Generation identity are shills 2: thread revival boogaloo

fucking newfags

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Other urls found in this thread:

kike free first post
heil hitler

Yea I get it you want to remain an irrelevant "secret club" containing nobody but a bunch of degenerate skinheads and thus oppose any group actually making progress and appealing to people. Fuck off and die schizo.

< defending jews and claiming that they are the victims, not perpetrators, of white genocide is making progress, goy
t. alt kike faggot
gas yourself

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>In April 2016, he disrupted a theatre performance of (((Elfriede Jelinek's))) piece, Die Schutzbefohlenen (theatre performance with migrants seeking asylum)

Actions speak louder than words. Would raving about jews 24/7 do more to attract popular support? No. Either you do not actually want to achieve anything or you are retarded. Someone standing up against third world invasion isn't good enough for you unless they are a hollywood caricature?


denounce israel and the talmud. say it.

goddamn I love jimpact memes. They never get old.

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The talmud is fucking boring

That "domestic conflict" thread is great, user.

If they advocate pro white interests I see no reason to view them as an enemy.

They aren't enemies for now, but they represent a compromised weak point, and as such can never be really trusted until their compromised elements are cleaned up. The real question should be, how can we subvert GI into naming the jew and removing gatekeeping leadership?

Unironically this. The kikes hid all their disgusting teachings under about six million pages of boring rabbinical arguments.

Do you think it's possible to be both pro-jew and pro-White?

I wont be surprised when people start getting assassinated.


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Now this is astroturfing, reminder its also a negress.


The theory that you can determine who is and isn't a kike by asking them to denounce the Talmud is as silly as the idea that you can figure out who is a cop by asking them.
If it is in a jew's interest to denounce IsraHell, it will do so just to keep you guessing.

I feel the need to point out the obvious in this thread.
It is quite obviously a bad thing that Generation Identity shies away from using the Mantra Which I need to point out was not a Zig Forums creation. The man behind the term White genocide was Bob Whitaker and a small crew of dedicated intellectuals. Men that most Zig Forumsacks don't even know existed. And the men and women who deserve the lionshare of credit for disseminating and popularizing it were the dedicated activists of Bob's Underground Graduate Seminar. An organization that, again, most Zig Forumsacks don't even know of. When Whitaker died a few years ago, a thread was made celebrating him and 80% of the commenters had no fucking clue who he was and what deeds he did.
Actually, I'm pleasantly surprised to see that OP is calling out GI for being faggoty moral cowards and trying to reinvent the wheel (or intentionally subvert the Mantra)
However, I can't restrain myself from pointing out the hypocrisy of accusing GI of being faggots for not using the Mantra on Zig Forums. Where are you people whenever propaganda related threads get filled with trash who say "Don't use the Mantra! That's gay. That's old fashioned. That's not effective. Here, let's reinvent the wheel and use these new, needlessly complex and vague posters instead."
Where are you when we who advocate employing the Mantra are called stormfags, a term that says is used by the enemy?
Where are you when anons feel the need to waste time and energy coming up with individual snowflake propaganda when we should ALL be on a consistent message?

Because it seems somewhat hypocritical to say that GI are kikes for straying from the Mantra on an image board where EVERY SINGLE user feels the need to just create his own unique poster or do nothing.

Jesus fucking christ people, you DON'T NEED TO BE A UNIQUE SNOWFLAKE. Propaganda is most effective when it is delivered CONSISTENTLY.

If you see a good poster design, particularly if it contains the Mantra, print out 100 copies and disseminate them throughout your community. Don't be another one of those mindless fools who goes onto to make one more shitty design to add to a sea of individualistic shitty designs. And for Gods sake, don't clutter your poster with images or explanations or "cool font"
Keep it simple and concise. Anything else is distracting and counterproductive.

Another thing that needs to be pointed out is the irrelevance of this thread. Maybe GI is not just an organization of civic nationalists that say and believe things that your neighbor probably also believes, but are instead a bunch of super-top-secret mossad agents working directly for George Sorros. Maybe they say normie tire things NOT because they are simply normies with normie inspired ideas, but because they are all part of a secret plot to trick normies into believing what they already believe. And maybe GI doesn't call out the jews NOT because it is literally illegal to do so in Europe, but because they are actually jews themselves!

Sure. Maybe. But what do you want us to do about it? Wanna go link up with antifa and throw bricks at them to discourage their displays of nationalism?

Your BUGS bunny shit got real old, real fast as well.

I see how it is.
I'm "old fashioned" for using the simple and concise Mantra but Generation Identity are traitors for taking YOUR advice and dumping it.
One rule for me and another for thee

no, im saying it got annoying as fuck. you used to spam that shit on nationalist sites like vnn and here, where people already agreed with it.

Where is the archive of the first thread?

sage because OP is most likely a kike

Ah yes. If only you had told the jews to stop spamming "diversity is our strength" back in the 90s so that it wouldn't STILL be used as an argument today by brainless idiots.

