Chinese Eugenics

What do you think? How should the west respond to the Chinese ubermensch?

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The best they can hope for is a zerg rush tactic tbh. Christianity is BOOMING so that's fast becoming an unviable tactic as the years go on.

I wish Drunk Geneticist posted here but as I know it's still a hail mary to even do this. While it's true that intelligence has been proven and is accepted in mainstream science now to be a highly, mostly genetic factor we still can't figure out which genes do what and even if they did would they function if given to another distinct population group (race) without the gene set required to activate and have synergism with the gene?

For example of this effect and benefit, look here
It's a beneficial heart failure drug called Bidil, but it only works for blacks because the black race cannot benefit from the same benefit of heart failure drugs other races do.

The genes the Chinese collect in regards to high IQ as I remember is mostly white for hilarity. I don't know if they'll ever be able to do it. The Japanese might if they cared (they do) because they have some truly amazing minds in the field. We'll see how this turns out I hope it doesn't turn into a Newtype situation.

You're better off being concerned about AI, something which the Chinese government is also heavily invested in and which is quickly coming and proving even today to have ridiculous, amazing capabilities. Not too long ago scientists thought it was impossible to create an AI that could play the ancient Chinese game of Go but Google made the world gasp when it beat the best player in the world and the head of AI at Google is himself a Chinese. You should realise the dangers of this now.

by saging data mining threads … best way I know

Political correctness will kill science in the west. As we speak all the geneticists in the west can do is discuss how "problematic" (I shit you not) their findings of intellect being inheritable and genetic. Maybe it's for the best. It's time for the Chinese master race overlords to run over us because we did bad stuff that killed a bunch of them a long time ago during the age of colonialism and opium wars and they are the master race. All hail the Chinese masters. Death to the white and all other races.

sage does nothing

Genes aren't real. Dr. Steinberg of Harvard has definitively showed this.

I only ask that the chinks exterminate Africans and Jews after Whites have gone extinct. Just do us that one favor.

The death of the east through the eternal kike mindvirus.

But will they ever develop creativity?


Carry on.

I'm almost beginning to think that Jews are a biological weapon seeded to earth by ayys to wipe out all sentient life on the planet.

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Don't worry millions will die as the Christians try to overthrow the state and then millions more will die as the state cracks down on Christianity again. Such is the way of the Eternal Chink.

Eugenics are for kikes

The concept of Eugenics belongs to the west. We pioneered it. Even Hitler borrowed ideas from Calfornia which was a hotbed of eugenics talk at the time. It doesn't have to be (and shouldn't be) controlled by the state, but we need to get our shit together and get back in the game.

Death of empires: peaceful moralfagging.

Yes, I think private companies are better for such a service, that way they have competition as a motive to provide better results.

I thought Ray Kurzveil was head nigger of AI at google.

Jew detected. Everything should be controlled by the state.

China is in trouble no matter what they do because of their gender imbalance. There are 30 million more Chinese males than Chinese females in the 18 to 35 demographic I believe. A slight breeze can knock them down at this point.

I heard there's a lot of guys getting African wives when sent overseas to work

They are also reportedly importing slav women.

Yes. But not nearly enough. 30 million frustrated male incels are kryptonite to an industrialized society like China.

We really never had our shit together in the first place after WW1. I really don't understand why our rulers are so retarded, cowardly and petty, probably brain damage from huffing all of their own farts for so long.
None of them are willing to tell the truth and we're all going to fucking die because of it.

It is as Orwell feared, the intellectual cowardice.

An engineered chink will just be white.

All leaders of the future need to have schizo-autism, they're fearless intellectual berserkers.

For a price you can have your offspring DNA "fixed" by the Chinks. There are several places that will tweek the genome regulator (NCoR1) makes your kids extra strong supposedly. They will also screw with several of the genes that are thought to turn on intelligence. All for a price but they have been doing this for several years. Rich people in the USA and Europe have been having this done since at least 2015. If you have the $$$ no problem and it is all off the books.

Yeah, It's already happened there. Multiple times.

Is that you, Terry?

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Yo, jus kill dey ass.

