A common thread ive noticed across this board is the false ides that whiteness being a social construct means that you cannot have any laws or programs which focus upon giving POCs a leg up over their white counterparts.
It is in fact a social construct, but not in terms of intersectionality. White presentation is very much a real thing, and the fact that anybody is forced to present as white, be it through their diction, syntax, the way they dress, or the music they listen to is frankly stupid and kind of gross. Of course all the cappys in this thread will lose their shit but all of this suffering and racial disharmony can be linked right back to money, and if there were none we wouldnt need to deal with this shit.
In pagam societies, specifically pre agricultural ones there was no need for money. I short i am advocating this but not in the typical hurr ethnic tribalist paganism way most on here do. There is no reason for a pagan society to care about ethnicity at all in the modern age. If you can give me one then kudos but unfortunately there are not any. Intersectionality and paganism are strange bedfellows but they absolitely work hand in hand beautifully
deer don't need money either retard. Zig Forums is getting hit hard right now, where's the thread they don't want me to see? the pedowood stuff?
Cameron Brooks
keep worshipping your kike on a stick you little assholes. Nice refutations btw, calling me jewish really stings.
I'm a communist primitivist you fucking idiot. What do you think I mean when I say what I do?
Christian Martin
So you want to redistribute rocks and loincloths from the rich to the poor? Seize the means of hunting and gathering?
Ryan Ross
Hey dumbfuck, guess what? NEARLY EVERY TRIBE PRE AGRICULTURE WAS COMMUNIST. You dont understand communism or anything else apparently. Typical christcuck, there are no means of production in a PRE AGRARIAN SOCIETY. Holy fucking shit
Brody Ross
You’re an ego
Josiah Ward
And youre a spook, whats up bitch?
Ethan Jackson
If by spook, you mean someone that will just as soon disembowl you for being an egotistical prick, or ask a friend to gas you, yes. I am a spook.
Jason Brooks
Hey dumbfuck, guess what, you can't un-invent farming.
Bentley Thompson
Jace Robinson
Nearly every small group of tight-knit people is effectively communist. If you took me and my close friends and observed our little microeconomy as if it was a tiny little nation-state comprised of 5 people you would conclude that we were communists because we sometimes pick up each other's bar tabs and we share stuff and give each other ride and shit.
Extrapolate that to a group of 350 million people hailing from every continent and 150 different countries and it doesn't work. Your entire ideology is regression. Economic regression, social regression, technological regression, reverting to an outmoded religion you don't understand. You want to go backwards, not look forwards.
James Brown
You’re not being communists. You’re being friends. That’s what friends do. Read Marx.
Cooper Thomas
Oh thank you for reading my mind dude. How nice of you to tell me what i do or dont believe. Its totally not like qe could have a 300 million member hunter gatherer tribe. Yeah that just wouldnt work we would all need to be in groups of 11. Dumb fuck.
Nolan Morris
Get gassed
Easton Miller
You clearly dont understand the fact that niggers are and will always be closer to animals than humans, and you would know that if you came here more often than once.
They rape and kill even their own families, mutilate children and even the domesticated american nigger is a pain in the ass and dangerous.
How are these people anything less than dirty animals that need to be neutered and chained ?
Gavin Barnes
This is a no nigger allowed zone. Fuck off.
David Hughes
Oh look another slide thread. What topic has you kikes all riled up and nervous I wonder? Is it the post about the kike rape boat? Whatcha slidin' yids?
Gabriel Adams
People throwing gets out there with bait and demanding nonsense. Fucking leeches reading off of gets that aren’t theirs.
Landon Brown
This shit isn’t going to work if we have so many reading our gets.
Joshua Peterson
Don’t even know where cutie pi get is at now
Benjamin Jones
Anx you clearly dont understand the concept of heritability of intellect. Hint: one book in the early 90s and kne study in the 1970s =/= a scientific law, or even a decent argument against authors who have spent their entire lives and released tens of hundereds of books about why intellect is largely nurture rather than nature.
Im not even jewish, i dont know why you keep dragging jews into everything. I have been to israel though and i have to say its really quite nice. Sorry. I forgot you cant compliment anything a jewish person has ever done because they have more money than us.
