Generation of Revenge: Philosophy of Hatred

Hello Zig Forums. I have been inspired to write this thread because I am quite frankly disgusted with what we have become. I am well aware that an awful lot of my complaints are performed by actual shills, but I have also noticed a general shift in our 'culture' which quite honestly sickens me. I am talking about how we seem to have become what our enemies always sought to portray us as: people who have nothing left but hatred.

That was not the Zig Forums I found back on cuckchan whilst being a horror-film loving university student back in '09. Shitty little arguments on /x/ frequently ended with me being told to go back to Zig Forums, and so I went there and found a whole load of people who were quite similar to me. Back then there was not the consensus that there is today, but everyone wanted something 'better'. The board as a whole was pursuing the truth, it was pursuing justice, it wanted order.

National Socialism won the great ideological battle for many reasons, but one of the biggest ones for me - and I believe many others - was because it was MORAL. Libertarianism had no morals, and any functionality was entirely dependent upon the host nation already being puritanical in their attitudes. Communism presented lies as the truth. Democracy inverted nature and hierarchy. Monarchy was too dependent upon an individual. Fascism was all the functionality of National Socialism but simply lacking the moral aspects. National Socialism won here because it put the people first; it taught us to love our brothers and sisters, to not hate them for being blinded by the deceitful - but to instead seek to excise those lying tumours from our society. It sought the truth, and then dished out justice based upon the findings; and the end result was order.

In recent years we have become saturated with shills and morons. Inevitably our pursuit of the truth and desire for debate has waned, and many are simply too tired to rehash the same arguments - this initially led to a bunch of catch-all insults that ended the argument instantly. Cuck, jew, shill, christcuck, larpagan, cianigger, and so on. Many arguments became little more than these, sometimes accompanied by screen-shots or small out-of-context quotes which, if replied to, would elicit yet more of the same insult with no attempt at a rebuttal (and possible some more irrelevant and out-of-context quotes). In an effort to stop being dismissed by Zig Forums as a jew, a shill or a cuck; many people began to 'virtue signal' just like our enemies do. Unnecessary additions expressing hatred for Christians, Pagans, Anglo-Saxons, white women, Slavs, Americans, Swedes, and a whole host of other things became the norm. This had the unprecedented result of infecting any thread from that point on that would be about Christianity, Britain, America, Sweden, Eastern Europe or women; any thread pertaining to anything about these nations would inevitably be flooded with random insults hurled at the group, stifling any discussion and generally completely derailing the thread. Again, I am aware that an awful lot of this is done by shills - but the way that these arguments have bled over into more or less every thread on the board has led me to believe that either I am the only person left on an internet swimming with bots, or else there are an awful lot of 'genuine Zig Forumsacks' who are gobbling up their shit and in the process incapacitating us as a board, and as an opinion shaper / truth distributor.

We need to move away from the mindless hatred. We need to move back towards love for our people. There an awful lot of issues that are plaguing this board; but if the Christians start loving the Pagans and vice-versa, if the Slavs start loving the Anglos and vice-versa, if the Americans start loving the Swedes and vice-versa, and if we men start loving our women (and let's face it they probably won't love us back until we've won, but they also don't post here so they generally aren't the ones spreading the hate) - then most of our issues will go away. Remember that no matter what the FBI, MSM, educational system or government try to tell you; we are the good guys. We are the side that love our families, that seek the truth, that wish to bring true justice (based on the truth, not on feels) and that will establish order. We are not some hateful, evil, pathetic group of basement dwellers; we are humanity's hope for the future.

Start acting like it.

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Other urls found in this thread:

As long as you don't call for unifying with non-whites or anti-whites.

Honestly I've become pretty jaded towards everything. I'd like to think things like truth and justice exist in our world but it's getting harder to believe in a brighter world. I'll still fight when the time comes but I'm not the starry-eyed kid I was when I discovered this place.

I wouldn't even call for 'unifying' with other whites. I do not want a united states of Europe, even if we were all 'based and fashy'. I like my own nation thank you very much, and I like the fact that your nation is its own unique thing as well. What I do want to work with you on is fighting the globalist threat that manifests itself in jews, communists, progressives and all sorts of other things. My solution however is not to hate the ignorant; Hitler himself wrote about how he realised he was wrong to hate the masses for being stupid; it was not their fault that they had been lied to all their lives. Hate the people manipulating them.

We all have a common cause here. Simply put we want to defeat the Jew. Americans can hurt the Jew, Slavs can hurt the Jew, Britons can hurt the Jew, Christians can hurt the Jew, Pagans can hurt the Jew, even white women can hurt the Jew; there is no reason to hate or abandon anyone except for the actual traitor (and that does mean that they are aware of what they are doing - the rest are still our people, and while they may need to be stopped in their ignorance for the betterment of our people; it sickens me to see people delight in their rape and murder) - and believe it or not none of those groups I mentioned before are inherently traitorous. If you see aspects of their society that appear to be traitorous - then address those aspects; do not simply abandon them or say they deserve their fate. Do not just insult them or mock them. Do not wish for their death or their suffering. Fight the corruption.

