Mike Pence Condemns Anti-Jewish Attacks in Europe

Mike Pence Condemns Anti-Jewish Attacks in Europe

Addressing religious freedom conference, US vice president bemoans French and German Jews being warned not to display their religion in public

By Eric Cortellessa | 26 July 2018, 10:32 pm

WASHINGTON — US Vice President Mike Pence condemned on Thursday increasing anti-Semitic violence in Europe, lamenting the fact that French and German Jews have been advised not to publicly identify as Jewish.

Addressing a three-day conference on religious freedom at the State Department, Pence noted a string of vicious attacks against Jewish targets over the last several years, including the 2012 school shooting in Toulouse and the 2016 terrorist attack at a Paris kosher super market.

“The world has watched in horror as these attacks on Jewish people have taken place,” Pence said. “In France and Germany, things have gotten so bad that Jewish religious leaders have warned their followers not to wear kippahs in public for fear that they could be violently attacked, and in too many cases, that’s exactly what’s happened. ”

The Anti-Defamation League has tracked anti-Semitic incidents in the continent, and has said incidents are rising in several countries, including in the form of violent attacks, assaults and acts of vandalism.

France and Germany are the two European countries where these episodes have been most pervasive, according to the watchdog group.

Other countries that have seen an increase in anti-Semitic violence and rhetoric include Poland, Sweden, Hungary, and the United Kingdom.

Pence noted Thursday that some of the Jews in France are Holocaust survivors, and have seen a resurgence of anti-Semitism over the course of their lifetimes.

“It is remarkable to think that within the very lifetimes of some French Jews — the same French Jews that were forced by the Nazis to wear identifiable Jewish clothing — some of those same people are now being warned by their democratic leaders not to wear identifiable Jewish clothing,” he said.

“These acts of violence and hatred and anti-Semitism must end.”

US President Donald Trump, under whom Pence serves, has in the past been accused of failing to adequately condemn anti-Semitic incidents — as well as anti-Semites who support him politically. Most notably, he blamed “both sides” for the violence that erupted in Charlottesville last summer, and said there were “very fine people” marching along with the neo-Nazis and klansmen.

Concern about anti-Semitism is high in Germany, with some Jewish community leaders and politicians warning that anti-Jewish and extreme anti-Zionist attitudes among more than a million new refugees from the Middle East and North Africa are a ticking time bomb.

Germany was shocked by an anti-Semitic attack in April involving a Syrian migrant who lashed out with his belt at an Arab Israeli man who wore a kippa in a social experiment. A video of the street assault, filmed by the victim on his smartphone, sparked widespread public revulsion as it spread on social media, and triggered street rallies in solidarity with Jews.

Footage of the attack led the head of the umbrella organization of German Jews, the Central Council of Jews in Germany, to warn that Jewish men should avoid wearing kippot in public.

Earlier this month, an Israeli professor was attacked by a German of Palestinian descent, who shouted “No Jew in Germany” as he struck him and knocked the kippa off of his head.

In the wake of the recent attacks, thousands of Germans rallied at a “Berlin Wears Kippa” solidarity demonstration, matched by smaller events in several other German cities to denounce anti-Semitism.

Attached: Mike Pence Western Wall.jpg (2953x1969, 1.19M)

Pence is a duped Zio-Cuckstian. Of course he's going to say shit like this. Sage for obvious shill thread attempting to D&C and blackpill. Kill yourself Chaim.

Attached: Mike Pence Israel.jpg (1200x900, 211.45K)

Like I said, it's been known from the moment he was picked as VP that he was the typical Zio-Cuckstian Republican. This isn't a fucking surprise kike, you're going to have to do better than posting shit everyone already knows.

Mike "Electrocute for the Jew" Pence

There's no way he's just "duped". He knows exactly what he's doing, and may very well be a crypto himself.

Attached: Pencel Dick's mom 3.PNG (727x586 245.35 KB, 473.28K)

I, like Mr. Pence, advise the opposite

Attached: Jude star.jpg (334x334, 35.68K)

more like kike pence, amirite?



