Tom Hanks' Creepy Social Media Posts

Zig Forums, there’s something strange going on with Tom Hanks’ social media that might be worth our attention. Consider the following.

Tom Hanks regularly posts pictures of discarded shoes and gloves alongside cryptic comments. Some Anons speculate that these might be trophies of some depraved sort. These posts are always signed with the name “Hanx.”

“Hanx” sounds awfully similar to “handkerchief.” Many speculated that John Podesta’s “handkerchief with a pizza-related map on it” was also a trophy.

We also know that Tom Hanks spends time with King Pedo himself, David Geffen. On a slight tangent, Tom Hanks, the Obamas, and Oprah all partied together on David Geffen’s yacht, so he’s well-connected even by A+ list standards.

Now I’m red-pilled enough to know that any A+ celebrity probably had to do some horrible things behind-the-scenes to get to the top. But repeatedly posting pictures of children’s clothing is one we haven’t seen so far in nearly two years of pizza investigations.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Now take a look at the kind of projects he has done over his career.

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If these posts are secret messages, he's doing it right. I don't see anything more creepy than a boomer pop-culture reference to The Shadow. Sage but keep digging.

There's a snake in my boot

He's been doing that for years. Finding peoples stuff and posting it on twitter.

theres a thorn (kike) in my side

Bonus: Tom Hank's wife, Rita Wilson, visited Antarctica.

Attached: Tom-Hanks-Wife-Antarctica.jpg (956x622, 155.1K)

Mind quoting them? I'm curious.

This and Harmon are part of a dilution attack against the credibility of pedowood and co.
Never stop using the most judgemental and serious rethoric against even the faintest "ironic" implication of child rape and torture.

If some fat kike goes all "Lul look at my funny video where Ifuck a doll" you have to keep on calling it degenerate and child endangering.

What they can do to vidya and co, we can do back, only in our case it's actually true, hollyjew is full of child rapists and torturers, if not killers.

Reminds me more of "M" tbh

Why isn't her name Rita Hanks? Feminist?

I am shitposting Boomer. Dig; Joel Zwick (76) first wife; Marcie Smith? (60?). Mother of his first two children boy Jamie? Girl?; Met her in New York 1970-80's went to Studio 54.
Tom Hanks learned Scuba in their Pool for movie Splash. Then they divorced and he remarried. No idea how wiki has current wife from 1977-present… as only wife and only their kid.
pics kind of related

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Reminder that kikes symbolically link shoes that are not being worn with the Holohoax. Not saying it's related, but if so, that's some interesting overlapping symbolism. Is he gloating about White Genocide?

The weirdest one is the first one. I looked up "Neptune 44 66" and literally nothing comes up but that tweet. Notice how he capitalized NE but not the rest, definitely not an accident.
I haven't seen The Shadow, so can't comment on that.
The last two don't seem to have any cryptic message behind them, just quirky pictures of children's shoes. However the wording of the last image is unusual, it reminds me of the Com et Piz za places comments on random picture of kids. For the majority of people, something that has a relation to children has no significance at all, but pedo people like Dan Harmon seem to be drawn to anything that has to do with kids.

I don't see anything overtly creepy about these posts. The common theme appears to be things that have been lost, or otherwise discarded. Maybe he's one of those people that "feels sorry" for discarded things (my grandmother was like that, and couldn't bear to throw anything away because of it). Eccentric, perhaps, but not creepy.

The Shadow is a pulp vigilante who had a popular radio program in the 1940's that would always open with the line "Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows."

Obviously Hanx's tweet is referring to that, confirming that the image is as sinister as it looks. If he's talking about the evil in his own heart or that he knows where somebody's skeletons are buried (literally in all likelihood) is ambiguous.


Why does he end his tweets with Hanx! ? Fucking moron.

speaking of that it sounds like his pedophile alterego hanks with an x

Marcy Wallace, 60
Sherman Oaks, CA
AKA: Marcy H Zwick Smith.
Marcy Hill Zwick Smith FB

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The "1 -" formats it as a phone number. Keeping that in mind, 44 and 66 can easily correspond to the letters they occupy on the phone.