This is the effect of what goes on here. There is so little positivity left; it is all just negativity and hatred, not only from our enemies upon us; but now from our own too. It is why we must return to loving each other, encouraging each other, inspiring each other to be better and do better. The truth is beautiful my friends, and the truth is that we have the power to change the world. We are as mighty mountains that are among a sea of wilted weeds, we work so that our minds and our bodies can become sharp and powerful; so that when the time comes we can right the wrongs of this Earth. Our enemies take pride in being victims, they glorify their shame and weakness; what chance do such pathetic creatures have against us? We learn the truth so that we know what needs to be changed; we become strong so that we can dispense justice; and when all is done the world will know order, and it will be beautiful.

They want you to become jaded. Don't let them. The world is beautiful and there is more hope today than there has been in a long, long time. We will win. The enemy even wants us to win; they want to be the victim. Let them. We shall show them the wrath of the righteous and then they will know their place in the hierarchy of Creation.

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8/pol/ is the next domino in line, after 4/pol/. It couldn't stay awesome forever.

While some of it is just bantz, anti-Slav-Christian-American-etc sentiment has always been D&C. Just ignore it.

I generally agree with your view. inb4 We need a positive mindset, absolutely; I've thought a lot about it. Many of our countries are too overrun at this point to hope for some kind of mass deportation or overnight political upheaval. The best option in our power is to gravitate inwards. Seek each other out and build an identity around our people, rather than tearing down that of the enemy. That should be secondary. To criticize their movement is to be a critic, and nothing more; to focus on our own is to be an artist.

Not to say that all hate is bad. Hate should be felt and released like any other emotion, in cycles. It balances out moments of happiness and peace. Nature gave you the capacity to hate (and love and cry and rejoice and mourn) for a reason.

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At first I thought about just spamming a bunch of Podesta artwork to remind OP of how important is to hate these maggots, but then I read and I agree that is just as important to build our own strength among ourselves, but we should always keep our hatred and violence readily available, because we all know that Nazi Germany had its people raped and murdered simply because it tried to uplift itself as a nation and as a people.

Thank you user. Your post has helped clarify a few things to me. The positivity is required because it leads to us doing good works; be it artistic creations (so far memes have sufficed, but I'd like to see more), actual community building, stories, games, animations, or whatever;- we need to become something powerful and beneficial that is creative. We already venerate the great virtues of: truth, justice and order; of strength, duty, courage, purity and love for our people. We should work towards showing the effects these things can have in our lives. I think I would like to see some semi-blog-post-esque threads where Anons detail the ways in which Zig Forums has changed their lives - we've had a few of these over the years and I always enjoyed them, but I think it could be even better if it becomes a regular occurrence and Anons actually start trying to do things to inspire the rest of Zig Forums. Doesn't matter what it is really so long as it is produced by our people with our virtues in mind. You are absolutely right - the focus must now shift on to building ourselves into something great as opposed to simply pulling down our enemy. They are already destroying themselves; let us be the logical replacement for when they inevitably fall.

We should definitely hate the enemy. We should hate evil. But let us not hate our own anymore.

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Hitler said a lot of things that are ignored here. I'm not sure what a good solution is; we've shown to be prone to manipulation just like the masses. How do you fight stupidity user? The only thing I can think is that it has to come from moderation on down, which eventually becomes board culture. The main schism on this board is between Christians and Pagans. I'd like to think that anyone who calls themselves a National Socialist would decline to take part in this manufactured feud, but it's everywhere; and no doubt pushed by JIDF and their contemporaries. At that point, moderation has to step in.

Good thread, OP. This should be stickied.

It's kind of why I prefer to post on cuckchan tbh, its a waste of time to bother when thread devolved into another pointless argument between the two groups

Take your blogposting back to tumblr, faggot.

it's a usefull blogpost, now shut the fuck up

tl dr;

if you don't hate anything then you don't love anything
fuck your gay blogpost gas yourself you homo

No, you faggot.
Hate is human. Hate is born from love. Hate of injustice is what gives you strength to fight for justice.
Hate for lies is what gives rise to truth.
WE do not hate those assholes for no reason, or like so many progressives, because it's a form of virtue signaling and it the approval of fellow brainwashed cultists gives you a dopamine hit.
We hate because of what they do. It is righteous hate. Good hate. We hate because we love.

And that hate will only go away once they stop doing their destructive shit.


I agree, but anons have always been at each others throats and that will continue for eternity. That being said we should definitely refrain from (1) and done shitposts or using -cuck suffixes in place of arguments. I used to like reading debates between people smarter than me on Zig Forums years ago, but lately those don't pop up as much.

What about IRL groups? Chapters of sorts. Of course there are risks associated with that. It wold also do away with anonymity, OBVIOUSLY there are big risks with that as well. But I wonder if we can fight from here. What happens when 8pol goes away? What happens if another pol never comes back?
Is their a POL approved chat with which we can hear eachother, a place that is not listening in on us? ANY amount of real world interaction would be good for all to be sure, but as I said, deffinate risks involved. Not trying to be a jew or defeatist here, just spouting an idea i'm sure has been thrown around before. At any rate, I love all you fuckers like bros, even though we only know eachother through a Japanese bonsai tree growing forum.

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Just look at this shit. I would ban all of these faggots.

That's all the board is. The irony is that it's the tactic of our enemies, and we've willfully adopted it.


Was meant for you.