Hillary would have blown up the wall and then spat on all the jews within range.

I can't tell if this is satire or not.

Hard to know anymore on a board that openly shills for jewry and bans anons for the crime of being goy and not agreeing with the jewish mods promotion of jewry

It was my attempt at satire but we all know she would have done that if the saudis paid her enough.

>Bernie is (((our guy)))
You put a lot of effort into this bullshit slide thread I'll give you that. I'll also give you a sage for being such a cock swallowing AIDS infested faggot.
Choke on dicks and die OP

Stop being a nigger.

Stop bumping the thread.

It's good to remind everyone of the type of people that make up the current administration. So, bump.

No u

Why are you so desperate to discredit people that post about an event that actually happened? Either Trump/Pence didn't have the spine to refuse to do it, or they didn't object.
It's hilarious how people come to this board and expect Trump to be worshiped. He was an alternative to Clinton, but he is not an ethno-nationalist. He's a centrist who was always fond of niggers and jews. Guess you didn't watch his TV shows. And marrying your children off to jews, is for some people a pretty red flag.

Mike Pence must remain largely ignored and irrelevant. The last thing we need is another cuckservative president willing to have our brothers killed in more wars for international jewry.

House of Saud are cryptojews.


Start a war with Iran like Trump is about to do?
The Saudis are great people. Really great.

Attached: Jews - Dying for Israel.jpg (1125x1125 190.28 KB, 1001.95K)

Three years of kikey will do that.

Stop being so gullible.
There are two main groups that you're seeing offer that sentiment - redditors and shills.
The redditors are just blindly sycophantic in the belief that this is important for 'morale' or some other tripe; but they're basically just an annoyance.
The shills, on the other hand, are a real problem, because they work for the administration and their aim is merely to keep Zig Forums in Trump's side, as, if they were to fail in that endeavor, they realize that Trump is wide-the-fuck-open for serious attacks across multiple fronts and that, unlike the news media and other faggotry they've levied against him, Zig Forums could actually create memes and narratives that would degrade support for Trump at a much more rapid pace than anything the Jewish Left or Zionist Right could meaningfully combat via their typical vectors.

tl;dr The Trump administration isn't scared of the media, they're scared of us, and you can be DAMN FUCKING SURE they've got teams - both directly associated with the administration and acting on their behalf (ie out Tel Aviv, in this case) - monitoring and attempting to control discourse in this capacity.
The Jews, where able, always play both sides.

I chopped this up to give you guys a quick sample from one of the premiere critical thinkers I have come across on US political issues regarding the jews…I have the whole thing, which I can upload, if anyone wants it. All this mans work was systematically targeted and destroyed online in one day within an hour…it is an absolute treasure to have the fragments I have.

I just started to realize how completely fucked we are when I watched the entire thing last time and couldn't stop laughing…it is the main reason why I tell Americans. STAY WITH YOUR FAMILY…PROTECT YOUR GENETIC HERITAGE…SHOOT THEM AND KILL THEM IF THEY COME FOR YOU…WE ARE A 200 MIL STRONG PRIVATE ARMY, IT IS TIME TO 'KNOW THYSELF' AND TO PROTECT WHAT IS YOURS WITH EVERY OUNCE OF FORCE YOU CAN MUSTER.

Land (as well as Life) only belongs to those who are willing to defend it.

Dehumanize Yourself And Face To Bloodshed

Attached: Siege and Destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans Under Titus, 70 AD (1850).jpg (1000x637, 395.12K)

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The only way that even a small fraction of us are going to come out of what they have planned alive. Also, I would encourage everyone to KNOW THE ENEMY…and to take as much punitive action for their vast and literally uncounted crimes against humanity as you can manage when that time comes.

His point is that ALL political parties on Earth are controlled is valid. If we are finally free to develop our own system in the future (meaning our enemies are ALL DEAD) then we probably won't chose a system that led to the ruin of Germany. Who knows what we will chose, but it won't be a ZIONIST PROGRAM or what would be the FUCKING POINT of all the suffering we are about to endure.


