Canada lost the war in Afghanistan

Snow Mexicans, explain yourselves

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Other urls found in this thread:

Maple niggers, fucking explain this shit

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Our troops don't train with that much ammo as well.

Your typical ar-15 owner will shoot more ammo in a single range visit than what most soldiers will shoot in a year.

The princess part or the lack of ammo part? It's expensive paving the way for white genocide in a country so you can't figure they had a lot to throw at killing shitskins unless they could steal some NATO crates.

Logistics failure in the sense that far too much travel was undertaken. If they wanted to protect that many Afghanis, they could have simply gone to Toronto.

Better opium too.

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If we defeat them they win.

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Canada's fucked to hell and back but lets not pretend that failing at knocking down Israel's enemy is some terrible thing.

Actually Canada basically is Israel: both are backstabbing "allies" who's troops are the best trained in the world, according only to themselves, who IRL don't do shit and have outdated gear/ weapons

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The quebecoise sont extremely attractive :):):):)

make better threads lazybitch OP

trudeau is a faggot, there is an explanation worthy of the quality of this thread

…The Canadian army showed their ass during the Harper administration; no reason to think it's gotten any better under the Castro administration but direct the blame where it's due

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Canada was taken over by communists in the 50s and 60s. We have no military at all, it was completely dismantled by Trudeau the first. I'm shocked they managed to scrape up 800 soldiers to be honest, and I would be even more surprised if they all had weapons. Half of them probably had whistles.

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Canadian military doctrine is "leave it to the Americans." NORAD ensures that they can call in air strikes by the USAF. JTF-2 (JSOC) and JTF-X (MI and spies) are pretty good, but generally the defense forces are a joke.

JTF-2 are meme tier at best, only shit they did in the sandbox was go on long range reconnaissance patroals. CSOR has literally never done anything of note, and CSIS are socially akward fucking computer neards

Hilarious, Canada is probably going to collapse before the US does.

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Actually, Canada spends significantly more on its military than Turkey does. I was shocked too. They are apparently just incompetent because diversity is the opposite of a strength.

There's military spending, and then there's military spending. Turkey's relatively low amount of money is probably going to thumbscrews and whips for the POW camps. Canada's bigger budget is going to maternity leave for the generals, who are now 51% women of childbearing age.

No, depending on who is making up the list we spend barely more to slightly less. In every case it is significantly less as a percentage of GDP. Why the random comparison to Turkey anyways? Also spending means jack shit. You can dismantle the military and still spend money on it. You just replace soldiers with tranny acceptance counselors. We have no soldiers, no training, no equipment, no vehicles.

Yet Turkey regularly BTFO's Kurdish YPG, and Canada gets BTFO by

Cant find it but I saw one chart that showed nearly 2x spending, I see another one that says 10% more.

Explain Croatia, I saw a video on it and it portrayed Canada as the victor and yet their PM at the time BANNED MEDIA COVERAGE like the fucking commies they are.

Google Operation Medak Packet; basically some boots from PPCLI went rambo on some trees and said they got attacked by Croatian forces. Awarded themselves the highest unit level award in Canadian history; the government covered it up and ran with it to cover up from the massive imbarrasment of their entire country getting kicked out of Somalia a year earlier because 2 of their paratroopers got caught raping a Somali teenager to death. He was a boy btw, leafs confirmed massive faggots

Oh no we barely pulled our weight in a pointless Jew war. Heaven forbid.

And no morale. Because they all know that while they are sweltering in a shithole on the other side of the planet, a much greater number of people from that shithole are comfortably housed in the neighborhoods they have taken over back in Canada while not giving a fuck about some Canadians stuck back in Bedrock.

Could you rephrase that in english? The propaganda says muh hero 500 leafs fought off 2500 croats with zero losses.

>encourages use of (((google)))
Lurk two years.

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Srsly, all Im going to get is bullshit from NYT and such.

