How would a labor-based currency work? Would it be superior to debt or gold-based currency? Assume there are no private banks. Historical as well as theoretical arguments welcome.
Labor-based currency
I don't know, sounds utopian. In my country all jobs are just getting filled with migrants working for half of a usual salary.
Ask Hitler, seemed to work for him.
You have to explain more if you don't want an anchored thread full of shit, op.
Or perhaps you are refering to plundering and war or just plain kike speculation.
Fuck off.
IIRC in the Third Reich they used this system so that money would not be backed by trust (a Jewish invention) or by gold (which they didn't own that much of) but by manhours, which were much more easy to define and control. Because of that, those who worked with manual labor were paid in accordance to the amount of work they did rather than by some nebulous salary and this led to people working longer shifts to earn a shitton of money they used to buy consumer goods (which in turn helped move the cogs of the Internal Economy) as well as go to vacation hotspots in a time when most of Europe and America were in a recession. This created enough wealth that the Germans could effectively trade finished goods with Nordic countries (and the USSR) in exchange for raw material and what little they couldn't build on their own. Also IIRC old Jewish banks were foreclosed or burned down because they tried an economic coup to discredit the labour-backed money.
I said currency, not economy.
Hes right, I dont want to work for my money, fuck that shit, thats why I imported all these niggers.
You don't need to sell people as slaves to base the currency on the size of the labor force. These two concepts are unrelated.
On the one hand there is the problem that not all labor produces the same value. If a person digs a hole then fills it in for no specific reason, they worked hard but not a lot of value was created.
On the other hand, an honest day of good labor should be properly rewarded and a man should be able to provide for a wife and family on it.
I think something like a labor backed currency would work as long as the employer had the freedom to terminate employment. If paying a days wage isn't worth the value of the labor you would get, you shouldn't be employing the person in the first place.
Any links on that one?
< Work is slavery!
Go back, leftypol! Go back!
I personally think it's a bad idea because currency on circulation should be tied to permanent wealth produced, not labor done. But here goes:
1 laborunit = 1 hour of moderate manual labor under standard atmospheric conditions.
Skilled labor might be worth more, and less strenuous labor might be worth less, but there would be a standard to judge it against.
Like now, a labor shortage would drive up wages, and a labor surplus would reduce them.
But you can't print more laborunits becuaee they are tied to the amount of labor produced.
Really I think any attempt to heavily regulate the economy, or create an economy at all, will just end up intruding on the individual rights of the citizen and creating as many problems as it solves. We should just go back to a precurrency era where we bartered and traded amongst ourselves according to individual agreements, built our own homes and raised our own food. Economy is an unnatural and harmful idea that inevitably leads to humans being treated as resources and senseless production and exploitation for the sake of production and exploitation.
It wouldn't. Because labor theory of value is false.
True to value this labor.
that's not how labor-based currency is valued; it's valued in terms of the amount of productive labor the nation is capable of raising. The economy depends on the amount of goods and services actually produced, but the currency is valued in how much labor there is to do these things with. So there's a ratio of GDP to labor at the heart of the financial policy, building a permanent incentive into the system to stay at full employment.
Self sufficiency is not a bad thing, but specialization is far more efficient and productive.
If you have a cobbler, a tailor, a Mason, a Miller, they can all do a much better job at their trade than any person could do at all 4 trades. A Baker can make better bread, faster, at a lower cost, than you can.
That doesn't mean you shouldn't garden or do your own work when you can, but division of labor is a wonderful technology to have. Redundancy does create some resiliance in a system.
I do not understand. Can you elaborate? I have to go to work now but I'll read when I get home.
Retarded solution for a real problem. We need fascism (state capitalism) with heavy social elements. If the state produces our goods it doesn't need to allot needles expenses for stuff like advertisements, thereby reducing price of production. If we shape it like how we want, it won't add toxic chemical filler to our goods to shave some pennies off. All profits would go to support the worker, and the state to a lesser degree. With socialist policies all work is optional, especially for mothers. This isn't to say you'll get a universal wage, but you won't go starving.