Oh STFU…you are a retard if you think Germany 'came out ahead' in WWII…god damn what level of mental RETARDATION am I fucking dealing with?

Germany 'came out ahead' because there is no more fiat fucking jew currency? Because Israel is gone? Because we live in peace without any danger of extermination?


You still haven't explained how it was the NSDAP that ruined Germany, and not the jews, you little faggot.

Imagine being so disgusting and reviled universally that you have to have special laws in place to not talk TALK bad about you
Semites are fucking disgusting creatures.

If you can't figure out that they are ALL WORKING TOGETHER on your own, then nothing I am going to say to you is going to change your mind.

They want to keep their position at the apex of the pyramid. They don't care about you.

Look it is no skin off my nose if you want to abondone what is really valuable (your family) and 'go die in another jew war' inspired by the leadership who wants to use you to further their own goals…be my guest. You can call yourself whatever you like (I will call you a ZOG slave because that is all you really are)…you don't have to spend 6,000 years in Babylon to understand that this is all just a game to everyone except to the people who die face down in the mud thousands of miles from home calling for their mother…

Go forth and conquer…I will be here protecting what is REALLY valuable, MY PEOPLE…

Are you retarded? Why is it that you cannot simply explain how it was the NSDAP that ruined Germany, and not the jews? Is it because you are full of shit?

Nigger please. Try not to be such an obtuse bag of dog shit. These template kike threads pop up all the fucking time and they happen in little groups. That's exactly what happened with this thread and and . All of the threads involve Christianity and all of them are designed to sow dissent and plant doubt in the minds of Zig Forums users without actually being very substantive. They get filled with pointless shitflinging about Trump and divert attention and energy away from more important topics like exposing these fucking pedowood kikes. Smarten up and learn to spot when an OP is actually an (((OP))).

Attached: scwallbashingkikereporter.gif (320x236, 1.85M)

Explain how NSDAP furthered the interest of the German people? How about you explain how we 'won the war' via that political party? Explain how we are 'better off' stronger and more capable of protecting ourselves via this ideology? Are you RETARDED? Or is it because you are full of SHIT that you can't explain how NSDAP helped Germany to become stronger and lead the entire planet?

R I G H T…you are a fucking kike…anyone who wants to return to the 'glorious past' of murdering Germans wholesale is such an obvious ZOG WHORE that there really isn't anything else to say.

Attached: A pile of bodies awaits cremation after the bombing of Dresden, 1945 (2)

Just my two cents, but I think that tactical decision making should to be left to the military people. The Nazis made some bad ones, even against the advice of their generals.


You argue like a yid. Squirming and twisting the question back on who posed it without providing any real answer or rebuttal.

It took the entire might of the West (coerced and duped by kikes while their weak leaders were complicit) to defeat a country roughly half the size of Texas. Why? Because National Socialism transformed Germany into a powerhouse of industry and a stronghold of spirit the likes of which the world had never seen.

Your strawmanning is weak and you aren't fooling anyone. Anti-NatSoc is pro-Kike.

I concur, fine sir. These upstanding citizens must not only be encouraged to be proud of their identity, this pride should be government mandated!

I present you with ElMuroConmovedor.png.


Sage because Democrat thread.

Attached: ElMuroConmovedor.png (1000x664, 1.91M)

Fucking hell. You boldly declare that the NSDAP was part of the "Zionist program" and that it is what ruined Germany and not the jews, and you do this without bothering to justify or explain your reasoning? What a shameful scumbag you are.

We all know that they made a handful of poor military choices, but is that a fair reason to claim that the NSDAP and it's ideals are part of the "Zionist program" and led to the ruin of Germany?

The entire system is corrupt. There are no political parties that are not TOTALLY CONTROLLED…look at the scandal with the 'Alt-Right'…it was only a matter of time until we figured out that they were all jews, that jews had infiltrated and controlled the entire thing…do you think that 'this new party' the revived NSDAP is going to be different than the last party? If you do think that, you get my RETARD OF THE MONTH AWARD…so incredibly stupid you deserve to die at ZOG hands.

