18 year old Israeli highschool girls do slutty twerking performance for their highschool graduation ceremony in front...

18 year old Israeli highschool girls do slutty twerking performance for their highschool graduation ceremony in front of their parents and teachers

liv eleak.com/view?t=4ec_1506005184

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Kikes being kikes. They are not falling for their own propaganda. The propaganda is the manifestation of their sick psychology.

Yeah, but Orthodox don't do this in public

Hahahahahaha i hope the virus spreads quickly

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You’re talking about people that wear several layers of heavy dark clothing and live in the middle of the desert in segregated communities. Those guys don’t even dance with their own women.

The Poz they started has come full circle. Israel is going full Wiemar, they're fucked boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/179661165


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this, i live 3 miles from Kiryas Joel (the largest jewish village in the US, basically an unofficial state of israel)
they despise their own women.
a lot.

The Jewish mind may be degenerate but I don't think this was supposed to happen looking at their texts. Besides, Jewish women were always their own special kind of crazy anyway. They have that kike craziness ontop of being women. Bad jewjew. Almost feel sorry for Jewish males. Almost.

I’m literally from Tel Aviv, and these cunts get drunk, and celebrate spreading their lgbt bullshit every time they are allowed to. It’s the leftists who have weaseled their way into local power from the US that are slowly pushing this sickness.


…you got any more of this?

Good. I hope the same poison kills all of you.

Lol. Kikes have been pushing their degeneracy into American culture and politics for the better part of a century. When it comes back around at them, it's America's fault.

The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you


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It’s sad because as national socialists we need as many ally’s as possible. Israel is what we base our model off of, and a shining example of what we strive to achieve. Those Israelis who stand against leftists are ALWAYS welcome within our ranks. There were even Jews allowed in the SS after all…

(((You))) are a retard.

Become like Moses you fucking jews.

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You dipshits aren't even trying anymore

Where's the NSFL tag, OP?
The mere thought of sexual intercourse with a jewess is sicking.
I felt physically sick.

I'm close by too. Have you been enjoying the recent news reports of the goyim lashing out at Kiryas Joel for the same things people have been hating kikes for for millennia? Forcing themselves into politics and then changing laws, zoning and funding to benefit themselves at the expense of everyone else. Claiming areas as their own now and demanding the people who live there to abide by their customs. Bankrupting the local school district to fund their yeshivas. Swarming a local public park and pool that they don't pay taxes on, and then demand the locals behave a certain way around their children. Even News12 in Westchester has run stories about the problems coming from that jew hive up there in Monroe.

Of course, everyone talking about it publicly has stopped short of calling the jew by name. They just use PC terminology like "people who practice a different culture", and "inconsiderate neighbors". We're not at that point yet where you can call a kike what he is in public. But still, people who never had an antisemitic thought before are beginning to hate the jew, and people who have been trying to awaken people to the Jewish Question now have some fresh ammunition.

This shit is a year old, no one cares about your dancing bitch yids. Everyone knows you're a depraved people.

Attached: Qui-est-The-Fat-Jewish-.jpg (1827x1370, 956.43K)

I remember when the use of such a pronoun would be met with vitriol because there is no reason to appeal to the volk's beliefs if you believe what the volk believes in.

A fun tip for Instagram search for Israel beaches and night clubs geotags using Hebrew. Prime sluts

Oh I'm sure a few casualties were expected all along. The kike overlords don't care that much for their underlings.

Am I the only one who doesn't find this type of dancing sexy at all? It looks spastic.

Stupid sexy jews.

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You fucking slippery lying oven stuffing (aka a parasitical jew). Kikes will never be called brother you stupid pos.

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GTFO and gas yourself.
We know what your demonic talmud says.
We know what you call us.
We know (((who))) killed JFK, orchestrated 9/11, and pulled the USA into multiple bullshit wars that cost us many lives and trillions of dollars.
We know about the sayanim, and duel citizen israelis, and (((who))) controls the media and the banks and the law firms and the NGOs that push degeneracy and open borders, and the "hasbara," and the (((controlled opposition groups))), and all that bullshit.
We know about the (((federal reserve)))
We know what "tikkun olam" is actually about, and it's not "fixing the world."
We know (((who))) is orchestrating the ongoing genocide of White people.
We know.
We will never be blind again.

That third pic, fucking fantastic. I always laugh at instances like this, it's heartwarming.

You and your *based jew"* friend itt need to die

why is that?

to everyone who has awakened to the allure of the jew thanks to this, please visit >>>/jewess/ and have a goy time.

Double edged sword duplicitous kikes.

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It well crosses the line from sexually titillating into outright disgusting and off-putting. No girl who'd dance like that in front of an audience, comprised of their parents no less, can be thought of as anything but a whore with miles of cock under her belt.

I just realized I used Hooktube out of sheer habit even though it's basically useless now, my bad.

It's alright. Have a webm that I converted some time ago.

Attached: 【晚香玉】极乐净土 Gokuraku Jodo· 花魁与金丝雀【今宵与你尽情绽放】枫叶萧萧金丝雀_full.webm (1280x720, 13.77M)

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there's no harm to it. and allegedly it prevents the age restriction, so it might actually be preferable. either way you can copy paste into Freetube and it's the same effort to convert to an invidio.us link

Doesn’t look white to me

I do have the original ripped from BiliBili but this should be useful anyway.