500 guys who had never fired their rifles in anger got the chance to shoot up a bunch of bushes and trees then claiming they held off a massive Croation attack. Even the Canadian soldiers involved now admit it was bullshit. Canada has a long history of disengenious military history; never forget how to this day they still brag how they got further than any UK/US forces on D-Day…failing to mention their "beach" was a sandy hill guarded by starving Soviet POW's and Hitler Youth, pic related

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What search engine doesn't data mine

The CIA doesn't give a shit that I like creampie and Asian porn

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That's because you're a nobody and always will be.

sounds about right

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Didn't really think your post through, did ya?

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Do they really need to explain anything? Look at the abomination that runs their country. I feel bad for my Canadiabros tbh.

^Never mind^

I would love to see Canuck yuck-yuck soldiers go through our training. Especially Parris island.

Canadian boot camp is basically summer camp at this point

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Im missing the best one, it has his father in it too.

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Gone to Kabal River tbh fam.

And highly feminized, scrubbed of all 'tough guy' macho style apparently. I can't think of any country that compares to us in terms of training; save Russia or maybe China

Most Canadians are so brainwashed with being compared to the US that they applaud like seals at everything because shitting on the Lower 48 are one of the few things White Canadians are legally allowed to be proud of anymore. Who cares if the military is neutered and bleeding to death, you'd see 10x more yellow ribbons on Canadian streets and "cheering our troops" than American streets during that time period. Much like the FIFA World Cup and the Olympics, it's just government permitted faux- nationalism.

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Everything else asside, Canada has 2 fundamntal problems which will inevitably always lead to them being cucks.

How easy is it for Canadians to move to the states? I mean lets be honest, it's 80% the same country.

So long as you have some marketable skills not hard at all

What do you mean "and yet"? Are you retarded or something?

You mean his mother's husband?

That only started in the 60s when the communists removed our flag, destroyed our culture, and re-wrote our history to be communist bullshit. And you are responding to it exactly as they want. Stop it.

Yeah because that cuck stamp union jack on the top right of a period rag was soooooooo much more origional

Well that answers my question anyways.

At least it symbolized the nations that founded Canada.

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I'd say it's about 95% the same country if you compare it to northern states bordering Canada. There's even Tim Horton's in America now.

Nobody founded Canada, you were always a containment zone for traitors to the US Revolutionary War. "British North America"; you and that floating North Korea can fuck right off

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Canada is a joke.
All provinces should seek independence from the unholy confederation.

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And here I thought you couldn't get any stupider.

Ya our military really needs to be improved to a respectable state. We need to be self-sufficient and not always rely on America
With that being said, we barely have any patriotism and a lack of love for our military. My commie cousin said that she wouldn’t thank a troop for their service because she says that the military serves rich people

Remind the stupid cunt that she serves rich people as well. It’s called being an employee. The only way you’re truly freeded from the rich is if you’re independent of their wealth, or simply not an employee of theirs.


Ironically the only way not to be a slave rich person is to become a rich person

Canada doesn't exist anymore. The land itself is still there but it is no longer a nation. It is today nothing but a generic commerce zone whose major cities' souls are dead due to ever-increasing shitskin imports, a million every year (at least), now the majority in many cities, particularly the largest ones.

Damn dude, started off shitposting and now I'm just sad and depressed. Wtf is wrong with that frozen shithole?

The same thing that's wrong with your idiot brother-in-law who won't roll off of your couch and find a job: they've had it too easy for too long. I just hope the race war goes mainstream while the demographics can be reversed without nukes.

Honestly your best bet at this point is to simutaniously support an Alberta and Quebec seccesion movement; if Canada Balkanizes you can move the shitskins into Ontario or something

Just for the record, those are Canadian Rangers and their Lee Enfields were just recently phased out for Sako T3 CTR.

You can purchase a similar one called the Tikka T3 Arctic.

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Here's a Canadian reg force infantry soldier

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Seems like he's even got the beetus mustache down pat.

They didn't deserve the Lee Enfield those stink'n bastards. I would join the rangers if it didn't mean participating in native powwows.

Why do you kikes hate Canadian threads so much?
This shit is hilarious.

The Sako is actually the better rifle, although you’re aware of this, and just trying to bait me because you know that I know this already.

Have you done desert phase? I have. Would you like to go with me and I go through it again, this time in the summer? Are you man enough?

