Goybook Stock Down 25% After Earnings Report

Dotcom Crash 2.0?
Facebook stock drops more than 20% after revenue forecast misses
Facebook stock plummets in extended session after it says it expects revenue slowdown to continue

>In the company’s earnings call with investors, Chief Financial Officer David Wehner disclosed that the social-media giant expects the revenue slowdown to continue. “Our total revenue growth rates will continue to decelerate in the second half of 2018, and we expect our revenue growth rates to decline by high single-digit percentages from prior quarters sequentially in both Q3 and Q4,” he said on the conference call. Wehner also said Facebook still expects expenses to grow 50% to 60% from last year.



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Here is brilliant business idea: paid real deletion of facebook accountants.

Please do, I just removed all my tech investments and would laugh my ass off if it crashes and burns right as I'm walking out the door.

Honestly who came up with this methodology of economics? How do they expect companies to grow infinitely beyond the size of the market.

No more Lifelog gibs.

Sadly, as a company, they are NOT in any imminent danger, financially. Unlike NFLX. Facebook has a profit margin of about 50% of revenues and this isn't an actual decline in revenues and was actually above expectations in terms of profits, it was a "miss" of their growth goals, primarily in terms of growth in users. Growth in users was +11% year over year, primarily in Wog-land, but the growth in users was about 20,000,000 users below where it was expected.

Meh, it happens. Stocks which have historically had this kind of growth are generally "priced for perfection" in terms of growth, even ones which don't yet have profits, and when growth slows or even reverses, they crater.

The good news is, this hurts – on paper at least – a whole lot of the right (((people))) in terms of their net worth.

HAHAHAHA LOST "$16,800,000,000 IN MINUTES!"

Its probably all the accounts it banned.

No absolutely has it right, it tanked as soon as earnings were released due to missing growth goals.

Zuck's been dumping.

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Kikeburg cashed in, and cashed out, before the world figured out how hard he was fucking them and their privacy.

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Good stuff. I can't help but think they plugged the plug after he refused to ban holocaust deniers.



*pulled the plug

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I'm an amateur investor. I was going to short their stock but you have to be pre-approved by the broker to do that. Can't do it by default with something like TD Ameritrade. Lame. I was going to do this like a month or two ago when they first started having problems. Fuck.

Now the content will degenerate toward wall-to-wall filth.

No shit sherlock, cant have the goyim making millions and affording freedom. you tink the stock market isn't shlomos rigged game? that's how they funnel money to each other, like soros for examples, through "legal" means.

You need an account that allows for financial algorithms, that way you have permission to do manual calls.

When you're shorting you can end up owing more money than you ever put into the account so in this case this one's pretty understandable. You don't want some poorfag shorting with what you lend them only for them not to be able to pay you back.

Like pottery.

When your business is selling information and you aren't allowed to sell information, it cuts into the bottom line.

I will add, on further review, that the profit margins are going to be depressed for some time, due to programming and execution costs around the Euro privacy laws and some other issues of similar nature. By "depressed" I mean that instead of 45-50% of revenues directly going to profits, it will be only a 30-40% profit margin over the next two years.

Again, this is not gonna "wreck the company" but it will certainly impact the STOCK PRICE more than I initially thought and will do so fairly long-term.

Also hidden in the user growth numbers is that the majority of it is in the least-profitable areas for FB advertising, i.e. wogland, and there is very little user growth (I haven't yet seen the numbers but I'm going by memory from last quarter's earning call powerpoint) in the most profitable area, which is burgerland.

as if it wasnt already

Inflation from a debt based currency.

Kids don't use kikegook anymore because boomers made it uncool. No growth.

hahaha nice, i'm using that one

Lets increase it.

Usury. It only works because of usury. A sane white society would have businesses that succeed because they're good about managing what money they HAVE. If your yearly expenditure is less than what you make, you're good, and nobody needs to ask any further questions. But bring usury into the equation, then you're pretty much forced to have exponential growth or lose your business.

Should have left the people who invented FaceBook keep control of it.

Petition for legislation against thought reading before they use it to climb back up with the thought translation update circa 2021. Fuck this kike.

young people dont use fb anymore that's why.the next myspace is nigh.