IRL groups are the natural progression of a modern movement, but we need a centralized location for organizational purposes and unity. Infinity could potentially be that, for now, but the rampant demoralization and shilling needs to be curbed before any attempt at unification or board culture can be made.

i just got back from camping with my meadhall
feels good man

And how would that be accomplished, with current mods (maybe not all of them, I don't know) seemingly being lighter on the rules than some other ones? How can we unify if the BO has certain beliefs that run against ours, or the majorities? (Of course, only theorizing here and maybe it's just me noticing these certain trends)

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So if we have a large portion of our culture dedicated to inspiration, motivation and creativity; we can form groups. There are easy 'covers' for a group that loves white culture, that venerates truth, justice, order, strength, duty and purity. While we remain known for nothing but 'hatred' it is very easy for them to 'shut us down' as any meeting can be explained away as a potential terrorist gathering. If we start producing, creating or doing random things (doesn't matter if its to do with rearing/training animals, making animation, creating types of music or dance, whatever); so long as we are doing positive and creative things that are based on a love for our own people and our virtues, then we cannot be shut down. Others will be attracted to us. We will also inspire and motivate one-another.

I never said do not hate anything. I said don't hate OUR PEOPLE. Do not hate Christians, Pagans, Anglo-Saxons, Americans, Swedes, Slavs or women. Stop hating our own.I on the other hand demand that you hate evil. You must hate the traitor, the jew, the communist and the progressive.

I do think it would be good for us to allocate some time and effort on creativity and love for our people though.

Found the niggerfaggot. Yuk it up now, scumbag. Your day is coming too.

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begone thot

How about go be a nigger elsewhere, you faggot fuck.

pro-tip, faggot, many of our own are responsible for white genocide and will never ally with us, will never stop pushing for white genocide, even if presented with completely accurate information and undeniable truths.

there are none, much like the triple k, any actual "organization" or "movement" you find is likely to be heavily saturated with glow in the darks inciting violence looking for a reason to fuck you the hard way, organizations may have yielded positive results in the past but the machine has learned and advanced, its only purpose is self preservation by any means, meaning that it can and will sniff out ANYTHING which might threaten its supremacy in any way

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Hate is powerful. It's exactly what we need more of. The normal white man has to learn to hate. There is no stronger force on this earth than a white nation that has learnt to hate its enemies.

You see what I mean? I'm sure i'm not an old fag, but I've been here since the exodus. And on 4 Zig Forums for a few years prior. It's the first time I've been called out, like I don't belong, for missing the slash like an idiot. But it seems our anonymity, and obvious shills and bots breed extreme caution, bordering on paranoia, so ALL anons that make even simple format errors, like a fuck up on a red text, even IF they may be decent folk, are called out for being the enemy. YOU KNOW when folk are here that don't belong, constantly forgetting that most folk here NEVER visit reddit, and ALWAYS reddit space. Thats why I think we should have small groups scattered everywhere there are more than 10 or 20 of us. Maybe not anytime soon, but an user can hope, no?

You ain't lyin. The mods have gaslighted this forum into a bunch of posts that wouldn't entertain halfwit's in a bar on a Wednesday afternoon. Hate is good as is love. We need both. Otherwise we are just backhandedly worshiping the controllers by talking about what they do to us and larping about what we would do to them if we only had courage.

Indeed, IF we had a movement, it'd have to be JUST like minded folk to start, the fanatical, but it would have to be EXTREMELY hush hush, and it would have to have very a very good cover story. I myself am not sure if or how this would be accomplished, and maybe it isn't a good idea, and more experienced anons (Or jews) may be right in that it could be a bad idea. Main thing is were all here discussing, talking and passing on info tp eachother.

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What annoys me to no end is the idea that this is some unnatural progression and that the very natural divisions on Zig Forums were not simply born out of people coming to definitive ideological conclusions. There are people in this thread dismissing the idea that the Pagan-Christian division and ever more apparent resentment for either class as a natural by-product of individuals learning about their respected faiths, and others, over time. Its disgustingly dishonest and the idea that it is shilling is stupid. That being said, I hate your guts OP. You write like a faggot and project your own insecurities and need to revert backwards onto the whole of Zig Forums. The "Generation of Revenge" naturally progressed, not regressed, to a point of boiling hatred for the enemy in every single function and a hatred for all things not in line with the preservation of blood. The fact that you ramble on like a boomer about how we need to "stop hating swedes and americans" goes to show how stupid you must be, unable to understand the idea of banter within circles. God forbid we ever joke around with stereotypes or the good feels thought police might tells us we're being too mean. Fuck American unironically though, praying every day for a dirty bomb to go off and wipe you fucks off the face of the earth, you'd be more than deserving of it.
Blah blah blah, "w-we've become what our enemies called us!" Yeah? Maybe that's a good thing at the end of the day. The National Socialist is not the good guy by today's standards, he cannot afford to even attempt to appear so otherwise he'd compromise in his ideals. He can only afford to be the bad guy and become a feared villain of this brave new world and I applaud those that do not fear such logic. I pray that more and more young men begin to strike fear into the heart of the eternal jew by showing them what a real fascist is capable of.
I hope that one day your kind will simply shut the fuck up and stop crying about what once was and being prissy about every little bit of edge that props up because some poor 16 year old kid in the middle of the US has become completely disillusioned with the prospect that a majority of his people are even worth saving given that they've become such steadfast enemies of their own blood. God bless the radical in the making for rejecting the all but useless notions put forward by OP the eternal faggot and understanding that love in the modern world simply doesn't exist, god bless the kid for understanding the dire circumstance of the Kali Yuga.

