Religion /=/ politics

When will Zig Forums realize that religion does not predict one's politics?
There are pro-white Atheists like myself, and there are anti-white Atheists, the anti-whites are more visible and possibly more numerous.
There are pro-white Christians and anti-white Christians, the anti-whites are more visible and possibly more numerous.
There are pro-white Pagan and anti-white Pagans, the anti-whites are more visible and possibly more numerous.
Each group has members with their origins in previous anti-white movements, and who have entered white nationalist circles in bad faith, and who ultimately are a detriment to the movement as a whole: for example, the old-guard Christians who shamed atheists for being racist and sexist, are now shaming atheists for being anti-racist anti-sexists, they don't care about white interests, they are only using it as a vehicle for christian shilling, and they are willing to cause infighting within the white nationalist movement for the purpose of christ-shilling, it's a matter of having bad priorities and dishonest intentions.
The three of us should disregard our religious differences and unite in our common ethnic and political interests.
We three are fighting with our brothers over matters that are ultimately irrelevant to our cause, this is what the (((enemy))) wants.
pic is to grab attention

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Other urls found in this thread:

subject was mistyped, should be =/=

Most Christian sects have some sort of clause about not preaching on street corners, yet many do. Most Atheists also tend to not be the faggots screeching about stupid shit. Same with pagans. The ones who scream loudly are nothing more than social signaling faggots trying to out shine each other in retardation.

and Zig Forums has none of them, I'm not like that, and I don't think I should apologize for the dip-shits who do, I speak out against them, I've gotten into fights with some of them (who were out in clothes with communist symbols), they are separate from me.

The fact that there are people with similar political views with different religions doesn't mean that religion and politics aren't correlated, brainlet.

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List of Pro-White Atheists and Agnostics:
Alex Linder
Ben Klassen
Craig Cobb
Dr. Kevin MacDonald
Dr. William Luther Pierce
Matt Hale
Revilo Oliver
Tom Metzger
William Gayley Simpson
George Lincoln Rockwell
Chris Cantwell
Mike Enoch
Anatoly Karlin

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moron! moron, party of one! your table is ready.
yeah, and some niggers aren't rapists.

religious D&C, slide
"leave newfag, this is the vatican!"

Religion is mostly mystified political histories and cultures from generations ago, Talmudic Judaism and Islam are little more than glorified lost kingdoms. Similar to how classes turn into castes and then races given enough time; nations turn into religions.
Faith however, not the same as religion, does have underlining metaphysical foundations of political and personal thought. If you believe humans are meat machine born to suffer, then having a family is selfish.

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Expunging Christianity from the people is not D&C.
Every religion thread is Americans wanting to be Christian in their alien way nobody does it in Europe while using Europe as an Example while Christianity is legitimate, when it's not. It's about as legitimate as communism and leftism in general.
A dumb leader catches it and the plebs have to go along with it and often change it.

Sageru for yet another religion thread.

Attached: germanization of christianity.jpg (220x165 34.97 KB, 701)

Look how nicely OP sets it up.
Thank you JIDF, we appreciate the shilling.



Ignore D&C shills. Anyone posting in here seriously is either an idiot or a shill. Probably both.

Has anyone actually considered that nu-Christianity is fake and gay? Same thing with unironic 'pagans' invented mostly by Catholic scribes, academia and hollyjews.
The West as a whole is a state of total disbelief, we've lost the ability to answer the most fundamental question: 'why go on?'

The final solution to the religious question is something Zig Forums will have to answer eventually and quickly.

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Based JIDF user in an (((organic))) religious thread!

Only 5 religious D&Cs per day.

If you call yourself a pagan(villager) instead of a proper name, you should blow your brains out.

Modern nu-Christianity is fake and it's theology is fucking terrible compared to what it used to be, it's been turned into a product to be marketed to niggers and dying old people. Same with neo-paganism(aka Wicca for men), it's filled with childless poorfags that shove dragon dildos up their ass in sex magic rituals.

Nah, I don't call myself pagan and I see your angle now, you're right.
It's like "neo nazi" or worse "neo pagan".
Those are indeed strawmen. I don't pay a lot of attention in these threads anymore.

everyone on Zig Forums is an outlier, atheist, christian, pagan, atheism is plagued with the anti-white's I agree, but so are the other two, the point is that atheist pro-whites, christian pro-whites and pagan pro-whites need to unite.