You cannot generate currency via bookkeeping, but yeah labor based currency is more difficult nowadays.
Just exterminate all jews and proponents of fractional reserve banking and then change the world banking system to a system without interest, fixed currency amount.
Also no speculation shit, basically abolish anything shady.
Things will work out in the end.
Umm, let's use gold backed currency to illustrate. The value of the dollar is expressed as a ratio of gold reserves (in ounces or w/e) to dollars in circulation. Labor backed currency is expressed as a ratio of productive/skilled labor to dollars in circulation. If you want to grow the amount of dollars in circulation without inflation, you have to grow the labor force.
If value=labor then employer can send employees to
then demand fair pay for such "hard work" from central bank.
Its a loyalty question, a "better" currency isn't possible and would only disincentivize. However you got it, you must allow past work to be wealth in your hand.
Currency has no real value, its your loyalty to your King which matters, his protection gives its value be it sea shells or gold coins and he gives you your ability to use it. The King by right must be able to cancel foreign accounts for his people, protect his nation from rats. After the Enlightenment this reverence was lost, by liberalizing the King's court and so merchants became your lord, often they stepped into that place even though very often unable to be your King. That is because Kuningaz literally means, representative of the race, found in all the languages of Indo-Aryan peoples, you cannot allow your leader to be that of a different race from you.
This happens in our non-labor-currency system, that was Keynseanism's argument for deficit spending by growing GDP (and its empirically correct no matter how shitty you try to make it sound). Economies really only require the appearance of productivity, perception is everything in economic value.
Nobody in their right mind would do that.
Especially in a society full of actual people.
You know, people that have a soul and all that good stuff.
It would be dumb, really dumb.
Would you do that? Do work like that if you could have done different work that also paid as much but actually had a use?
Anyway, these systems also require a charity overhaul, a welfare overhaul.
Also, possibly, an overhaul/reduction of big cities.
Go back to private charity, it incentivizes an actual community where people who are down on their luck really get the help and leeches do not.
It worked for so long, the anonymous gibs welfare state is a cancer.
Who would it disincentivize except investment bankers?
you lost me there, we don't have a king in the US
Ok I see. This relies on an accurate and honest assessment of the labor force and GDP then. It's much easier to count your gold than to survey and catalog all labor being done. Makes sense as a system otherwise, but seems like a lot of work and money to keep track of the state of the economy and open to corruption manipulating the money supply.
That just means more jobs and the currency has more value!
Every labor intensive job is getting automated in the next 20 years, how the hell is a labor based currency supposed to work?
Keynesian is voluntary spending from the government. They can spend with deficit or they may not. They decide at least.
With "labor currency" payment for work hours is automatic it is inherit property of the system to incentivize useless work.
not if the currency is labor based
How the hell is 1% employment supposed to be anything other than techno-communism?
your dependency on state is the problem youre trying to solve. I think youre right WE do need an organized economic structure to maintain the population density and lifestyle youve become accustomed to, but I have always believed in the idea of quality over quantity, and a system which simply allows the maximum number of people to 'exist' is not doing anything for anyone. It instead provides a dysgenic and degenerative environment which comes to believe in production as its god. Economy has always beem the source of all ecomonic problems.
it won't everything is being automated and as we progress a unit of labor will be worthless and a gold based is even more asinine as its value is literally less than the tech it takes to mass harvest it anymore,Not to say you can't make some money trading in it yet its actual worth is supremely over inflated and at the same time suppressed so the cat don't get our of the bag
no, because this isn't even true in the worst examples of keynseanism. No one ever actually was paid to dig and re-fill the same hole over and over. People have real needs. The nation actually has to have products and services to trade inside and outside the country. Capitalism still has supply and demand.
So we should remove it completely? Funny that you speak of degeneration yet you're advocating for regression into primitivism.
Don't even know what you're on about.