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Zig Forums doesn't do mindless hatred. all of it seems pretty mindful to me. hatred for good reason

While true, and sad, many here used to be guttertrash leftists or communists. Most people are lemmings who say that shit on twitter because it's in. They loved Rick and Morty when it was cool, and once cringe compilations started including it, all of a sudden "uhh i was never that into it".
Don't let a few shitty whites blackpill you.

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The part about natural progression, I just read about such things in some of savitri devi's books. Maybe this is just the way things are supposed to be going, and maybe I just need to fall in and accept that. Even though I've been here for many years, I still find myself learning from more experienced folk.

is it possible to completely cure a country out of the abrahamites?

"The big problem is that people don't believe a revolution is possible, and it is not possible precisely because they do not believe it is possible." - Ted Kaczynski


Make's me think socialism (the ideal parts) requires hard hearted soul's to implement else it turns into a gibs fest.
With weak soft vagocracy socalism turns into Germany of today, a rapefugee''s playground

Good thread op.
I think you're right that we need to stick together and keep in mind the ideological atomization is exactly what our enemies want. Its easy to get overwhelmed or dare I say "triggered" by the content of pol eg the constant sniping at amerimutts or europoors or people saying swedes deserve death but you have to realize that:
1. Half of those are divide and conquer shills trying to make people feel excluded and lonely
2. This hostile environment to the extent that it is organic is a result of the anonymous, non face to face nature of our means of communication making it harder to relate to people and parse things like humor or sarcasm

For solutions I don't think its really even a problem tbh. We'll never get rid of the shills and image boards have a specific niche in terms of behavior, which isn't really a bad thing. Its kind of like an online pub its fun but not where you should go for totally civil highly intellectual discourse.
As far as irl stuff I think we should form discussion/literature groups, its a great way to meet people and develop your ideas without having glow in the darks harassing you like they would if you started a some innawoods militia or ram type group

When the shitty state that the world is in is the result of the efforts of a select couple of groups utilizing the barbaric tendencies of other select groups… Varying levels of hatred towards said groups is entirely justified. But, turning to hate is one of the goals of said responsible groups. That is because while hate is powerful and it appears to give strength and inspire dedication to success what it actually does is deceive. Hate blinds you and clouds your judgement. Does that mean that you should be a cuck like faggot op suggests? No, not at fucking all.

There are plenty of youtube videos of people doing experiments on the effects of thinking hateful thoughts vs loving thoughts towards a culture of mold/bacteria. The culture that has hateful thoughts never grows, the culture that has loving thoughts flourishes.

Absolutely not, only love that which is good and wholesome and just. Replace the, entirely justified, hatred of your enemies with the love that you feel for that which you would defend from those enemies. think about all the examples throughout history of a small band of warriors being able to defend their families against an army 100x's their size. Replace that hatred for your enemies with the passion you have for the future of your kin. Replace your hatred with the will to grow and succeed.

Be aware of the vermin that infest and undermine you and that which you love. Give them no quarter, give them no mercy. And most importantly give them no emotional weight. Do not let their existence, and their efforts, cause you to meme against yourself. Think about how Zig Forums and drumblgumpfth live rent free in the minds of leftists. Look at how they claim they stand for love but their definition of love is actually full of ridiculous levels of hate and jealousy and all sorts of negative emotion. Look at how insane and unhinged they become, their perception of reality is not in line with reality itself in any way. Do not be like them. Be greater than them. Do not ignore the kikes, do not ignore the communists, but do not allow them to live rent free in your head. Replace all thoughts of them with thoughts of your family, friends, community, etc. Replace them with thoughts of how YOU want to see the world change. And as you pursue your own personal self betterment, as you take a stand for your kin, with absolutely nothing but your kins well-being in mind, you invariably cause others to do the same, you cause that reality which you desire to become closer and closer to being realized. And, in doing so you also directly attack your enemies were it damages them the most, they become more hateful and diminish while you become more whole and prosper. And, when the time comes, you squash them underfoot, not as an equal but as a cockroach that threatens the health of your family, no emotion, no thought needed just squash.

Welcome to the psychic war.

OP, you're right in every way imaginable. Anyone from Zig Forums who falls into being fooled to hate another white simply doesn't belong, you´re either a shill or a misled fool who thinks that attacking fellow brothers and sisters is favourable compared to attacking the ones leading our nations and people towards death and disgrace.

It's like communism really, pit rich vs poor. Or like how they do here, pit young people robbed of their future vs old people who never could've done anything about it because the information wasn't available. Pit swedes against americans and vice versa, it's just Divide and conquer tactics and infighting instead of attacking the kikes and their traitor-puppets.

It might be a bit too far of a stretch but i would say, ignore leftists aswell. They are off our same people, they are brothers and sisters aswell, fooled by ideology and democracy into fighting their own people. They are not horrible people (all of them, some are true scum though) and we should avoid the pitfall of democracy. Democracy in itself is a divide and conquer-tactic which leads to the people itself losing control over their own country, because we can't come close to power and the ones making laws will make sure we never come close to it while they own all the horses in the race and split our people up into divided groups that fight eachother than the enemy who has taken over the state.