They 'made bad decisions' because they don't have the interest of the people in mind…they had their own interest in mind. The interests of the parasitic class and the interests of humanity are always at odds to each other. In order for the parasitic class to exist 'in the style that they have become accustomed to' they have to perch themselves atop a literal mountain of dead and mutilated, lost, enslaved, tortured and surrendered human lives.

No one 'in power' is going to seek anything but a continuance of THEIR POWER…they don't give a fuck about who has to die so that they can stay in power. Power is more addicting than heroin…they are addicted. They don't care that you have to die to support their interests.

You are such a LIAR…that entire 'transformation' was the product of banking and forgien investment. Shoot 'without banking and corporate' ←—the jew ENEMY support Hitler couldn't have even fielded an army you fucking kike. Germany is not a self sufficient nation. BANKERS were playing both sides…but not for Germany to WIN they wanted the EXTERMINATION of my people.

Where is the version that guy got banned for? The one with the little jew cock sticking out of it?

Top kek it's like you don't actually know any WWII history outside of what you've read on Illuminati agitprop websites. Your post is a regurgitation of pure kike disinfo. Here's a hint, cunt: The main reason that international Jewry declared war on Germany in the first fucking place was due to Hitler kicking the kike bankers out of the country and abolishing fiat currency in favor of a Nationalized banking system that was separated from the kike debt based system that currently has it's filthy boot on the Western world today and that will inevitable come crashing down along with the world as we know it, ushering in RWDS and the DotR.

You are either a boomer tier moron or a terrible shill. Either way, gas yourself.

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Kill yourself, moron. Nobody but you fucking kike shills gives a shit about the walltouching.jpg anymore.

>e11040 (((8))) … SO FAR
Yeah so this type of blackpilling motherfucker is trying to say that there's nothing you can do but wait for the "ultraviolence" to start happening, because trying to use the social and political methods, which (((they))) used to establish control, won't work for us to take back control, for some "magical" reason, as if either these tactics only work for (((them))) or as if nothing we do can work.
The same type of logic is used by the "wait for Hitler" shills and also by the "muh accelerationism" shills.
Not saying that the guy is certainly a shill, though, at least not yet. He may just be a retard.

Your only purpose is to ensure a healthy supply of 'golem' for the international bankers to play the 'genocide Germany and her people' game. I doubt there is a person on this board (other than you) who is unaware that in order to fund a war you need the cooperation of one or many banks [JEWS YOU FUCKING RETARD]. Even IF [which isn't true] Hitler had done as you said the international banking community would not have allowed anyone to trade or exchange goods with if he hadn't had their full and express cooperation and permission. This can be quickly assessed with the question, Does Germany have oil wells to produce and refine gasoline, diesel etc.

If the international banking community wanted to stop NSDAP they could have simply imposed a sanction on Germany being sold gasoline and other products that Germany could not manufacture in country. They didn't want to stop him, they wanted to mass slaughter GERMANS. And they got what they wanted. BTW you do know what 'sanctions' are, right?

Look it is neither here nor there, the people who want to die a golem death at the hands of ZOG are going to join your new NSDAP [headed by ZOG] and die. The people who don't are going to recognize that it is a global system and has been for thousands of years…they are not going to participate and give themselves and their [in their absence unprotected] DNA/offspring over to ZOG/Jews to kill in the worst way possible known to mankind.

The difference between us is that you want canon fodder for your amusement and I want my people cohesive and protected against ALL ZOG incursions.

Good news for you, most people on this board are gung ho for some 'ZOG adventure'. So you are going to get the slaughter you desire and as an extra added bonus you will be leaving their families, their offspring and the very source of their strength, their people, totally at the mercy of spic/nigger/sandnigger and chink predation. Good job, bravo…a traitor in the thread {golf fucking clap}.

Dubs speak the truth


You are a liar

You're going to die, jew.