That’s not accurate at all. The “tech” required to harvest a single ounce of gold is rather extensive. Have you ever seen a modern mining operation that pulls significant amounts of gold out of the earth? The majority of them are strip mines.
That's commie currency and you useless social parasites prefer fiat money
a gold based one is silly because the "people" in charge right now also have a lot of workforce under control with their "currency".
You think Rotschild has problems grabbing a lot of the gold reserves?
Very interesting.
Does this create a problem by tying it to work done?
I've heard the Soviets used to cook their books by sending train cars full of cargo around the country again and again to make it look like they were doing something, so people got paid.
In other words "Goods moved per mile=work done → cash payment for labor".
Did Germany somehow get around this or was it also tied to you actually doing something useful?
Like if you worked long hours but did actually help the company make product, like say you made five extra chairs because you worked longer, were you paid for the chairs being done(you could use like, a cargo ship if it was a bigger project, i.e. you welded some more steel to the frame and installed some more pipes it needed in your "overtime"), was that why you were paid?
Or just because you were on the clock?
It does sound utopian and like you'd need to have both a high-trust society and some serious oversight of both the government and the companies to make sure they aren't jerking each other around with cooked books or something, but how did it work in Germany?
I'm gonna check out the video above too again, even though I think it only gets into policy not analysis of whether the system worked.
Fuck off jew.
user, there is only trust. You have to even trust your own senses.
"Currency" or "Money" exist only as a store of value
otherwise it multiplies the actual measurement of the value of "things". The current system by which "things" are measured seeks to give "money" it's own measurable value called "currency" so that it can be a product in itself, see: Fractional-reserve Banking.
I object to state-run labor payments because marxism is a shit. People trade "things" and the natsoc "state" shall make physical "stores of value" available for easing trade and not measure its "wealth" by import/export numbers and "GDP".
jews have been converting cutural zones into "economic" zones
This must be reversed.
Work that only another can reward you for is slavery.
I think they have all that gold and they can’t move it. No one is buying right now outside of the stackers. Everyone I see is buying ammo or firearms still.
Valuing the currency on labor is not "state run labor payments". Private business still hires you and pays you for your labor. There is a temptaton many of you have to just cry "marxism" and spout all the anti-marxist arguments you've heard. That's not what we're talking about here, because labor-backed currency really only makes sense in a capitalist setting.
fixxed your question. That worked for 30' Germany. Not so much for modern economies that are so connected.
theres a reason hitler is called a 'man against time'
Dud you know that the number one way to strengthen an economy is through immigration, and the only reason declining birth rates are a problem is because its bad for the economy? Economy is not your friend, it demands your existance for its own comfort. You are a cog asking to be more efficiently tuned. We are not insects and we are not dependent on economy.
how about ending the jew from the top down and do away with the central banks federal reserve/imf/ ect/ debt inflation scam and make our money where our asses are in resources and technology its a natural step being suppressed by the rat who will be out on its ass with no power ever again.Why you think the vermin flocking to tech and everywhere around them turns to what the entire world will be with idiot fucking jews at the helm of shit they didn't create and took credit for through fuckery so muh shekkels. Seen san fran lately Jews are inept at just about everything accept being a parasite infecting whites
labor based currency, you mean capitalism?
or do u mean state enforced "wage"
either you have communism slave control over your output or you dont
I mean the currency is valued in the amount of labor in the nation.
No, not at all. I mean each dollar has a ratio to the amount of productive labor the nation can raise.
Wu, you fuck with me again and I will burn your toy castle down.
ammo and fire arms if dey way however a bug out spot that is completely self sufficient with no roads into as niggers can't fly lol
off grid back to basics,whites will survive all the shitskins will eat each other with no more gibs or know how to survive without what whites provide for them
You literal Marx naive.
