarded with Jewish pro-war propaganda, but make no mistake, this was no true popular vote. Almost as a footnote to the convention itself, mention is made of two dynamite bombs that were found outside of the convention, a detail that conspicuously only became available to the public when a Jew York City police commissioner was describing the bombing it suffered at its World’s Fair. How a police commissioner in a totally different city was aware of details surrounding the bombing attempt in Philadelphia and why the attempt was unsuccessful are not explained in any further detail in the article. Nor is what effect if any it could have had, but we’re more astute that to expect no effect. In fact, in all likelihood, the bomb threat was exactly why the convention was thrown to a candidate with such overwhelming unpopularity in both his positions and his background.

Once the nomination for the Republican candidate was over, history was written. I’ve been trying not to greentext for this series of posts, but these excerpts from Willkie’s Wikipedia article speaks for itself better than I ever could.

Treason indeed, as is typical of neokike golems, of which he is doubtlessly the progenitor, he was beloved by his enemies to do their bidding. He set the stage for moving politics so that it mainstreams their unpopular poisonous positions that would never be enacted were it up to an actual popular referendum. He served his purpose as a born loser in an election where we could have easily had a winner. And the entire world suffered as a result of Willkie’s treason to the Republicans, who voted overwhelmingly for a better candidate, treason to the American public, who deserved a better choice, and treason to the world, who deserved to be composed of nation-states instead of being caught between two Jewish-captured superpowers caught in a dick-waving contest over who could establish a Jewish world order first.

Fuck you, Mr. Willkie, and may you burn in Hell.

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Slide Thread


I'm not against any discussion of current events, I'm merely trying to educate Zig Forums on a fairly obscure historical figure, who is more pertinent to the state of the world today than most US Presidents in the last 50 years and what lessons we can learn from what happened then.

>Still (((got))) the nomination.
What a (((coincidence))) of history.

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Every day I wish that FDR hadn't had Huey Long killed.

And why wouldnt he given the history of HL? For a leftist he was actually doing something and achieving something good.

This is a good thread; political history is always welcome.

Really makes you think.

One lesson from this: it's much harder to get away with (((fuckery))) in the age of the internet. Imagine (((them))) trying to push through someone placed 5th in the primaries today… These jews are done.

Lesson is to never doubt that rules are for those with power to keep their power.

From reading his writings, he seemed like a populist who didn't put much stock into being either left or right. He was a very interesting fellow.

Attached: huey-long2-AB.jpg (334x250, 67.15K)

That's why they stack the deck in their favour with good goyim and Jews. You won't see many like Trump do so well, regardless if Trump is controlled or not.

Reading into the whole situation around the 1940s depresses the hell out of me
God, of all the times for Hitler to take power, why did FDR have to be President?

so you're covertly saying you're jewish?


This is pretty fascinating OP. Ignore the kike shills who are trying to blow this off. This is a higher quality thread than another MSM article posted verbatim on some pointless topic.

You think it was accidental? The (((puppet-masters))) wanted to permanently shift the world's locus of control from western Europe but to do so definitively they needed to knock out the current powers. The intent of the depression was to produce lots of angry, itinerant young men all throughout the Western world; it was a manufactured powder keg and the US was set up to be the only possible victor. Hitler almost threw a wrench in the works (and still might in the future, amusingly enough) but in the end (((they))) got what they wanted.

Agreeed 9001%. I would rather have discussions about history and political theory than about whatever cuckservative clickbait is making the rounds this week or the [autistic screching] of digging threads. This is the best thread all week.

What wrench? How can Hitler do anything when he is dead? Elaborate on this

Greentexting is used for quoting so it's a really retarded notion to have that you shouldn't greentext.

His influence is still around today, thats an 80 year wrench he threw into the engine

Where do you think we are?

I thought Bernie had majority over Hillary at some point but they fucked him out of the nomination?