The spamming worked. Now everyone understands and comprehends the terms "White genocide" "Anti-White" and others. They are now part of the zeitgeist thanks to our "annoying" spamming.

"Hope and Change" also got annoying. It elected a president.

Maybe the jews were making a mistake when they spend 30 years spamming "6,000,000 jews at risk of death!!" and then spent the next 80 years spamming "Six million jews died in the holocaust!"
Maybe the kikes didn't know what they were doing when they spammed "fascism is capitalism in decay" a phrase so stupid that it sounds like it was created by randomly throwing words together, yet is so effective that it has convinced millions of people that fascism is synonymous with capitalism.

You can hate it all you like, but repetition of simple memes works. It works for the jews when telling lies and it absolutely works when pointing out the truth. We repeated it over and over here because thick headed idiots refused to use it because they thought that repetition doesn't work.

To be fair OP, GI is the furthest you can legally go in most european countries. and from what ive heard they all talk about the jewish problem behind closed doors.

That argument falls flat when you've got groups like Nordfront, which was founded by a literal copkiller, is openly National Socialist, and maintains a stormtrooper wing which outclasses the local riot police.

OP is shill

Nordfront got called control op here too.


It could just as easily be a controlled op as well. Having a local primarily anonymous group, that possibly can join together at set times for set reasons, is far superior than than a larger franchise.

The jew has no way to deal with the anonymous poster or protester. There shouldn't be any reason to have a large franchise knowing everybody's contact info to fall apart and everyone in it becoming targets and are silenced.

Being this much of a cringe worthy retarded cretin.
A thread dead because of faggot OP.


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They are just alt light so it's easy to get bitter and/or paranoid

Actually Martin Sellner posted in twitter that civic nationalism doesnt work, IG is ethnonationalist organisation.

You're right user, absolutely right, you know what im gonna do? im going to sign up for GI this very moment, an organization like G.I,. that has Sellner at the head of it, you know Sellner right? A literal jew at the top? Yeah that's who I'm rooting for.


I consider evertone not JW woke Alt light

a jew? where are you getting this?

It's an obvious government agency shill. This same info graphic has been posted at least three times as an OP.
You can't openly call for kikes to be gassed or even admit to disliking x or y group because of hate speach/ anti-terror laws in Europe.

Jew arn't stupid enough to openly tell the world their intentions. They keep them concealed and only when they have the necessary power over the minds and global institutions that there true intentions start to come to light.
The European union was always destined to become a super-state but they didn't sell that narrative to the people.

YES GOYIM, hehhhhe. focus your energy on attacking the right-wing groups that are actually doing something.
hehehe, wouldn't want you to leave your internet ghetto now would we.

> (((1)))

Divide & Conquer - basic hasbara 101

It's important to keep moderate White Nationalists apart from Radical White Nationalists

It's like the Rabbi explained… Now go to Zig Forums…

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Jewish question is more important than survival of the white race. Because even if you survive you still be slaves and goyim.

To add to that the "great replacement" slogan is more effective than genocide.
Most normies would easily dismiss anyone claiming that whites were being "genocided". Because everyone associates the word with murder and so can dismiss the message.
But replacement, while less dramatic would resonate far more with the average person.

I don't know, maybe in the OP perhaps?

Looks like the shills have gone awfully quite. Better keep the bump rate low so the goyim don't find out they've been exposed.

If your white and doing the dirty work of an intelligent agency to disrupt any right-wing activity you should consider suicide.
You traitors have no fucking idea how bad things are going to get if current trends continue.

really hit all the words there
see if you cant add in virgin basement neckbeard next time

you are boring
i cant even be arsed to read your post
you have no respect for your reader

oh boohoo
killing kikes is illegal too, is that going to stop you?


and here is David Icke talking about the reptillians

bottom line:

you want to replace word "globalist" with a word "jew"? so what? we have the names of the people who are pushing anti white propoganda, what are you trying to achieve when pointing out that these people are jews? Normies dont like hearing about JQ from the spergs like you, it discourages them from joining the alt right, this is not rocket science, people.

I know some of you newfag anons want to brag how "woke" you are because you are aware of JQ, but you are not special. I live in Eastern Europe where JQ is nothing special, its not even considered a "redpill". Start thinking, this is not a game, we have to redpill as many people as possible on race realism and immigration, or maybe you prefer the sounds of trucks of peace that are crushing people's bones on european soil?

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you fucking zoggy chasers are absolute garbage, such transparent shilling, though at least you're attempting to evolve.
OP = small dicked brainlet/sponsored propaganda

Ok, kike, jews love a disorganized rabble.

