Redpill on Marijuana

Once they start legalizing marijuana, everyone is starting to smoke pot. And you going to get a lot more relaxed people. You are going to get people that are a lot more introspective.
If you don't believe that a lot more people smoking pot would have a significant impact on the way human beings interact with each other, all that means to me is you don't smoke pot. Because if you smoke pot, you would know that that's exactly what would happen. People become more empathetic. Not across the board, not always. There's always going to be people that are the exception to the rule, there will always be people that don't get it. There's always going to be people that get it, and they don't need pot. They don't need anything. They're just tuned in and they're kind and they are on point. They're living in the moment and all that good shit. But then there's other people that benefit from those things. And they deny those people the oppertunity to benefit from those things and then you become the enemy.
What kind of crazy shit is this? They can lock me in a cage and charge me money because i like plants?
Are they the arbiter of nature who gets to decide what's beneficial and what's not with ZERO evidence behind it? The prohibition on marijuana is one of the most heinous crimes against nature and mankind. And we are doing it to ourselves. We are poisoning the consciousness of ourselves, by not allowing people to have freedom, to experiment with all sorts of different states of consciousness. You have a legal way to do it through Yoga, prescription medication, alcohol and things that they tax. But if you decide that you want to do it in a way they haven't sanctioned, that they don't get paid for, or the government get taxes from, they lock you in a fucking cage for the rest of your life. The physical danger of marijuana is significantly less than any legal drug. It's the only drug you can't die from.

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Bullshit, and I say this as a hardcore stoner.
Yea, smoking pot for the first time is a great experience and can be eye opening but it doesn't stay that way. In the end pot is no better or worse than having a beer in the evening and has about the same psychological effects. Relaxation but certainly not transcendence.

Sage for weed thread on Zig Forums = automatically shit.

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Im all for letting industry utilize hemp to its maximum potential. A few weeks ago i heard on the news just that, Mitch Mcconnell looking to approve it for use in the textiles and manufacturing. Its a long time coming that we get off the use of synthetic man made products and utilize a plant that has a myriad of uses outside of being smoked to get high.

I do not however, approve of it being legal, only decriminalized. Weed culture isnt cool and should not be promoted by letting it be a free for all. The kikes have been waiting a long time for the right moment to lull the masses into letting them control the growing operations and supply of weed. This cannot happen.

Pharmacological determinism is a mental plague. Indo-aryan tribesmen were buried with cannabis for centuries. Its a part of our culture. The real modern problem with it will always be twofold
Moderation is key. And so many anons here believe boomer tier referral madness bullshit. I've seen
Intensely stupid and intensely frustrating

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What now?

sage for redpill X thread. Mary Jane is cancer.

The weed culture that has developed from niggers and, worse, Redditors on r/trees would probably disappear with legalization because it wouldn't be a real subculture anymore. I mean, have you ever heard of people being DUDE BEER LOL *burp*?

They made it illegal for us while keeping it legal for themselves, see Israel.

Bump not intended.

I think you were high when you posted this. I don't fucking care. If you want some herbal pacifier to suck on, then go somewhere where it's not illegal. See how empathetic all the ganja smokers in Haiti are.

It's a useful medicine for some people, like cancer or MS. Helps people with muscle spasms and shit. So big pharma doesn't like it because it grows like a weed. Big agri doesn't like it, because hemp and dope grow like weeds.

All you're "we are the world" bullshit is fantasy. Dope didn't stop the Thugee from plying their trade or hashish addled muslims running amok with knives. Mexican 'soldiers' used to march on the shit.

Weed is shit. Take meth like Hitler or go home.

ISIS of all people were heavily into it because it distracted their jihadi niggers from how shitty everything is.

Marijuana is illegal in Haiti.