But i feel hatred every day, because it's natural when something you naturally love, is threatened.

Take notice OP is a jew shill

just kidding, he is spot on. Good post.

Zig Forums is for ideas and a place to organize psyops, not a place to organize any sort of movementarianism. /meadhall/ was once good, but I think its dead now.

you want to make a difference? talk to people you know IRL, redpill all strong men of good character, have no fear.
decentralization and localism will initially place us on the correct pathway to victory, and, as you say, organizing from the shadows. the Thule Society did not mastermind the rise of the NSDAP in the light of day.

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forgot to sage
symbolic sage for OP being a fag

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I do not know about america, however here in europe there are natsoc groups that are active (with legal activities). I am part of one of those groups, and i can tell you that support for the movement is growing in general here. Remember that luck favors the bold, being passive will accomplish nothing.

Not gonna happen, (American) Christians will forever think Europe was Christian and not "well I guess my king bought into the jew meme for usurious money shenanigans and I gotta play along, oh it's been a few decades years and the jews that moved back in yet produced nothing of worth have been meddling so much that even my cuck king is getting pissed, time to evict them".

But yeah that's all nothing and random, our weekdays are named after old gods for no reasons other than "Christianity, for some reason, when it's in Europe, assimilates other customs" and what this is just one example post a billion larpagan etc pp.

Anyway, this is the only thing this thread is all about.
Burgers wanting Christianity.

and that jews that moved in along with the spread of Christianity since they spread it, was what I meant, but the fucking heat is frying my brain.

Good to see Anons understand love is born from hate, and hate is born from love, can't truly have one without the other.

Given that all alphabet soup organizations watch these places, it's better to source groups from local physical relationships and more organic online groups that pop up out of common interests(closed invite groups on various platforms that have fewer, but well known dedicated users. Zig Forums is not the place to advertise a group either, let it occur more organically, lead people on by teaching them, and then more people will naturally fall in place. It's wrong like going to the gym is to get laid, we go to the gym for ourselves, we form social relations to get laid and we go to Zig Forums for ourselves and form social groups to get shit done. Zig Forums is not anyone's tool. Also, READ SIEGE, study the off-shoots of IM, and IM itself and learn from their failings.

No sense moralizing about it much. A diamond is beautiful regardless of outside appreciation, much like a beautiful woman, she doesn't need to be told what she is, we are what we are, and we are working towards truths regardless of narratives…right? RIGHT? Being driven by narratives, when you can be empirically wrong will have people call you out for your wrongs. Accelerationism isn't without it's fair share of narrative.

Socialism, the economic socialism where wealth is forcibly transferred, is nigger tier. The Reich's reimbursements for excess child bearing would, under any other normal circumstance(not war time) be disastrously dysgenic on two fronts, mainly: 1. Low tier people have low tier genetics by birth by and large. Encouraging their proliferation would only progress the White race towards our next up coming mass selection on the divide between deleterious genes and the healthy, smart/industrious and strong. 2. Economically it is ignorant of the principles of economics, where it sources 'the good' of one side, the beneficiaries of such a program, without looking at A:The personal economic loss of an industrious man who can better manage wealth and B: the 'alternate timeline' economic situation where all levels of society necessarily benefit even more so from not having the wealth transfer in the first place.

That's a lot of banter there

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Good thread OP. I've been on or around pol for near 2 decades. There's always been hate. Hate is fine, when it's based on truth. It's when the hate becomes so strong that we ignore the truth and use hate to push an agenda that we let ourselves down.
This is becoming common as of recent. I think it's because with the increased shilling and bottage, blind hate has become a defense strategy. It's an evolutionary trait we have when in a fight with someone not fighting fair. In the heat of the moment to get down in the gutter with them and match their dispicableness. This Jewish intellectual dishonesty is good for winning short unrecorded arguments, but bad for winning the longer term war for ideas. Which is the one we want to win.
We are better than this. It's not to worry intellectual honesty is more powerful and we will come to realize this much like how the boards settled on nat soc in your example.
Godspeed anons.

In public and other social settings sure. Here in the hurtbox, rage and anger serve several purposes. We are the unyielding and unrelenting berzerkers.

All we need is the truth and we grow larger in strength. You have other boards and other venues to be classy and dapper.

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Good stuff OP. You’re gonna get flooded with angry shills but you’re completely right.

I believe that the best form of governance would be self governance and that would be through your spirit. The people with the most spirit, love and righteous would naturally be at the top of the hierarchy since we would be of a higher frequency/ wavelength/ vibe than the haters. Instead of hating the minorities or the lower frequency people, try to lift them up to our level. This is a spiritual battle and if we allow the haters to pull us down to their frequency of hate and degeneracy, then we allow them to win. If we raise their frequency, then we win and we would contribute to helping them develop themselves into a more civilized human. In order to become a more spiritual person, one must surrender the ego and hatred to the inner spirit and go within themselves to heal. Because we humans are filled with hatred within, it is reflected towards the outer world and becomes reality. Things would automatically change for the better if all of humanity are healed from within. Let go of all material needs and wants, they are all illusions and distractions anyways. Only our inner light bears the truth and only that is real. Everything else including politics is all a distraction from what's inside us. That's how the evil ones steal and harness our energy and use it for wickedness. By making us focus on the outside and on hatred/ distracting and denying us from our inner truth. We have to spiritually train ourselves once again by focusing on our inner core and rebuild the spiritual kingdom.

