I'm a creative type trying to break into the industry and have a couple of projects I'm working on currently but because I value your opinions and actually find a lot of my inspiration from some of the weirder topics discussed here I thought I would try and probe your brains a bit. Are there any stories that you feel need to be told that haven't? Anything you think has untapped potential, historical events, occultist shit, weird paranormal happenings, anything you think hasn't gotten the attention it deserves? Specifically historical happenings that could be adapted into realistic fictional recreations. I don't claim to be influential or successful in anyway and am finding it hard to break into a career where I feel my knowledge and skills are being utilized so I am leaning more and more towards making my own success. Self publishing is easier than ever, so what Zig Forums approved stories would you like to see?
Fair warning I am trying to cater to normies a bit so I probably won't be writing stories about how Hitler did nothing wrong and is currently living in an advanced society with alien technology in the center of the earth, though it's probably true tbh
most likely a book as I've discovered a no name selling a script to a big movie studio isn't something that happens so much
Elijah Brooks
Like a book about the bolshevik revolution maybe, though I have a suspicion it might be shoah'd before it gets out the gate
Carter Price
Oh great. The untalented hipster hack who asks for free screenplay ideas is back fishing for ideas. How about you fucking get a real life already. You're not talented if you can't come up with original stories on your own.
I advise that you should do some work on ancient history. For one, generally people have their minds made up on who is good and evil in recent history because of (((established media works))). You can do some good by teaching people the truth of the world with ancient examples. One topic I was surprised not to see was the invasion of Israel by the Assyrians. From there you can make the the reader, or whatever medium you are using, learn that the (((Good goys))) aren't so good as they seem using contemporary topics.
Owen Lee
nothing is original user
I knew I would get replies like this, and in thirty minutes you'll make a post bitching about the big bad media controlling the narrative in some other thread
Jace Rogers
I've been seeing a ton of stuff like this lately. The Eturdia Guy The Zig Forums book guy. All the folks over /agdg/ in /v/ Shit, there was a guy slipping red pills about the Jews in an H-game a while back etc.
Anyway, the biggest thing probably is the Ancient Aryans stuff. I'm convinced that the Ancient Aliens show was pitched by an honorary who wanted to talk about ancient Aryans and was simply misunderstood.
Think Beowulf, Volsunger, Ramayana. We Wuz ViKangs type stuff.
Jackson Cruz
learning about this kind of thing was my intent when starting this thread, people have such short memories when it comes to history, most people I know don't know anything about events before the current creation myth of WWII
I think you're right in ancient history being a goldmine for what I'm after, it's just the matter of narrowing the scope a bit
Nolan Jenkins
Maybe you could have retard character like in your stories
Thanks for ruining (((Hollywood))) Millenials, kekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekkekekek. This is what happens when you raise a generation of posers on nastolgia culture and make them obsess on genre. Fucking pathetic.
Like that game Kingdom Come Deliverance had pretty good success and it was about a period in history I was never really aware of, just some jolly ol peasant lad who had his village slaughtered
Characters are what makes a story good, but a historical context can help build those characters
I find Mesopotamia the best place to start because they were the beginning of Western Civilization. A lot of the attributes of the West has been established thousands of years ago. You can do a pretty good case study of the present using Mesopotamian civilization.
Isaac King
not real I presume?
Jacob Jones
So are you trying to write historical fiction that it set in actual history, or mythological fiction that dramatizes older stories for a modern audience, or are you trying to write complete fictions inspired by actual history and mythology (sci-fi or fantasy)? The difference is how much research you have to do and the limits of what you can do narrative-wise.
If you want good examples of well-done historical fiction, look at The Killer Angels (Gettysburg) and Gates of Fire (Battle of Thermopylae) to see the sort of research extent you would need to do. You may find some good material reading ancient histories from the Greeks and Romans (Herodotus has tons of awesome stuff in it that no one hears about) or listen to Hardcore History which covers all kinds of cool topics.
If you want to take old mythology and spruce it up, you'd just need to read the source material, get a feel for the culture and significance of the events in it that don't make sense, and re-adapt it into cultural context (i.e. Rule of Cool the stuff in it). It's basically fan-book stuff with the mythology, and could be a good exercise on its own. As a child I got into mythology pretty well because there was a series that dramatized and fleshed out some of the mythologies into longer narratives while staying close to the source material. There's a reason why mythological stories survive for thousands of years, because they are inherently interesting to particular audiences.
If you are more inclined to world-build, go for a sci-fi or fantasy setting that draws from history and mythology and tells the story you want to tell. That medium will let you show the upsides and downsides and new sides of any subject without iron mental traps clamping shut in peoples' minds when encountering, say, government styles or politically incorrect philosophies. It's the most creative route that you'll have to draw up your own boundaries for to give it definition, but one you get going on it you can make anything you want.
Be sure to make the main character a trans nigger to confuse the fuck out of the censors.