Recognize existence of atheist pro-whites, and recognize that we are your allies, not your enemies.


Subtle D&C. If not for the fact there have been Fedora,Christian,Pagan threads, and shitposting from here to /v/, and multiple threads starting off the same way. Fuck off kike

religion is proto politics you brainlet

oh really, which anime is she from? oh wait its just a shitty drawing

God Tier
Radical Mormonism
Hermetic Astrotheology

Meh Tier
Shingon Buddhism
Traditional Catholic
Mystic Orthodox
Satirical Gnostic Islam

Idolatry Tier
Creativity Movement

(((Judaism))) Tier
Kosher New Age
Moral Nihilism

I dont want to fight with the pagans anymore, i can respect their choice. But atheism is the biggest weapon the kikes use to justify degeneracy. Thats where i have to draw the line. With no higher power, there is no reason not to be degenerate. I hope you find a faith brother, the white race wouldnt be so close perfect if someone hadnt created it that way.

General Yuri Discussion

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*Pretty much anything that doesn't have or need its own thread.

Previous thread:

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Where does Christian Identity/ Deutsche Christianity fit on this list? You know, what the Furher believed? And the Crusaders? Cuz thats how i view Christianity.

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When will you cunts realize that your demon worship influences your political decisions?

While "religion" may not predict an individual's politics exactly, it can be used as one factor in making a statistical prediction of an individual's unknown political vote.
Exceptions don't invalidate the statistics.

Attached: Screenshot-2017-11-10 Presidential vote by religious affiliation and race.png (858x579, 161.64K)

So how does demon worship result in white nationalism?

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We need a white shinto.
It's been proven that when people think of their ancestors, they are happier and work harder. I tell my sons that we live only because of our ancestors' struggle, and that they're watching and cheering them on from beyond. The ancestors live inside us and though us, and if we neglect them they'll go hungry and if we stop making descendants, our ancestors will ultimately disappear.

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White men think differently, it's why the world was dragged behind us into the modern era kicking and screaming. Unlike the kikes, we don't need a story to be true to find truth in its lesson. That goes for Pagans as well as white Christians. Jesus and Apollo can be complete fiction and still be admirable.

A troll made this thread and other trolls reply to hide good threads. Fuck you Mossad agents!

agreed, it's race, not religion that makes white civilization great.
even if a bottom of the pile shit their religion like judaism or islam were the majority in an all-white nation-state, it'd be great as well.
there are simply certain things that our blood pulls us towards, and other tings which our blood pulls us away from, we find the things which are attractive to our blood in any myth we adopt, and we reject anything that is ugly to our blood in them at the same time.

Real tiers

God Tier.
Cuts you head fro blasphemy. True believers

Low Tar
Everything else.

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Which Islam and which editions though?

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not even once, reddit; kill your goddamn self

I've never used reddit, but what's the issue with either of those words? "pro-white" is even better than "white nationalist" as a label, because it means you are an advocate of our people's interests, "atheist" strictly means disbelief in god, but is generally understood to represent the non-religious as a whole, there is nothing about the two that makes them mutually exclusive.

the arguments I've seen in this thread boil down to four things.

1. most atheists are anti-white, this is a stupid argument because most christians and pagan are as well, being pro-white is the minority position, and has been for decades now.

2. more christians voted for trump, and christians are more likely to be conservative, and those christian conservatives are civnat zionist cucks, take the further subdivision and we are not that different, besides, atheism or christianity is not genetic like race or sex or possibly mental illness (LGBT), so why are you treating it as such.

3. atheists have no objective morality, and we make up a minority or pro-whites, first we have demonstrated that we have a source of morality that is objective, and second, I feel like there are likely a lot more of us that you may think, perhaps roleplaying as pagans or christians.

4. atheism leads to degeneracy, actually, for me it was the opposite, i grew up in a conservative christian home, but left for liberalism before moving on to atheism.

