Another Book Found that Says the HomoSex Agenda is About Population Reduction

Another Book Found that Says the HomoSex Agenda is About Population Reduction

Pic related. Daly, “best plan yet offered”&source=bl&ots=81SKTjdcUC&sig=lrgSwzpGwtx3e3t0tAJkG9YD7HA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwig5O6Q_qzcAhWRCewKHYBaDYgQ6AEIMDAB#v=onepage&q&f=false

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Attached: John P Holdren Obama Science Zar Population Control.png (718x498 1.12 MB, 462.04K)

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Anons, before my red pill moment, I was heavily into LSD and mushrooms. I still love them, but they don't control me anymore. Anyways, whilst in the depths of a serious trip into wonderland, I distinctly remember listening to an audio recording of Terrence McKenna. He was talking to hundreds of blissed out vessels about how the "he asked the mushroom" how to save the planet.

The answer he recited to the corruptable was that every woman on the planet would need to limit themselves to "two children". That sat me straight up and i knew something was off at that moment. A hippie issuing fascistic limitations to a divine process. Of course it rang true with the corruptable white hippie youth that were brainwashed so easily.

McKenna was shadow govt CIAnigguah.

"Fascists" gave couples no-interest loans to start families, and women won medals if they had more than 5. Everything you think you know about fascism was a lie, hippie moron.

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turning people gay sounds like such a needlessly complicated and roundabout way of controlling population growth. Especially since actual homosexuals are less than 6% of the population and most of them still want to reproduce ( if only so they can have easy access to children for rape and molestation). abortion and sterilization are much more efficient ways of reducing population. ( along with easy access to birth control and prophylactics).

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Although problem with birth control is that it gets into the water supply and is pretty much impossible to filter out with most cost-effective methods. So the only answer after that is telling whores to keep their legs closed and telling chads to think about stuff other than "muh dik" you know like building and improving society.

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No one has read the protocols? Robert Heinlein?

I have an Army that does that for me.

Heil the child pathway Swastika!

As in impregnate the women and make children, you fucking weirdos.

At one point i just gave up believing that 18+ marriage was part of the agenda.

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This image has a lot of important stuff too.

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It's not just about population-controlled, it's about kikes sick desires of seeing something as upstanding and beautiful as Aryans deface themselves and fall from disgrace.

Look up William Cooper, ppl will say that he's a shill because he says it's not 100% of Jews in on an the plot just the elite. He cites lots of these old books and UN reports. He was shot in the head though 🤐😥

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The birth license is actually a good plan.

"Every woman on the planet" includes niggers and mudslimes so problem solved. Whites have the parenting edge, we have a couple of kids and spend lots of time and resources raising them, blacks would have a couple of kids and still expend almost no time/money on parenting because it's genetic.

This globalist future planning shit is fascinating. Got any more books on the subject matter?

Way to completely miss his point, FIDF

shitposting boomer here, I heard this during Clinton.

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Liberty University School of Law
Nuremberg and the Crime of Abortion
Jeffrey C. Tuomala

THE crime of abortion played prominently in two international trials held at Nuremberg following World War II - the Goering and Greifelt cases.
Allied prosecutors made the case that voluntary and involuntary abortion were war crimes and crimes against humanity. The Goering judgment identified the Political Leadership Corps of the Nazi Party as a criminal organization, in part because of its policies promoting abortion.

The prosecution's case focused in part on the Nazis' removal of the protection of law from unborn children in occupied Poland and
unborn children of Eastern workers in Germany that the Nazis considered racially non-valuable. '''The prosecution argued that voluntary abortion was punishable because it was a crime against the unborn child. The prosecution proceeded on the theory that Germany had a duty to afford protection of law to unborn children and that the deliberate failure of high-level officials to do so
constituted crimes against humanity and genocide by acts of omission.'''

(BTW it is fiction that foreign workers or easter Europeans worker children were killed as a policy of the Reich)

Early in the war, the Nazis circulated a treatise containing population policies for occupied Poland. 486 Those policies included the promotion of birth control, the public sale of contraceptives and abortion services, and the decriminalization of abortion and homosexuality.

(Fact is, nothing like that happened, but it is a reflection of the (((allies))) thought about this issues.)