Post-collapse interior America, looking at the balkanization and downgearing of things. The slow purge of hyphenated Americans, from the perspective of a man stranded in Louisiana, trying to get to the Pacific Northwest on foot and boat.
Get all those scifi Zig Forums greentexts together and craft a narrative.
thanks for the reply, I will add those to my list of books to read, I do think the route most likely to succeed would be to world build and create a new world for the story to take place in and just sprinkle some subtle red-pills in throughout the setting, keep it grounded in the horrors that already exist in reality. If I went the historical route I would definitely be trying to dramatize historical events into more digestible and entertaining stories for the modern attention span, books like Hero of Rome or A Farewell to Arms
All the greentexts on /x/ definitely provide some interesting inspiration and I have a feeling those types of stories would be easier to create because I would be able to utilize more fantastical bullshit, and I think books by authors like Cormac McCarthy show people do have a stomach for those types of gritty post-collapse realistic takes
books are patrician as fuck user
Chase Russell
Books are dying and no longer serve as useful propaganda If you were going to write anything useful you'd make it a pdf and spread it everywhere (Maybe charge money, like on kickstartertv) Otherwise reading stories about fantasy bullshit is forbidden in many places in the bible, and I just generally don't give a fuck about fake and gay ayylmaos, historical fiction, or any other flights of fancy that distract from the true goal of winning the culture war aka taking back America and then the world. No offense, but how in the heck would your book help the white man? (I could offer a few ideas as to how it could help, but I want to see if you can)
Benjamin Rogers
you don't think celebrating culture and highlighting the glories of the past would help to preserve it?
books are essentially where all these pedowood kikes get their ideas from in the first place
Josiah Myers
Celebrating them doesn't require writing a book about something which has already been written about, nor does it require colorful language or filling in the blanks with historical fiction. Celebrating history should be done with your sons and daughters, as you tell them of a bygone era when a few good men stood against a crashing wave of evil and were victorious, teaching them of the values they caught for and letting their hearts glow with the light passed on through millennia. And maaaybe have festivals or other such things to celebrate the greatest bits of history and tradition. Historical fact is exciting enough to one whose senses have not been dulled to oblivion.
Brandon Smith
Something similar to WW2 and Hitler, but a little more convoluted. Similar to a novel. Of course, you need to change some things to make it appear as a totally fictitioust story.
bump because creating our own media and entertainment is important
Kayden Myers
Why don;t you write a science fiction story in which the protagonist benefits from the counsel of strange wise men, ambidextrous albino elders who give him a potion that induces his hallucinations.
While high he vividly dreams of an historic game changer - a biological war that brings about a new paradigm for the world. As the dream begins a parrot named Kilgore Trout tells the story of a small, clandestine biology lab wherein the protagonist sees an user with a PhD in molecular biology. The user works with determination to design and deploy an ethnic bioweapon.
The parrot describes the ensuing, successful biological attack that [by chapter 2] secures the existence of our people & a future for White children.
For the ending maybe it's a dark & stormy night & the ghost of Rod Serling shows up.
Books only sell if they're "wrote" by celebrities or if for whatever reason kike book reviewers pick some lucky goy writer for good reviews.
Leo Watson
For those who don't know who Kilgore is…
The late Kurt Vonnegut, "the satirical novelist who captured the absurdity of war and questioned the advances of science in darkly humorous works such as “Slaughterhouse-Five,” “Breakfast of Champions” and “Cat's Cradle,” (wikipedia) created a fictional character named Kilgore Trout, a notably unsuccessful author of paperback science fiction novels.
In Vonnegut's writings over the years Kilgore Trout would show up in the story, usually wanting to write a novel about something that had to do with the plot.. Alas, Kilgore never quite got his novel written.
yes she really stopped having sex with him just because of his hat?
David Peterson
What a fag, I can easily keep women from having sex with me without the aid of a hat.
Zachary Collins
A short adaption of Mark Twain's "The Facts Concerning the Recent Carnival of Crime in Connecticut" has not been made (if it has it has escaped my attention) and should appeal to an audience outside of Zig Forums. I'd think that it would be public domain by now.
Jackson Parker
genuinely entertaining, thank you
Bentley Parker
Full Vid
Wyatt Mitchell
Soooo much could be done with the Gothic incursions into the Roman Empire in the 4th and 5th centuries. Pertinent to today for sure, although maybe not in the way people think. The Goths had established cultural links with the Romans going back centuries, served as federates in the armies, had already penetrated the empire in a million ways for business purposes, etc. They were acculturated to Roman society and had integral relations and roles - despite the modern narrative you won't find any contemporary historians describing them as barbarians. They couldn't be more different from the masses of African primitives trying to leech their way into Europe right now. But regardless the story of the first sack of Rome would be amazing, or of the Battle of Adrianople which ended up with Valens being killed and is ultimately a story of bureaucratic bungling, corruption, and the superiority of Gothic mounted tactics which ended up changing warfare for the next thousand years. Amazing personalities, conflicts, and some relevant parallels to current events both in similarities and important differences.
