Secret societies within Judaism and Islam

We all know about freemasonry, shriners, eastern star, golden dawn, etc etc. What about secret societies within Judaism/Islam? While visiting Egypt my tour guide referred to the extremists groups of ISIS/etc as "secret societies" – as an initiation based belief group. Very early records of islam/judaism are murky at best. This bread ( got me thinking: what if Jews have been able to hide the most sickening/secret parts of their religion? The talmud already speaks to this and it seems islam has many traits of judaism, although inverted. The antiquities ministry of Egypt has a complete lock down of all Ancient pre-dynastic sites. Again, it seems as if there are very few in the know, and this information is only given to a very small group, hence a secret society. Through islam Egypt is able to obscure the past via military/theological oppression. It seems like goyim/kafir are locked out of even entering these groups from the moment of birth. Only the sham secret societies allow goyim/kafir membership as means of control.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Isis belongs to the kikels

Shalom JIDF
Thanks for the kosher religious discussions.
Great formatting too, best wall of text since China's great wall. (((Organic as fuck))).

How is any of this kike sliding?
Graise Bitwer

There's the famous Hashashins, but in general near east lack of urban organisation doesn't allow for 'secret societies' in the Western sense. From my understanding they usually developed courtly cabals or were/are too diverse to do any conspiring along anything but ethnic lines.
Oh right Saud royalty.

As for jews, wew, their whole existence is a retreat into esoteric obscurities for the sake of lawyering their way out of a self appointed bronze age moral code. It's easier to say who isn't a degree or two into mystery cults in that stew of literally schizoid hypocrisy.
But again, ethnic lines.


There is a small chance you aren't a shill. In that case, lurk in the right place and you know why I called you a shill.

Look into sabatean Judaism. We now call it Zionism .

It's kabbalah and suffi, respectively. The only worthwhile components of those religions.


See: Rav. Michael Laitman, world renowned scholar of Kabbalah, and his comments below (if you're an Ausfag like me, look up Harry Triguboff first if you don't know who he is, then look up his daughter whose a big Kabbalah 'teacher'):

After all, it is true that we are not from here, not from the land of egoism. Our root lies outside of it; we infiltrated it by way of the breaking of the vessels, of the integral soul. Here, inside it, we were broken in the beginning, but in the end, we must become corrected. To the degree of our correction, we reform the collective ego.

Thus, we can be likened to secret agents. Each of us looks exactly as all the natives of this egoistic country. Imagine being dropped into Africa, and you look exactly like them: You have the same character, mentality, tastes, and likes. Everything is identical to theirs, inside and out.
For a while, the planted agent doesn’t receive instructions. He has to settle in at the new site, find a job, and make a family. Years go by before he embarks on his mission. However, one day, he receives a reminder. By now, he has forgotten all about it when the phone starts to ring: “So and so is speaking….” It’s just like in a movie.
We have received our wake-up call: It’s time to remember that we have a special mission here, that this is not, in fact, our home, that we came from a totally different world. In truth, we are from another “planet,” from another dimension. We received an impulse and came out of dormancy. All of the aliens on this planet have woken up, are gathering in the groups, and starting to prepare themselves to conquer the planet Earth. That’s our mission.

We came here for one reason: to establish the same order here as exists in our own world. There, everything is opposite

The Islamic world had (has?) a group of crypto-kikes operating under the name of Dönmeh, related to the Sabbatean heresy within Judaism and its creator Sabbatai Zevi

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Zig Forums is the Vatican
>(((we))) are all about religion at Zig Forums
Kosher religious threads keep spawning.

ISISrael are freemasons now?



these are off the top of my head, Im sure there are more and many that have faded into insignificance.

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Where can I read more about this?

This is all in 'Occult Theocrasy' get the pdf
Just a thought. And it isn't Muslim. Some moron just saw Lebanon and thought it must be.

Interesting fact about Molitor—his books were translated into English by a guy named Hewitt (referenced in Blavatsky), but they are nowhere to be found. I even checked the listings at Oxford and Cambridge libraries, where surely they would be found, and they had all sorts of books by Hewitt, but not Philosophy of History (Molitor's series). The German copies are on Google Books if you can read Fraktur.

Makes you wonder how much knowledge has been robbed from the shelves of our public libraries by kikes and their allies (Masons and such).

Also, as a word of warning, Sabbatai Zevi and Jacob Frank are linked with all sorts of nonsense by people with nefarious motives. Rabbi Antelman's book To Eliminate the Opiate is chock full of this garbage, including the amusing claim that Hitler was born in a Sabbatean sex ritual to the Rothschilds, and that Stalin was also a Rothschild. These Orthodox Jews love misdirection and are perfectly willing to throw heretics like Zevi and Frank under the bus to keep goyim off the scent. As a notable example, they will indulge you with the history of Sabbatean-Frankism only to conclude that Jewish Hitler was in cahoots with his Rothschild puppetmaster to kill 6 million Jews in gas chambers.