So he's spelling out NE**** where the first two *s are G, H, or I and the second two *s are M, N, or O. Don't know if you can get anything comprehensible out of that, although I guess NEGHMO would sound like "Nemo" which could be a reference to 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.
Alternatively, perhaps N and E are supposed to correspond to their numbers, in which case 634466. Although I don't know what you would use the numbers for.
or it could be coordinates, in which case I'd guess either 44°N 66° E or its inverse 66­­°N 44°E, which puts you (assuming no minutes) in the Shieli District of Kazakstan or in Arkhangelsk Oblast, Russia (a.k.a. middle of fucking Arctic nowhere) respectively

It's because "ks" sounds like "x", and is one less character, so he has to move his stubby fat fingers a little less.

The majority of female celebrities keep their original last name in the media as to not lose star power and recognisability, it's not hard.

I'm sure it's nothing at all. Tom Hanks seems like such a nice man in all those Hollywood movies. Not everyone is some sort of sexual predator, you know?

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Never talk shit about The Shadow.

The Shadow was stolen by kikes to make Batman.
The Shadow is a man whose experienced the worst humanity has to offer, and chooses to fight against it.
Sounds pretty familiar.

Damn, nigger, you are glowing in the dark.

Tom Hanks went to Dubai to fuck asian children sex slaves

In (((Hollywood))), they are.

He was the same pedo face like Gunn

He is probably just slow to lift his finger off the shift key. Happens to me all the time.

Even then 1-Neptune 44 66 is a non-sequitur. Neptune by itself can form a phone number (albeit without an area code), but the 44 66 is apparently extraneous.

The pearl-clutching from you lot is beyond cringe. This is worse than the far-left.

Neptune is the king of the sea, retard. The shoe was found at the bottom of the sea.

No shit, Sherlock. But he formatted it as a phone number. 1-NEPTUNE would make sense as an unfunny boomer-tier joke, but the 44 66 makes no sense.

Just blew in from reddit?

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He's probably a liberalist dick-rider.



Ugh… so true my guy, I mean it's totally not like you super can't tell people from the toxic language they use. Thanks for dunking on me to keep me woke, sir.
Shibboleths, nigger.


When you use it as an adjective it tells what kind of media you consume/where you hang out.

Mate, i dont let a bunch of plebs from reddit dictate what words i can and cant use. If something is cringey, i'll say it. What kind of utter faggot polices there own language because a group of idiots somewhere else likes using certain words? Get fucked.

On Zig Forums it is imperative you cuck to the prevailing memetic linguists' opinions or you will be called a shill and a redditor

Definitely reddit.


Take a celebrity, politician and especially your music entertainment industry goy or goyl
Then assume their rise to stardom had little to do with their actual talent, if ever, and that they were only allowed these material successes because of the pedo elite system of blackmail control.

Now before you run away with this, remember that those on both sides of the jewish left/right aisle are equally culpable and involved,

You see up to now every single attempt to uncover this sickness gets muddied by retards insisting only the jewish controlled opposition are to blame when all celebs and prominent figureheads are caught in this web.

For every Hillary pedo there's a Trump, you can link them through Giselle Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein.

Sadly fashy based MAGApedes cannot think for themselves so they go along instead with the Cernovitch, Alt-right angle which is setup to minimise casualties so only the odd leftist gets caught rather than all the pedo freaks.

If they appear on your TV regularly and are feted in the press or even presented as pantomime villains,. as long as its huge major media coverage of their 'character' you can bet they're a pedo.

The industry is controlled by pederasty

I don't think he was trying to make an argument, he was calling you all cringelords

Get out boomer


I think people are leaning heavily on the pop-culture angle because Gunn and Harmon got decent media coverage which opens normalfag's eyes up and gets them to start looking into things. Also, when you're taking down the mafia you don't start at the don. You work your way up, get little fish to squeal on bigger fish, look for connections that point to the leadership.

This is true.

Oh and what about the niggers fucking children in the USA? Hierarchy much?

Sarah Ruth Ashcraft has been tweeting about this and talking about it on voat for a while now. She was raped by Tom Hanks in 1994-95 ish.