USSR literally was plagued by such behavior, literal hoke digging. It was called dolgostroy (long time building). It referred for unfinished industrial buildings projects that may stay unfinished fro decades. Why it was happen? Well because every stage has different difficulty, and were also done by different subcontractors. Hole digging (making pit for foundation) is easiest, than making foundation, than making building itself, and final most difficult part is filling its with machinery, obtaining and training personal and making it all work together. With every stage level of cooperation and management difficulty rises by order of magnitude. First stage (hole digging) doesn't requires supply of any building materials, easy peasy. So subcontractors who did hole digging dug them fast and then run to build foundation pits for other projects
Why didn't USSR adjust priories and shit resources from hole digging to the mahdianry supply and installation? Why? What should incentivize workers?
Hole digging never fails. I spent 100 hours, holed is dug, pay! So everyone lined up to dig holes its reliable, doesn't depends on other doing their part on time, you control everything, always achieve state plan. Pay me! Next pit pls!
Management work fro obtaining and supplying thousands types of different goods to the building site? Thousands things can go wrong and delayed outsade manager control, proper capitalist manager rewarded by profit would be fighting if subcontractor delayes supply, everu hour of dealy is lost money. He would nagging subcontractor every day, seeking alternatives and treating to buy from them etc. But commie labor work hours rewarded manager? Subcontractor X fails to deliver on time? Lol, lets report his failure, nor mine, i will just sit on my ass doing nothing because i am paid on work hours basis not on results basis.
As result entire USSR was covered with foundation pits, foundations, and empty concrete boxes of industrial projects.
No Wu, I drive past your toy castle everyday. I will not let it be, fucking check yourself. I already put the world out to the lodges.
if its standard unit of measure of "work" as in getting xx task accomplished in xx time frame will net xx income to the company, then thats regulated by the governemnt and would have to be a planned economy so that all work would be regulated in |timed production increments"
the UN is already doing this, its what crypto is and its communist/fascist money, read some old papers by the UN or fuck it just read some of julian huxleys papers, everything is being fed to you by familes like this who were/are involved in many facets of the establishment and current modern life
school to work is common core and the present school system, you are already being appraised by top business think tanks and tagged as an asset class. start reading and stop being fed by idols and icons.
when i found out hot topic and old navy were owned by the same company i got woke. like 20 years ago
It's not a measure of hours worked, it a measure of laborers that exist.
Income is market demand dependent value and its not guaranteed at all. Unless your central bank takes obligation to buy all products from companies.
Yes, assuming we don't change how the game is played. We are Europeans, we don't have to abide by the unfair rules when we can make our own. I already outlined my ideal economy here → ; and while I support your outlook to a degree, your call for primitivism is unsustainable and unrealistic.
so make lots of laborers and have them dig holes like the russian guy said. nothing will get done. its a planned economy and those have never worked because they lead to riots or stagnation because someone has to be getting less for others to get more. atm we dont have starwars technology replicators and thats the only way communism works
I know that's the box you're desperate for this to fit into, but you're describing our economy from WW2 to the 1970s, and it wasn't "digging then filling in holes with planned economy". Try harder.
USSR was bolshevik jews,they collapse for this reason only,the rodent is still crying butt hurt today Russians took their country back from rat jews who most all moved to that abomination called israel .Still a few oligarch jews under a heavy white christian russian state and it burns their very existence the impudent goy revolted agaist their kosher BULLSHIT and said nah we would rather not jew.Bye
im not desperate at all, it sounds like a planned economy if all workers are getting a variable pay depending on how many workers are in the market producing. so you want to give everyone who works a shared % for their "production value" based on work accomplished ? so net all money in the country from all work reported to a central agency and give all the workers a cut from that total? are all jobs equal like brain surgeon gets the same pay as gas pumper?