Attached: leavenonealive.png (750x1060, 1.3M)

It's all so tiresome.

Legit Zig Forumsacks wouldn't automatically trust a Jew who put on a crucifix and crossed himself in a Church once for the cameras … they wouldn't automatically trust Nadler if he decided to run as Republican next election … they wouldn't trust Pelosi if she swore to uphold the Constitution … etc.

But somehow the shills expect the exact opposite? That when we see a POTUS making incredible pro-White strides and having fantastic accomplishments (as shown in this thread ), we're supposed to think "oh holy fucking fucking shit, he or someone in his administration touched … THE WALL!" Now I have to believe with all my heart and soul, regardless of history, regardless of anything else, NOW I have to BELIEVE that he's a fucking KIKE PUPPET!

Yeah, kill yourselves.

why is it that every tanya poster always leaves some low effort, high edge "threatpost" like they're actually threatening some kike? It's like they're autistic or something.

That's not me, you fucking mongoloid.


Great response…low effort to real facts that point out that you are totally wrong and that your position is completely indefensible. Just the same way that you are wrong about my being a kike. If I was a kike I would support the 'alt-right', DJT, NSDAP and all the other jew/ZOG bullshit! IT IS ALL BULLSHIT…ALL OF IT. The only thing that is secure is our own people, our flesh and blood and our right to bear arms and use them against OUR AGGRESSORS:

Who are you going to trust, jews (our government) or your own lying eyes?

Here is a novel idea, recognize that it is all controlled opposition and move to secure your future and the future of your offspring and your people. Also, quit being a liar.

Not fooling anyone you spastic yid.

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Remind me again, who won the war and who was completely decimated? You seem to think that there is some other issue involved here other than THE SURVIVAL OF GERMANS, my people…there is no other issue.

You're not a German, kike. You can keep trying to squirm and distract but you're just making it more apparent how completely full of shit you are.

Honestly, with this level of delusion I'm really not sure it can be a Kike shill. I'm getting the vibe of a mouthy know-it-all teenager that's stumbled into Zig Forums with some idea that the Jews are a problem, but total ignorance of the history.

That's a salient point user. Either way it's annoying as all hell. Especially the CAPITALIZATION for EMPHASIS like some sort of FUCKING SPERG.

I will let the people who are either going to hear me and secure their own future or follow you to their deaths and the horrific deaths of their loved ones decide that…I don't need your input on the matter, besides just the same way you are lying about everything else, including there not being collusion and conspiracy at the highest levels of government you are lying about my being a kike because I want to secure the future of the German people FIRST.

There is a lot riding on your plans to genocide my people and hand out their children as sex slaves to their enemies (spics/niggers/shitskins and chinks), I would imagine that someone openly opposing you three against one bitches bothers all of you QUITE A BIT, but it has to be done so I am here standing up to your KIKE (yes this is actually who you are) bullshit.

You want to know how I know that you are total liars? Because YOU are lying about the fact that I am a kike and you know it isn't true. If you are lying about something that you have no PROOF OF what else are you lying about?


Lucky me, another one joins the 'crew' to make sure that Zig Forums stays loyal to their kike NSDAP masters instead of their people.

Yeah let's not make a big deal about an infant that gets decapitated in Germany and instead have a little cry for the persecuted Jews. And how about we withhold information about the decapitation from the public while making the Jew thing an international story?

Nigger you have zero proof of who I am either, but what I do know for a fact is that you have been spouting off a steady stream of utterly nonsensical bullshit ITT and have demonstrated you have zero real knowledge of WWII. You have used strawman tactics, you have deflected, you have thrown out retarded theories without any evidence to back them up, and you've generally come off as an individual who has some really strong opinions about something you know next to nothing about. So I really don't care at this point if you're an actual kike or just some dumb fucking German kid who has been brainwashed his whole life into believing that the NSDAP was truly evil, the bottom line is you're patently fucking incorrect.

I am not interested in you because you are a government shill kike.