No wonder they fall asleep during Texan assault then.

this is why no one takes you faggots seriously and why I hate being associated with you retards "HEY GUYS *looks at porn* WE NEED A WHITE ETHNO STATE *gets drunk* SO WE CAN STOP DEGENERACY *pops a pill* AND KEEP OUT THOSE JEWS WHO KEEP *goes on tinder trying to hook up* KEEP PUSHING THEIR DEGENERACY ON US *smokes weed*

Youre all irresponsible morons who wont take your life by the balls and say fuck you to degeneracy

you say yes to gynocentrism, drugs, casual sex, feminism, """""moderate""""" socialism

If the ethno state existed it would collapse in a few years

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Boomer go away


Considering 90% of posters on the chans are depressed incel NEETs, I think you might wanna reconsider your standards.

Yes we all need to be clear headed so we don't skip work goyim.

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And yet you still linger in our home.
You have to go back, T_D.

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Depends on the tolerance you have and how often you smoke it.
Too much it does nothing.
A good session on low tolerance can be like an LSD trip sometimes. Some of my best ideas, creative business solutions and inventions come in this mindset.
P.s. it's Cannabis you faggots.
Marijuana is some spic word used to demonise it. Don't forget that.


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yes, and the remaining 10% are found on Zig Forums and /fit/

Guess I'll stop breathing then

Fox and the Grapes.


I'm not the one expecting Übermensch standards from anonymous people on the internet.

Better legalize it then. All their problems would be solved.

I didn't want to call it weed again, so I used another euphemism.

La cucaracha, la cucaracha,
Ya no quieres caminar,
Porque no tienes,
Porque le falta,
Marihuana que fumar.

What pisses me off in this situation is that due to the ban on pot, we Americans have to buy all of our hemp, which is banned from being grown here in the States, from foreign markets.
Nearly every single ship you see in our harbors? Tied down with hemp rope. WTF?
Then there are the uses for hemp/cannabis fibers, pulp, and seeds for other uses, which are not developed because, REEEEEFEEERMADNESSS!, for fucks sake.
Also, smoking pot does not always "open your mind" sometimes it sends you into a paranoid and/or depressive spiral. Saying this as someone who smokes, used to be a pothead and now a couple of times a month, shit will sap your willpower if you let it.

Oh shut the fuck up, yeah what we need are a bunch of brain dead stoners filling up israeli coffers.
Pot heads are retards, period. Yes I have smoked weed, its fucking gay. G A Y.

Reefer madness was proven wrong back in the 80's boomer.

Holy shit I'm retarded. Meant for you boomer nigger

Agreed. Take the real Aryan drug.

Are you bullied, mentally handicapped or both?
And? Was life a contest about who lives the longest?
It's not, as long as you're not under-aged and you can drop in moderation
Who forces you to buy a stone every day, fucking peat-gavel>>11916802

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Yeah, while its true that hemp has many uses and it was forbidden originally due to economical reasons, I do agree that it needs to be legalized but without public use. But I hate it and I hate stone heads, my own brother being, is not eye-opening drug or wtf else you think it is. And in fact is depressing drug, that will eventually lead to an actual state of depression on the brain. So be fucking careful.

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You responded to your own post you dopey faggot.
So do niggers. It came out of Asia and whites spread it around the world
I never said anything about it being good or bad. You paranoid faggot.
pwease offer a rebuttal to any claims you disagree with.
Yeah, the first thing I think of when I think of western civilization, is cannabis.

Tell me again how it makes you sleepy.


it kind of should be….without it, we wouldn't have had the strong rope used in our ships that sailed the world…cannabis was also grown on pretty much every farm, it was an easy cash crop and could be used to feed livestock if other crops failed….hell, it was a required crop during war times….and it was used medicinally pretty much forever…
calling it marijuana and linking it's use to violent niggers and mexicans was a great bit of propaganda by the kikes….and you're still buying their bullshit while ignoring the historical fact that cannabis and hemp have been used by the white man for ages…


Also Lincoln and Washington smoked pot.