The whole point of what i want is that it is necessarily unsustainable at this time. I dont think people should simply exist by the hand of their new god, they should struggle and most of them should starve until the point where we reach a truly reasonable and sustainable population. Sustainability is just another idea spawned from 'economy' that can be done away with.
thats correct but i dont know if culturally russians dont like the pope? if they are for the pope then its just ceasar vs jews like always
Yes you are, because your mangling different arguments, confusing Keynsean policies in capitalist societies with the question I aksed about how the currency is valued, then saying "checkmate commies". You're trying way too hard to make this a "lol commies BTFO" argument, but Keynsean GDP arguments and labor currency aren't related to communism. Lurk if you're going to be this fucking dense.
just answer my question u neck beard faggot unless u are confusing me with someone else idk. i dont care what u call it, the outcome is a decided central economy. if u want ppl paid with a standard amount then use "dollars" per hour instead of some incredibly variable "output of human work accomplished" no definition that u can supply bullshit. is a toll booth bitch getting paid the same or more for accomplishing more her faggot tasks? or does a surgeon get paid more for accomplishing one task a day?
u see how ur gay now?
papacy is catholisicm and very cucked atm because no jesuit was ever allow to be a pope because of the rat jew infiltration of the jesuits and yet we see a jesuit pope now and the first fucking thing he does is start kissing moslem ass and calling for open boarders so as far as that the pope isn't A pope he is a shit bag shabbos for the rodent,Russians are christian mostly not catholic.
This is just speculation, but maybe the more work you put in for your nation, the more of its resources you have access to. Like maybe instead of bartering you can get a sort of waiver depending on how much work you do and the type of work you do. The more of these waivers you have, the more access you have to the nations resources. That way no one gets things like food for nothing. Like maybe a loaf of bread can be traded for one of these waivers but it you want a juicy steak you need twenty of them.
I've thought about this too, my solution is that if you have too many waivers the state can build an institution in which to safely store these waivers.
They wont, just trust me.
Anyway, these waivers can be used for just about anything you can think of. If you want it, basically it's yours because the more of these waivers you have indicates how much you've contributed via your labor or other contributions.
Yes and no. Basically everyone agrees that these waivers are worth something and therefore they are. But they can be backed by tangible things like rare metals or something to make it more stable or something. That's just one idea. But basically, the more work you put in, the more waivers you have. Run out of waivers? Put in more labor.
Remember that institution I mentioned earlier? The ones that store these waivers? Well obviously the institution cant run on own, and using other peoples waivers would make the public not trust them almost immediately. To mitigate this, I've come up with a system called borrowing
So if you need waivers ASAP you can go to the waiver storage place and ask for a borrow. If they trust you, they can let you borrow whatever amount you need. How does this not immediately end in disaster? Because when you pay these waivers back, you actually pay a little bit more than you borrowed. That way, you get your money, the institution can make the money it needs to run and basically everyone is happy. Its pretty much foolproof. Of course you have to have pretty trustworthy people running these places so ideally youd want their noses to be just short enough that they can read the amounts on these waivers without accidentally mishandling these waivers.
Idk I think it's an alright idea. Thoughts?
The latter. It's not difficult for a government that has the will to find useful work for people to do. In National Socialist Germany this began with the construction of the Autobahns, then progressed into rearmament. There were also plenty of grand construction projects on the cards that got interrupted by the advent of war.
Making "busy work" by sending trains around was a symptom of the dysfunctional Soviet system. You can never run out of useful things to do if you have a little imagination. German engineers got us to the moon - just think where we'd be if they'd won the war.
ok cool, yea i know about the jesuit order and all that. the private meeting with the pope and the templars and the jesuits in canada with the indians :) i read all that old shit so i know whats going on, not like these hip commie faggots
some good info.
i just meant if the russian ppl knew the pope has beeen gay for a while and rome is a devil nest, seems like they know whats up :)
Here is another management problem in teh labor value ecoanamy.
You start installation of machinery. No bolts X, subcontractor failed to fulfill his contract. Its a small things $1 price in teh contract but we can't do job without them. Ok. I just go out to the market and seek such bolts. Here they are, $3 per unit. Doesn't care l lose thousands time more from delay, just buying fro $3, works continues.
