(((EU))) offers 7k per muslim invader; Italy accepts




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The fucking nerve of these bastards.

Soros can't afford the 50k price tag at the rate he's pushing them in. kek

Oy veyy accept our niggers into your nation goy, we will pay $7000 per 6 million rapefugees!


You sneaky son of a bitch, you just about had me.

Keep being awesome Italy.

Globalists will pay you to destroy your country. They're that desperate now.

$7000 per nigger is a pretty lowball offer, tbh.

Any leaders who take the offer should be ousted by an angry mob.

I assume that's per year?
Versus a one-time payment of 7,000?
How insulting…
However, it just goes to show how close to the end of the rope the EU is to only be able to offer that much.
If I were an European, I'd be hiding my assets before they try that savings account haircut shit again, and preparing for massive unrest once the gibs dry up.

It would have been funnier if he demanded the amount paid to holohoax "survivors" every year per nigvader.

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They should collect the money and deport them the second they step on italian soil.

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"Ousted" is a weird way to spell "beheaded," user.

Who said anything about 6000 dollars? What do you even need 3000 burgershekels for? OY VEY, YOU'RE KILLIN ME GOY

7k for a single mud? They'll do more damage than that pittance of a payment in less than a week.

it's too expensive and too risky to let them touch soil for a just a second. Better just to deport before touching soil.


Just have them get off, cross the dock and board the ship waiting to take them to somalia for 1k a head.

The real nerve was blatantly pretending that 7000 would cover even a fraction of the cost of the resources those invaders siphon off.

Same, that troll-god had me leaning forward in my seat for a moment there.


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What a good deal! The fucking audacity to even think of offering this truly astonishes me.

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Tax payers of other European nations you mean.


>🗹 Accepted

>☑ Rejected

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Mussolini is smiling down.


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They might have to sue jewgle again.

Salvini rejects but the 5kike DiMaio and Conte were pushing for sharing quotas. The other two aren't antinigger like he is. Thats why hes soaring in popularity while the 5kikes plummets.
For now hes going to starve them out and make coming to italy less appealing by cutting their funding (pic related). God help these subhuman savages when he gains full control in 2023.
Zognald wishes he could be this good.

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Also Salvini is looking to pass a law that prevents faggots from adoption.

fuck off

Well, he's not completely wrong. Salvini is doing more than any American politician has done in ages (in less the time). Especially if

is true. May Italy survive if the rest of the world attempts to pull a WWII on them.

Pull up any of his rallies dating back even before the election. He says it at almost every single one. Basically: "I don't care what you do in the bedroom but children needs their mom and dad." Crowd always cheers.

Shitlibs are lucky he isn't from an english speaking country otherwise they would be committing suicide en masse by now.


They just print the money. Even more cruel because future generations will not have any capital base left to use.

Holding area = Vesuvio or Etna, haha

Why don’t EU just buy a unused land to create a nation specifically for the migrants. Oh wait I forgot EU wanted to destroy the white people.

So the EU is going to pay back money they taxed… what kind of roundabout logic

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Get the money, then ship them all to a mass grave. Machine gun them and kick them in, then bury them.

Repeat for infinite money.

Based Spaghetti Niggers
How fucking insulting. How fucking typical. Truly, kikes are as miserly as they are genocidal.

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a billionaire dude said he would buy an island for all the refuges/migrants to live in peace. but (((everybody))) told him that it wouldn't work.

Will they pay me to take in a qt Booer or South Afrikanner ?

This won't work. Gullible and stupid whites will rescue them and then put them in their own houses. Don't be a retard.

That doesn't happen because you anglosaxon and burgers were for a very long time, jew puppets and their most valuable resource, to the point the cancer started spreading to your own country.
That's why especially England is completely lost (England died just after WW2).
Italians, on the other hand, didn't receive the most bad goy punishment as Germans did, while at the same time where pioneers in literally fascism. They are, to this day, very proud people with a decent/good sense of volk and community.
I hope Salvini does good now and in the future.

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>billionaire dude said he would buy an island for all the refuges/migrants to live in peace. but (((everybody))) told him that it wouldn't work.
I am surprised that there is a billionaire that actually offers to buy the island for the migrants. It’s a shame that (((they)) are in the way.

Ahhhhh yessssss
All praise

Checked normalcy trips. Thank you Kek

This time the jews are to be exterminated. No labor, no resort camps. Break down their doors, drag them out and shoot them in the gutter right there outside their home. It is our responsibility to absolutely exterminate them without fail so that our grandchildren never have to face such times.