Lol wot a joke weed just rots peoples heads because they smoke too much and build up a tolerance
Ausfag here so everyone smokes it anyway

Weed will fuck your endocrine system and decrease your testosterone levels into nothingness.
Weed is a psychotropic. The more you smoke, the monger you become.
Weed decreases your intellect and will to do anything. You become docile and dependent.

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Red Pill on Cannabis? No true activist calls it Marijuana. Hmm, something could be up here.

How about a Red pill on TWOD in general. The war on drugs is quite literally mind control. I can't distill it any stronger than that.

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I dunno about all that, my dude. Obviously, marijuana is only illegal because of corporate special interests. It's too easy to grow and would put a major dent in the money making potential of entrenched alcohol producers. Outlawing it is pretty dumb, though I wouldn't mind if, after being made legal, being high on marijuana could still be used as an aggravating factor for sentencing crimes committed while under the influence. Let people do it so long as they're aware that they're still responsible for their actions while high, and punishment for bad behavior while high will be even higher than when sober.

All that said, I don't think most people expand their mind by doing cannabis. There are some whose minds are open to new experience and modes of thought by it, but I think they're the exception rather than the rule. If you really want to open the gates of reality you're going to have to legalize psychedelics.

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Friendly reminder that 'muh it's good in moderation' is a literal sine qua non in every single initiative to promote a societal vice – the best red flag of all to detect one, in fact.

Hemp cordage came out of China, if you believe the Chinese. Herodotus described the Scythians using hemp instead of flax. Romans spread hemp around their empire. Cordage and seed, they would eat the seed.
So what? You're conflating people who used it for textiles with people that smoke it. The industrial strains of hemp will not get you high. It has less than 1% of the THC of other sativa strains.
You're paranoid and attributing claims to me that I never made.

This is why people hate dudeweedlmao threads. They attract the biggest stoner retards. OP, the faggot, was claiming the miracle plant increased empathy. Niggers prove otherwise.

Empathy is an disadvantageous trait in postmodern society, it will cause you to prefer other people over your own (see: whites)

Pot doesn't make anyone's life better. Not everyone is is worse for wear, but that doesn't mean it's OK. Not every faggot spreads HIV, but that doesn't make it OK. The fact is that weed is a gateway drug. If you've been smoking dope for years, you've done harder drugs. You're a bald face liar if you deny this.

I feel like you have that exactly backwards. Stoners are making the case that 'everything'll just be the same bruh, chill out.' The rest of us know this is just a massive way to sedate large portions of the population.

Actually, upon reading more of your post, you're just a whiny faggot attempting to appeal to emotions few of us have. We don't relate to your need to get high all the time. Doing something just to feel good is pointless hedonism. True happiness and contentment come from living a morally upstanding and productive life.

basically accepting of fags, trannies and the genociding of their own race. Good job btfo yourself OP

You junkies and drug addicts will be the third to hang on TDOTR.

That sounds like slave morality. "Be a good, productive little serf." Culture should set higher goals than happiness. Value is achieved through struggle.

Just make sure the rope is hemp.

applies to water also, torkike.

DUDE WEED MAKES YOU THINK DEEPLY. The people have enough shit that makes them complacent.

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nobody here likes socialism. and youre mad men like pussy and booze? are you gay?

also OP is a faggot. yeah, thats what we need, more empathy. That will totally help whites. industrial grade hemp is great, smoking weed is a waste of money that usually goes to niggers and beaners. Didnt Hitler say its better to go to a pub, stand up on the table and loudly tell people what you believe in than to do nothing? You arent gonna raise hell while youre high. Whites need to get pissed off and start fucking shit up, thats what the SA was for. to recruit young men angry at their current society to beat the shit out of commies.


Death inflicted by IQ that has been effectively lost through drug use is still caused by the drug. For instance, if it causes you to be an uneducated moron and thus oblivious to a certain avoidable hazard a couple of years later like mishandling an electrical device or underestimating a natural phenomenon, or, hell, even makes you an empathetic fag and invite refugees one of whom will then behead you, like other posters have said. It's still on the drug.