All corporations that take a political stance should eat shit for promoting propaganda.

It seems this might be the reason?

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Forgot link



Do you even trade bruh?

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Not surprising at all. But I suspect Facebook already has a longer term plan to deal with this and it'll probably rebound after they reveal it.

This was inevitable regardless of what goybook did with websites it did/didn't link to.
Data on individuals becomes less and less valuable with the erasure of privacy.
Sooner or later info on the goyim would be valueless because all of it is already known.

The real value of that data though is for building data sets to train AIs for all sorts of other businesses. Instead of selling the raw data, they could tailor it for specialize tools and provide the necessary software/hardware for it. That's what I think Facebook is going to do long term to make itself more profitable.

Prices rise and fall on expectations just as much as on real news. This is because humans like to try to look ahead and figure out what is coming, instead of just inanely reacting after the fact. Facebook had built a strong expectation of continued upward growth, on which it disapointed with the actual news.

There is also the fact that Central Banks in many countries are printing money to buy these stocks, which really should qualify as some kind of crime.

Remember that a very large percentage of the current upward trend in stock indices are because of a very small group of tech companies like Facebook.

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Yay silicon Valley bubble pop 2000/2018 get fucked nerd kike alphabet agents

ur so dum that picture is so obvious a photoshop omg so fucking stupid

How much has it fallen now?

They'll say they're sorry in the coming days and the stock will rebound.


You fail to appreciate this one fact: individualist cultures have a hive mode. Just one, they aren't like others, they have a unifying mode. And that is the puritanical drive to purge.

And, frankly, everyone's in a purging mood at the moment, on the right.

Even after the drop, the stock is blatantly overvalued. Another downside is that it is a US stock, with the coming US currency and sovereign debt crisis, I expect the value of the dollar to be greatly diminished if not wiped out completely.
Don't buy dollar denominated assets unless you are day-trading.

This kind of shit just proves how fake the Jewish economy is. Joint-stock corporations need to be nationalized and all "traders" need to be exterminated for practicing Judaism.

The autism of the privacy communities caused this. There have been so many scandals with Fafbook yet when bad orange man was accused of using Fagbook everyone chimped out. Lot of privacy minded people used that as a stepping stone to get people abandon it which is why so many people are spamming the internet with forced memes of how Fagbook isn't so bad.

Um, that picture shows that everyone EXCEPT Cucker(((berg))) has been dumping.

You cut off the top part. pic. resize it? I'd like to see it.

What stocks are you looking at this morning?

Anyone got a lead on a stock this morning?

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Day-trading. Any advice on stocks this morning?

New accounts users don't tell the whole story. The truth is kikebook is wasteland filled with ghost accounts, bots, advertisers and middleage fags who can't into computers.Kikebook is losing it's core users by alienating the x gen and boomer cuckservatives .


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Faceberg will continue to exist in some form or another as long as the US government exists.
The same goes for Alphabet.
These are no longer "companies", but rather part of The Company.

Wait for this shit to hit rock bottom the day they announce a formal apology, and buy.

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You should remind people they're supposed to fucking sell at a high, though, not hold. And that part is dang tricky. What's the true high? Is more high left?

t. Zucc

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The high is anything past what you bought it for.

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Facebook is so fucking desperate these days! i've see them advertising on TV at half time of football matches during the world cup

You do know that "hold" is a basic term of art in investing, right?

Wrong. That's not even a "near high", which is the golden standard. How long shall we hold anything?

no retard, those are unrealized gains.

So that's what happened to Pink Guy. He'll never find Franku now ;_;

Heh good luck with that. This is gonna be dipping for a long time based on the expense projections, AND a major fund has filed to remove CuckerBergShekelstein from his dual role as Chairman and CEO. dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5995211/Facebook-shareholders-try-fire-Mark-Zuckerberg-chairman.html


he gave the source in his post you mong

also there is this

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Well the second dotcom bubble is ripe for bursting. This may be the first of many of those silicon valley internet companies.

Facebook’s $100 Billion-Plus Rout is the Biggest Loss in Stock Market History


http: //feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/aI42fbMrNM4/sec-may-want-take-look-facebook-insiders-dumped-41-billion-stock-scandal

You should be banned for this


Sorry, I thought it meant fund as in amount money.

