This isn't King Spic bending the knee, it's a veiled threat to send more if we don't pay the Dane-geld. I hope Trump knows that, when once you've made to pay the Dane-geld, you'll never be quit of the Dane.
Gavin Gray
Fuck this faggot. Build the wall so we don't get flooded with 127 million Mexicans when commie bullshit fails again. Nothing angers me like these assholes ruining their countries then coming here and voting for the same ideas that made their original countries shitholes.
Bentley Harris
someone needs to put a bullet in that idiot's head.
Zachary Long
The same guy whose campaign was that he would pump money into helping illegals cross the border.
Ian Brooks
meh…great, so the plan is to make american so poor and destitute that there is no reason for shitskins to go anywhere to have a 'better life' plundering out nation and culture.
he's stating he doesn't want immigrants to pour into the US anymore, why is this bad?
Christian Wilson
because it's a lie and you're a dumbass.
Josiah Watson
Wyatt Johnson
Nuke Mexico.
MAGAniggers are a liability. They're so eager to "win" and too stupid to analyze anything. That fucking spic said "use public funds to develop Mexico so people won't leave". He wants the US to pay for Mexico's development when something like 20% of their economy is remittances from the US from the illegals that are here. The only way we win is through genocide.
(heil'd) This user gets it.
Nolan King
Because people try too hard to read into shit.
Maybe if all it took was sprinkling around some drugs to ruin your country you deserve it. It doesn't work on us so they had to import beaners to do it for (((them))). Spics are a biological weapon.
Levi Richardson
AMLO has built his entire political career around promising gibs to the poorest beaners and shit-talking America. I don't for a second think he's suddenly interested in a friendly or mutually beneficial relationship between Mexico and the United States. The only way this plan he envisions using public funds could possibly be anything other than gibs for Mexico's most useless is 1930s Germany or America-style public works projects. I doubt that's what AMLO has in mind.
He's demanding tribute, you idiot, in exchange for reducing flow. Hilariously, the extortion attempt/demand for a bribe is transparent bullshit, because (a) he doesn't even control his country internally–it's run by cartels and various affiliates in government who work for the cartels, and (b) he literally said migration was a human right and he would protect that right as a campaign promise. He was specifically elected NOT to enforce migration, but to protect it.
Mexico is an unbelievably fucked up failed state in de facto civil war, and we literally have NO border with them at most locations. Just a joke of a fence or even nothing. Just some harsh terrain. A literal failed state at war with open borders and America does nothing to protect itself.
Easton Richardson
Just some contex so you know why demonization of him was in full swing in American media. He is going after the cabal in Mexico. Not saying he is safe or isnt going to succeed.
I'm saying the deep state here is gunning for him. This is why you are getting dirt and any shit about him to get you against him.
Trump should just declare Mexico a failed state, and invade the shithole. Once we have a surplus of white births again, we could send a few brave souls down there to take one for the team, and breed the subhuman out of them.
Jose Sanders
absolutely vile!! Why even waste White sperm on such a pathetically doomed program. Kill them all and gradually increase WHITE migration.
Adam Martinez
They know how to leave.
Adam Jackson
How commie of him. Suck up other people's money and give it as gibs so I don't have to do my job. Otherwise you get the enrichment bomb going your way. Does this guy seriously hope that this will work? It's cheaper to militarize the border and build a wall than give billions into the black holes that are Latin countries. But hey he campaigned on this, won't accomplish it and leave spicland in the never ending cycle.
Oliver Harris
Spaniards having the same genius idea centuries ago is exactly why we have that entire fucking continent full of brown now, you clueless dipshit
Joshua Morgan
He's a spic, we all know how he thinks and what he'll actually do, his empty words mean nothing
Landon Howard
no user , stop being a stooge … its a compromise between two elites in how they both can benefit by joining their slave population together in a safe way
realize you are a pawn , only slightly better than mexican pawns
Donald will take this deal seriously , he likes deals. He also will enjoy the boost in popularity from US mexicans.
Sebastian Hill
Bullshit faggot trap threads. Go home beaners. I am not queer
Jaxon Morgan
this faggot gets it.
Ayden Rivera
Just what we need, responsibility for a whole country full of welfare recipients.
Hudson Phillips
there is no end to the numbers of people that will be used to break your back.
Sebastian Lopez
AMLO is also the kind of guy who doesn't keep his word, for good and bad. Meaning he's not really a communist, he very coincidentally served in the old guard of the non-communist party in power for decades. He's an opportunist and a liar, I don't like him or have high hopes for him, but he will likely bend the knee to Trump realpolitk mode, instead of trying to stand on principle like Trudeau or Merkel would. We'll see how it plays out.
Kevin Gutierrez
You should be shot.
Found the spics.
Adrian Sanchez
loooooool they really believed he was gonna somehow open our borders for them, and they put him in power. Now he just has to make mexico great for the first time and avoid getting cartel'd
Wyatt Thomas
t. reddit spic
Ryan Collins
Wake me up when they've signed a bilateral agreement.