The values the atheist community claimed to hold in high esteem - empiricism, logical argumentation, free expression - it was the things that lead me to where I am now, a secular traditionalist national socialist white nationalist Zig Forumsack, and I know others have taken this same path, even during the early years there were those among the atheist communities of facebook and youtube there were those who took the official values too far, and ventured into subjects that were just not allowed to be explored, look aty the early videos of the youtuber "heyruka" or "edgysphinx", they came along way before "rageafterstorm" hit the "skepics", who were the evolution of what remained of the atheist community on those sites, and they took many, many people with them, but I had reached my general conclusions on race and sex and LGBT's and the jews and even the muslims way before the rest of them.
it was athiests like "patcondell" who were the first to point out grooming gangs, and they don't have everything in common with you, but they were a hell a lot closer than the leading christians on youtube at the time, such as "shockofgod", "nephilimfree" and "venomfangx".

so atheism can lead to being pro-white, if I never became atheist, I know I never would have, I'd be where my mother and father are right now, lovers of israel, and giving money to unicef to feed dumb niggers.

I know others have walked this path.

Good luck to you, my irreligious brother. I may disagree with you about the spiritual, but the material world is something we can agree on.

Agreed. Blatant D&C.


"We tolerate no one in our ranks who attacks the ideas of Christianity… in fact our movement is Christian."
"We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement [Gottlosenbewegung], and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations: we have stamped it out."
- Adolf Hitler
"We believe in a God Almighty who stands above us; he has created the earth, the Fatherland, and the Volk, and he has sent us the Führer. Any human being who does not believe in God should be considered arrogant, megalomaniacal, and stupid and thus not suited for the SS."
-Heinrich Himmler

Neck yourself, faggot.

I came to all this via atheism and philosophy forums. it was the behaviour of liberal atheists and pseudo-philosophers that drove me to seek out better answers.
religion was only ever a clownish foil for the left to bully and symbolically score points off of. i've still never seen a theist achieve anything in these arguments and i don't think i ever will. the supernatural is a lost cause and is not something a moral argument can be based upon in this era. effectively all a theist has in this context is moral posturing and attempts at social pressuring. it might work on someone who is somewhat politically aligned and doesn't want to be rejected by their group, but against actual ideological enemies it's completely impotent.
but, the truth is on our side. science is on our side. and the truth is powerful because it is indisputable. you can't resist what you can see with your own eyes, you can only pretend not to see it, or try to hide it - and then you're already defeated.
this is the position the left placed christianity in, and where now they themselves have been placed by things like race and iq, the jewish question, the effects of sexual deviancy, feminism and so forth.
a moral argument, and consequently a model for an ideal society, can be based upon the truth. and you don't need faith to believe in the truth. the truth just is. we need to step beyond religion and start valuing the truth again.

he also thought he could invade russia and win. he wasn't right about everything.

no u

wew. read a book, nigger.

Prediction is statistical term. Single human is one statistical data point i.e. nothing.
If you truly want to weaken religious D&C then stop talking about it.
Your whole post is worthless

Typical paranoid.

pilpul; kill yourself kike


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William Pierce and Cosmotheism

Dr. William L. Pierce
1933 - 2003

During the early 1970s, the late white activist Dr. William Pierce formulated a religious orientation he called Cosmotheism to provide the spiritual basis for the direction he was taking in his racial work. Pierce had serious reservations about Christianity’s appropriateness for white people and wanted to offer an alternative to it.

ok, here's how I see this:
Religion is a weakness, atheism is a strength, logic favors atheism, and disfavors religion, morality being attached to religion is morality being attached to being illogical, morality being attached to something that is empirically established is morality that stands on logic.

That religion disfavors our politics (with only a small group of very obscure faiths) is yet another reason it stands as a vulnerability working against us.

atheism is an effective weapon, it is the only the left has had for so long, and it has worked as the entry point for them so well that it has been their go to point in establishing credibility in the minds of their victims.

just because it has been the weapon of our enemy in the past does not mean it cannot work as our own weapon in the future, it will be both our armor and sword, we have picked up the tools of the enemy in the past, once we learned of their effectiveness, this is how any good strategist fights, do not be held back by phony moralizing, that is a losing game for the (((skeptics))) to play.

why preserve Christianity or Paganism anyway? if this was where our strength comes from, race could be discarded, we could go back to the old imperial mentality of spreading our faith to the world, and take up the white man's burden once again.

are we a movement of religion, or are we a movement of race? if Islam was white, would it still be the savage barbarity it is today?