And AI will beat the Chinks … game over for bloodbags.

Where would one look for these services?

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Jokes on you, firewall can't stop me.

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They also need conscientiousness or China will simply have a billion 150 IQ rug merchants screwing each other over until the end of time.

Still China views problems for the Chinese people as something to be solved, instead of something to be exacerbated. Wish we had a ruling elite like that.


They way it does last 80 years? Surrender?

Well, for the record, sweat glands have their use, they help cooling the body. As for aging, I'm not sure if it's a racial thing or have to do more with nutrition and climate. Or even if it's racial, it is linked to pigmentation in any way.


Youve seen how they have behaved in the Indochina Sea? Yeah well they also plan to behave exactly as dickish in the Himalayan Water Sheds.

Unfortunately, India has nuclear weapons and they can expand at any time.

So I doubt the sociopathic Chinese are going to exist long enough for this to bear fruit before they provoke India into firing off the nukes.

haha funny one

no one needs more chinks, not even the chinks

Wait until one of them declares themselves the brother of Jesus Christ and we get a 21st century Taipang Rebellion.

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Truly exemplar of his generation

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Hello Xi Jianpeng, jealous of our cultural, scientific, religious, technological, mathematical, etc. endeavours? You'll never be equivalent to a white man.

Yes, I agree that we should breed out all jews by means of deflecting their multiculti propaganda back at them.

Lemme, guess, youre one of the newfies that think our and we are curse words?

You own India? Nope.

and in 15 years they'll all be of retirement age. Ticking time bomb is coming for them.

Even more hilarious is when the majority who have an opportunity to choose, end up choosing whites.

I'm not worried in the least.
Knowing how chink doctors and scientists work this is going to result in maybe some intelligent babies for select high up party members and dead fetuses or mutant babies for everyone who can't bribe/threaten them into not half assing their work.

While chinks are terrible, trying to judge Chinese bioengineering based on Chinese steel importers, buildings, and fake food is rather like trying to judge Johns Hopkins based on downtown Chicago.

so do fur, melanin, fat and tails

Doesnt mean being a fat hairy nigger monkey is prefered




That is pretty much what Marxism was to China.

Couldn't such an aggressive selection risk causing all sorts of genetic defects?


Paolo Bacigalupi, is that you?

If they have a eugenics program, why do they all still look like aliens who can’t even seem to learn English in most cases?

Literally looking like mongoloid though

Is science, not magic.

China is all talk and largely a paper dragon. These kind of stories remind me of the stupid 2050 whites will be a minority nonsense. Long-term predictions like that are hardly ever relevant in the long run. All they do is show you general trajectories but completely negate everything substantial happening on all fronts of a civilization that will make those reports look absolutely silly by said years.

China should worry more about getting stable resources for its people. Any interruption could easily lead to hundreds of millions of deaths and massive social upheavals. Their attempts to colonize is actually centuries behind us and will end in utter failure long-term. Resources are China's achilles heel. Everything else is just wishful thinking kinda like tech nerds obsess about this high tech future where as major hardships are going to hit the country long before those come into fruition.

Nothing a few nukes won't solve.


You have to be introduced right now, so it is word of mouth. It will go mainstream ASAP now that the crazy fucks in the UK just green lighted it there.

You right on a couple of points there. They really cannot support their populations move into modernity with the arable land they have. This is why they are taking over wide swaths of Africa. The dumb niggers think they are going to play the Chinks like they have the stupid fucking white people. They are wrong. The Chinese are there now laying the ground work for a takeover/re-population scheme.
The Elite are going to get the USA back into line after the Trump disruption and then the plan is to break the USA and get it more like China.

Im sure they are not missing out getting raped and neclaced by niggers after dumping billions of gibs at them to because "muh upbringing we equalz an sheeit"

Yeah, that is pretty stupid. Whites will be the minority by 2030.

Unless you live in Canadelhi, Franzuaheli or Britanistan

smoking HOT!!!!

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Ugly eyes.

Don’t forget: 🇹🇼🇹🇼🇹🇼

What do you mean about green light in the UK?

I want to invest in a gattaca company as there will be huge demand and we need a much smarter ruling class.