Josiah Miller
So what happens when my group of 11 meets your group of 11 and we conclude it would serve both our tribe's interests to join up? Or when my group of 11 raids your group of 11 in the dead of night and I bash you in the skull with a rock and take your women as concubines and now I have a group of 16 and 5 additional baby-makers?
And then I do it again with the next tribe and the next tribe, conquering and assimilating them by force or by diplomacy, until I've built my own little city-state, and my children and grandchildren turn it into an empire?
I guess we probably develop capitalism, we start farming again to feed all the people in my cities who are far from hunting-grounds and occupied by other tasks, and focus on developing new technologies to aid in our survival and a spiritual tradition that codifies our way of life and beliefs and there goes your gay little dipshit anarcho-primitivist communist nonsense.
Parker Jackson
And you clearly don't know that behavior and intelligence are two different things, and that behavior is strongly dependent on genetics.
But i guess you will have to find out by yourself the day jamal decides to break into your house.
Eli Parker
Ok so first of all, i was obviously being facetious. My point is we can have large hunter gatherer socoeties of 300million+ people, and if we did have them with some commissars guess what. No murder. And i never said anarcho anything, there would still be a politburo and central ppwer structure. Just no need for 5 yesr plans or economies or whatever rights because of the primitivist nature of said society. There would still be a military too, just a primitivist one.
Carson Carter
Race has no discernible impact on behavior
Jaxson Kelly
The Templars kicked the shit out of everyone until their boss slaughtered their leadership. If you don’t know the significance of that number, then please just don’t bother. Your gets are weak. There’s no man on man action happening here. The retribution wouldn’t be worth your efforts.
Josiah Wood
I have dreams as well. They usually involve Lilith.
Asher Clark
And now i know that you argue in bad faith. Differences in brain chemistry have been proven and that directly affects ones behavior.
Why do you think people use pitbulls as fighting dogs and german shepards as family dogs ?
Liam James
Omni shields
Gabriel Robinson
No you actually can't, there isn't enough edible biomass on earth to sustain the population of the United States without modern farming practices, complex infrastructure and logistics networks, and food preservation technology like refrigeration, canning, flash-freezing, etc.
Does the politburo hunt and gather, or do the proles do that for them? What technologies are outlawed and what aren't?
Actually this makes perfect sense, after all, one of the cornerstones of communism is that there isn't enough food to go around and you're really going all out with your plan, this is Lysenkosim on steroids.
Carter Roberts
Dogs =/= humans Why are there no universities espousing these views? Oh yeah because they are wrong and stupid and pointless.
I dont know about the templars and frankly i dont give a shit. I was raised atheist until i became a pagan, christianity's mythology never meant much to me outside of the societal impact it has had. The "11 people could work" thing was a joke. Again, there would be a central government with a politburo and commissars. I said primitivo-communist. Nothing anarchist about it. And guess what, there wouldnt be killing because there is no monetary reason to kill. Capitalists always talk about supply and demand im surprised you cant get this shit through your heads
Jackson Cooper
A Squire was giving his first charge at 11. Either a hunting dog or a falcon. They were to train this animal into adulthood. When they would reach the rank of captain they would have 10 men under their command, and each man would have men at arms beneath them.
The number 11 doesn’t mean to me what it means to the street or cult players. It’s not even close.
I don’t care about you beliefs. If don’t even care that you’re a kike. If you’re a faggot, you’re a faggot.
Nathaniel Nelson
Because beginning at the turn of the century Marxists of various different strains infiltrated the University systems, governments, major corporations of wealthy nations in a plan to indoctrinate future generations and accumulate social capital, google "long march through the institutions". We're at least 100 years deep into this plan so universities are basically just brainwashing centers that issue a certificate that informs your (((corporate masters))) that you're confirmed through 4 years of rigorous brainwashing to be a compliant, pliable slave-mindset they can exploit however they see fit.
Jackson Fisher
The fuck are you even on about? Every communist nation had god awful murder rates. Further, you can't just not have farming anymor- Yeah you're a kike.
Most murders have nothing to do with money. The most common murder is gang members killing each other for revenge for other murders, followed by husbands killing their wives. Neither are financially motivated.
Landon Martinez
Yes, yes you are an idiot.
Sage for being a retard of galactic magnitude
Chase Walker
Stop replying to this trashheap of a thread. No one above room-temp IQ believes that 'race-blind primitivism' can work. In a survival scenario is exactly when people would segregate themselves based on race.