CNN Plays Tape of Trump & Lawyer

(((Cohen))) sure to get debarred, but he doesn't care. Doubtless he's got plenty of cash rolling in from the derp state, possibly mueller's even raping the treasury even more on his account.

Does anyone think this is about anything more than (((character assassination)))? It strikes me that the purpose is to erode Trump's base, by making him out to be a philanderer. Meanwhile, historically the woman vote has overwhelmingly gone for the philanderer.

The notion that it's a violation of campaign finance to buy a news story, well, that's something that certainly has never been revealed.

But then again, campaign finance law seems to be an incredibly difficult puzzle - the podestas were doing the same thing manafort was doing, but presumably they had a special trick involved in how they structured their particular malfeasance, a secret trick doubtless the naive party - the American outside the Beltway - would be kept blindfolded to.

Anyhoo, what's your take? This seems like the strangest thing, suddenly the pink & purple haired literal stripper-paying party and pro-hooker, pro- anal sex, pro- everything, pro- Bill Clinton, pro- Kennedy's philandering, have become Hera, a dried out cunt?

I'm seeing this as a home run for Trump, though it may ruin his marriage. I didn't think the libs would make yet another mistake, and I keep being amazed by the mistakes they make, but there's so much tape we can roll, at this point, where all the various comedians defended Bill and his infamous and frequent bimbo fucking.

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Nice sources and links faggot.

Trump is a well known playboy. If his wife didn't know that, she'd be an idiot. And at this point, they are grasping for straws seeing how Muh Russia has failed spectacularly.

Also, the Paramount Network is doing a Treyvon Martin documentary this Friday. And I highly doubt it will go explaining on how the (((press))) made that riot happen.

They destroy morality and defend Bill while he gets his dick sucked in office and expect us to turn on Trump for infidelity. These people are retarded to think this would even work. It is all they have though.

or whatever. It's literally everywhere.

I really don't know what they expect then, no one gave a shit when Trump said grab them by the pussy, and everyone knows Trump was a playboy for decades.

What's really funny to me is Democrats have completely dropped muh separated Kids and muh Russia to focus on this moral attack

Still I guess we'll have too see what's actually in the tapes but tbh? I've been surprised at how little dirt they have found on him over the last 3 years considering all his wealth and real estate.

She's incredibly beautiful. I very much doubt she's any genius…

What's even on the tape?

Well, I did notice some women were in denial on that point, and it might be quite the sticking point, for some right-wing ladies. Meanwhile, he's giving women the tingles…

Again, if that was a problem I think it would have shown up in the muh pussy tapes
I'm pretty confident that the "stick to your moral principles" attitude died with Mitt Romney's campaign in 2012

Some hear Trump saying Cohen is to pay cash to buy a story.

Look, kikes get into the news biz because it's actually just a blackmail/extortion market. There is no value whatsoever to the press - it never has done a single thing to benefit any human beings.

So what they do is they create hit pieces. It works different ways, but basically they're trying to force companies to advertise on their platform. But a more direct way to stop it is to just (((sell))) the story.

Blackmail/extortion is such an interesting topic, because it's completely legal, so long as you're a kike in the news business when doing it.

Because Trump is a straight-forward cutthroat businessman. And reporting that would be like saying the "sky is blue".

It is boring and serves little to push their agenda on him being a tyrant. In fact, if they reported that, it will only make him look better.

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That's it? Lol is that literally it?

I agree. People have come to realize that failing to vote in their own interest leads to severe poverty - there is no hope that lies upon that path.

That's the thing, they're saying it's a violation of campaign finance law - and, hell, who the fuck knows if it is? It's not like (((campaign finance legislation))) has anything to do with comportment with the Constitution, which was never followed anyway - ever - and is just a fucking scam, bait for the assrape that is the maw of state.

One thing they are doing is they are utilizing tone to indicate outrage. There's a disconnect between the facts and their attitude. It's sort of haunting.

2 scoops. Remember that? They were able to feign outrage over the fucking 2 scoops. That was the day they all admitted that they weren't in politics on an principles at all - it was all about their animal desires.

The thing is though, what's being violated if he uses his own personal funds?

Yeah I do remember when they published during the republican primary how Trump was a dick during some negotiation he had years ago and dominated the deal he was making; Instead of being upset at Trump I just though, "huh, maybe he is genuinely good at making deal then"

I mean when it comes down to it, that's the real reason why Trump could shoot a man on the street and no one would care

Trump deserves it for trusting a Jew. You would think being around Jews 99% of the time in NYC would have redpilled him. But no, he is still 100% bluepilled and trusts Jews.