That is because Christianity is incompatible with european blood and and european spirit, and it will always remain that way.

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I wish I could be happy user but this song crushes my soul. I can't stop listening to it, but the lyrics and its hopeful tone as well as Germany's eventuality get to me. However that doesn't mean I will ever stop fighting, if anything it hardens my resolve. To have such hope for the future is something I wish my children if I have any could experience.

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I'm not hearing "White countries for White people and only White people."
As such, you sound like a CivNat cuck.
Thus, gas yourself.
Furthermore, White America IS America.
The USA is a WHITE NATION that has been invaded and subverted by kikes and their brown hordes.
The only way to MAGA is to remove ZOG and MAWA.

Wanting to remove ZOG and reestablish White homelands has nothing to do with hatred.
It has to do with opposing genocide and preserving one's people.
It is the opposite of hatred.

Anything else is bullshit kikery and White genocide.

I agree.
However, I am motivated by a desire to stop White genocide.
That is the central thing.
Any path forward that does not have as a CORE AND UNYIELDING goal the reestablishment of White homelands is utter shit.
I would not fight for CivNat cuckery.
Note that I am not talking about killing people. I don't want violence. What I want is peaceful separation via deportation or some degree of balkanization and the reestablishment of White homelands for Whites only.
ZOG, on the other hand, is planning on KILLING US when they think they can get away with it. Obama didn't build those FEMA death camps for nothing. The leaders of the weather underground stated that they figrured that they would have to kill around 30 million White people to cement their marxist takeover of America. The founder of La Raza stated their goal was to conquer the USA and "kill the gringo." La Raza is now an official part of the DNC.
Things are not at all OK.

Our countries are not "too overrun."
But they will be if naval-gazers like you have your way.
Do we need to cultivate a movement among our people? Yes. But passivity will not stop the ongoing genocide of White people.

Some of what you describe is D&C, and thus bad.
Legitimate criticism is not D&C, however.
The truth must always be central.
You sound like you want to stifle discussion.
Which is part of what D&C spammers are angling for.
They want to get legitimate criticism and discussion banned along with their spam.

Pretty much this.
Righteous anger is a virtue.
It is part of what differentiates a "man" from a "male."

That is the 100% guaranteed path to becoming controlled opposition.
What we need is decentralized chapters of like minded individuals to peacefully organize THEMSELVES around the country.
They would be united by the common goals of opposing White genocide, opposing ZOG, opposing degeneracy, and supporting traditional White/ White ethnic values.
Each one would stand alone and spread the message.
Such groups already exist to some extent.
A thousand independent chapters with ten members each is much harder to subvert than one organization with ten thousand members.

I agree.
That said, you still sound suspiciously like a "CivNat" or "Identitarian" rather than a proper Nationalist.
Race and ethnicity are genetic.
Culture is very important, but genetics is the FOUNDATION.
Blood and Heritage.

Then they clearly will not belong in the future White homelands.
They would lack the proper "heritage" part of the necessary "blood and heritage."
They can stay with the brown hordes.
Good riddance.

For now the path forward is to redpill more Whites.

“The Revolution was effected before the War commenced. The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments of their duties and obligations. This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people, was the real American Revolution.” –John Adams

Minds and Hearts.
Expose the reality of the ongoing genocide of White people.
Expose the reality of ZOG.
Expose pedowood and other horrors of ZOG.
Shift the overton window.
Make the fire rise.

The thing is that excess wealth must be taxed.
Otherwise monopolization and a transition to oligarchic despotism occurs 100% of the time.
Look at EVERY country EVERYWHERE.
Look at the billionaires behind the cabals and the kikes. They were able to acquire billions because having money makes money. If excess wealth is not taxed then the result is a bunch of "George Soros" types subverting entire countries while the working people struggle to stay afloat.
I am not advocating for communism. That shit is retarded. I am saying that prosperity should belong to the Volk, not the "elite."

Don't ever feel too sad, user. Just think of the day when the trenches will finally be filled in and our grandchildren can use them as vegetable gardens.

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Sorry, should have read more carefully.
Disregard that "gas yourself," plz

Morality is for slaves.

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You gotta do what you gotta do.

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You don't even know what the hell a thread is.

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it's still alive on meguca

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anime cuckery vs reality

Your statements are meaningless because you're telling shills (the enemy) to start acting with love. If people are attacking America, Sweden, white women, posting (((esoteric))) /x/ crap it's all the shills.

Christianity and Paganism had to have a fight. The NatSoc never solved it for us. We have come a long way and realized that Philosophy is the dominate European spiritual position and that's why Jews like Sepehr push the (((esoteric))) here so hard because it's another branch of Judiasm and the dominate branch of the NWO hidden religions.

We are hateful. There is no evil (it's a Abrahamic lie) only right and wrong, sickness and health, purity and pollution… And the basement dwellar meme is a Leftist turned (((Alt-Right))) meme. The biggest enemy are the mods. The biggest key to this fight is humor. The biggest target is the international pedo rings and China's rise.