Attached: Yokoyama Yui's 1st photobook - Yuihan (ゆいはん) (50).jpg (1507x2040, 1.7M)

I’m not coming to you lady. Fuck that shit. You’re intruding on my life. You want to meet me come talk to me, don’t play your bullshit Masonic games with me. I don’t belong to you. I already have a wife.

This. It's a matter of their psyche and inner natural (soul/spiritual) where this behavior is buried inside them just under the surface waiting to climb take to the top and live freely in the material world. The only reason this shit doesn't happen in Israel more often is because its heavily suppressed compared to everywhere else they are where they have no physical control over the populace itself to enforce the internal jew behavior.

There's more than enough shabbos goys that defend Israel as if its some natural conservative functioning society. It's not. It's just heavily pushed down by those who are familiar with their groups inner nature.

Most of these israeli girls are actually russians who gained citizenship because their grandparent was supposedly a kike or something.
Israel is full of Alenas, Annas and Svetlanas
This is what the average kikess actually looks like:

Attached: Real jewish women.jpg (1280x960 64.3 KB, 299.82K)

I've always wanted to bang a gender swap of Styx.

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Fuck off Milo

Jews don't particularly care if their women are whores. In fact, they have used Jewish women as whores for hundreds of years to seduce and destroy goyim. That is why Jewishness is matrilineal, because Jewesses are such sluts that it is impossible to tell paternity of the children.

Now we just need to encourage blacks to move there so their women can twerk on black dick and give Israel some vibrant diversity.

So wait…all I have to do is cut the end of my unit off and pledge allegiance to Satan? What's the catch?


They both look like Gretchen from Recess

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Niggers can't read that.

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Oh look you won because you didn’t say anything, but you wouldn’t say anything because you’re a fucking criminal.

wrong thread, mate?

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god bless america

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Keep your hook shit out of here TRS

Have you even seen my wife?

This, their brains work differently.

My dick smells like vagina again.

You made me curious so I decided to see if something similar had happened in the US or Europe but couldn't find much other than some negress doing it, so nothing to get mad about.
I found it funny that the school staff in charge of announcements seemed more amused than outraged.

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Not a Samarai. Not Asian. The Jews fear everything.

you should kill yourself

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You should just genocide your bloodline.

Part nog blood really shows up in them, doesn't it? Jeeze can you imagine letting this infect your heritage?

Race traitor

He's just a shitposter, doesn't feel like he knows what IDs are because there's a clear lack of congruence between his various posts.

I can't believe that people fell for these posts. Have a (You) on the house.

She’s white with blue eyes faggot.

Nope responding to the artist intelligence that controls the banner images.


They’re not real Jews, rhey’re russians who came in the 90s.

What about Russian middleschoolers twerking in Russia? If I remember correctly the teacher was fired.

Jesus Christ.

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Aaaand they're horrible at it. Is this where the meme that whites can't dance comes from?

lol fucking (((kissinger))) what a quack, he thought niggers in africa would be a nuclear power by now. the funny thing is that quote is the most intelligent thing I have ever heard him say.

Somebody gas this fucking kike please

F U L L - C I R C L E

You are just a shill or a retard.
If you claim to believe what the others believe, then you can also just speak for yourself, you faggot.



The jew swallows his own poison. good.

Jewish girls are so slutty. Jewish men rather marry pornstars.

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Today, user learns that Israel is kiked despite being full of ethnic nationalists.

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Because jews are cucks, and their shrill demonic women run their lives.

They start em young.

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What the fuck kinda of teacher could possibly think this was a good idea?
Its gotta be a woman and/or a jew.

so what you're saying is that kikes are degenerate? Holy smokes OP you might be on to something

This thread seems like another Israeli operation to make us want to fuck those yids so they can steal our genes. You will not take my precious bodily fluids!!!

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Same reason their military thinks it is a great idea for young Jewish girls to pose with their rifles and bikinis.

Watching this video made me realize the reason black girls like twerking is because it requires no effort or skill compared to every other type of dancing.

(palindrome checked)
I've read several books of the Talmud, including Sanhedrin, Bava Mezia, Soferim. They are most definitely not naive about their own women. The king kikes deliberately set up a framework where women cannot wield either political power, or marital power. It is highly recommended for young jewlings (of course the males being the only full jews) to essentially become monks: studying Talmud and Torah all day every day, then Kabbalah when they turn 40, spend evening dancing and getting drunk with the boys. Because of this, there are very few males who remain in the communities doing work, and those effectively have their pick of the litter among jewesses. They have created a market where males are overvalued, and women are highly undervalued.

Consequently, among religious jews, they don't have to suffer histrionics, or have battered British husband syndrome. The woman works to please the man, not the other way around. It is a much more nuanced way of keeping bitches in line than Sharia, and any future Aryan state should seek to emulate that (through the concept of glorifying philosopher monks).

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Filtered for gook posting. This board is for whites, not gook loving wigger-tier weeb sub-humans.

For some idiot reason "twerking" has become a legitimate dance craze in Russia, and a "workout." I wouldn't even be surprised of these fucking morons saw this as legitimate dancing. It is Russia, after all. Russia is where this whole sickness began. They're the original horde of mindless filth.

Fake. Clearly not a 12 or 13 year old. Look at her abdomen. Her hips are almost as high as his as well. Way too thick (musculature) to be a 12 or 13 year old.

aww, why'd they put the thicc girl in the back?

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