Let's renew and redefine the use of "Aryan"

Consider this. From now on, we start calling all whites, med, celt, germanic, norse, baltic, slav, anglo or finno-ugric peoples Aryans as long as they actively oppose white genocide and have their eyes open to the Jewish question. This would mean that the average normalfag, who is not woke to the JQ and likely doesn't care for fascist ideals, would NOT be considered Aryan.
As the new conditions for even falling under this term become known, people will become interested in researching our subjects. Compare it to those time-waster facebook personality quizes. Further, actively using the term Aryan will inevitably draw attention from the media which always helps. Additionally, it will cut back on the ethnic d&c that some of us have been getting… upset by. In other words, it will grow our movement, generate buzz and unite us in a time where certain (((individuals))) have been turning us against ourselves.

We have nothing to lose with this and would gain quite a bit. Hitler too broadened the Aryan term for political reasons multiple times, so this is not unprecedented.

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How about anyone that is pro-Aryan, and views the Axis as the good guys in WW2, can be considered Honorary Aryan.


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Because Darius the Great said so.
Because they called themselves as such.

In royal Old Persian inscriptions, the term arya- appears in three different contexts:
1. As the name of the language of the Old Persian version of the inscription of Darius I in the Bistun Inscription.
2. As the ethnic background of Darius the Great in inscriptions at Rustam Relief and Susa (Dna, Dse) and the ethnic background of Xerxes I in the inscription from Persepolis (Xph).
3. As the definition of the God of Iranians, Ohrmazd, in the Elamite version of the Bistun Inscription.

In the Dna and Dse, Darius and Xerxes describe themselves as "an Achaemenid, a Persian, son of a Persian, and an Aryan, of Aryan stock". Although Darius the Great called his language arya- ("Iranian"), modern scholars refer to it as Old Persian because it is the ancestor of the modern Persian language.

I don't have a better unifying identifier than 'Celtic' for the European people. It is an ancient concept and not many people will be so accepting of this identity, since 200-2,000years of not being Celtic, depending on culture, is quite some time. However, the ability to shed 2,000 years of jewry and unite might require doing exactly this. It would be better if people could discover what tribes their modern culture descends from. Here is a start:

Right now Europeans have these cultural identities:
Personal Identity: Chad Chadington III
Family Identity: Son of Chad Chadington and Stacy Stacyham
Community Identity: Chadsmere County/District/Borough
Regional Identity: Chadic Region
National Identity: National Socialist Republic of Chad
Racial Identity: Chadopean
But, when you want to include those of European descent in other places like the US or Australia, there really is no unifying identifier.
"White" strips people of their ancestral heritage and cultural identity, and it includes Arabs and Pajeet, so it is not an accurate label.

no lets sage this thread …. you little cunts with your "big ideas". Just fucking make money and get influence, you dont have to take after the fucking sjw shitters and try to redefine things

stop carring about what shitters think , let them follow their own loser behavior and just fucking stick to the fundamentals (health , wealth, power)

in 5 years youll see them as just annoying, in 10 years youll see them as funny , in 20 years youll see them as something to exploit. For now you are poor and cant see this option, work away from them , not towards them

sage because this thread starts off on the wrong foot. When you play the outfield , its always frist foot back

I don't like the term Aryan. I don't know why people cling to it.

Fuck off Jew next thing you know Ethan Goldberg and his 12 curly haired shits will claim Aryan heritage too

Modern Europe:
North = Nordic
NorthWest = Celtic
NorthEast = Slavic
Central = Germanic
SouthEast = Balkic
SouthWest = Hispanic
South = Italic
These are mostly based on macro language groups but do have some logic flaws. 'Celtic' was once all of Europe, through the entire Bronze and Iron Ages, and likely from earlier than that, but have been reduced to the Scots, Irish, Welsh, Anglos, Galatians, Cantabrians, Celtiberians, and some other smaller groups; this NorthWest group would need a new name. Also, 'Germanic' could be 'Francic' or 'Franco-germanic', so as to include the French, who are genetically the same as Germans but culturally different. This also excludes some smaller groups in these areas that would not fit into these categories such as the Basque people.

It would almost be easier, and more accurate, to have a Celtic Europe with each nation, no matter the size, representing their tribal ancestors from that area, for example, the Helvetii (Swiss) or the Norici (Austrians).

How about you fuck off.

Uncle Adolf used the term "Aryan" to describe most European peoples.

