So if Mexicans should not be allowed to enter the USA when trying to run from cartels, aren't there asylums in Mexico which can help them? Why do they keep trying to enter the USA? Is there any safe place in Mexico?
How Fucked Is Mexico?
Mexico is fine. It's the citizens that are the problem.
Mexico is messed up because it is full of Mexicans. The condition of the country will never change until that is changed.
Soooo USA take back Mexico?
Sure, after pic related happens.
Mexico is only shit due to its lower caste + narcos. It's sort of like how the U.S. is only not self-reliant with no debt due to its shitty gov.
The "lower caste" is 90% of mexicos population.
Well it is their own homeland and it's their own problems. I don't get the removal part.
Wont deny. I just know that the upper castes do all they can to act american (for better or for worse. After all, importing a bunch of American goods is technically bad for one's economy).
I think Israel could open its arms to the struggling asylum seekers in Mexico. Israel is dangerously white, and desperately needs some diversity.
I still stand by the statement that Maximilian was Mexico's last hope
Mexico is in the shape it is in because most of the people there are uneducated, unskilled and have allowed corruption to take over every part of their own government. For many decades even local police took bribes, federal police took bribes and government officials were nothing but criminals. The people were OK with this because it mean they did not have to follow laws and could do as they please. What Mexico needs to do is grow a set of balls and clean up the mess they have allowed to grow for over 100 years. Their country will continue to be corrupt until they all figure out that each Mexican needs to have some skin in the game. Instead, the run and hide.
Because they want to ruin our nice things.
It deserves diversity because it's jewish. jews are not white. white countries do not deserve diversity.
So basically what you're saying is that Mexico can be saved by giving everyone a college education and/or jobs programs.
I'm being facetious. Israel is not going to be the monolithic society it once was.
the solution is dont get involved with the cartels.
america is trying to put an end to the border hoppers because it
seems like an absolutist solution
the way you go about it implies that white countries should be flooded with diversity.
It should be more like
Normalfags hear that and tune out. Use their own propaganda against them. Jews will inevitably come out and say they can't have immigration because then Israel won't be jewish anymore. Then nomad jews have a choice to make. Come out as hypocrites, or advocate for the racial destruction of Israel.
OP you are fucking retarded as shit if you actually believe that shit. I hope die from AIDs.
Fuck them. If they were decent people, they wouldn't be fleeing in the first place, let alone coming here illegally and then trying to change our fucking country. Build the wall, let them die or fix their own problems.
Their government is corrupt but a reformer was just elected. They'll be fine
Wild animals don't have homelands, they have habitats.
Imagine living in a shithole country which your entire bloodline of generation is a fouled mix between an autistic Spaniard and a mongol Aztec. Then later your people start worshiping some sickening fetish of a dressed skeleton and then proclaim being some "we wuz proud Aztec" while waving fatass sized sombreros like some cartoon character. Being so depressed that you start seeing death as your only release from this misery.
And then the government. The equivalent of Zimbabwe, filled with corruption this much that in the election the only option for mongrels to vote of the lesser cancerous was a fucking commie.
Then the police. Oh right, there is no such thing.
Because in america they can live an entire life on the 'weafare' while paying for every generation they produce from now until the end of time. All for a vote.
The solution to Mexico's problems would be the rise of a new Porfirio Diaz, the next solution would be to reinstate a caste that makes sure castizos and creoles become the majoriity again while bribing meztizos and indios to sterilize themselves.
next would be to kick out the hatians and chinks who are invading the country.
of course this is only possible in a perfect world, Mexico is fucked because of it's 100 years of (((neo-liberalism)) and disdain for "malinchism"
honestly … is this not what makes mexico mexico
lets think about the culture , what is a strong mexico look like… it looks like modern day aztec empire complete with bloodlust and sacrifice. This is their culture, this is what being mexican is. They are cold blooded lizards. A thriving mexico is one in which people get murdered for being too weak and the successful are praised for torturing the weak. The people are disgusting.
illegal migrants are Latin Californians.
Depends on the timeline…
If anything kinetic kicks off over here, mexico and its people are not going to exist within an decade. Here is how its going down. The 'sides' are mostly lined up, there are far more than two but we and our outlook are one of the largest, most aggressive and angry of those. We and our half assed allies whom don't want to be like us are clearly under attack already, so once kinetics are going around its going to force everyones hand to get up and get going or die or watch whatever 'ideal' you value disappear. So what is coming is going to be ugly as fuck right out the damned gate.