Yeah that too, with jews you lose and all that

then I guess we'll go there and leave your shit thread behind

I personally believe that being a womanizer does not necessarily turn out more voters, it's just that most people understand that it's the least of sins as far as politicians go and most politicians do the same thing or much worse, so they don't care.

You don't spend 30 years uprooting social morality and expect to hold people to the same standards you destroyed.

Fuck off jew with your attempts at preventing anons from mating with the most beautiful Nordic Goddess they can find. None of the above red text is true in any way. You just hate that Europeans exist and get the best grils.

It's pretty weird indeed. Campaign finance law is curious, especially in the area of presidential campaigns, since you have the legislature interfering with the executive, and I think that's a real problem right there. My own belief is that campaign finance, at the level of the executive, should only be possible of Constitutional Amendment. Otherwise, it seems to me, the executive comes to serve at the pleasure of the legislative, rather than holding a balance of power.

Yep, it's gotten so extreme. Liberals have become the complete and total enemy of the American worker.

t. never hired a (((lawyer)))

And the link to the "Russian collusion" is?

hahahahhahahahahah oh man

so. Tell me about the genius of arrogant pretty things.

You are not helping your case.

It's about infidelity now.

Do you suppose I am appealing to you, a white knight? I am mocking you, fool.

Does anyone other than the people who still watch CNN care at this point?

I'm about 95% resigned to the fact that we're headed for civil war in any event, so this is just one more piece of straw for the overloaded camel. I just recently quit a job that took me all over NE FL and the number of normal people that have bought guns and are attending classes is pretty stunning; I've never seen anything like it (I'm 50). And they're not hiding it; it's openly discussed in many places. Head's up CNN: these people are NOT on your side lol.

All girls are the same, pretty or ugly. It is based on their upbringing. Some are nice, some are not, some are mean, some are not, some are all of these thing at different times in their lives, just like men.
It has been foretold.

I'm not sure. I know that the kikes are trying to destabilize America, though…

No, you just seem like a scornful jewess right now.

*one hundred white babies
Sorry, English is not my first language, I got that mixed up.


Hey, why not write a book on parenting? You sure are the hotshot with all the easy answers. I suggest the pen name: Dr. James Dobson

Genuinely hilarious, look at this WashPoo headline. And, oh, I'll check those dubs.

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Hillary had Cohen she thought set-up Trump as the voice of the birther campaign to prove Kang Nigger was a foreigner back in 2011, but he flipped that on them both and kicked her ass.
Trump knew all about Cohen and was playing the hooknose piece of shit for a patsy the entire time. Now the little fuckface even has Clinton mob lawyer Lanny Davis defending him lol

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Tucker had a Reuter's poll the other night that asked people their #1 concern after the economy. Russia came in at #27 with less than 1% of people responding out of over 1000, it wasn't even measurable. Immigration was #1 with 22%.
They spent an entire week on Russia after Helsinki and literally no one in the country thinks Russia is a threat.



This story relates to the health and welfare of the white people.

Attached: Giuliani responds to secret Trump-Cohen recording release.webm (640x360, 10.19M)

Yeah but not your shit attitude, that belongs on /news/.

yeah you're totally not a jealous ugly hag. sorry that no one will white knight for you.

Fuck off back to Zig Forums you slimy kike. Reported.

So… just to be clear… Trump fucked a hot chick a decade ago in a consensual act… before the election he wanted to pay her to shut her up due to knowing how the media rolls, his lawyer recorded that… and the media thinks telling the world about it will make people not like him?

They really are scraping bottom barrel here. This will make people like him more. Do they not realize that all men want that life and all women want to be in that life? Christ… they really are out of touch to a very high level.

They'd be more effective if they pretended Trump was actually one of them.

This is interesting - McCain supported (((Lanny)))

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I am 6'9000 Aryan God.
I see, you are a leftist, you filthy nigger, you.
No (you) for you.


Ah, attitude litmus test.

If he gets banned by Id the thread dies, too.
Don't do that, he's just new.