Thanks guys, I do have autism but I'm trying very hard not to get banned again for seeming like a bad parentheses person.
I wish there was a board for people like me that fused /x/ and Zig Forums so I could read about the Nazis in Antarctica more often. What if Hitler is still alive? I really think the jews are uploading their brains into something that allows them to communicate until the end of time. I'm pretty sure my jewish grandma is one of fhen (dad's side) she told me a little about it but since I'm a goyim she mostly just mocked me about having to live in the fake hell on earth they are phasing in.
Anyway to get to my point - I thought maybe Hitler had similar tech to make his presence more effective in modern time, but you just mean his influence. o.k.
I gotta go to bed but I'll check tomorrow
hope u don't shitpost me

This is very interesting. A lot of American history is very obscure due to the emphasis on slavery and the holohoax.

Limburgh and Father Coughlin were also pretty excellent figures of the time, both slighted and forced into obscurity. I've mentioned in other threads that one of the best pieces of redpill leverage I have had success with is showing the traitor FDR for what he really was.

So why is he bad?

Good stuff user. These threads are the main reason I still even bother to come here.

It would be interesting to know more about how his opponents for the GOP nomination reacted to his win. Makes me wonder if they were also in on it, willing to "throw the fight" as it were, in order to guarantee the US get involved in WWII. Maybe one of them spoke up about it and ended up suiciding themselves with 2 shots to the back of the head afterwards.
If Willkie's company was broken up by FDR, and that apparently was enough for him to run against him, it's rather interesting that they ended up working together. I'm going to assume they were both freemasons.

I see it as he bought us time. If he hadn't have existed, (((they))) would have started shipping the browns in back in the 1940s.

Are you saying he bought us time for the current "migrant crisis" or is it safe to say youre talking about '65 when LBJ sunk the world?

Read up on the state of things in the Weimar Republic. Hitler redpilled an entire nation, and his influence spread across Europe, across the Pond, to all the world. The kikes spent the latter half of the 20th century washing European brains, and most of their energy was spent suppressing his message. Only at the turn of this century did they regain the confidence they had in the 1920s, allowing them to move forward with their plans. The reason all hell seemed to break loose in 2015 with the ramping up of globohomo and trannyfreak shit was because they're loosing a grip on things. I suspect they will try getting us into a proxy war with Iran any day now while they still control both parties.

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I'll tell you what could have, not necessarily would have, won Germany the war. US siding against communists. The war with Japan was inevitable due to conflicts of interest and mutual antagonism. However due to previous breakdowns in treaty obligations Germany had no real need to declare war on the US. And frankly without a massive kike-run propaganda campaign to try and soften the image of the USSR, vilify the Nazis, and FDR's pro-kike, pro-socialist political agendas the US might have outright refused to directly support any of the warring powers and adopt a hostile position only toward Japan.

Indeed that is what several of the GOP candidates running against FDR wanted and they had significant support both in the party and far more with the public who were even under FDR and despite his and the kikes' effort still vehemently anti-war. So in a scenario where Wendell Willkie, the 5th place out of 6th in primary support and essentially a republican FDR, was not selected as the republican candidate and the candidate was opposed to FDR who was by that time quite unpopular with both southern and northern ruralites it is possible though by no means certain that FDR would not have recieved a 3rd term. What would that mean? Likely Hollywood would have been dissolved or stymied as that was something many of the conservatives of both the DNC and GOP wanted. Isolationism would have been maintained excepting Japan, assuming Germany did not foolishly declare war in support of their dubious allying which given a more friendly political apparatus in the US might have been possible.