This is an example of drug users' cluelessness which causes people to avoid arguing with them and as a consequence reinforces their legalization echo chamber.

Thinks weed drops IQ
Get out of here you D&C shill


It's methamphetamine you illiterate tosser

Read my post again. Did you smoke in your youth?

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very true…they are also proving to be very useful medical strains…and are also illegal due to the reefer madness bullshit

you said this, sarcastically
I responded
you proved that you're a jackass, right here

Cannabis is a huge part of what made western civilization possible. The fact that you don't associate the two is proof of how well the kike propaganda against weed/hemp worked. You're still in the "dude weed is bad" frame of mind that has been pushed by kikes for decades. Wake up. The only reason any drugs are illegal is so that jew doctors can charge you money for a permission note to use an (((approved))) drug. Prohibition (of all kinds) was pushed by kikes and women….women who wanted permission to use their drug of choice while restricting drug use to only those with permission from a (((doctor))) and kikes who wanted to make money writing permission notes and making drugs.

What is up with all the lolberg faggots being here all of a sudden?

ISIS was one of the few jihadist groups that actually consistently destroyed downers, instead of selling them (they'd give amphetamines to their soldiers though). The Lebanese gangs would fight them with Hezbollah on the Syrian border to protect their crops.

Just because it MAY not decrease your score on a pen & paper test (although it probably would do that, too) doesn't mean it won't precipitate life decisions that correlate with nig-tier IQ, such as sloppiness, disinterest in detail and distinction, or preference for 'social sciences'. Notice the word 'effectively' in my post, sloppy readers.

Fun fact I actually got HIV from sharing a dirty joint

Zig Forums has a really big good drug blindspot. It may be that way for a reason, I don't know. Maybe it's just an overabundance of people raised on 50s drug propaganda.

What I do know is that weed sends your mind places it wouldn't usually go. The first time I felt the effects, I immediately understood why "they" would want it illegal. Such a normie was I at the time that the first thing I thought of as "they" was the police.
Turns out the reason is actually william randolph hearst and his cotton mills. This is the guy that invented yellow journalism ("your furnish the pictures, I'll furnish the war"), and used it to put fluoride in the water and hemp out of business.

On LSD I met god, and saw that we're at the very end of a cycle. The end of time, which will be reborn as soon as it ends. To call it god will give the wrong idea but it's the closest word that fits.

Anyway, this is the second major thread (AI thread is 2nd) I noticed today which has 1) been done many times before, and 2) has always split Zig Forums right down the middle. I call D&C sliding on this one. Like they actually think we can't argue amongst ourselves while gassing the pedokikes. The fire in the AS threads are dying a bit so let's make an effort to come up with new strategies to make pedowood burn.

Tell us more about this "end of the cycle"? Will the world end? Just humanity? Or just certain kinds of humanity?(like Whites)

No it isn't. You can make cordage out of all kinds of fibers. The fact you think hemp rope and smokeables are responsible for western civilization is ludicrous.

This is why I'm glad hallucinations are banned I don't care what drugs you do I just can't stand listening to acid heads go on about how substance abuse "opens the mind" or "makes you smarter" while leaving 3 second pauses between words because of their Brian is so damaged.

This is a shit thread like all others on the subject but my dudes check out the magic flight launch box if you really do want to consume the devil's dope. It's a neat little pocket vape.

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The closest – and only – word for whom you talked to on your trip is 'a certain delusional area in your brain', you fucking faggot. Oh, and also, here's a fun fact: that you are right now thinking of telling me that your choice of the word 'God' was clearly just a figure of speech that was supposed to best illustrate the highly subjective nature of the psychedelic experience blahblahblah is exactly the proof why you are retarded. It is the very preference for, and focus on, expressing the intrapersonal subjective rather than weaning yourself off it and focusing on communicating the material objective – that is, what actually happened in your brain – that makes drugbabies like yourself a useless weight on the society. Get some self-awareness.

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No time now but will later.

Looking forward to it.