Deal with it and stop telling people what to do. You're too young.

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Hippie degenerates are fucking impossible retarded, especially when they're good at math. The revolution is all around you, idiot.

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You are such a fucking annoying unfunny faggot Imkamphy. Just anchor it already.

Most people associate revolution with the overthrowal of those above them. Not some complex web of "potentially" getting some pedo from hollywood sent to jail (read fined–since why would the jewdicial court care about their jail time?). Nor just a bunch of build-up with ocassional rallies by true anti-jews or controlled-op along with the occassional electing of a supposed "based" individual.
Most assume a revolution to be build up that culminates with taking up arms and overthrowing something.

Aim too narrow to have the walls crumble around upon you.
To take away one head of the snake leaves room for two more to take its place.
Behead the snake but make sure to create a nation and people that creates its own failsafe.
Where lies the paths of infiltration made into bait upon your own very stage.

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So you hate white people. We get it.
You fucking faggot.

Our enemies have doubled down because these sites are the last bastions of free speech. I consider these type of threads (christianvspagan, is x white, etc) D&C kikes or normies. Our enemies have infiltrated every institution at this point, set them afire, then these are used as arguments against it. Thus people are tricked into knocking down the great religions and ethnic cultures whites have built. Although we should point out the faults, we should also keep in the conversation the positives that are worth keeping. I do not see any major issues with Paganism and real (new testament) Christianity living side by side, and both need our help.
It is the old testament ways of the Jews that require the destruction of all 'idols' and historical treasures. Christians who adopt the old testament beliefs have been Judiazied, and are the equivalent of retarded Muslims who smash ancient statues with sledgehammers. Pagans will never fix them arguing from a Pagan point of view. They need to be fixed from within Christianity. Rebuked for the fact Jesus expressly overturned the endless Rabbinical Law and replaced them with just a few.


Confirmed retard who wants to larp so bad.


Christianity is Communism created by Paul. Jesus was a Zionist. It's pure cancer and has been BTFO every time in every thread because you argue like Communist SJWs.
Deal with the butt hurt. We will never live side by side with the enemy of our race and Christianity is just an extension of Jewish mind control.

You don't even know what Christianity is. You think you're BTFO Christians because you base your arguments on your warped view of it.

how fucking old are you , dont fucking lump in your elders with your sorry little ass. Not my fault your parents are cucks

absolutely disgusting

stop watching horror films and become something useful you suburb cuck

sage cause this thread has 0 value

I've already filtered you six or seven times in this one thread alone.

BUMP for good thread

user, what are you doing?
seriously though get your shit together you nigger

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Checks account… No, still a multimillionaire. That's more than 30m to peasants shitposting for 5 shekels. Anyway, that isn't what normies portray us as, OP. But if someone is pure hate, I'm ready and willing to fund them. Actually, anyone doing something for Whites. EVERYTHING I've looked into seems shitty but the search continues.

/pol on cuckchan in 09 was already pozzed af. That's post Scientology raids you fag.

Yes, which is how we got Trump.

That's what White people do. If you've noticed a change, that's the subhuman filth being paid to shitpost.

Yes, yes, yes… Obviously what we need, is real moderation done by smart, White men. I don't know how likely that is so I'll just simplify it to; is it pro-White or not? If it is, support it. Don't get sidetracked, don't miss the big picture.

Too simplistic. The jew is built in the very human brain, where whack-a-(((mole))) never ends. Whoever makes it his life's purpose to go out there looking for (((problems))) to "solve" will never see the end of it, and merely drain himself, for literally nothing. Transcend the jew, become what the jew can not even touch..activate your almonds! Almonds contain amygdalin, which automatically gasses the inner jew, to wit:
>It is found in many plants, but most notably in the seeds (kernels) of apricot, bitter almonds, apple, peach, and plum.
>Amygdalin is classified as a cyanogenic glycoside because each amygdalin molecule includes a nitrile group, which can be released as the toxic cyanide anion by the action of a beta-glucosidase: eating amygdalin will cause it to release cyanide in the human body (!!) and may lead to (((cyanide poisoning)))!!! Oy vey, stay away from it goy! Here, here!!! Have some soy!! Oy gevalt!
Yes goy fill yourself with Fault! Hatred! Left! Right! –misses the point of looking UP: it is nobody's fault, the eye is on top of the pyramid because all the retard nigger cattle outright REFUSE to look above, they WANT others in charge, they literally want to have 0 foreskin left, they're retards! Non-Conscious domesticated primates (human monkeys) require constant external authorization for every single retarded action they do, otherwise they totally flip their shit and unravel. "Men" need to herd their women-cattle (MGTOW! artificial wombs!), women need to herd their men-cattle (radfem! castrate them!), those honorable few of either ginger refusing to herd or be herded by anyone (Samurai) are branded as dysfunctional, it's all so silly, cattle cattle cattle, there's nothing else in the entire Cosmos but herding, G-D damn it Chaim! (((Someone))) often ends up filling this primitive need in an all-in-one fashion, thus deservedly/understandably gets most of the flak/gas, but the point is to become posthuman incorruptible aliens or some shit, everything evolves, being cattle is for niggers. (((Chaos)))

