Another (Temporary) Win for Guns in California

Ninth Circuit Panel Issues Ruling on Gun Rights

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Kike free.

letting kikes, spics, and niggers decide our laws. what a fucking joke. im looking forward to killing people like this

Fucking heil.

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I am not California, and you’re a faggot.

If you reveal yourself too early in a thread you'll have to keep hopping IPs, Mordechai!

Another cool thing. Less than 5% of people in California who were supposed to register their bullet button baby killing salt rifles did so.

So like Connecticut, California gun owners told the state to fuck off and come and take them.

Go into any private gun shop still operating here and bring up the law or the government. What used to be a friendly back-and-forth about the clowns in charge is now stony silence, like during the Purge Trials. Shit got serious when the law was passed that gun shops have to take your identification and registry number when you buy ammunition. July 1, 2019, ammo purchases require a $50 background check and permission from the state. Purchases over 500 rounds must be recorded.

Oh look it’s the stupid games clan running around playing stupid games isn’t of just posting like a normal human being.

My wife is Phonetian Schlomo. I am Northern Germanic.

Is it Alber doing that?

You're also filtered now. Time to hop IPs.

blatant shill, keeps talking about his wife in another thread.

Forgot about that one. Honestly, you have to just stop complying and tell them to come and take it. And if they do, let it start.

I'm a gun owning leaf and even I'm disgusted

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That will start around Christmas 2019, as the first binge buyers run out and start keistering boxes from Nevada.

Why would I?

God forbid our 10-round rifles should have a pistol grip and detachable mag both, Leaf-user.

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Nothing degenerate about sex with women.

Sucks for you. Glad I don’t live there. Can you fags even own suppressed weapons?

In next weeks episode learn how to turn your ar15 into a muzzle loader to be comiforina compliant


Don't give them ideas.

what did kek mean by this?

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I'm sure it's a reminder to meme responsibly. Better to be safe about it.

This is so stupid. Outside of amerimutts nobody seriously gives a shit about "gun rights". They're a worthless distraction subject from syria and the jews and jewish influence over even fake right wing people like trump. Imo they can take every gun in the US and throw them in an incinerator, there are far more important things to pay attention to.


If trolling, second-rate.
If serious, possibly a shabbos goy.
Either way, fuck off kike.

Hey fuckface, you're the goy not me. Nobody in europe has guns and we dont give a shit because we're at least aware of how worthless guns are in the big picture. Learn how to hack or something if you want to be useful. Larping with your bullshit throwers at the local range is about as useful to our movement as fencing.

I would say "wew", but this is bait.

Honestly, giving Californian whites guns is a humanitarian service at this point. They need to defend themselves from the hordes of criminal spics that the state government does nothing to hamper.

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Yeah yeah we get it, you got something productive to say?

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Fuck off you double nigger lover.

Good to know, jew. Meanwhile, we goys are stockpilling:
The same is happening in France and Germany.

how do you hold this gun op?

Quality OP. Quality news. Have a drink.

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holy shit. someone hand me some gas to gas myself.

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The idea is that you won't.

Am I reading this right? It doesn't stop the 10 round mag limit for sales purposes, but it basically keeps people who have already purchased them grandfathered in and stops the gun grabbing for that.

What kind fucking question is this? Have you ever fired a rifle?

That's how I read it. Note, i used to live in commieforna and I bought my mags online, that were not, "assembled" yet. Until they crack down on that it's not really an issue. Just a feel good measure, because lefties don't own guns.

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anyone got sauce on this?

Remove the plate.

I get the feeling these recent Ninth decisions is connected to the new homemade gun push. Almost as they are trying to get people to make guns, carry unmarked guns around, use them, kill people to be able to down the line claim it as a means to take the second. The Ninth has been fucked for years and they just change recently and on guns? Something is up.

How the fuck are you supposed to hold this?

get the fuck out

There are no “wins” for California. This is the same court that ruled the microstamping shit for casings is valid, even though the law can’t be followed because the technology doesn’t exist yet. They’ve made owning a handgun almost impossible, and it’s only going to get worse.

Confusing California Supreme Court with 9th Circuit District Federal Appeals

And yes, there are "wins" in Commiefornia, but Duncan v Becerra needs to be pushed further, and Voter ID laws need to be implemented.

I guess I just want to see elections in CA come under the watchful eye of MPs enforcing the peace with ICE standing by to pluck out illegals on felony voting law violations.

A man can dream…

Dead judges can’t subvert the country

You are supposed to cut the plastic flap out with a reciprocating saw.