Now mexico, if it was filled with non idiots, good forward thinking leadership and an stable economy; would be able to take one look at an civil war america and immediately close its borders to everything but basic trading and humanitarian relief going north while forgetting about ANYONE that claims to be a spic up north, faggots don't exist hombre. BUT we all know, mexico aint none of those things and is shit in a handbasket already. So they are going to go and stick their dirty sanchez wetback dick in everything they can. Trying to annex territory, letting armed bands ride north to rape and pillage, openly attack in support of their faggot cousins up north and all manor of other shit. For a year or two, maybe even three or four, its gonna be GREAT for that little shitskin nation. Living the high life and enjoy all the benifits of being mongrel worthless fucks.
Now, their problem will come once those of us, or our 'allies' gain an advantage over our true enemies and start to stabilize our own territory and forces under more organized tactics and units rather than everyone going full hannibal lector lone wolf tier murder cubes vs our domestic enemies. A couple years in, warlords are going to become supreme, and its ultimately going to be either commie warlords or our warlords, nobody else has the viciousness of character imbued with conviction to pull it off well for long. Those warlords are not going to put up with Mexico's shit for long, either group of warlords since even for commies diversity is bullshit if everyone is not under heel. The moment any kind of lul in the domestic fighting happens, eyes are turning to mexico and its vast untapped resources not pulling its weight in helping the domestic fight, and those worthless beaners shitting the place up everywhere else.
If its one of us whom rises near where they can access mexico, they are tripple doubly fucked. Since culling at least 100million shitskinns here is part of the process of securing our own peoples and tribes, adding a few dozen more millions of shitskinns isn't an issue. And there are oil fields, mines, ports and food production areas to free the fuck out of. Industrial scale extermination should be taking off a few years into any fight anyway and long gone past individual hangings or mass gunnings. Adding the resources of mexico into the fold of any fight will bring additional land to buffer attacks, vastly increase the industrial capacity of any rising nation and be beyond the purview of more 'timid' minds back home.
It also would allow an outlet valve for getting an use out of those more unruly whites whom chaffee even under your rule, various shitskinns whom are allied to you, moving them off to another area with greater profit for them will open your territory up without having to purge needed support, and give those whom are not direct line fighters more avenues to work for the new system beyond basic support back home. Not everyone likes turning bolts ultimately. And if you manage to push down thru and into pannama, once you claim the canal you legitimately become an nation unto your own that nobody can deny and GUTS the legitimacy of any legacy powers you may still be facing off against you domestically.
Yea, you may be demonized worth wide for shit. But that's a given anyway. And nobody, not china, not russia, not the eu is going to send help to mexico once its under direct assault. The moment that happens by an white force it falls, and likely far faster than anyone, even us would expect. You gain enough power domestically to think about pushing into them, you have already surpassed mongol levels of fear from your enemies, hate at your enemies, rage in fighting, experience and power in warfare that few peoples ANYWHERE are going to want to push face to face into an fight with you without already being locked into an war here domestically.
Just to be clear this is for discussion purposes only right?
I hate those self locks, you have to wait for an eternity for the employees to unlock any of the items
shelf locks
It's full of Mexicans.
Nobody here is an warlord user.
Yeah, in the gated communities where people of European descent reside
Yes and also no.
Mexico is shit because most of its population is composed of low-IQ brown people who are the descendants of MesoAmerican cultists and half-Spanish rape babies.
Mexico is Mexico because of Mexicans.
Genetics affects everything. Massively. For good or ill.
They come to America for gibs and subversion.
Also this.
Being a Nationalist means, among other things, advocating for STAYING OUT OF OTHER COUNTRIES BUSINESS.
Not our problem.
Deport all beaners.
Seal the border.
Don't do them any harm. Don't help them.
See: Jade Helm.
Eventually you'll be cartel or dead just glass Mexico and move in after the dust settles.
Cartels don't exist.
They're all arms of the Mossad through the CIA, and are all supported by the Mexican government.
If Mestizos had any tamales, they'd man up and fix their problems, but because they are shit, they seek the White man's gibs and bring their shit problems to the White man's land. Fuck them. Glass it all, build the wall across Panama and laugh at their demise. And fuck you for shit thread
A Mexican can apply for asylum at any US consulate or the US embassy in Mexico.