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all judaism is zionism. zionist world domination is literally laid out in the torah, pretty fucking clearly. the idea that the "modern jews" are some nusprung sect and not the same old faggoty kikes is retarded.

Israeli Secret Intelligence Service.

Its a shitty LARP club here in the states, but they have lodges in Lebanon and the Catholic Church has historically been opposed to Lebanon because of its masonic connections. And yes, Cedars of Lebanon is masonically connected.

I don't think actual Muslims are allowed to participate in secret societies tbh.

Jews on the other hand have their earliest recorded history in Babylon, which was home to all manner of mystery religions. A more productive way to approach this is for us to try to understand the relationships that the "gods" have among each other.

you will understand it is freemasonry that uses isis. Even the word isis is part of the trinity of isis osiris and horus.

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The Dönmeh (Turkish: Dönme) were a group of crypto-Sabbateans (commonly referred to as crypto-Jews) in the Ottoman Empire who converted publicly to Islam, but were said to have retained their beliefs.

Despite their conversion to Islam, the Sabbateans secretly remained close to Judaism and continued to practice Jewish rituals covertly. They recognized Sabbatai Zevi (1626–1676) as the Jewish Messiah, observed certain commandments with similarities to those in Judaism, and prayed in Hebrew and later in Ladino. They also observed rituals celebrating important events in Zevi's life and interpreted Zevi's conversion in a Kabbalistic way.

The Other Secret Jews
And because the Dönme played an outsize role at key moments in modern Turkish history, the myth of their secret Jewish power has itself become powerful.

As Baer writes in his introduction, there have recently been bestselling books in Turkey claiming that everyone from the current prime minister, the religious Muslim Recep Tayyip Erdogan, to Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the revered founder of modern secular Turkey, are secretly Jewish. “Ghost Jews haunt the Turkish popular imagination,” as Baer puts it.
This makes it a delicate matter to write about the Dönme. In fact, Baer says, most of the descendants of Dönme whom he interviewed for the book asked him not to use their names.

Baer discusses the pro-reform articles in Dönme newspapers and literary magazines and notes that Dönme schools in Salonika were some of the most progressive in the Empire. (Ataturk attended one of those schools, though the evidence seems to prove that he was not a Dönme himself.)

Most important, several Dönme were leading members of the Committee for Union and Progress, the revolutionary party known as the Young Turks, who in 1908 forced the Sultan to grant a constitution.
The Dönme, like Jews and Freemasons, sympathized with the CUP’s scientific, reformist program, though Baer emphasizes that the CUP was not a Dönme party—any more than the Russian Bolsheviks, though they included many Jews, were a Jewish party.

Even so, some prominent Young Turks were Dönme, including the editor of the Party’s newspaper and the finance minister in the new CUP government.

How about your lurk four years before posting.

B'nai B'rith


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Not according to the list on that website. Or do you mean freemasonry, which is a separate group?
Would think the Muslim and Eastern Orthodox connexions would be more of a reason.

Ancient arabic order of the nobles of the mystic shrine.

^ might interest you.

I always thought Erdogan looked Jewish

Ataturk was Dönmeh
Erdogan is not
Will you faggots read occult theocrasy or keep blathering on like clueless betas with JIDF horseshit

Mt Sinai is in Arabia and not the one in Egypt. The real top of the mount is flat and blasted black from when it was Anusmacki spaceport blown up by nukes when Anuslackis fought. Also arabia has that water rock from le beebli

Stolen, subverted, and perverted by jews.

I had a listen to this video today related to the discovery and suppression of the Jordan Lead Codices, how the Jordanian government seized them and prevents any study, it may be possible to link them to the Syrian scroll traditions

It was surprisingly conspiratorial with regards to groups actively suppressing and discrediting any new information, the Syrian scrolls will go the same way, someone suggests hoax and that ends all serious study, that's if anyone even takes any interest in the first place.

… if? wtf mang


The Jews have been a problem long before their "religion" was ever codified.

The Dönmeh: The Middle East’s Most Whispered Secret (Parts I & II)

can you tell what is especially wrong – on the metaphysical side – with judaism?
It must be the idea of creation out of nothingness. How can something spawn from nothing? Perversion. Such idea nowhere to be found in European spiritual understanding.

btw, talking about sabbateanism: is john dee somehow connected: wife swapping, shady business etc.? hannoverian vs stuart rivalry.

On the other hand, it's a small and pathetic "deity" which has to simply work inside the context of a universe which already exists and who merely moves materials around and is bound by the physical and natural laws of the universe. Is such a being even worthy of worship? Would not such a being be merely another creature such as ourselves?

Now, consider the One who creates everything ex nihilo by comparison.Yes, that power is beyond understanding, but if you, a mere man, could understand the mysteries of God, would He still be a god?

Polite sage for not being on the topic.

If you want a good read on some secret societies within Islam, go to my post above and read the two articles on the Donmeh.