Taking on Ford Nation: How to fight right-wing populism - with kikery


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that'll be a hard one for them to manage.

If Ford is the best this cuckhole can produce we're really FUBAR.

Seeing as the libs and NDP are full of screeching reactionary kike puppets who can't even keep their clothes on in a public space then scream that anyone who even gives them a sideways glance is a muzzie-murdering Nazi………. I think the outcome of this is easy to see.

Love to see these libshits trying to put the genie back in the bottle though, wasted effort. This is what happens when you double down on every issue and stir your base into anarchy.

Too fucking bad and too fucking late.

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You work with what you have. Do you seriously think that pedo dyke was better?

Never vote for any party with a (((female leader))) unless you like being controlled by jews.


The logical end to identity politics is identity by skin color.

no its not , why do you tink we have soy boys with fucking tatoos , and "thot" white girls making duck face selfies

skin color will be a carrot to use on the stupid

when will it finally be legal to kill leftists

The only way this plan would even work is if the leftist politicians started purging antifa violently. They whipped their base up into a frenzy and now they can't back down.

It could also be that Centrists are inherently leftist faggots, and the French in urban areas are a-okay with nearing caliphate status. This article in and of itself appears to be kiked up, mainly because I didn't notice Macron doing anything different.

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Macron won because all the ((((billionaire-owned))) press made him great presidential advertisements and France is completly cucked.

Bobby would get fucking destroyed.

They still can't imagine that people actually want out of their liberal hell hole. Its still about blaming others instead of themselves. I subscribed to their leadnow.ca email to receive the latest updates about their efforts. A little example of their behind the scenes efforts to maintain their gender modern sex ed curriculum in the ontarian schools. They call it fact based for some reason.

Just can't help yourself can you.
Populism isn't right wing or left ing, it's "of the people". When the shit eaters have a firm rein on things it's called democracy, when they're losing their shit and the people are telling them to fo suck a fuck it's "x-wing populism"


have they even seen Jupiter's Macron's approval rating in France?

Unless they want those "in the know" to read the between the lines and see the article as "giving your rigged campaign plausible deniability"

You're right.
The logical end to identity politics is identity by RACE and/or EHNICITY.
Not "skin color."
Race is about FAR, FAR more than just "skin color."

Some choice tidbits

Why goy? Why do you hate us when we shit on your culture and import masses of shitskins and yellow bugmen to replace you? Why do you resist our open attempts to completely destroy your culture? Why do you feel singled out as we denigrate the culture of whites while praising head-shrinking cannibals and goat-raping mudslimes?

You are just "alienated" goy, its not like we used our influence in finance and the government to create a governmental apparatus which undermines the competitiveness of manufacturing and resource extraction while empowering useless service industries prominent in urban money pits. Why don't y you just move out of the farmstead your family has owned for 12 generations, take that Starbucks just, and get with the times goy?

The trick my fellow tribesmen is the lie. We know how to do this very well, offer them concessions and come through on none of them, and import more mudmen.

Make sure to do nothing to actually undermine the system of kikes who fuck up the economy, instead when people suffer just hand out more gibs to ameliorate their suffering.

They're not white, they're (((white))).



Those keywords mean it's kosher.


Yes. 9mm, 5.56 or 7.52?

Cell isn’t real, and I have met the guy. I stood not even 20 feet from him like two months ago.

Ahh shit, I’m cell arenoI.

Damnit, why am I the bad guy?

You'll never have the workers on your side ever again, commies. You sold them out for niggers and they will hate you for trying to flood their neighborhoods with them. They hate you trying to force their daughters with sub humans and trying to get their sons to imitate their gangland culture which turns them into wiggers who are useless and unproductive members of society. They also hate how you try to push women into their male dominated spaces where your affirmative action cunts do just as bad a job as the niggers you pushed onto them as well. They are fucking useless and make the 10-12 hour long hard work days fucking arduous since you have to not only do your work, but redo the fuckups of the subhumans and stupid fickle women as well. They don't like being told what to say and how to act either. You dumb fucking commies are done for, because to get back the working white man's vote you'd have to dump your precious fucking niggers that you've spent decades building up moral cases as to why we need to suck their dicks because they are useless pieces of shit that would surely starve and die on their own.

You are fucked lefties and there is nothing you can do. Even in the event you do win, the shitskins will just cannibalize you and you will all fucking die anyways and not be remembered. Enjoy either future you chose.

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This. Keep the chaos going.

I better go rinse my nuts off
Nope nobody.

Every night is ladies night

Not happening. They cannot go back towards the center EVER because every leftist victory is a sacred facet of the party and they will become a pariah for even thinking of getting out of line. This creates several cases where they have no winning move at all when trying to get 'populist' voters to take their side. For fuck's sake, this little tidbit here says it all:
Not only do they just not understand that the people they fail won't support them anymore, but they have the fucking gall to put "the people" in quotes. The people who voted for Ford are very obviously more numerous than basic leftists, but even in an article that is supposed to be educational or introspective, they can't even acknowledge these voters as real people, but "people" as an abstraction. How can you appeal to a group of people when you can't even think of them as fellow humans? They're going to lose, and they're going to keep losing because the winning move is to ditch their bullshit and that's never happening.

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And this is the crux of it. These assholes have spent decades shitting on the people who have risen up against them and are now confused why attempts to appease them and bring them back to heel aren't working.

They finally realized that they have been voting against their best interests and are taking the power back.