They can also go to any legal US entry point and claim for political asylum.
You don't cross illegally (a misdemeanor or felony) and then do what some Globalist lawyer said and claim that you're a "refugee" and the child you have is yours when you're really a MS-13 thug trafficking in under age children.
This should be the solution.
After the USA stops the cash flow to crime syindicates by killing the coke heads and pedophiles at Holywood, the violence in Mexico should go down a lot.
You would think mexicans would support that, but nooooo…
Mexico needs to go home. When in northern US and there are more Mexicans than Whites there’s a fucking problem. You’re proud of being Mexican, so great go live in Mexico with your pride.
Not our problem. Shitskins need to sort out their own problems. We need to stop buying narcotics from them on the black market of course, but they need to sort themselves out
What’s this mean you faggots? I’m not the nigger trying to fuck other dudes.
Also stop fucking spelling shitskins with two 'n's.
Not really.
As it stands Mexico is in the grips of a civil war.
There is nowhere safe in Mexico. The cartels are pretty much everywhere.
The government is mostly on the cartels side.
This is ultimately it. Other nations suffered much much worse throughout their history yet they persevered. Mexico as a nation hasn't existed for any noticeable length of time yet they were always poor and corrupt. Same with pretty much all brown nations.
>The moment any kind of lul in the domestic fighting happens
What did you mean by these?
What the fuck is "chaffee"?
I… what? What are you trying to communicate in all this? Who's gonna invade mexico? Everything's too vague to make any proper sense out of it but you'd be wholly right on nobody sending help to mexico.
I understood him. It’s a vague for a reason
Mexico is what happens when you race mix. RIP USA
Like all 'latino' countries and the US now, they have a racial caste system that they ignore. The white 'Caucasian' hispanics are fine. Its the natives and nigger ones that are the problem
weird thought but i was thinking, what if a strong fascist Mexican leader came into power and dealt with all the cartels very brutally and forced people to work similar to what Stalin did
That's what I'm hoping will happen.
You can apply for US asylum in Mexico!!! at one of nineteen different locations.
The shitskins entering illegally, are the trash of Mexico and other shithole countries. You don't leave a place if you're established and have something going on. You have a family and job/business, you stay. You dropped out of school at age ten and have worked on a farm for the past decade… then you make a run for it.
And yet, the goddamn wetbacks, anchor babies and chicanos are the worst of the lot. You can forgive the tourists because they probably listened to a bad advice, but the Chicanos act like they own the place, and act like they're so Mexican, but they were cowardly faggots that ran away to your country and shit it up. They're worse than garbage maggots, they don't belong in your country and they sure as hell don't belong here either, their accents anger me with their fake California faggot twang and how they think they're so clever when they're only talking in English, like we don't understand them, but they'll turn into a poor defenseless Mexican when they're pressured. I hate them and it's easy to understand why you hate them too.
And the praised modern architecture is, surprise surprise, designed by a kike.
Then us burgers would have to go to war to free the poor mexicans from their evil nazi dictator.
t. CIA drug runner
And I hate you. I wish your inferior subhuman race was wiped out back when the wiping was good. Your country is shit and it's shitting up our country. Fuck you, mexicop. You're a bunch of fucking faggots enforcing laws written by a bunch of goddamn retards on a populous even fucking dumber than ours and that is fucking saying something.
t. Texan borderanon that wishes your country would finally die so I could stop putting up with your shit
They almost got their 9/11 after 9/11 by an Israeli company
why is the flag on the building so far from the top of the pole?
Here's a thought: Mexico could pull a Duarte and kill the fucking cartels.
Our illegals aren't Mexicans, they just pass through Mexico in an attempt to run away from leftist controlled shitholes like Honduras. Only to vote and endorse for the same shit that made them leave their country in the first place.
that would involve bravery and hard work. Mexicans are cowards and lazy.
Well if they don't pull a Duterte and start slaughtering the gangs, they'll finish becoming a bunch of warlord states in a decade or so, if not less.
Who the fuck cares if they get help?
They shouldn't need help.
Cartels aren't this big bad boogey man. They're a group of gigantic pussies who attack as a group single people, elderly, and children then think they're so tough.
Cartels are the niggers of Mexico. They don't know how to 1v1 fight or fight someone their own size.
I've never heard of that. Where on Earth do they lock up cheese?