Labor value economy? I just buy the for the $3… STOP RIGHT THERE CRIMINAL CAPITALIST SCUM! Bolt has labor value of $1. 1 hour of labor was expended on this bolt so it costs $1, not 3. paying 3 would be illegal speculation, producing of income not based on labor! Stop! Go to the Gulag!
How labor value system will account difference in temporal demand ? That is right it can't. Value of things is final and forever it can't change according to teh conjuncture. So in labor value economy there would be no market with readily available goods to fill unexpected demand you can't get your bolts with haste. You can only sit and wait.
Italy has spoken NO! regardless of the Jesuit false pope and for that fucking rat to even become the pope to push a jewish global white genocide agenda yea must be a a (((RAT))) nest of lies,extortion,entrapment and utter degeneracy as its a high target for the rat considering catholicism is still bigger and more powerful that islam or judaism/rodents
How about stimulating subcontractors not failing their contract? How about heavy fines if they fail to deliver on ti… STOP CRIMINAL SCUM! You just received $100000 fine? No labor was used but you scored $100000 of income? Crime! Gulag!
Dollars based on what? What value is the dollar derived from? Are you arguing for the american debt system, where the supply of money can only expand by burdening the populace with more and more credit cards and mortgages? You're an imbecile.
Labor based currency is an alternative to the vampire banks, not some communist central planning experiment. Think about it like this, wages are the different amounts of currency workers are being paid. Wages can differ, whatever.
The currency that you use as wages can be based on many different things however, gold, silver, debt, labour. It doesn't matter what you pick, there will still be coins and notes paid to busdrivers and surgeons. These coins and notes will either retain their value over time, or fluctuate wildly (or crash to zero). Gottfried Feder solved the problem of the Weimar Republic and showed the world how to use fractions of total labour capacity as the basis of currency.
Feder money under the Third Reich is commonly described as "backed by labor", but really it was just fiat nomisma established by the government. The term is probably coined to contrast with money backed by gold (where its supply was easily manipulated to siphon wealth from the people), and also because the money was mostly introduced into the economy via government construction projects (autobahn, etc).
Read Zarlenga's "The Lost Science of Money", it explains it in more detail.
Probably is assigning a proper value to each labour unit. Big difference between 1 doctor hour vs 1 cutting grass hour. You run into the same trap.
You could introduce a barter system along side money to even things out.
Your currency can be used to buy and sell. If own a business, and you have currency, you can use it to buy shit. If you have shit to sell, you can.
Products and services are bought and sold with currency just like always. What is removed is the banking systems power to issue credit (in essence currency), on demand. Effectively controlling the entire economy through usury and debt.
“The powers of financial capitalism had another far reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements, arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the worlds' central banks which were themselves private corporations. The growth of financial capitalism made possible a centralization of world economic control and use of this power for the direct benefit of financiers and the indirect injury of all other economic groups."
“Hitler and the National Socialists, who came to power in 1933, thwarted the international banking cartel by issuing their own money. In this they took their cue from Abraham Lincoln, who funded the American Civil War with government-issued paper money called "Greenbacks." Hitler began his national credit program by devising a plan of public works. Projects earmarked for funding included flood control, repair of public buildings and private residences, and construction of new buildings, roads, bridges, canals, and port facilities. The projected cost of the various programs was fixed at one billion units of the national currency. One billion non-inflationary bills of exchange, called Labor Treasury Certificates, were then issued against this cost. Millions of people were put to work on these projects, and the workers were paid with the Treasury Certificates. This government-issued money wasn't backed by gold, but it was backed by something of real value. It was essentially a receipt for labor and materials delivered to the government. Hitler said, "for every mark that was issued we required the equivalent of a mark's worth of work done or goods produced." The workers then spent the Certificates on other goods and services, creating more jobs for more people.”