'''Germany did not repeal the abortion laws in Germany or
the laws of the occupied countries. 518'''
So far the US anti-abortion view of things.

Fact is, the US occupation forces instutionalized a policy of “promotion of birth control, the public sale of contraceptives and abortion services, and the decriminalization of abortion and homosexuality”, by the US organization “Planned Parenthood”, that created a proxy “Pro-Familia” in the wester occupation zones of Germany.

Die Gründung ging unter anderem auf Vorarbeiten von Margaret Sanger zurück, einer Aktivistin der Bewegung für Geburtenkontrolle, die 1921 die American Birth Control League begründete, aus der 1942 die US-amerikanische Organisation Planned Parenthood und 1952 auch die (deutsche) Pro Familia und (internationale) IPPF hervorgingen.

I never understood faggots especially women faggots. A lesbian will hop on a dick the instant she sees a man with money. It was a common sight in college. Lesbians going on about feminism and how women are better. Some random dude walks by with a scent of power or money and suddenly Cindy's no longer a lesbian. Quite amusing to be honest. Same thing with biwomen. Too many women claim to be bi but never touched another woman.

Those women are called "buy sexual", as in whoever can buy them the most things, they will be sexual with. pretty simple. (more commonly known as a "gold digger')

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Damn it, user. That took me a while.

It would have been nice to have a cartoon series of that comic.

I like that term user, thank you for it. Makes sense tbh since most lesbian or bi women tend to never be completely happy with their female partners. Almost every lesbian or bi girl I know of in college is suddenly a happy little waifu fucking some rich fuck they would demean in their little harpy circles until that rich fuck showed interest in them.


"of or relating to the notion of fascism: … characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition…"

Faggot, if the state were to put a limit on the number of children I could have with my wife, I would be living under a fascistic regime. Perhaps "authoritarian" is more suitable for your understanding?

Fuck, user, we are in the days of ANTIFA, whom are radical leftist soy-fueled fascists. I guess authoritarian would be more accurate, but whichever way you want to cut it, it's still a disgraceful oppressive manuver.

You are off topic. Stop distracting with your bullshit.

Splitting hairs now? I was going off by my memory which was put through quite a trial back then, and I was one off. Thank you for your resourcefulness, user, but the point still stands.

How about we stop distracting and get back to the more important fucking point:

What he implanted in the corruptible was the first-world guilt, the subconscious belief that we must repent, that we are a scoruge, a blight, and the third-worlder is the promised one, the righteous. Thing is that I've been to SE Asia, and they don't give a fuck about pollution and waste. Smog worse than LA, scummy MRSA water streams, litter everywhere, and many bring these filthy tendencies to the US.

McKenna was a CIAniagguyah, and the consequences of the CIA meddling in society's dynamics in the 60s are still being felt today.

This makes sense. No wonder corporations are bending over to them. Most LGBT people are adults with the mentality of children. Why else would they try to restrict content like they do in children's games like Club Penguin?

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Not good when your demographic is 56%. Should be only provided for non-whites. Should be promoted by the left as opposed to the right for obvious reasons.

Yeahhhhh tranny shit, homo shit, general hedonism and antinatalism is being shilled in all corners of the globe, along with more and more ease of access to abortion. Its pretty blatant. Soros funded NGOs even finance films normalizing homosexuality in places like Kenya and Uganda of all places. It's pretty clear what the global elites are nudging people towards. Population contraction. At 7.5 billion and counting, is it even necessarily a bad thing at this point? The ecosystem can only take so much before we all starve.

Fuck off shill. The only thing that will save the planet is the genocide of nonwhites. Whites only number 700m

lol okay so how will this come about? 😂

William Cooper , Georgia Guide Stones , UN … they don't care about the earth , they know they can't CONTROL 6 Billion souls , 200 million is more " manageable ''.
A total world population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal." Audubon magazine, interview with Ted Turner, 1996 "" This is a terrible thing to say. In order to stabilize world population, we must eliminate 350,000 people per day. It is a horrible thing to say, but it’s just as bad not to say it."" Jacques Cousteau in an interview with the UNESCO Courier for November 1991

Which will ultimately be corrected by natural selection

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We start with (jew).



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