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Other urls found in this thread:

Kikes CANNOT for the life of them, lay low.

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Is it still illegal if its in international waters? Is this a giant loophole and we need to look up every sea worthy yacht? Is this why yachts are popular with filthy rich tycoons?

I don't know about the legality, but who would enforce it?

My cousin wanted to be a female priest for the Catholic Church and she was talking about getting the sacrament in international waters for odd some reason. I have no idea why, though. So there are illegitimate things you can get away with in international waters, but I have no clue about the why.

Because corruption needs outlets and tax havens, international waters are one such place. They aren't policed and nobody collects taxes. Why do you think superyachts are a thing that they piss away 100million on? Because it saves them that in taxes.

Why can't Trump enable the yacht to spring a leak
A little torpedo goes a long way

Attached: donald-trump-angry.jpg (800x500, 43.27K)

you are bound by the laws of your soverign nation, as a citizen. If you have no citizenry, then unless they are agreed upon globally, you have no laws to follow.

burn in hell kikes.

That's pretty fuckey.

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Is that who I think it is? Is h3h3 involved in some way with the pedo cabal? I know he's friends with Justin Roiland and I honestly wouldn't doubt it. Also they're kikes so it all adds up.

Sink it

Yeah , I'm honestly not surprised at this point. Zero/ten surprised

Yes and yes it's still illegal.

Odd opinion since fully half the people on Zig Forums think that having sex with a 14-15 year old is acceptable. Men mature sexually at 14-15 but women don't mature, sexually or otherwise until 45 years old. You might as well have sex an infant if you are having sex with a 14-15 year old. At the same time people on Zig Forums complain that 'women aren't mature'…that's right, they aren't mature until they hit their age of maturity 45 years old. This has nothing to do with cognition, women's bodies were made to last much longer than men's so they mature a full 30 years later than men do.


Oy vey, a wild (((iceberg))) appears!

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Somebody start building a giant floating oven…

It doesn't matter if it's not illegal in international waters. Child sex trafficking doesn't become unpunishable when you leave a country. It it illegal anywhere. Those children were kidnapped or sold, groomed, and are there to be raped.


Pedohunt distraction thread

The CrazyDays article never mentions these people but says, "but each stop". The Dailymail says Paul McCartney cruise was for a one day lunch in Southern Italy and that's it, not for days. OP got this from the comments section where someone wrote "David Geffen yacht trip?? ".

Not researched properly.

Learn to spot shills threads you nu/pol/ reactionary betas.

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Start asking yourself if customs agents really search every last nook and cranny of the ship when it enters a country and you'll start to understand their appeal to these monsters.

The music man has been at sea for a few weeks now,

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how many babies did you rape this week?

Hi David! How's the yachting going?

nice try there OP. as much as I hate (((kushner))) for being a degenerate kike, I highly doubt he is a pedo. whats wrong, cant think of anything original to attack people with or do you always have to resort to our tactics? hahahah the left cant meme

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This looks like Grandpa's get together…

While there is surely high level degeneracy as proven with Epstein, this sure as hell doesn't look like it.

Saged for shit thread.

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Onboard ship activity is regulated according to its country law. Rising Sun sails under Cayman Islands flag.

t. pedokike

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they all look like rapists tbh

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you tell me goyz

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The Obamas are friends with Geffen.

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It's Kushner's brother, you idiot


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Stop replying to multiple posts, tubal cain

kekked and checked

This isn't even about him, but you need stop blindly thinking that people aren't pedos just because they're connected to the "G-dd Emperor".

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*"G-d Emperor"

Bumping again to annoy shartblue

bump for shareblue

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hahahahaha I hate the kikes more than anyone I have ever met and I actually have personal reasons for feeling that way. regarding the muh g-d emperor, pic related faggot. I have known lots of kikes and not all of them rape infants - a lot do, but not all, obviously. now stop trying to unintentionally create D/C between us you fuckin narcissistic dumb shit. White Pride brother

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the most annoying thing about it all is these are the guys that get to know what goes on in the world

they get to talk to the ayyyys or visit agarta

which then brings you to the most depressing thing really, that the ayyys or any other higher evolved beings are ok with this trash, and prefer to just deal with this trash and don't really give a fuck about humanity at all

Which is good news since if ayys would rather deal with pedo trash, we're automatically better than them. Ayyys get the rope as well.

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Vidya games prepared us for this.

Funny how the kike made himself less ugly on that pic.

(checked) and (saged)
Half of Zig Forums is okay with wifing up a 15-year old. Quite a difference to leaving her to get a bus back to her slum at 6am the next morning.

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Sick fucks

who was it that mentioned something about yachts being used in international waters for cannibalism and child rape?


We hit a nerve didn't we. Real pedos will hang first then the rest of you lefty fucks.