I am only interesting in my people and their understanding that they need to divorce all 'government' and 'political' institutions as things that they are loyal to as they are all completely corrupted and conspiratorial. If they can't see that this is true they are going to die at your hand…this is my only point. And your personal attacks (the four of you now) are indicative of someone on the defensive to TRUTH…so rotten evil people who are hell bent on making sure that European men 'do what you say' and leave their families defenseless to the ARMY that has been moved into EVERY EUROPEAN NATION ON THE PLANET.

Your (all four of you) only interest is in separating out the men from the women so that you can kill them and plunder our people. This is the only issue here and all FOUR of you know it.



No…I am patently correct. You are going to lead the German people into ruin and I won't have them fall into your hands again you ZOG WHORE. You are trying to institute your 'final solution' for the German people. If you were interested in Germany or the German people you would be open to figuring out the real solutions to our problems INSTEAD OF PLAYING BY YOUR SCRIPT…but you care nothing for Germans or for Germany and so you rush headlong into something that proved disastrous the FIRST TIME.

Where are you going to get the money to wage war YOU FUCKING KIKE? FROM A FUCKING KIKE BANK? WHICH ONE?

Attached: The Man of Steel.webm (1280x720, 2.5M)

Yes they believed him…and how many are dead because of it? How weakened are we as a people BECAUSE OF IT? He couldn't even FIGURE OUT THAT THE JEW WAS HIS ENEMY…a lot like you in fact.

Hitler wasn't the Man of Steel…'Superman' is a fucking jew myth, written BY JEWS about 'jews in America'. FUCK YOU AND YOUR STUPID PROPAGANDA.


I'm American you bellend. I care what happens to my fellow White countrymen. What happens in Germany is Germany's problem. I'm not leading anyone in anything, let alone the Germans. You are fucking delusional.

They seized the bankers wealth and deported/imprisoned them retard

jej stay mad you boomer nigger

Ignoring that there has to be international cooperation for parts, steel, supplies, chemicals, food, and other misc needed to operate a nation during war time. Whatever, you four are dumber than stumps and you obviously don't understand fuckall about modern global economics OR WAR…you are all like 20 year old idiots who have no skills or ability with the long game or even the breadth of knowledge required to have a basic understanding of how DEEP IN THE SHIT WE ARE.

hitler did nothing wrong

Attached: enough vote hitler.jpg (511x749, 41.33K)

Yeah, except cooperate with the Catholic church, fail to recognize the jew as his ETERNAL ENEMY and fail to MARCH ON THEM INSTEAD OF RUSSIA…fuck (!!!) in reality HE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING RIGHT..

Most of America is German…we are the only authentic German left…that nation over in Europe is full of drooling leftist retards



no it hasnt. parts for what? volkswagen? they produced it themselves. krupp produced their steel, IG Farben the chemicals and farmers their food. The only thing desperately needed was oil, and they had to invade countries to get it, because no one would give it to them, they even went so far to invent synthetic gasoline out of coal, BECAUSE NO ONE WOULD GIVE THEM OIL, RETARD

OK kid, on the charitable assumption that you're just a well-intentioned but ignorant loudmouth, I'm going to lay it out to you:

Even in defeat and with millions of Germans dead, this was probably still a better outcome than if Hitler and the NSDAP had never come to power. without the brave German resistance, the Bolsheviks would have likely swept though Europe to the English channel and beyond.

And after all that…did they win or lose? You just can't seem to get over the idea that you have chained yourself to a losing proposition. That something COMPLETELY different and totally untried in the history of the Earth has to happen to save my people (not YOUR people of course, since you are a jew).

Nein ich bin kein Jude du Knecht

Ok so this is what I hear

You are what happens when someone reads so many books that they think they are 'educated' about what needed to happen or what did happen. You just keep smearing that bullshit peanut butter on yourself like a blanket of cozy good feelings until you have managed to single handedly utterly decimate what is left of our people.


Then you are worse than a jew, and certainly worse than a servant. You are the lowest form of life that one can display.