Most dudes are overweight when they deploy.

Oh you can’t do it. Sad.

The worst part of our Air force is that a lot of the Officers are crossdressers. Col. Russel Williams was just the highest ranking of them. Here's one, descended from Rhodesians and South African Whites that is not just a tranny, but also a babyfur.

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Forgot to mention, all of these were taken from his twitter,

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Run barefoot across the desert floor first Ladies. Then I will try your heels.

I'm not really sure what the point of threads or articles like this are. Is it to retroactively paper over Afghanistan and pretend that it wasn't carried out because of a monstrous kike lie? Like if you just pretend the whole thing was Canada's fault you can put it out of your mind that it was an israeli attack on the United States?

Im sorry, we'll try harder for israel next time. Just dont cut off the flow of africans pls, our economy needs them.

Canadian here. It's threads like these that make me realize how little there would be left to work with, even if we did get our shit together. Maybe there's some merit in becoming the 51st state…


Generally to distract from what's actually occurring here by drumming up patriotism (in readers who are not of the subject state). Who cares that Canadian culture is controlled entirely by Jewish American media, that our military was made barren and our identity destroyed because the American government destroyed the conservative party because they wanted to sell us planes and shoot down nukes over our cities, and that their country has done the same to ALL white nations. Its crabs in the bucket mentality

That is enough rounds for novice soldiers to rezero their optics and irons twice a year. No target practice, no weapons qualifications. Certainly no crew served weapons training.

It's guaranteed. We are at 64% white now.

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White people own firearms

We are a joke

I disavow all and people that would be such wastes of space. If that dude didn’t exist then the place he’s occupying would be just that much more affordable and some homeless dude would have a place to stay, instead of being fucking homeless.

Useless eaters most of these people. They won’t help untuck the world, and they won’t stop consuming endlessly either.

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People like him are exactly what is wrong with this country. Mindless self-indulgence, no accountability, no self-respect, no honour, obviously weak in mind and spirit. He is an important figure in our defense force, who the fuck would fear us after seeing this? I hope Putin annexes us next, he may be corrupt but at least he isn't a little bitch.

It's already very scary. Like I mentioned we are 64% white, how many are liberal? How many can we turn conservative before the next election? If conservatives don't win a majority whites are finished.

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That flamingo is about as important a turd plopped into the toilet.

People like that have no future, and therefore nothing to defend. They live entirely in the moment like insects. That is what it means to be a grasshopper. To live purely for the moment and nothing more.

Then why does the govt buy up huge amounts of the entire production run of ammo each year, constricting supply and raising prices?
Seems like most of it gets burnt in a bullet incinerator.

It doesn't matter if conservatives win, they are 100% pro mass immigration too. Harper and Mulroney both increased immigration, and the worthless cuck bitch leading the party now is even worse.

At a box of 50 rnds a week (which is hardly what you can call intensive training) that's 2.6B bullit for a 1M people.

How many feds, national guards, cost guards and soldiers are there?
More than a million.
So no the US gov doesn't buy ammo for everyone, they just by some for their private assault armies (alphabet soup stormtroopers and special ops) that shoot 500rnds of 9mm per day and 500 rnds of 5.56mm every two days.

Those guys are the only canadians soldiers that might hit what they shoot at.



There's nothing anywhere that even remotely resembles what you are saying. Canadians killed some Croatians, and there was a publication ban on it so nobody would know Canadian soldiers have rifles. There's nothing about any cover up or fake battle or anything. If you want to tell people to "google it" like a kike, try making sure there's something in jewgle to back up your idiocy.

Not the current conservatives. I found this woman based in Calgary I forget her title but it pertains to immigration and she has been speaking on behalf of conservatives to shut down the border breaches and close the loophole Trudeau is using.

Michelle Rempel. She actually has a lot of insider videos showing how Trudeau's government is handingly pressure to stop the insanity (they called the conservatives alt-right and other insults). Look into it, I think supporting the conservatives first is the only way to close the border leakage and then from there support a nationalost candidate but more liberals will support a conservative first and we need votes as the liberals have a majority.