Discipline is fascism.

strawmanning is a logical fallacy
that's all you zoggys have

These faggots love Nazi Hitler and fascism but never admit that the national socialism party was intellectually founded by Jews and freemasons and luciferians. The German brotherhood/German Research Society, where all the German businessman and elite of the time met and discussed and participated in occult ritual and research with Alister Crowley and madam blavatsky. Not to mention the British Zionists like Ford family, Rockefeller and the entire British royal family.
Ww2 was to establish world wide balkanization of white races and establish a jewish state.

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So weird how everyone who is effective is a shill, isn't it?
Almost seems like the Left is bullshitting and purposely taking quotes out of context, trying to demoralize.
Communists really are the scum of the Earth.
Your meme is shit-tier, Mossad boy.

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It's possible to acknowledge the role of Jews without becoming a "caricature" or someone who would simply be ignored. That said, an organization like the Identarians serves the purpose of bringing people on board and slowly redpill them, since so many people have been poisoned against the notion of "anti-semitism."

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White survival depends on solving the jewish problem. Nothing is going to change until we stop these kikes.

We are stopping them. but it's the job of the kikes to blackpill you and make you think that anyone not 100% repeating your rhetoric, isn't on your side.
Look at if they're advancing white interests. You know as well as I do, that these kikes will twist anything someone says, anywhere, in order to use it against their enemies.
Their job is to keep you doing nothing. You don't notice the massive amounts of shilling against pretty much every single white nationalist person and group on this board?
I hate to break it to you faggots, but you've been thoroughly subverted by them. You need to wake the fuck up and realize when they're playing you.
OP is obviously a shill using Mossad memes.

How do you "redpill" people when you eschew or ban any discussion of jews and the holocaust, and kick people out of an organization for disseminating said info to other people?
You know? Like G.I. does?

They're trying not to get kiked in a land where it's crazy easy to be thrown in a cell for offending these vermin jews.
If you want to redpill people, you do it under the table.
To become rightwing, opens the door to it. It's up to us to be on normie sites and spreading the information to the rightwing normies.
And if you can't do that in your country, then discreetly redpill family and friends around you, and encourage them to redpill their friends.
In Europe, you have to be extra careful.

By Hipster Racist, a known charlatan faggot whose case against them were fabrications and lies.

There has been no viable evidence to claim they are controlled op.

Nordfront is legit.

Do they actually ban people for discussing it privately? There are degrees of censorship. If they kick people out for even discussing and sharing info privately that's one thing. If they kick people out for openly screaming "Hitler did nothing wrong!!!!" at a rally, that's quite another.

How is any of that bad?

You knwo very well that's not what Im referring to, G.I. kicks people out who are known to discuss openly and privately, the JQ, the holocaust and national socialism. G.I. is another civic nationalist and anti racist pressure release valve.
There is no "under the table" with G.I. if someone rats you out or accuses you you are out.

the subversion techniques are so obvious to tru/pol/s


Marx was the impetus, and then racially re-calibrated, this is known

Bump. He stinks of hasbara.


This is a D&C thread.

OP is a kike.

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forgive my newness
D&C= wut?

divide and conquer

how about proof of your claim that they'll kick you out for discreetly redpilling people user?

Hey, youre not allowed to call people kike while a member of GI, your own group would ban you. What makes you think youre allowed to call us kikes when you yourself literally love Jews? This is what a shill looks like

Jesus christ. Its when you press on a fracture point between pro-whites, except it doesnt count when the fracture point is supporting Jews.

It's the same shit they've done to countless white nationalists. At this point, you'd have to be stupid not to see it.

aye ty m8s

When the jews have power over the majority of your governments, you gotta sometimes say some shit to cover your asses. It happens.
I'm not convinced that they're Israel-shills, most especially since they're working to de-sand-nigger their nations, which goes completely counter to the Kalergi plan. Did you faggot shills forget that we knew about that?
It looks pretty clear to me that they're just trying to appeal more normie-friendly, and get the kikes off their backs, but as usual, the shills use quotes to try to fuck over white nationalist groups and individuals. You people are absolutely disgusting.
I'm not buying this bullshit. And OP's meme is distinctly jew. I know a fucking Mossad meme when I see one.

This is from a private conversation that was recorded covertly.

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Civic Nationalist cuck talk. That doesn't make him a pawn of jews. It makes him ignorant. You trying to make him seem like a pawn of jews when you know that this is exactly how bluepilled idiots talk, is suspicious, to say the least.





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The frantic hasbarats have been reaching levels of shilling that shouldn't even be possible.

Turn Radical against Moderate
It's all about D&C and (({their}))" apparent desperation to turn radical White Nationalists (like Zig Forums) against moderate White Nationalists (Gen ID)

2 threads about Gen ID
I have been following this whining kikery across two separate threads here on Zig Forums since yesterday.

Talk of Legal Penalties Avoided
At no point do the "Jews-in-user-disguise" acknowledge that European laws make it a necessity to pull your punches about the role of Jews in Europe's slide into dystopia.

Radical Whites and Moderate Whites benefit from each other's activism.


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Thread exists and isn’t full.