Chadopian has a nice ring to it


They were, India and Persia were Aryan once

If you want a glimpse of the kike's future plans for us, take a look at what happened to them.

More anti white d&c shilling.
Israel will become molten glass at this rate.

Because there are people that still unironically support this ZOG-created backstabbing whore of zero wholesome principals:

Everyone famous is in their current position due to something that would cripplingly compromise them if word ever broke out. Men and women of true integrity are sparse, if not extinct. Those who are get lied about and slanderized into obscurity, such as Mel Gibson or Clint Eastwood.

It is very likely that many famous actresses and female singers are transgenders (this is the correct term btw, it is physically impossible to change one's sex), and at the very least they worship the oft-coveted "Rain Man", whom they laud over in their songs and speeches, and pay tribute to with the voluntary obscuration of one eye.

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Off topic post but I guess you are tying into the OP's use of her.
True point though. The "Masters" will not allow you into the club without dirt and compromise. This is true in entertainment and 99% of politics. It is so fucking kiked that normal people cannot understand it. That is why Pedo shit is so rampart. It is great dirt for the Jew to have on politicians and it makes the Goy do what they want. Before that it was Homo shit for the elected officials. The Pedo shit remains but affairs and Homo shit no longer is blackmail material. The Jew makes these people debase themselves in-order to obtain the position they desire.

The term "Aryan" has never meant "white" or "European", it is a cultural race, not an ethnic one.

Because Zig Forums has reworked pop music to its benefit you think Zig Forums itself is into the degeneracy of that which it mocks? The number of articles back then about how jew loving Swift and Perry should be were priceless, both singers neither talked to the media because of how fearful they were, I guess you weren't there.

The only ideal unequivocally supported here is the 14 words because we come from the same draught and without that link Zig Forums couldn't be what is.

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Taylor Swift knows the truth.

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Would do some rather dirty things to Taylor Swift. Probably involving vegetables.

Taylor Swift deserves to be stickied on the top.

How about you and all your "muh aryan" shills just

If you're a Burger, you're WHITE. If you're not a Burger, then you're whatever. French, German, Slavic, Hungarian, Polish, etc. "White" is meaningless in Europe because their countries were not founded as an amalgamation of Germans, English, Scots-Irish, Irish, French, Italian, etc. all living in some "Democratic Republic" established by Brits and living in a system based on English Common-Law.
So why try to fucking dilute it with crap like "Aryan" or White when there's no need to? Czechs know who they are. So do Slovenes and Austrians.
Plus, we all know what the games with "Aryan" really are.

Also iranians and northern hindus must be considered aryan, because thats where the word derives from.

Yeah, we believe you, chaim.

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I had expected your kind of retard to reply. No, I'm not an americano. Read the OP again, I am not promoting the idea of some pan-european state, just a unified movement. This would admittedly be most beneficial in practice in the US, but it has its benefits in Europe as well. Take Polish nationalists for example, a lot of them want to shit on Ukrainians even though that is second priority at best considering everything the Jews have caused on the continent thus far. Our peoples need to be unified to stop retarded squabbles such as that and focus on the true enemy.

The remaining white ones? Pretty sure we already think those are white around here.

even normalfags will get into our way saying """"""you are not white"""""

i agree with idea OP tho, but the term caucasoid or something else would be more appriated.
also making propaganda as if we were a world wide organization can be more appealling to the average facebook/twitter user,it will make them feel they actually belong somewhere

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citation needed.

Taylor Swift is a transgender, this is correct. Unfortunately for us, the shame attached to having masturbated over his likeness hundreds of times during the teenage years (and possibly even later), renders most men here emotionally incapable of acknowledging this simple truth, i.e cognitive dissonance paralyses their rational minds.

Get lost trannyposter.

We need to be inspired by Hitler and his Aryan's creative ingenuity.

Their symbology and mythos were self created Nietzsche's Overman Attempting to revive them is a perverted misunderstanding and an insult to what it was they did.

We need our own symbols.

All that said, to answer faggot OP's point: 'Let's renew and redefine the use of "Aryan" '

No faggot, let's lurk for 2 years instead. And spend that time with the required reading.

Faggot Kike - no one here has ever masturbated to Taylor Swift. We cherish our women, not denigrate them.


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Iranikikes stole the word from Indians, Mohammad.

Just use White and define it clearly as necessary.
People of Light.

What jew fuck keeps bumping this garbage?