>Never vote for any party with a (((female leader))) unless you like being controlled by jews.
Norway learned that the hard way. Unfortunatly


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Five alarm chimpout in Toronto today:




Chris Fox, CTV News Toronto
Published Friday, July 27, 2018 6:15AM EDT
Last Updated Friday, July 27, 2018 1:42PM EDT

This was a big move with zero fucks given and the narratives he put out there were excellent.
"Not once did anyone ask me on the campaign trail for more politicians"
"If I ask the people of Ontario, what would you rather have politicians or the 25 million in savings"
Laughed after both statements.
Also axed them during their campaign run.

This is the president of the Conservative party.

Attached: Ontario-PC-Party-Leader.PNG (935x963, 1.19M)

Also reminder PC stands for progressive conservative which means progressive on social issues conservative on the ECONOMY. Which is why they are pro fag marriage and want niggers to make them money.

Demographics dont really give them a choice.

Not sending their best…

And now they are autiscally screetching he is going to reduce the number of Toronto city councillors to 20 instead of 70. Honest to god reason they said that is a bad thing is because it will take people living in public housing longer to get the okay to make repairs. As if it is normal to live in public housing, a home you do not own, and that it is normal to need permission before fixing it. Just nuke the city already. Healing for the entire country will soon follow.

Get the popcorn, user. Now you're going to see the real knives come out amongst leftist fighting each other over those limited number of city council seats. It's 25, BTW.

that bitch Le Pen threw the election on purpose because she is controlled oposition
a french version of the jew Geert Wilders
a woman in charge is shit anyway, im sure that in some ways macron as president is better than Le Pen

What do you mean?

Race war now.

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Its more of a cuckservative gimmick.

That doesn't answer my question at all. How do demographics force the conservative party to be leftists?

Canadians pride themselves as being "not American." The kike has had total control of media since the 1970's (thank weedman's father).

They also purposely carry Detroit TV channels on eastern Canadian electric jew cable systems, which is/was niggermania. This serves two purposes: fake moral superiority (we treat our nogs better and got rig of slavery 100 years earlier) and irrational fear of funz. Works amazingly well on urban folks, not as much on rural.

"Progressive" in PC is from the unity of the Progressive and Conservative parties back in the 1930's/ This is only a provincial thing, the federal party is called Conservatives.

In reality, PCs are lolberg on fags keeping to themselves and such, as they don't promote it. They have embraced immigrants from conservative countries who game to Canada to get away from the degeneracy.

Forces them to use gimmicks like progressive. Only real concession is the fag marriage. That ship has sailed in all cuckservative movements across the globe. The rest is pretty much your typical cuck center right party.
Canada as a whole is barely 50% white (if that) so pushing hard on an ideology thats christian/white isn't easy. The collation formed a while back to keep the cuckservative movement going is street shitters (turban kind) + whites since street shitters are sort of conservative (loosely). Otherwise the party would have died decades ago.

The one advantage in canada is shit ton of undeveloped land. Even if they import millions of muzzies, the government wont construct the necessary infrastructure outside of the areas already developed. They need infrastructure for gibs, whites don't.

That's circular reasoning. The conservatives helped make Canada non-white. You can't say they have no choice when the reason you claim they have no choice is because of the choice they made in the first place. And gay marriage isn't close to the only "concession". The conservatives are pro-homo, pro-immigration, pro-welfare, pro-abortion, anti-gun and pro-kike.

And this meme about how lefty Canadians are is pure kike subversion. Canada is still very conservative, the media saying "everyone loves fags" doesn't actually make it true. Creating a false sense of consensus makes most people naturally suppress their beliefs as they feel outnumbered and "wrong". So they silently go with the flow. Most people do not support our insane "all abortions all the time up to delivery no questions asked" law. Most people do not even support gay marriage for fuck's sake. But the kikes will tell you everyone does so that people let it happen.

Depends on the province. If Quebec would vote cuckservative instead of whoever is french cucknada wouldn't be in this mess.

You would have to get rid of women voting to get rid of fag marriage. It's a commercial merger at this point. (It really is, and while those freemen driving around with cardboard licence plates are idiots, all civil marriage really does is fuse the two stawman incorporated entities and presumably set out rules for handling children.)

Permafrost is hard to dig down into, though.

Pierre E. Trudeau, a Liberal, changed immigration policy in 1971 to do this. Mulroney actually fixed things a bit when tons of rapefugees were literally getting off boats in Halifax Harbour and trying to hail cabs to Toronto.

There are zero private abortion clinics in PEI and NB, and hospitals will only do them if they are medical (eg. ectctopic). Cunts have been chimping for years about this, but they don't have the numbers to change it.

Who are we kidding, right-wing populism is stopped by infiltration of public forums, chatrooms by the CIA who sucessfully cripple most of us with paranoia.

Not anonymous ones. Redpill enough people about the jew and they are able to organize quietly and effectively.

But the National Socialists were economic centrists.

So the left is basically saying that they're giving up on namecalling and are instead going to pretend to care about what voters want?

Saying and doing are different
I'll believe it when I see it. they still think it's Her Turn.

Granny-fucker Macron only won because of electoral fraud, nothing else, LePen was supposed to win.

This is amusing.

Yes, we are. Oy vey!


if they think that dried up prune of a corporatist knobgobbler will even be allowed to take a massive shit on the DNC once again, they are more batshit insane that i thought.

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