It is all just a game user. There is nothing anyone can 'tell' you that will help you solve. The game is; I have secret knowledge and I will share with you IF…blah, blah, blah.
This ignores the fact that all the processing of the 'secret knowledge' must occur within your mind already, with your understanding already, so no one can 'impart' something to you that you must (and do) already know to receive it.
Let me explain this better…language and all information input must be PERCEIVED by you, the individual. There is no way for someone outside yourself to ensure that you have PERCEIVED what they intended, due to the incalculable myriad of personal experience and perceptual ability that comprise YOU. Thus it becomes an moot exercise (most of the time in power politics with someone trying to ROB you of something, time, money, sex, attention, etc). No matter how much you 'discuss' you cannot verify perception and they cannot be sure you have understanding. So the beginning and end of knowledge is WITHIN, not without. You can stimulate knowledge via exposure but no one can grant give or prompt enlightenment without your own achieving of it.
As well as the fact that your own path is solely dependant on a lifetime of personal experience, its relevance and your ability to perceive (we all don't see the same color 'red'…we just have trained ourselves via social contract to AGREE that something is 'red'…this is not the same thing as something actually BEING RED or BEING PERCEIVED UNIVERSALLY, deviance is ostracized and thus we can control the narrative without seeking the truth of the individual or individual perception; so we are all seeking lies in this current paradigm). You literally could gain all the enlightenment you would ever need by staring at a spoon (or better yet, nothing), because only you would ever understand the relevance of that object in relation to your experience and accumulated lifetime of knowledge. No one can ever impart this gift to you, it has to come from within and could be found anywhere based on your own perception.
Have you ever taken an art class where there was a complex object in the middle and everyone sat around the periphery looking and drawing what they perceived? Well same thing, except the entire world is a 360 mass of eyes looking all at one thing from different angles [gif 2; but the eyes would all be looking inward]. All of their individual perceptions are valid, none are the same, as well as none actually being the object itself, it is all a function of perception. If we were to think of this in the 3D relativistic world we would also have to include that the object itself would respond to the gaze of those perceiving it and mutate according to who gazed at it most intently (this would be a function of concentration; to cause the object one gazes on to mutate the most via one's perception). And if we were to consider the whole system we would have to say that we are all chasing it to perceive it at the speed of light. The ball would descend or ascend (depending solely on one's position and perception [there is no 'up' in space as well as no 'down' there is only outer and inner and trajectory]).
Anyway, that is enough blah, blah blah…since I feel another 'global delete' of my comments coming on, I think I will save this comment for posterity.
TL;DR user, the entire thing…the entire 'system'…everything they have ever TOLD YOU is 'true' is a TOTAL SCAM…only you can decide your perception for yourself…thus enlightenment is WITHIN.
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