Is that it? Didn't those retards scream bloody murder just a few weeks ago about muh russia collusion and how much a traitor puppet Trump is and how he is literally Hitler but in orange?
Talk about deescalation they couldn't have picked a more harmless topic unless they went for his hair. again

Not even paying her. The story is over paying NATIONAL ENQUIRER which makes it look like even bigger bullshit in the public eye.

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There's no test, user, and no need to shit up your own thread.
You could've posted the audio and the transcript.

My god what a fucking bimbo she is. I remember her saying, and I'm fucking serious, that "we want everyone to be rich". The absolute nigger of it. Useful recording, but this is the situation, the frame has been set: it somehow is supposed to matter how the hell he pays a bimbo to no smear him.

Guess what? I, and 99% of men with an actual pair of balls, don't care how he paid the whore.

All women are whores, all of them.

< gaslighting on what was said seconds ago

The transcript is available on:

And other fine kike blackmail apparatuses of national name brand status.

I want everyone white to be rich.

Not me. I want the smart ones to be rich, and the stupid ones to gitgud

Ultimately Trump SIGNED OFF on this tape being released, he waived his rights. Trump probably had 10,000 people check it against legal stature and they all said it was a nothing burger.
This makes the FBI look like complete shit. The FBI stole this tape from Cohen and gave it to CNN. This happens the same week where we find CNN's talking heads like Comey, Clapper, and Brennan all have top secret FBI clearance.
Trump stands there like the Road Runner, waits for the faggots to throw a big right hook, then steps out of the way and the left spins around like Wile E Coyote and punches itself in the face.

I started typing this with "Are the liberals dumb enough to try to harp on fidelity when they themselves have been pushing free-sex mantras for years now?"
And then I realized oh, it isn't for the liberals. Its to try to sway any of the dire-conservatives who view marriage deeply. Problem is, everyone who was a conservative already knew what Trump was when they voted him in. They know he's a cheater, he's a womanizer, "grab them by the pussy" and whatnot - and don't care.

All CNN does is make us a new meme.


Stop being a nigger, and just go to fucking cnn or any other cuck outlet if you needs some good hard cucking, cuckold.

Its like they're trying to lose the black vote. Niggers still love Clinton because he banged that mutt in the oval office.



But CNN, Huffpo, etc told me that monogamy was bad! These fucks have spent years pushing all sorts of indecency and pulling down morality, and now they're preaching morality. It's honestly hilarious.


It's quite literally nothing

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Didn't Trump know that Cohen taped his clients?
He's making them run in circles again. How exactly dumb are these kikes.
The guy knew that they would raid and play these tapes.

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If the money that nigger sportsball players and rappers made was suddenly filtered into poor whites, this country would instantly become a better place.

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Filter the retard:

Already had a friend who was a never-Trumper basically ask me how I can be ok with his "lack of character." I said I didn't elect him to babysit my kids, I elected him to run the country financially. His only response was "fair enough." The left's back is broken.

Checked for truth.


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Sage all Republikike threads.

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That's literally insane.

o wow. im so triggered now. yep, voting hillary now, u dun it.

The fact it is real and not just a meme is classic though. Trump is fueled by 12 Diet cokes and 2 scoops of ice cream daily.

Why is it always gay sex innuendo with you guys?

whatever happened to the Russia story? or the kids in cages? Why have we circled back around to Trump's sex life? I can't even keep the narratives straight anymore.

woh woh

Saving this, naming it cringe.mp4.

The fact that they even believe it is telling enough.


12 Diet cokes and 2 scoops a day? That's an impeachment.

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Maxine Waters is one of the ugliest men I've ever seen.

/fit/ here, diet soda is not ideal because it still spikes your insulin but it's not really bad if you're not into fitness. If he spreads it through out the day it's a decent flow of caffeine. I mean Warren Buffet drinks 10 full sugar Cherry Cokes a day and he's perfect.

What the fuck were they hoping with that crazy expose?

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Spoiler that shit, user. I don't think I ever saw a nigger more visually offensive than Maxine.

I think the media organizations realize how stupid the stories are after looking into it.
The Russia story was basically "why is Trump not nuking Russia? Peace with Russia is treason!"
The kids in cages was "that thing that Obama was doing for years and Trump continued with is now human rights abuse and nazis and stuff!"
Also, when ratings go down, they have to jump to new "scandals."

The Trump equation

100% wrong. /fitter/ here, I live in ketosis. I drink diet pop or Zevia sometimes and it does not affect insulin, I never leave ketosis.