They also have a deal with Major League Baseball to exclusively broadcast one (for now) game per week, usually Wednesdays. Small percentage but of a large number. Which means that if you purchased the MLB TV package, you don't actually "get every game" unless you log into a Facefuck account. Captive audience. Welcome to basebagel.

DOWN 18.9% today. Time for stockholders to fire the CEO.

The ride never ends. Capitalism will only grow, there is no stop.

yep … this is a lost cause … ggs

was a useless piece of shit anyways

why would you evaluate a company so hight that basically does nothing important

good perspective

The personal data of millions of users was considered highly valuable, as is the voice that can instantly reach all those users. Because it is valuable. Facebook sells that access and that harvested data, and data is the one thing that can be sold repeatedly; once you sell it, you still have it, sell it as often as you can. One thing among many that hurt Facebook is that people learned that half of Facebook's users were fake accounts and therefore a lot of that data they were selling may have been bullshit, too. One shouldn't assume Facebook only sold data of authentic human beings and never tried to pass off bot data as legit.

Adding to this in perspective, this is the first quarter in a while where there was no growth in users in Europe, and the users in America have been steady give or take for a while. Given that Americas are the most profitable region and Europe the next-most, this stock is not going to – long-term, i.e. over any period of 12+ months – have any significant share price growth. It's still a viable company in terms of profits, as I stated above, but it's a different beast now. Pic related.
Next stop is measurable and consistent decline in users.

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Jesus christ. 2/3 of America uses Goybook.

Not by a longshot. Those (((stats))) are less credible than CNN. Remember, Fuckface is bullshit stacked on top of bullshit.

Hiring bot powered click farms to generate revenue. Pretty much facebook’s business model.

That show, no idea what station it’s on, but it’s made by the King of the Hill dude. It displays how these companies operate.

No homo

Reminder Soros attacked FB stock…


That's not how investing works. You have to sell at the peak. Only a retard doesn't at least want to cash in on the highs.


January 25 of this year.

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Seems your analysis is correct. Big dip = dang good stock, apparently… Certainly not a stupid move.

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reminder that they will rather burn faceberg to the ground rather than let us freely share wrongthink on it.

This is exactly what's happening. (((Soros))) and other kikes are upset that they don't have full control of (((kikebook))) and (((twitter))) so they're punishing their fellow jew (((zuckerberg))). That's probably why the (((media))) felt the need to run a story over zuckerkike supposedly calling trump to congratulate him.

it'd be more interesting to see the percentage of users that haven't logged on for more than a week, month, year

zuck already left the tribe. he knows the holohoax never happened and his kids will never be jews he bet against them from the start. zuck is a vengeful kike anyway he'll create an ai dedicated solely to shoahing his whole tribe worse than he jewed and shoahed his dumbfuck kike cofounders for this.

So you're saying we should go all in on AI operated gas ovens shares and options?

Are you literally retarded?

Looks like these leaks about FB selling data weren't supposed to come out. So they are pulling the plug on it since only an information distributing platform remains.
FB will eventually be forced to be a lot more transparent if they want to stay alive.


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Just to be clear, I used "America" or "Americas" in my text but the slide number is for "America and Canada," which means potentially another 10% of population. Also, I'm not sure how they track multiple accounts, which some people legitimately have (for example a personal account and a business account and a group account) and which some people illegitimately have (I've only ever had sock accounts on FB). Finally, this is users active in a month, which means that inactive users aren't counted.

But any way you slice it, it's a big chunk of the population of the USA that uses FB on the regular.

From what I've seen of the few normies I hang around with (mostly older, X or Boomer), the ones who use it are literally "keep up with the grandkids" or are part of a Church or other page, or have a page for their organization, etc. A lot of my cousins are on and I miss out on a lot of the communication between family members by not having an account, but sheeeeeeiiiit, I'm too exposed as it is, I don't need any MOAR tracking.

There was a big dump in the stock price back when that happened, and the fallout of it on the quarterly reports was going to be obvious, which is why (((Zuckerberg))) did all that selling. Pic related.

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