600 rapefuges storm spainish border with flamethrowers and actual shit

statement continued.

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The invaders must be held back

nice one chucklefucks



And all of them plus two got in. Maybe it is?

How the fuck is this not a fucking act of war? This should anywhere else would get you shot or turned into black market organs. WTF

Why does Spain tolerate this?

Right? Going up to a foreign country as a group and unleashing military grade arms, you'd think, would result in reitaliation on the level of wiping out the invading force.
It's good to know they rushed to the migrant center and will be taken care of by the Spanish.

Pedro Sanchez is a cuck. So was Rajoy, but Pedro Sanchez even more openly so.

Because in brainwashed Europe, being against illegal migrants is same as being Hitler.

Pretty much. If they tried this in any normal country they'd already be ventilated, but we of course have to live in modern globohomo West.

I honestly have no idea, my ex was Spanish and the number of fascist sympathizers over there is phenomenal, they really miss Franco.


A single well-placed machine gun could have solved this entire situation

pdrsnchz and pblglss were even considering removing walls completely, because apparently not letting armed apes in willy nilly is cruel or wacist or something.

Not retarded, just unwilling to read the OP and determine what degree of weaponry they were using. Either way, what they used would get you arrested in an airport/anywhere.

You have to go back to whatever shithole you came from.

I never understood why they don't do it like in guantanamo.
When was the last time you've hear of Cuban refugees storming the fence in Guantanamo?

Aren't these pistols the guards in OP's pic are holding? What are they waiting for?


They are waiting not to make the thousand femishits who have popped up out of nowhere in the last year screech over those who dindunuffin.

How terrifying.

Europeans live in a video game world, where there are no consequences for anything, and the most determined person gets what they want. They could literally storm the border with tanks and Europeans would glance once and forget about it a second later. Nothing impacts their lives, ever. There are no consequences for anything. There is no right and wrong. Laws don't actually matter. Everything that exists now will exist eternally because it exists now and they can't conceive of it not existing. Fucking pathetic…

Or just shoot them.

We live in an age where nigger pirates are braving the Mediterranean so they can rape and pillage our lands. And our authorities accommodate them. Let that sink in. Also check 'em

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And how is it not at this point? Do you know how cucked Spain is?

How has Spain got so whiteguilted anyway

Well heil me.

Didn't you get a glimpse how cucked US government really is?
Now take into account that the US government controls EU governments and media through spy agencies since WW2. And Europeans had their constitutions done ground up so they can do jack shit about this.
Vast majority of Europeans probably want these invaders gone. But if you have strict gun control, have control all of those and the conservative leaning armies get underfunded and headed by women you tend to have a population that can hardly do anything.
Eastern Europeans have rebelled but Westerners are completely and utterly rotten.

First step is to get US troops out and strengthen national armies so abolishing nationhood can't proceed. The rest will follow since pretty much everyone is aware how undemocratic the EU is.

Isabel Brasero, spokeswoman for the Red Cross, said they had to attend to 30 migrants with injuries, none serious.
Eleven of them were taken to hospital for stitches and possible fractures, she added.
Unbelievable; invade a country by violently storming the border then get free housing and medical care. Something needs to be done about these NGOs.

Oops, meant to green text that.

Yes, load them on planes and paradrop them in Congo.

Muh Colonialism, just like all the other European imperial powers.

Simple ways work. People don't expect humans to act like animals. This catches them off guard. They try to see deep meaning behind that, call UN assembly. This is how r-selection wins. People are disposable, but k-selection cucks can't imagine that. Strategy behind this is smart. Though its carriers are not.

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Here's a idea shot them with bullets. Also Deport all shitskins from your country and give zero welfare to non Europeans. This shit is not hard to figure out,don't feed the animals and they won't come.

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nice one

honestly it makes me want to start raping and pillaging too just to see if anyone will stop me
the order of society relies so much on illusion, the illusion of justice and state response
Just SIEGE it up and see what happens

The MSM can say whatever they want
This is a declaration of war.


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(((They))) need invasion, they need consumers

Based America, based

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Really innovative idea!
No idea why no one did think about that earlier?

ignore usa and europe dnc
kill kikes

A declaration of war that is met with tacit surrender; without even waving a flag, the security of a nation fails its most basic task - to protect its citizens from those who would do them harm. All in the name of peace - a seemingly never-ending struggle, wrought with the cost paid for only by those who had no choice but to pay it.