How would this win Germany the war you ask? Well 98% of all radios used by the USSR were imported by the Lend Lease program, along with 85% of their shipping tonnage both military and merchant marine, 95% of all their logistical vehicles, 56% of all explosives, 70% of all their locomotives, 72% of all steel used during the war, 31% of their oil, 20% of their coal, 32% of foodstuffs, ect. Would that have won the war for Germany in the East? Perhaps or perhaps not but in my opinion it would likely have lead to Soviet capitulation and armistice. Britain would have won the battle of the Atlantic no matter what happened outside their control and invasion of Britain would have been impossible for the foreseeable future. So perhaps 6 years of stalemate before a war-weary British Empire and Germany declared Armistice. Possibly with a far more right wing government replacing Churchill as by 1942 he was unpopular, which is conceivable given a desire to restore and maintain the Empire at all cost.

That is the only way that Germany could have "won" WWII, maybe, possibly, perhaps. This requires everything to go their way politically and any mishap which they would have zero control of or faux pas would ruin it. And that would only achieve a marginal victory at best. Due to the British-German antagonism it is almost impossible to conceive a situation in which the US would actively aid Germany via a lend-lease like program especially given the situation between the Japanese and British in the Pacific.

I certainly perceive a hardline racialist(preferably exterminationist) and isolationist US as preferable to what we got so I am biased towards this hypothetical outcome. Oh and by the way the holohoax didn't real as far as I can tell, but I wish it had happened.

I'm saying if he hadn't have been in power, we would have had our current demographics (and I am talking about both N America and W Europe) back in the 1960s, rather then today. Look up Rhineland Bastards. The French (or should I say ((((French))) were importing nonwhite North African and Black troops to rape and breed with germans. This shit would have kept going and going, but hitler delivered such a shock to the system that it bought us precious time. The mass migration that the entire white world is now going through was planned long ago.

Bernie won support among white democrats, and in swing states to boot, but hillary had the overall edge, as well as the support of the non-white dems. She would have won without the superdelegates as it turns out(Bernie was simply too white for the pocs), but between them, and the collusion to screw over Bernie if things went his way it is clear the deck was stacked against him.

Huey managed to convince much of the well off population that was paying for the social programs that the programs were a good thing…by dint of encouraging them to look at the rest of the country. He got his local rich and wealthy on board with paying for it.

But lets be honest here. That particular conflict was lost when Lincoln refused to make Grants pogroms orders official national policy.

Actually, goven how many anomalies there were and how large those anomalies were, its possible that Bernie actually won the thing on votes, but Hillary won with the vote counters.

fuck off republicuck
kill all civnats

Germany could have stood a chance by making a permanent ally with the USSR, conquering Iberia and locking down Gibraltar with the Luftwaffe and parts of the Italian navy, and gotten the USSR to march down into Anatolia , and the Levant and threaten the Suez, with Germany also conquering Greece and the Balkans and the two meeting at Constantinople. Build some bridges, then conquer North Africa.

After that,and during that, focus on VT radar fuses for the flak and radar guided guns and sealing off the Med, starving out Malta and other spots as a German force from Algiers and a German Soviet force from Egypt meet in the Middle.

Then continue to lockdown the skies, and march down East Africa to South Africa.


Lols. No. You are buying into propaganda.

fuck off, this is an interesting post. The parallels between then and now are obvious.

Stalinism was just Marxism-Leninism so it is actually you that has fallen for post-war attempts to soften the image of communism.

do you know (you probably do) how many armchair quarterback ww2 'buffs' argue endlessly that the lend lease program didn't really help Russia all that much, and that they would have won anyways because of their fecundity? lend lease from the US to Russia was invaluable for them, but most normie history fags don't wanna hear it

a lot of shit FDR did was reprehensible, especially involving him and lindbergh.

It wasn't much advertised during the Cold War, for obvious reasons.

MH:V had a very interesting (and historically grounded) take on the whole "Germany declaring on the US". Given the gigantic amount of aid being thrown around to the enemies of Germany, they pretty much considered themselves at war already. The sheer amount of US Lend Lease to anyone else would've been considered an act of war if anyone else was doing it.

Hitler honored the Tripartite Agreement like he did with the thoughts that
a.) Japan would open a solid new front against the USSR.
b.) The USA was already at war with Germany in everything but name.