our religion is a threat to our race, anyone who thinks we can hold both has a faith in our race that is questionable at best, that or they are really fucking stupid.

abandoning religion in favor of race and nature's order will nnot only help us win this fight, but prevent the fight from coming about in the future by removing that "in" the jews had exploited in the past, it also helps distinguish us from the lesser right who had also voted for trump while also being zionist civnats and deniers of science.

for the record, I recived my genetic results as 0% black, 0% hispanic, 0% arabic, and 0% jewish, and they were given by a company who has stated on record that they like to exaggerate the amount of these races in the results they give. Just in case you're retarded enough to disregard good arguments based upon the source.

as for my beliefs, I believe in a new white supremacist empire that spans the globe (white = racially indigenous to europe or north asia), the extermination or extreme subjugation of all non-white races (especially "semitic" races such as the arabs and jews), the institutional subjugation of women (essentially giving them the legal status of children, but with exceptions being made for sexual matters: banning women from drinking, driving, voting, taking office, etc. basically anything that keeps their fate from anything but being a wife and mother to white children, this includes a definition of life as beginning when sperm meets egg, and a blanket ban on abortion among white female/white male couples, I don't give a shit what happens to other babies, except that mixed babies are an even more of an abomination to me.), either national socialism, or national capitalism (either way, an end to fractional reserve banking (aka usury), and fiat currency (back banknotes, either with with material goods such as gold or with secure cryptocurrency for a new age of banking)), and making LGBT+ redefined as dangerous mental illnesses that should be treated or cured asap. In case you're so stupid you can't separate good arguments from bad ones that come from the same source.

also, anyone who promotes religion on here is a jew seeking to ensure that they can maintain their one biggest advantage (in that they have one thing in which they are correct about).

BTW, I don't want religion banned (except maybe satanism, judaism, and islam), nor do I want us to stop defending christians or pagans who are being unfairly attacked by rabid leftwing autists, I agree that they are one of the "priviledged" groups that have become acceptable to hate along with being straight, white, and male. I'm simply arguing what I'm arguing, that atheists on Zig Forums need to be recognized as legitimate allies of the white race, (at the very least, stop attacking pro-white atheists on the basis of their atheism).

It's an alliance of three white belief systems, not two.

Any man who wishes to institute a theocracy is misguided. Faith is a matter of intense personal belief. I find anyone who mixes politics and faith abhorrent. This is why cosmotheism, "political Christianity", Islam, and especially paganism distasteful. Faith does indeed influence politics, but never consistently. My faith is not dependant on logical arguments, on fact. It is a notion far deeper, more instinctual. Like the notion of a parents love. There is nothing I can do or say to ever convince anyone guaranteed. Why argue about it. You are on my political side or not, the moment you try to fuck me over, my loyalty ends.

Polite sage for off-topic. Anyone with any sense would know to not ever argue about this point. They are using their religion as a tool for political or exclusively material gain, never as a genuine belief or disbelief. Never trust the exclusively nietzchean for this reason.

if you are atheist you will never be one of us

Stopped reading there. I can totally understand if people doubt Jesus, miracles etc. But believing that our existence is a coincidence, that all the intricate workings of human body appeared out of nowhere is fucking stupid. Even when my faith was at its weakest, I never doubted the existence of some greater being controlling the universe.
As for morality, just ask yourself the big question of "by what standard?" Who told you whats right and what isn't? And why does it most likely line up with what Bible teaches? Also a big cosmic coincidence?

ok, I said logic favors atheism, because there is no proof of anything supernatural, just because we have no natural explanations yet doesn't mean we have to assume the supernatural, as in the past, what was explained by the supernatural is now explained by the natural, logic demands we assume this pattern continues.

every part of the intricate workings of the human body are explained by evolution, and as for being a coincidence, I am a hard determinist, which means that literally nothing is a co-incidence, even if all of this was unexplained, how would you go from "existence seems complex" to "therefore god made it all"?

the morality of evolution that every lifeform on earth has been programmed to pursue, and which forms the root of our moral instincts, is based upon gene propagation, it sets that as it's goal, and if your morals are deigned to pursue this goal, you and yours will prosper, kinda like ancestor worship, but you are also paying homage to your descendants.