Jeremiah Torres
First off, he's president elect, not the president yet. Second, no he's not asking for "Gibs", he wants to renegotiate NAFTA because he, just like Trump, thinks it's an unfair deal for farmers and working class people. Two, he'll pay for his social policies by cutting goverment spending. Mexico is one of the most corrupt goverments in the world, but AMLO has never been tainted by corruption, and he has allready made a plan to make gigantic cuts to graft and corruption. Cutting extremely high salaries to judges, getting rid of privileges like luxury cars and private jet rides, premium healthcare plans for officials, etc.
AMLO has high chances of actually signing something with Trump. Since they have plenty of common ground.
David Moore
Is it summer time already? Or is it just another limpwristed Zig Forums attempt? Mexico is poised to become a new Nicaragua/Venezuela.
Gavin Johnson
He was part of the PRI, aka the only party with any actual power in Mexico. the PAN also existed but they were a conservative catholic party and AMLO doesn't really care that much about that, even though he is a catholic. But he's not that religious. Plus, his state was a PRI state. Anyway, during his stay in the PRI he was part of the leftist wing of the party. When the neo-liberal wing of the party started to dominate the left-wing part of the party left, and created the PRD. AMLO joined them shortly after their creationg.
He is extremely ambiguous all the time when it comes to what he actually wants to do so it's rather hard to fuck up stuff he never actually promised. He is a decent politician, probably one of the best ones we have in Mexico. He is empathetic enough to care about the people, but not retarded enough to just throw away all the business sector aside. See his run as Mayor of Mexico City for more on that.
Carson Hall
Uhuh, sure buddy. And yes, he recently got in trouble with the supremew court judges. See they were making some 600,000 pesos a month. AMLO says they need to save as much as possible to invest on actually helping the infrastructure of the country. He wants to cut those salaries to around less that 100,000 pesos. As well as a 50% cut to the salaries of all the high officials in the country. Senators and Congressmen alike. Currently, the political class is having a massive shitfest over it. I could give you source for all that, but it's all in spanish as far as I know. If you know spanish, do tell and i'll give them.
Daniel Morgan
Furthermore, ah, there is no middle class in Mexico. There are so many poor we have actually divided the poor into two sectors. Extreme poverty and average poverty. Average poor is around 50% of the country, while extreme poor is around 25% percent. In total, over 80% of Mexicans are poor. So our middle class IS the poor.
Hopefully AMLO will help with that. But I doubt, he is only just one man. Even if he does a decent job, as soon as he leaves office the neo-liberals will be back.
James King
He's planning on sucking off the money of goverment officials yes. But not on the business sector or the working class. Goverment officials in Mexico make way too much fucking money. They in fact, are some of the highest paid goverment in the world. They make more that some european country. They get And a whole number of things to ridiculous to list. And yes, free phones and ipads are included too. Politicians in Mexico are a fucking joke my gringo fellow that doesn't really bother to at least read the wikipedia page on mexico.
Elijah Lewis
Another Mexishit here to defend his garbage country. You're going to get fucked on this, Paco. No mercy.
Dominic Campbell
Its the same all across the globe. Pay some lipservice to show yourself something you arent. Then fuck everything up. Those politicians in your country are not making a huge dent in your GDP, Jésus. Its the widespread corruption, massive govt size and taxes. Those measures are only there to show hes not a bad lefty. Typical bait and switch. Lurk more before posting.
David Price
If he doesnt ally with Trump he is dead, his ideology isnt going to save him.
I’m sure that will work out. Last I heard, the cartels get so many recruits because no one can make any money in government or the army, so they turn to drug running as an economic choice. You better destroy these cartels before you cut everyone’s pay because you’ll just end up with more people joining these savages. It doesn’t help that the coke is on one side of Mexico and the degenerates who crave it are on the other side. How do you feel about your nation basically being a superhighway for drugs. That’s all it is now.
Luis Phillips
If he allies with Trump the cartels will kill him, but whatever, I'm not mexican so I really dont give a fuck. They cant come here and that's final.
Hunter Nelson
The cartels are probably going to get to cut a deal to keep their ill gotten gains and retain some political power and money in mexico in return for cutting their shit and not going after AMLO and his admin, and I'm even hearing rumors they may eventually legalize drugs in the future.
The reason for your skepticism is that I'm not sure you understand the situation that the cartels are seeing with Trump. You need to realize the cartels know Trump is serious about the wall and that the US military isn't fucking around anymore with them.
So AMLO is likely in need of partnering with Trump and going after cabal organizations (hence the US mainstream media throwing a hissy fit) and get support from Trump and the US military, and he is also likely going to broker a deal with cartels in a sort of Truth and Reconciliation agreement to prevent them being in a fight for survival.
He needs to get his ass on a plane and come collect his lost citizens.
Angel Flores
Anyone else notice how all of these countries when they admit that they ARE the problem then say shit like; >but we are willing to make a join international group of countries with the US to solve this (((issue)))
Do any other anons read;
Isaac Jackson
What you NEED to read into it is that America needs to actually force its peoples' interests instead of just that of the oil and other corporate oligarchs.
Because they will do as we want because they have been as parasites to our benevolence and lethargy up till now.
We aren't going to pay for shit projects. NOR do we need to. We need to become like steel. Unbendable, unbreakable, and unyielding. Every other country will absolutely bow because they never had their people's best interest to begin with either and they would gladly prefer to live as Americans than fight to prevent their leader's extermination.