I'm sorry…I keep reading this and just laughing…OMG is that funny or what…


OK, I gave you the benefit of the doubt, but now it's apparent that you're just retarded. As you demonstrate here:

You really don't understand economics at all. National Socialist Germany opted out of the Jewish finance system altogether and created it's own system of money. Any sovereign nation can do so; the viability of such an act depends on whether it's internal resources (both natural and human) are enough to either be fully self-sufficient, or at least to produce enough exports to barter trade for those goods it is unable to produce itself. Germany was highly successful at this.

He's deliberately ignoring facts when they don't support his narrative, then making statements based on what he claims arbitrarily to be true. He's not arguing in good faith, which is why I think he's not genuine at all. I think he's a subversive agent designed to cause chaos. Look how quickly he pivots from talking about the past to talking about the future with no real dilination between the two, all the while shrieking "NAZIS ARE KIKES!" He went from portraying himself as German and speaking about defending "our German people" etc to then saying he's actually American and the Germans in Europe are "drooling leftist retards" in He's all over the map and completely incoherent.

Say a sovereign nation like Libya? Or maybe like Syria? Or maybe like North Korea…

No, wait, a sovereign nation like Iraq?…meh, sure the 'sovereign nation' of Somalia had no central bank while the 'anarchy trail' of the juden was running…maybe you mean like that? Like cutting all ties with other nations who are all under the same banking network and just 'going one's own way'? Because global economies aren't actually CONNECTED or anything…pshaw…nations (which haven't existed in reality in hundreds of years since corporations rose up and overcame them) can just do whatever they want nowadays…because you live in a world where 'anything is possible Barbie girl', amirite?

Is this how you are planning on financing your WAR AGAINST THE JEWS? Through BARTER, with a globally interconnected jewish system? I mean, that is ORIGINAL, for sure…never heard of anything quite this whack before…but there is a first and it is DEFINITELY an 'original' idea.

So, how many corporations and supply lines do you own, domestically and internationally? What is your lead time to production and how will you pay people to manufacture goods while you are getting your own system is 'working out the kinks'…you know Venezuela tried to do this same thing recently as a socialist paradise…and look at how brilliantly it turned out for them and they weren't even at war with the jews…like you plan on doing.

Attached: venezula collapse.jpeg (736x736 147.03 KB, 47.11K)

Honk honk

I'm pretty sure you understand that I am taking a piss on your ZOG political party.

Indeed. I gave the benefit of the doubt, but this moron has used up that privilege soon enough.

Do any of you fools realize that this is the main purpose behind compartmentalizing components in a Corporatocracy…so that one nation doesn't get any funny business about becoming 'independent' of the system. This is why supply lines are broken up and fractured as well.

That is a nice way of saying that you understand you are living in a pipe dream that can't be realized the way you imagine without being UTTERLY CRUSHED by your enemy; and also to give up arguing for what you believe in, even if it is a ridiculous pipe dream. I hope that you don't think this is the way to win against 'your enemy' (difficult since you are already as ZOG as they come and as jew brainwashed as can be imagined). I reckon they aren't going to give you the easy out like you just took, unless you count death as the 'easy way out'. I know, right, here is what you need to do…be sure to drag as many people to their deaths behind you in an ever increasing wake of lifelessness due to your inability to understand your current situation and you love of 'reliving your glory days of the past' instead of accurately assessing both the past and the present /sarc.

I'm sure that all this is going to work out REAL WELL for you.

That 2nd picture is the most heartbreaking thing I have ever seen. This is the future jews want for the earth; a disgusting mob of brown animals living in piles of post-consumer trash because they are too nigger-brained and physically pathetic to even feed their own cursed offspring.

Attached: 61453.jpg (1200x674, 239.62K)

Yeah, I know…we have to resist this and protect what is valuable. We need to gather the greatest minds our people possess and begin to strategize about what we can do…we need to innovate (something jews can't do…they just keep doing the same shit over and over again) our way to a different future using the shear force of our own will and our minds.

You're doing nothing but making a complete fool of yourself.