What the fuck is going on in Texas? And Texas of all places?! Better yet, why is the antham of an openly hostile country being played there and people are sitting around like 'this is cool. We can do this now'?
Chinese baseball team takes over Texas minor league club
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there, that's the problem right there, that's why china is allowed to move in, because spics already have.
nobody cares
texas is a big place that only cares about the big leagues
International event, happens everywhere, normal. Especially before the World Baseball Classic and Olympics during international warmups.
But Mexico is just south of us. China is on the other side of the world.
Maybe it's just me, but playing China's national anthem on a us baseball field is freaky as fuck. No I really don't see it as normal.
Chinks play baseball?
Texas is a shithole. It's really overrated by Texans, but it will be California tier in a decade or two. The few Whites left in the state are boomers and evangelical trash.
How does this make you feel?
Unles it's some international event akin to the olympics, that's fucked up and shouldn't happen. That said, this is how the chinks operate.
The Chinese had (and probably still do) a strong presence in Mexico, at leas t in regards to business. this is why you will sometimes find some spic with some chinese in their lineage. They were run out of Mexico due to them pulling much of the shit the jews pulled (and the same shit the chinks pull anywhere and everywhere they go). Mexicans finally had enough when the chink were outright taking their women. It honestly wouldn't surprise me if they had a hand along with jews in all this illegal immigration shit, with their own plan in mind all the while hoping to stab everyone in the back. They only care about themselves after all.
But when you read the article, I linked out forget down, it reads like "oh everything is cool". China has fucked this country and many others. I'm getting sick of selling foreigners enjoying American things in America.
I've heard of that and I wonder if it's a large reason, other than migration, for the border wall.
The reason why it's announced in Spanish is because Mexico and Dominican Republic share the minor league with US college teams. why do think so many MLB are from the Dominican?
Baseball is pretty big in Asia in general. Japan and South Korea specifically. Also lots of mediocre North American and South American go over there when their career is fading/stalled and tear it up over there because it's basically AAA level baseball with smaller fields and pitchers who can't throw as hard. You'll see a guy from North America who was hitting .220 with half a dozen home runs and then when he goes to Korea he'll be hitting .300 with 20-30 homers in the blink of an eye.
Good. China will follow the example set by their youth and crush the USA on their own turf. Long live Socialism with Chinese characteristics! Long live Eurasian solidarity against American imperialism!
CIDF please go
I would say Kill yourself commie fag, but you'd find a way to fuck that up I'm sure. Take your failing eggshell of an economy and leave the West in peace. The longer you stay the more everyone sees what you are: the (((rice merchant))). Can't wait for Chinese people to start killing politicians in the streets once things go sideways!
Get this drudge report click bait out of here
There's a reason why the Chinese are sometimes called the Jews of the East. Ask any Asian, particularly the Japanese and they'll tell you why they hate them. I would not be surprised if separatist movements and sectarian violence is also supported by them.
That's how sports work, it's a sports match formality, not a political statement.