I know she's a Q larper, but she has been talking about this before the Q thing taken off, if I remember correctly. - Tweet archive.

Attached: sarah_ruth_ashcraft_raped_by_tom_hanks.png (1093x827, 54.75K)

Not Hanks, please not Hanks. God fucking damn it.

The other link.

You know why she's not being sued? Because 80% of the time it's more hassle than it's worth. It gets her name out there, makes her popular, and gives people a reason to believe her.

Fuck. This is useless. It probably happened, but nobody will believe this shit.

So basically shes just another Cathy Obrien…

Based and trupilled

lol youre a fucking idiot.

You're an idiot and probably a (((triple parentheses))).

Or you know, his fucking name you retard.

Don't start anything that isn't there, but of course keep digging as always although so far it's looking doubtful, he always posts random shit people have lost, you cherrypicked the shoes and even have a glove there. I guess as a celeb you cannot associate with shoes.


Time line that has occurred between 7/19-7/22

The tweets all seem to revolve around this inside joke of fucking, rapeing, murdering, eating, and other degenerate satanic acts

He posted his tax return gross income of 327 million for last year…

He was demanding you talk to Admin…

Many refugees in FullFeg

This video is a must!!!

Hollywood is the Royalty of America…
And commit just as much evil as them also

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Guy ghosted his first wife and kids How old was she when they married, got her knocked up? 16 years difference. need pics
Joel Zwick; Hillary and Monica' Play Premiere "the rise of Trump "scares the pants off of me." Trump is only mentioned once in the new comedy, (as an "orange orangutan")
this is odd;
boymeetsworldilluminati dot tumblr dot com/post/78771417610/girl-meets-world-director-joel-zwick-mocking
Directed Tons of children shows. Friends with Tom Hanks since beginning.

The silverman post on halfchan was proven to be a fake, though. Hand was photoshopped in, face was just a cut out from another pic of her. Quite a few shops, pixels, etc

Kill White Nationalists for treason
They have ruined every single attempt by Whites to defend themselves in real life for the last 50 years

Fuck off you weak little faggot. Stop worshipping celebrities, that's like day 1 shit. Are you brand new here?


I was thinking the same thing, is it just the context?

I take that as a compliment. I will cut out the leftist and wear its face as my skin.

Yeah, so what though? Is the inference that he's done something to the owners of these items? Like they are trophies? Because it looks 1000x more like he's stumbling across random shit that's been there for a long time.

Exactly how short do you think our memory is?

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Would it kill you retards to at least change the filenames on the thumb drives you get at orientation?

Don't teach them.

kill yourself kike

pedo is the epitome of edge

You are aware that your little powerpoint playbook got leaked on here months ago, right?

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We deserve better enemies.

This is 5 years old news just like the dan harmon thing

I'm so scared how effective the shills are fam. They blend right in. However will we fight them?

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What time is it in Israel right now?

I've also heard that they converted to Orthodoxy, but keep acting un-Orthodox.

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Open secret in Hollywood that Rita Wilson is Hanks' beard. She has a lesbian relationship with Spielberg's wife, Kate Capshaw. They spend a lot of time together.

Holy fuck user, please kys. Did you even think to check the catalog before you posted this fucking Q boomer trash?

There was already another thread about that.

hahaha. i love tom hanks memes.

i like this post

this thread. tl;dr

Why is a weirdo boomer like Hanks even on social media?

Not really, and that's the excuse they want to use.
"le its just edgy humor, dont look into it further, goyim"
You're helping.
Pedo is demented, not even edgelords find it funny.

The first issue was literally him dressing up as a oriental man kek.

So has anyone got new info on Dan Harmon?

Someone needs to give you guys classes on subtle behavior.

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Anyone have sort on Spielberg? He worked with kids on ET, Jurassic Park and the Goonies. I'll bet he's velociraped quite a few of them

I'm fine with them glowing.

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I am as well, however it's just insulting.

t. nu/pol/
kikey is right for once
this isn't proof

lmfao you fucking retard
it's a slangy homophone for his last fucking name
this has got to be a joke post

They owned the media back then aswell user. Time to re-evaluate your fictional heroes.