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Wait until you've smoked into your thirties and are approaching 40.
I've never touched the stuff beyond trying it a few times in high school (wasnt for me) but a lot of my friends continue to smoke well past their twenties and into their thirties. The ones who never quit are all angry, jaded and failures in life. They said the same shit you do, that it's amazing and opens your mind and let's you see the world differently, until they realized that all that wasted time being high spent "thinking" about life coukd have been used building a life and actually experiencing life.
Fact is, a little weed/booze (and maybe even a little psychadellics) won't destroy your life if you're careful and use it sparingly/rarely. But using it all the time, and thinking this shit is "opening your mind to new ways of thinking, new realizations about the nature of reality, etc", is a fucking retarded attitude to take.
It changes your mind, it overrides your normal brain functions and ultimately costs a fuck ton and wastes a lot of time.
Egalitarianism, "oneness with the world", etc are all ridiculous concepts with severe consequences when put into action and only someone high on weed would think it's not.
That said, it shouldn't be illegal, but don't fool yourself into thinking you're any better than a drunk when you're high on weed.

Prohibition makes things cool and then a culture can develop around that. Especially when there's a giant hypocrisy with the legalized poison that is alcohol.

Hemp still makes the strongest natural rope. Without strong rope, there are no sails. Without sails, there are no wind-powered grist mills, no sailboats….without strong rope there are no rope ladders, no rope bridges, no rope for guided river crossings, no rope for pulley systems that helped construct the western world, no rope for a whole bunch of shit…..hemp rope is still the strongest natural fiber rope ever made…without it, western life would not exist….you can't make a rope stronger than hemp rope with natural fibers.
You can make cordage out of hay, flax, cotton, wool, whatever…but hemp made the best rope for a very long time. It is a huge part of what made modern life possible. And we spend billions of dollars buying hemp from other countries because we made it illegal to grow in the US. Billions of US dollars are sent to other countries, to enrich their economies, because we're scared of cannabis due to the propaganda pushed by kikes in the reefer madness era.

Cut the fucking 'you need to be a responsible user' bullshit that society has habituated you to use. Can you not not see that this is exactly the same fallacy as 'what's wrong with pedophilia if it doesn't harm children'?

Psychedelics > weed for introspection

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Fucking this.
The believe the hallucinations are real, because they transcend reality or some shit.
It's like taking a dream seriously. Fucking retards want to believe they're important in the grand scheme of things, so their brain conjures up crazy scenarios are eating some mushrooms or taking some acid that verify this view they have of themselves.
IT'S ALL IN YOUR HEAD YOU DUMB FUCKS! Maybe, if you see God in your acid trip, it isn't that you actually met God, but instead might be indicating that you have such an over inflated sense of self worth that you believe God would show himself to you while you're tripping on acid (because your egotistical brain wants to believe God gives a fuck about you and wants to deliver you a special message).

Here's a redpill on marijuana. I achieved conversing with celestial light beings tier enlightenment by doing a chakra meditation on marijuana. They told me a lot of stuff, but most sternly and directly they told me to stop seeking enlightenment via marijuana usage.

I was told: "Come back another way." Take that for what it's worth.

Weed is degenerate if used daily like many stoners.
If done on occasion, say once a week but done heavily on that day, then it is good and can be useful. I do find that introspection is interesting on it and many things can be heightened. However , you miss out on dreams because of how it affects REM sleep. I believe that this is why stoners tend to act as they do. Moderation is a bit of a meme but it's a true one. For myself I end up tripping but that's because I use psychedelics frequently.

That would be silk. Flax is basically interchangeable with hemp and has the benefit of being a widely used rotation crop. Greeks used linen. Linen is stronger when wet. Romans used hemp because they largely imported it and could devote farmland to grain.

not all cordage with that same tow weight is waterproof, hemp rope was not replaced on fishing vessels until the fabrication of nylon in the 1930s.