“The Nazis came to power in Germany in 1933, at a time when its economy was in total collapse, with ruinous war-reparation obligations and zero prospects for foreign investment or credit. Yet through an independent monetary policy of sovereign credit and a full-employment public-works program, the Third Reich was able to turn a bankrupt Germany, stripped of overseas colonies it could exploit, into the strongest economy in Europe within four years, even before armament spending began.“
“Germany issued debt-free and interest-free money from 1935 and on, accounting for its startling rise from the depression to a world power in 5 years. Germany financed its entire government and war operation from 1935 to 1945 without gold and without debt, and it took the whole Capitalist and Communist world to destroy the German power over Europe and bring Europe back under the heel of the Bankers. Such history of money does not even appear in the textbooks of public (government) schools today.“
At least it's back by something other than jew ponzi scheme satanic magic.
It's missing stuff.
If you have products created by labor, either food stuff or utilities or whatnot, you'll have to need a market to sell them.
Does what the merchant do considered labor? They are only waiting to have their stock sold.
We're talking about currency, not whatever products can be created in an economy. By setting the value of one unit of currency to a fraction of total available labour, you get currency that is flexible enough to grow with the economy, but stable enough to not get fucked in the ass by kike bankers.
as long as labor has value and it isn't completely automated down to the surgeon and the landscaper the unit of value being an hour of labor works.
Hitler was right.and the only thing he did wrong was giving the rats israel instead of killing them ALLHumane relocation of bed bugs sounds fucking stupid right why would relocation of another parasite to palestine be any different.
Jews and their enablers are a plague that needs to be destroyed forever so never again anyone suffers their bullshit and whites need to cut out the jew cancer every male female and half breed maggot and become pure again parasite free.
The market is still there, dumbfuck.
Then i buy for 1 dollar and sell for 11. I just made 10 from nothing when total available labour stays the same.
that sounds exactly like outsourcing workforce to chinkville made possible by rat jews looking for moar shekkels at the expense of the country they currently infect before removal
How is that relevant? You can buy and sell shit with currency. Congratulations.
No, you got 10 dollars from some fool. The supply of currency didn't increase. All that happened was that money changed hands. How is this hard to grasp? Once the currency is established, it can be used *AS A CURRENCY*. That is the point. To create a currency, like Hitler did.
Poorly. I think an energy backed currency would be better. Put the unemployed on bicycle dynamos wired into the grid or something.
Interesting idea.
you're a faggot and a jew,
The Matrix
The Borg
Communism as long as you are elite and don't have to bicycle
Or just subsidize households with solar, wind generation, setting aside green waste for shitty biofuel. Subsidize farmers for the same kind of shit.
Everything runs on energy. Fuel, fertilizer, heating, even caloric intake. Even the atom is energy.
But hey, I guess only non-faggots and non jews want to base currency on imaginary abstracts. Behold the power of imagination.
why not have a currency based on rare pepes on the pepe market or chiaki konaka manuscripts?
Might as well be bitcoin with all the electricity that shit uses up more than it returns.
So what? A jew cares about how much useless garbage a nation can produce, because a jew steals a percentage from it all. A human does not value producing large quantities of useless shit. A human values being healthy and happy.
That's not even true. A person can easily master 4 simple trades.
No, they can't. Their mixer doesn't make dough any faster than mine. Their oven doesn't bake bread any faster than mine. Their bread is only cheaper if it is made with soy and corn syrup while mine is pure whole wheat and honey.
Division of labor does not require specialization. Every human can easily know all the things he or she needs to be self-sufficient. You can still split up the work.
Specialization removes redundancy. When everyone knows how to do everything, you have maximum resiliency.
The currency user proposed would result in the generation of energy, not the consumption of it.
i.e. you would get paid 1 for generating 1kWh of energy
consume 50kWh of energy? pay the power company 50
The major flaw is that everyone will end up massively in debt rapidly, due to the net deficit of energy consumption, at least in the western world. Not just direct consumption to power their household, toys, tools and vehicle, but the power required to produce those goods, extract water, produce food, etc.
Deficit of production.