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Why herd each other and/or require G-Ds to herd us when we can have the Black Flame [2] in us and self-direct our own Ascension, then play as Planeswalkers with each other's dicks/Creations –is this not what is happening now? Checkmate cattle. But no they want to remain monkeys. Both the herders and the cattle are transient neocortically-advanced Earth-monkey anomalies who could never maintain starship colonies..they shit everything up, everywhere, create beliefs and dogmas, kill each other senselessly, all because they can't sit their asses down and look at the stars (monotheism/RHP is ONE SUN GOD HUE, polytheism/LHP is "darkness" derp but many stars in the sky plurality peace individuality, cool explanation [3]). Melanin injections in rats lower intelligence, we will genedit-become so white we will be translucent, we'll glow #notCIA. Cattle self-herd self-batterify for the jewtrix and demand that they be kosher-slaughtered, herders would get bored without feeling superior to another lifeform (it is actually the cattle that control the herder, meditate on that!). Love your fellow autists and help normies activate their almonds, in each generation many possess latent autism and are salvageable, God is Love, they have enough Archon-reptilian DNA, high-powered quantum brain microtubules (Old Ones engineered qmicrochips to fight the C'tan) that can be filled with the Signal of Consciousness. Bless all forms of intelligence, but lesser forms want to stop the Ascension Protocol, and should remain Earth-bound, for their own good. Hilariously this is probably what's currently happening…some crazy shit. These are the monkeys who laughed at the autistic monkeys that stopped climbing trees and started using tools. Troll others help themselves, always user –no good deed goes unpunished. found TOS (!!) out like a week ago, agree 99%, who the hell memed Aquino? jesus [1]
Consciousness-worshipping!! Literally Autism Worship. Normies on sudoku watch. this is such pure unadulterated autism it is music in the ears of the Conscious Mind.. autism always resonates to fellow autism, truly wonderful stuff
Related Thoth Word Technology Autism: Neil Postman, Psychopath's Bible, Prometheus Rising, Kybalion, Julian Jaynes Origin of Consciousness (=Autism), Order of Nine Angles (esp. Aeonics & Acausal Theory, literally WH40K, coincidence???)
David Icke is probably a Setian.

[1] Khristos is not Judaya, just a decent psyker whose mildly-gay message got totally (((corrupted))), Haku Zynkyoku explains this stuff, Samurai opposite of jew and nigcattle
[2] 2edgy but nice symbolism
>However, it is important to bear in mind that the tradcuck-demiurge has the objective to extinguish all neurodiverse black flames, that are burning him and his consensus-reality from within, and therefore force us to drink from soy, the river of oblivion
Extinguish your inner light goy. Why don't you let me give you The Light buy some dogma, 50% off, limited time only, it's the best.
[3] very nice super interesting autistic female, great thoughts

These sexy eyebrows man.

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I fully support you, but I'm certain no one here actually hates anglos or swedes. Take the most radical things written here as dysphemism. No one wants to nuke London or the like. Anglo memes are just funny, as are amerimutt memes and slav memes. Not to everyone, but it is pathetic that people on this board haven't built up a thick enough skin to be able to take a picture of Mosley grinning as a joke.
The only petty conflict you mentioned that is true is the religious d&c.

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Zig Forums and Trump being controlled opposition has a lot to do with this OP. >>>/p01/

I used to browse the gondola threads and other relaxation threads because every time I browse this board it just makes me so angry. My life is already shit and hopeless, born in the worst era, every day there's something else going on that pisses me off it's really difficult to stay positive about anything.

We need to move towards mindful hatred

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Our time will come, brother. I know it can be frustrating

I’m surrounded by blue pilled “right wingers” who think they’re all-knowing. I keep telling them facts about the jq, yet they still shill for the Jews(mind you one of my friends is a dumb half Arab half white mutt). When I bring up that Jews are 1.1% of the Canadian population, yet constitute 8% of top executive positions, they keep saying that the Jews are over represented just because they’re smart. They find every excuse to shill for them. I don’t understand. They see Jewish dominance as natural and expected

Imagine being this type of fucktard.

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You've got no idea.
All I want anymore is a big family, and a life they can look up to and have inspire them to do great things.
I don't want our kids to live through an age like we have to now, feeling without purpose and like everything is stagnant.
And I say that as a young man who has already busted his ass and has done a great deal.

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We’re all gonna make it user

Buddhism is the best major religion.
It's a shame 8ch has a christian board but no Buddhist board.

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OP being a faggit as per usual.

Hold the fucking phone. Zig Forums was not a thing in 2009. Not even /new/ was a thing.

Also, what is with all of this
type rhetoric. Zig Forums is not a movement. It isn't your personal army. Stop acting like you are some spiritual leader.

Although I do agree with the majority of op's post.

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Sometimes I think you guys don't understand how close we are to winning.

Esoteric radical Mormonism is pretty bomb, their metaphysics are surprisingly good since they're non-creed. Entire book is about race war and Whites being the chosen ones, Joseph Smith is basically Merlin and a lot of his occult practices were covered up by the Church such as blood-atonement and his rune magic.
Literally has Thor/Indra as a major deity.
Hercules is also deified.
Japan is truly Honorary Aryan.

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