No it's not. Consciousness and material reality and intertwined at the most fundamental level. Therefore all hallucinations are REAL. They are simply not persistent or transmissible.

also I might add that the current way they plan to legalize it will just be funding the pharma companies which are pure kikery. That being said,markets will have to react to this and make it cheaper which is good. But we must make sure we have the menta; fibre not to abuse. Realistically it's only going to affect the weak.

Hemp isn't waterproof. The fibers twist when wet. Hemp counterclockwise, linen and silk clockwise. For some reason that makes linen and silk extremely strong when wet.

Well if you don't take a dream seriously how could you ever achieve your dreams? I understand you mean when you experience "visions" as the brain changes state from asleep to awake. But how different is this to imagining yourself at some point in the future doing something or being different, and then working towards it.
It IS all in your head, and there's nothing dumb about it, it's how we work.

Then it is an internal reality, not an external one (no one else experiences it except you.).

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Your post is well-intentioned, but it's 2018 for crying out loud. People have kinda learned that astral beings, other dimensions, space elves, God, and whatever else you talk to on drugs aren't real. The real problem has somewhat shifted: it is that people nevertheless still believe that such nonsense is worth researching, talking about, and, worse, worth pursuing and corrupting your free time, language use, and epistemological outlook. Nowadays you'll have drug users begrudgingly acknowledge that this shit isn't real, but still excitedly embrace figures of speech, parables and analogies while expressing their experiences and make use of the opportunity to signal that 'no person's experiences can be communicated to another person' and such. The proverbial 'everyyhing is subjective'. This insular outlook with respect to communication – drug users are absolutely giddy about the notion that knowledge is impossible to relay to another person – is what seeps out to real life and fucks all kinds of healthy societal participation, such as science, justice or collaboration. This is the real danger.

I have a gin and tonic when I get home from work a couple days a week; are you saying I'm part of the problem because I am responsible with it and use it as a cheap form of medication to chill out after a long day of hard work?
The reality behind all of this is that I know that people will do this shit, whether it's illegal or not. Humans are retarded and we do dumb shit all the time. Just look at the Lemurs of Madagascar, they eat poisonous Millipedes and get high. So saying "yeah sure you might try it, just don't be a dumb fuck about it" isn't advocating for it, it's suggesting that if they do try it, they need to be mindful as to what it is and what they're doing.
The point is that ultimately, people are going to do this shit and getting your panties in a bunch isn't going to change that.
So, do we put it in the open and regulate it? Or do we make it illegal so niggers and spics can get rich selling it and killing for it? I'd rather get taxes from it and regulate it to kill the black markets for it.
Tobacco is legal, but use has drastically dropped as taxes have been levied and used on anti smoking education campaigns. Limiting where it can be done and regulating the manufacture and sale has also helped reduce its use as well.
Ultimately, when you accept human nature is what it is, and work with that nature, rather than try to prohibit it, you'll have a better society. Accepting the nature of humans means providing allowances for their sins, but limiting the damage it can do to them and society when taken to excess (drunk driving laws, banning smoking in public places, etc).

Fuck off, degenerate motherfucker. No one is going to fucking do your shit.

You're probably high right now, and what you're saying literally doesn't make sense. You're speaking gibberish. You're not enlightened, you're retarded.

Yeah, you know, stealing and murder are just human nature, man. The point is that ultimately, people are going to do this shit and getting your panties in a bunch isn't going to change that. So, do we put it in the open and regulate it? Or do we make it illegal so jew can get rich building prisons? I'd rather get taxes from it and regulate it to kill the prison industrial complex. Ultimately, when you accept human nature is what it is, and work with that nature, rather than try to prohibit it, you'll have a better society. Accepting the nature of humans means providing allowances for their sins, but limiting the damage it can do to them and society when taken to excess (genocide laws, banning murder in public places, etc).

Nope.Pretty much everyone who wants weed legalized is a whigger or some other form of unsavory character. The shills that push it on Zig Forums prove this as well.

Thanks for the enlightement master

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ayy but you kno jail aint got no affect on me cuz mah homies bust in me free