it is the source of our emotions and thoughts, the reason for our ancestors existence, the drive that moves us forward, it causes us to love, to hate, to build and destroy, the rise and fall of civilizations are governed by it, it is a powerful, almost supernatural force within us, it rewards us who obey it well (with a new generation), and punishes us who obey it poorly (with dying childless and alone), it propels our species to new heights in a long, arduous journey, it basically has all the elements that inspire reverence that christian morality has, but it can actually be shown.

natural law is powerful, and the embrace of gene-based moralilty has a good share of that power.

as for why these laws mimic the biblical commandments so well, well, first of all, they don't, and second of all most of these were programmed in all of us via evolution, murder, theft, and adultery, were beneficial laws for our ancestors to follow so that they could pass on their genes, including genes for these behaviors, the rest are of questionable importance at best, and nonsensical at worst, I could see "not taking god's name in vain" having some worth to a society if it was interpreted as "not speaking on god's behalf unless your a part of the priestly class".

so it doesn't line up perfectly, what's more, there's a lot you are ignoring, that doesn't even line up with what you believe.

but this is just derailment, you want to turn this discussion on why atheists, including the atheists like myself who reject the supernatural as an outright impossibility, should be counted among the movement if they are otherwise Zig Forumsack material. into a discussion on whether religion or atheism is true or not, which it isn't.

as I said before, I want to fight for the white Christians who are being persecuted for their beliefs and race around the world, such as in Europe, the Middle East, or South Africa, Christians are the most moral of all religions, especially compared with barbaric faiths such as communism and Islam, and that the crusades were an act of heroism and restraint due to it being a response to centuries of Islamic conquest, and was a time when all the religious infighting throughout Europe was put on hold, and the first time that all of European peoples fought together as brothers. and that the inquisition saved Europe from being destroyed by Jewish subversion and Islamic migration, and was another act of heroism for which the Christians should be admired, not hated. I also want Christians to be able to fully exercise their rights to their faith, they should not only be able to refuse to bake a cake for faggots, they should be able to refuse to serve fags as well.

I want atheist Zig Forumsacks to be embraced as brothers by the pagans and christians, and I do not want to replace them within this movement of ours, that would be even worse.

atheists (and the irreligious in general), plus the pagans and christians (in all varieties), brothers in arms, brothers in blood.

Stop bumping this slider.


Cosmotheism is a sham. Protestantism is D&C.

That's true in the same way that skin color doesn't predict one's politics. Which is pretty wrong.
Of course there are outliers/exceptions, but in general niggers will vote for gibs and atheists will vote (far-)left while having barely any children.
The average christian is further right than the average atheist, which you can observe in pretty much all elections or in the "enlightened" countries in Europe.

Attached: Sweden Atheism.png (682x711, 314.8K)

race is genetic, religion isnt
genetics can determine likelihood of religiosity, and people with those kinds of genes are also more likely to be right wing, but as you said, it's no guarantee.

I'm interested in the acceptance of the atheists who are right wing, not the atheists who aren't they wont change their minds, they are the enemy forever, fuck them.

I also think that the christian majority needs to be subdivided into the Zig Forumsacks and the mainstream (anti-white) right, same with the atheist groupings (civnats like jordan peterson need to be cut out), I'm sure the gap will narrow a bit between atheists and religious then.

at the very least, stop calling atheism an enemy, it makes it hard for the atheists who would otherwise be your ally to fight for the cause.

I agree that christians are being fucked over, people should be able to discriminate on any basis, abortion is murder, educate their kids however they see fit, historical monuments should not be desecrated or removed just because of any religious element, such as a stone statue of the ten commandments removed from a courthouse, or a christian display from a christmas display, even if christmas isn't originally christian according to the pagans, b/c it is the in USA (although we should remove the lazurus poem from the statue of liberty and the in god we trust from the money and under god from the pledge, due to them all being desecrations of historical artifacts themselves, so same principle applied consistently), etc. and christians should be recognized as targets of genocide and persecution, especially in hotspot places such as south africa and syria, but also here at home, christian speech needs protection, at the very least the same level of protections that are afforded to islamic and anti-religious speech (but maybe islam needs to be banned, and communism, and talmudism aka zionism nationalism for israel/globalism for everyone else, as all three have resulted in a fuckton of deaths).

anyways, I will fight by your side for these things, as I believe in them as well.

This is quite literally the gayest thread.