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Not just this. They have to contend with their own fellow citizens so brainwashed into fighting for the invaders' causes to the detriment of their own. This leaves the ones who see the absurdity for what it is helpless. This is happening everywhere.

It worked didn't it?

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Atleast now that we know who PSOE really is there is no way they will get releclted

the yid flag at the end really makes this gif

What war, Spain is part of the EU and thus it's EU that control their laws and borders and their goal is to fill Europe with immigrants wether "sovereign" EU-states wants it or not.

It's not war if it's part of your policy. We're at war with the (((EU))).

What? The only world Europeans live in is a world where the government does shit nobody wants them too, while seeing our countries destroyed and your life ruined if you oppose it.

Get a clue or get out.


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Its poetry.

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Spain is pathetic. It was the light of Europe that overthrew centuries of mudslime oppression to become the greatest power in the world only to be crawl back where it started.

Lefties, Jews and those nogs won't stay in a poor fucked up PIGS country anyway. They're all on their way to Germoney right now.

Time to invest in a gun.

France was the one that started the reconquest.

Intredasting, so looking this up, Quicklime reacts in water and it can cause it to boil. When thrown on (moist) skin, it will burn. I was thinking it was the stuff from fight club at first but that should be lye if I recall.
For science, would wet quicklime or evaporating linseed oil produce a higher temperature?

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No one complained when the gooks split their country in half and shot anyone who entered into the no-mans land. There is literally no reason for us to not do the same.

Then again, I think I'd be too afraid of stds to rape any thots anyway

These are useless, since 2014 they are not allowed to use rubber projectiles but blank cartridges only, because some invaders drowned…

If the police can't stop them, they can't stop you either when you decide to axe the invaders.
Day of the rope approaches.

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What if the police only care about stopping you?

They can't, because they don't even have plastic bullets. See the state of the police in bongland? They can't stop some homeless druggie. Sweden? Can't even stop one drunk mudslime.

This is an impressively observant post, especially considering the prevailing (lack of) standards on Zig Forums. Kudos

Unfortunately, the world isn't quite so simple

Lolnope. Just Germany. And, the UK (still essentially imperial powers at the time) had a hand in that

Preposterous in the extreme

In a just world, the guards would have assault rifles and have a licence to kill the nigs.

Unfortunately, Spain is currently ruled by a communist cuck government; and the (((UN))) is geared to make whites have a disadvantage.

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they did have them 15 years ago when it was muh 9-11 security theater and surveillance, and we'll have them again in 15 years when people are trying to get the fuck out of there. literally a fucking Department of Cultural Destruction operating on full cylinders 24/7 that will wrap up its external work in about a decade and then turn its attention to cleaning out the remnants of the West in Europe.
like the broomstick stories out of germany we are supposed to believe that the stockpiles of military grade weaponry by every state with a spare dime to spare over the last two decades are gone. used up on beating the shit out of G7 protesters during Obama's reign, now they're down to flash bangs and sparklers. my ass. we'll see all of that shit again real soon.

Oh no! Not 600 whole people! God forbid what will all of italy do about this? Grow up angloshits.

LOL. This is Europe. Good luck getting an assault spoon.

No, the more complicated explanation is the USA installed obedient puppet regimes after the war. Put their favorites into position of power in politics, press and economy. To perpetuate the situation the created circles, loges, clubs were promising future candidates are groomed. Nobody outside this clubs has a chance to get into an important position.
To make sure none of their puppets has second thoughts, acts against its interest, the USA uses its spy aparatus.

sorry, kike. the r/k selection reddit bullshit is for dimwitted fucks to lap up. your basic understanding of genetics is useless trash. all you need to know is those niggers employed nigger behaviour.

Why didn't they used riot gear, shotguns with rubber bullets, water cannon and tear gas to disperse the crowd of feral nigs ?
are they that afraid to enforce their own laws ?

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Murder is so very obviously the solution.

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It's not murder if it's well deserved.

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Cant you 3d print a gun or something?

Supposedly starting August 1.

Here's a few pics from (((El Pais)))

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Imagine the smell of the place ?

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Euro/pol/acks, meet your new neighbors !

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