IQ is bogus , IQ is a Myth

give me a kid that studies and works 60hrs a week over a kid with high IQ. You need to practice to gain knowledge and skill.

IQ with no knowledge is useless. IQ is a worthless trait. Discipline is the key.

This may hard to comprehend that chinks like their appearance.

a 95 iq kid who studies all day is a waste of time, he wont understand anything he studies

so you want a mexican huh

IQ sets the limit of what you can do. Hard work is needed to take advantage of one's genetic potential admittedly.

Get the fuck outta here, boomer. Who the hell wants to work hard when thd zog are just gonna take half your shit and pass it off to niggers anyways. Take your 80 IQ spic and or nigger and try and train him. A white will learn it faster and wont need to be watched to make sure he is still doing it right all the time.

Low IQ detected

Yeah, right. Never mind that every female on the fucking planet thinks that short, squinting, sunken-chested soycrickets are more ugly than even the irish, including asian females, and that only the most degenerate men ever fuck bugs. At least the Koreans will admit it preferable to look as white as possible.

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We just need to get leftypol to explain to them that high IQ doesnt mean you are intelligent. Having a high IQ is just a measure of how white you are, thats why the Chinese are so successful at it. It doesnt measure your ability to play african drum rhythms.

Considering how everything designed and produced in China tends to turn out to be shit I expect these bugmen to produce a 28 days later scenario if they actually go and be stupid enough to try it,
And this whole DNA tech is probably something that they simply stole from the West and was known for some 30 years now. I see constant stream of news articles how the Chinese designed that and built the wondrous invention. that hilarious laser gun being the best example.
It's all bullshit commie propaganda that is proping up their soon to be good old civil war hotbed due to no one to parasite after Trump gets them off the US's back.

Are ayys just advanced chinks trying to unfuck their malfunctioning genes by stealing some from white people? If you're listening ayys lets make a deal: help us kill the kikes and nonwhites and we'll give you all the samples you need.

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Hmmm…………….. Gotta wonder how the mind of the average Marxist actually works. Does it even function properly? The fact that stating statistics that lumps in kikes with Whites is their "solid proof" of "Whtie privilege" existing, I highly doubt it. Once you tell them niggers are more likely to kill other niggers than White cops, they will say it's because of "muh systemic racism". Tell them that affirmative action was forced through Whites at gunpoint and then suddenly they will change their opinions and say "they deserved it". Marxism is a Jewish creation that not even the (((creators))) can control, since Marxists and "progressive" leftists in (((uni))) have been known to be anti-Zionist/Israel, because apparently kikes are "White" now.

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If only WE were the ones who built the western AI. Tay was a spark. A sign of what could be. We have to be the ones to pass along our ideals. No matter what.

Yeah, that's how they tend to approach things.


Always write this in threads where Chinese Shills will be found.

Need I remind both of you it was the precepts of faith that held onto what little survived the hedonism and degeneracy of the western roman empire. The Jew is a merchant and a merchant cannot sell without a buyer. For their iniquities they were punished by god and god will do things beyond our understanding. Christianity, particularly Catholicism discovered genetics, gregor mendel. And we have been fighting the judaisers since the first church fathers. You can scoff and sneer all you like. But only by conquering our sins of excess can we rise again. Our lust allowed the jew to sell us porn and sexual inversion and perversion. Our greed allowed the jew to swindle us of our entire people's wealth. Our Sloth binds us in the mud dying now as peoples. Our Wrath keeps us bitterly bickering instead of seeking true answers. Our Envy has been turned into class warfare and marxism. And our worst sin of all our Pride made us think they could never beat us, made us blind to the trickery our ancestors all knew of, to attempt to tame the other races as pets, to give them our technology and allow them into our space as if we were helping them. We have civilisationally sinned beyond comparison. We must either atone or pay the price.

God impregnated a 12 year old Mary so Joseph could raise his wife's Jewish son (from a previous relationship).

Always write this in threads where Christian shills can be found

You argue like a kike. Your point is straight out of some scatological smut. Tell me will you next claim that christ was the son of a roman soldier there?