Mason Sullivan
Don't force yourself into coming up with ideas, write what you like and know. You'll gain more by improving yourself, cultivating your interests, and learning more about the world than you will by asking us for inspiration.
According to what Ive read, thr Goths plundered Rome because of non-payment of their soldiers, right? I think they got pissed the Romans were starving and the elite was living well-off in their gated communities and they simply grouped up and got their fair share. Reason why they never destroyed much of the city was that the city was still functional.
Another is the Vandals occupying Carthage. There was next to no "vandalism" there, they simply went there, banished the town owners and made themselves rulers.
Justin Jones
"Don't make me do it" is what I've always imagined Alaric saying to the Senate. He loved Rome - he'd served with them and wanted land for his people inside the empire - he wanted to be Roman. There was a snake's nest of causes, and for sure money was one, but what really turned hearts to stone was the massacre of some thousands of Gothic wives and children who had been held hostage to guarantee the good faith of the Goths. It was only two years later from that point that they marched into Rome.
Strong recommendation is an out of print book - R.A. Lafferty, The Fall of Rome. Can still get it on ABEbooks. Not perfect but really pours the souls back into the names and dates.
Connor Young
What industry would that be? 'media' is a vague term. You're 'creative' so you want to box yourself in a cubicle while some disgusting jew tells you waht to produce? Because that's the gig, faggot. You don't get to be 'creative'. You follow orders.
Yes, it is easy to pay people to do things.
You want to profit off the conspiracy industry which has been a thing in America since the 70's so copy a cunt whose succesful at it. If you don't know that… Why ask us? Because you're so lacking for ideas? I guess you aren't so creative after all then.
Jason Sanders
a ww2 book from an American commander's point of view. The book will also follow him coming back home and starting the American Nazi Party.
Try flowblade. Use the affine blend compositor to keyframe at lightspeed and flowblade is an underatted linux video editing software it is as powerful as soney vegas and its like a 30 megabyte python program. I have made 3 hours of video using it.
Bill cooper predicted this and I suck but I used to suck so much that I even get angry thinking at some of my first memes.
Bill cooper made 3 hour ufo documentaries using 2 vhs players and a camcorder. If you can't pirate software today if you are using windows or try out blender and flowblade. The other thing I notice is simply opening up something like gimp or a creative peice of software you will start to think about some memes and pepes and shit you already have downloaded and just by fucking around you start to see how something you did to fuck around can be something worthwhile. And that is a vision you can have and aside from finding shit while digging making oc is one of the most rewarding feelings you can have as a human being. It also is a learning experience.
Cooper Reyes
I found this website because of your suggestion, no idea it existed before
hey opie, maybe we should get in touch? i was a freelance artist, made decent dosh, wanted to make big bucks to impress friends and family. became redpilled as fuck, obsessed over this topic (jq, revisionism and conspiracies) to the point where i started losing friends. quit working on art other than just to pay bare necessity bills, became a jq studying hermit etc etc
now i want to use my skills to make a difference. i'm planning on creating a website that allows visitors to explore a fictional world in the year 2150. it'll be dystopic as fuck and jewy as fuck, but everything will be based on current trends and political leanings. for instance the negrofication of europe will be explained with links to the kalergi plan and racemixing propaganda. that's kind of the idea, since everyone likes a kowloonish dystopic sci-fi vision of the world, and i've got the art and designs skills to make it appealing and visually attractive… i think this is one way i could make a difference and use my skills in a worrthwhile manner.
yeah i'm rambling on about my own ideas now but maybe you can draw inspiration opie, or maybe we could eventually connect our projects and link to one another?
Juan Thomas
first you need to know who your boss is and what his agenda is
I don't think you need to go that far in the future. 50 years ought to work. 150 is too many years and most black 'europeans' would be dead from starvation and the rest would have died from the power plant meltdowns (see south africa where now that all the White engineers are gone they can't figure out how to keep the plants up and running)…and those that lived would look like white niggers because the selection process for light skin would already be underway in their mothers wombs (the dark ones would just be aborted). Sounds like a VERY cool idea, just dial it back to something more in line with reality.
Anthony Wood
Elijah Rodriguez
how is this man's youtube account still active
Jason Baker
It'd be worth it to create some media (comic, videogame, something easily accessible to the mainstream) and base it off of something traditional. Not anything to obvious, just a story that resonates with white moral standards. …And then just don't include any brown people in it. Not any background or side characters. Just make everyone white. Bonus points if you go scifi, since most lefties assume the future is brown multicult.
Robert Fisher
To add, a bunch of lefties and likes were kvetching over that one game set in medieval Bohemia that didn't include any nonwhites. Even historically accurate racial representation sends them up a wall if there's no shitskins. Imagine how much of a shitstorm would take place if a fantasy/scifi game didn't include shitskins. You don't even have to add anything to a piece of creative media to make it "redpilled". All you have to do is not include browns.
if you cannot find what to say on your own, you most likely are very bad at what you do, not very intelligent and lack any kind of creativity. fuck you summerfag