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great minds think alike, user.

This is the same tactic they've been using for decades if not centuries really. Paying people off to betray their race and participate in their own genocide.

Is that how much slaves cost nowadays? Too expensive for the regular kind. But its dirt cheap if you can find a healthy, athletic one that sports clubs will pay millions for.

Genius. I mean the cost of the fuel alone you are making a net profit. Accept them all and you have a clean burning energy source. Top kek.

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That can't even cover a single invader for a few months, let alone a year. The damage one causes by letting these shitskins in amounts to hundreds of thousands of euros. They will have to pay Italy million euros per head to even consider such a thing.

That won't even cover the cost of processing.

So does this mean the EU will an hero soon?

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Italy should just troll and mock the EU by making a ridiculous demand like they will accept invaders but only for €10.000 billion each shitskin. Just accepting two will overload entire EU's GDP kek

Fucking Heebs.

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The real insult here is that the money the EU offers ame from its member states in the first place. Granted, probably not Italy since their economy is non-existent like with all PIGS but still.

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I can get a horse processed for $2k, and i get returns on the glue.

mein sides

Yeah that is per year. Though 50k is a high estimate, the real cost calculated was somewhere around 36.000 euro per refugee per year.

The EU is just lowballing Italy with a relief plan. Italian government sees the kike trick and refuses it. Salvini is doing an excellent job so far in Italy to stop the niggerboats.

But that's a good thing. Eventually 5 stars will just have to accept Salvini his points otherwise they will fade into being obscure and unwanted.

He's doing that + he's also allocating more budget for refugee processing centers so the process of determining if someone is a legit refugee or not speeds up a lot and with this deportations go faster. Of course for this to succeed he also needs to curb the in coming wave of invaders, which he's doing in an excellent fashion.

Yeah its true but its not a major point imo. This is because homosexuals can still opt for a carry mother. Meaning one of the fags impregnates a women and the women gives the child to the man. Usually the woman involved does this in exchange for a nice sum of cash. There isn't a law that would prevent the biological father from being with the child even if he had a homosexual relation.

I think they already died in the 17th century, England being the favored country of the kikes and elites.

USA is even more lost. 2% of their population is a kike or something. Their congress filled to the brim with kikes and policies advocating for jewry everywhere. It is sinful in America to say that you should only be able to earn money through labor, either mental or physical. People like Warren Buffet do not contribute to society, cut these people away from it. Stop usury, stop big banks from exploitation. It's very difficult to be national socialist while at the same time not hating jews, for the jew is behind most of the machinations plaguing nations and its citizens.

Do they even realize that this is adding an incentive to refusing migrants ?

Also lets hope that Salvini keeps this up, i cant wait to see how desperate the EU will become.

That's funny how they're not using the term "refugee" anymore.

Fucking kikes man.


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>Now look here goyim we'll pay you $7,000 per shvartze that you allow in your country

>Why won't you accept our generous offer of $5,000 for every handsome dark skinned gentlemen you let through your borders?

You're missing out here goy, just think of what you could do with the $3,000 we give you in exchange for letting each of these proud nubian prince cohabitate in your nation?

Come on now goyim stop being so xenophobic! You're missing out here! Every cushi mamzer is worth a whole $1,000 to you just for letting them crash on the couch!

We'll sell you these boatloads of niggers for cheap goy! Only $500 each! You don't want to be anti-Semitic do you? Better buy our niggers goyim…

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That's always their game. Sell people shit they don't want that is also inherently destructive to them.

Pay 50k per migrant, castrate them and implant a self destruct internal cyanide release mechanism for the moment they act up.


holy hail trips


Schlomo will hear of this and fix your attitude for me. Simply because he likes you less than me.

Thanks user, I'm pretty pissed that I fucked up the formatting but I'm tired as hell and need sleep. G'night.

Actually if any mod reads this do me a solid would ya and fix my post so it looks aesthetically pleasing like I originally intended?

Polite sage for stupid tired mistakes.

Well those Hitler dubs seem to imply so.

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My sides. Have some fresh ones.

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From one of his latest posts.

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who are you and what are you doing here

Holy shit. Plaudite, amici.

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What if, we keep their women and breed them so our grandkids can enjoy killing the jews?

No you'll just create new kikes fuck that.

same here, I also feel for it

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Kikes aren't fucking game or cattle. They are rats. You don't leave piles of filth around just so you can trap rats or give a cat something to do, do you?

Plus that would involve fucking a jewess. That's just gross dude.