Maybe so, maybe it never happened but should have and will.
But for the sake of a though exercise, let's assume it did happen on some level. Assume for the sake of argument a bunch of Jews got whacked in WWII era. Maybe it was nowhere close to 6 gorillion, but assume a large nonzero number. Just humor me.
The word "Holocaust" has a very specific meaning in traditional Jewish contexts:
The term holocaust comes from the Septuagint translation of the burnt offering and derives from two words: holos (“whole”) and kaustos (“burnt”). This Greek translation corresponds perfectly to the Hebrew terms holah meaning “that which ascends” as in fire or smoke, and kalil meaning “whole” or “entire”. Holokautein denoted that the offering was utterly destroyed and consumed, as opposed to thyesthai which denoted a sacrificial victim and a meal consisting of the victim’s flesh.
It is very strange that this specific term is used by the Jews to describe what they allege happened to them under Hitler.
Sacrifical offerings were made to propitiate the Jewish diety. Like if you want a good harvest, you offer up a lamb to be roasted at the temple by the JooLord Priest caste. Or perhaps a human: Jewish ritual human sacrifice is well documented.
But the bigger the goal, the bigger the gift, right? Creating a new nation in the restored holy land demands a lot more than a lamb or two. Suppose the "inner party" Jews decided to sacrifce a huge number of happless "outer party" Jews? Not to mention the tens of millions of goys who died in WWII on all sides.
So what if the Holocaust was enginereered as a mass human sacrifice by the High Jews themselves, perhaps even without the knowledge of the National Socialists? A burnt offering in exchange for the creation of the state of Israel?
I think this is an interesting speculative idea worth kicking around. It is known Hitler tried to find other solutions to the Jewish problem – migration to Madagascar, for example. What if the leading Jews themselves thwarted this so they could have their mass sacrifice?
What does Zig Forums think?