Hey Zig Forums...

Hey Zig Forums, I’m just posting this to let you all know; that if none of us can find a way to allow IRL meet-ups while also sifting out infiltrators then we will never accomplish any of our goals and whites will probably die out. We have to find a way to organize. Even just two Zig Forumsacks who live in the same city and connect with one another is a good start because they can coordinate their efforts in finding more. I personally believe a good start to this would be finding a cheap easy way to copy entire books and print them out so we can better spread our materials to potentials. In any case, it has to happen Zig Forums or we will never stand a chance. Oh and this is a whites only meetup, that should go without saying.

We must become pitiless expressions of ourselves.

Now watch this thread get flooded with shills who are reallly really against the idea of us meeting up for some reason.

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Funny, I never mentioned doing anything violent at all. Meeting up is tantamount to violence I guess. Sure is America here.

Sup romanov?

You aren't one of mine if you meetup. I am subjectively isolated and expect the same of my peers. Groups will be subverted we must build a stand alone complex in ourselves.l and work with who is local. You dummy!

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Ignore the shills that want you to do nothing but wither away.
Just join your local Stormer Book Club, anons. They're all over America. Fun, non-violent clubs for white men of good character who are at least 18 years of age.
They'll get you into good physical shape and provide brotherly support when you need it.
btw, I predict jew vermin will sperg hard over this post.

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Also, meadhall needs some more traffic. People aren't afraid anymore. The irony is, that us being unafraid scares the right people.

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I’ve never heard of them, I’ll look into that. I’m not in the largest city, but maybe we have one.

I actually met some guys who were shilling their shit on hatechan POL. They turned out to be alt-right retards who unironically liked Spencer and Enoch.
So, no thanks.

These are the faggots I'm speaking of.

This, build a stand alone complex and destroy the socialist system. As long we act as individuals the metaintelligence cant get us.

Stormer Book Clubs were created by Andrew Anglin to help young white men. And yes, we do tend to like Mike Enoch, but it's not a requirement. We don't buy into the jew lies about him. But, you don't have to like him or us. Doesn't bother me one bit.

You can find me in a bar enjoying a drink, but not getting drunk. I'll be in clean clothes, likely just after work, gym or a golf game. My hair is clean cut- nothing shabby or too outrageous. I like to fit in. Find me and talk to me. I'll be very apprehensive at first, but if you push the right buttons I may open up.

Seek and you will find me.

t. user

please dont join these faggots
just meet up with actual Zig Forumsacks in /meadhall/
ya dummies

Stormer book club I met were degens. Practically worshiped Enoch and Spencer. Proudly claimed the mantle of alt-right. Alcoholics, the lot of them. Steroid abuse. Fucking non-whites for "sport". White sharia unironically.
Shit was fucking lame. Met a couple decent guys though. After drifting away from those book club niggers after they started talking about monthly fees, I kept in touch with them. They had bailed the fuck out too.

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Monthly fees huh. That's news to me.
The white sharia thing was always a meme.
You seem weirdly passionate user. Thanks for your story though, I'm sure it's 100% true. Say, how'd you get vetted anyway?

Sure, but it’s better to be working for an organization with set-goals so they are accomplished more effectively. Strength in numbers is an undeniable concept. For instance with our fight against Dan Harmon and Adult Swim, how many Zig Forumsacks do you think are messaging Adult Swim about bringing back World Peace and screaming to cancel Rick & Morty when what they should be doing is just railing against Harmon and his obscene behavior? This is why we need to be acting individually but also as part of a whole.

Oh great, the white meetups shill is back. Organization comes after system collapse you dunce.

damn it feels good to be unafraid
the only thing i fear now is being a coward, and i am not a coward

No, it wasnt. That 1h video put together of all the aut kike cuckery shows plenty of people clearly being serious about it, such as (((Weev)))

Yeah, just like Hitler did it. Totally alone, with no one else. That's definitely the ticket user. Individual efforts as opposed to collective ones, right? Cause it's not like collectives beat individuals every time or anything.

No, it was always a meme. Just a method of trolling. Are you maybe autistic? I only ask because they have trouble sometimes telling the difference between serious statements and humor.

nothing wrong with meeting up with friends
the thread is pointless though
we've had meadhall for years
and feds are welcome to join our honeypots, especially in europe we would really appreciate coming across random service weapons on suicide victims, such desperate times, tres sad

Actually it was the guy who now does the White Flour Hour for TRS. This guy really liked Enoch and Spencer. Raging alcoholic. Hopes he's gotten better.

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Complete garbage. The short term goal, for me, is the overton window, the long term goal is the truth. You don't need backup from the internet to tell people the truth. Go to the gym, have hobbies, find friends, educate yourself on a lot of topics, educate your friends. Go to the range, acquire buddies, make a small group for SHTF.
You're full-blown faggot mode talking about "infiltrators" in your imaginary IRL meet-ups. Then again you also mentioned
so I can guess the type of urban jewry you dream about.

Contribute to your (white) communities, encourage autodidacticism and focus on improving yourself. If you luck out then you'll find a good wife and start a family that you can massively improve the world with. You'll probably just keep making shitty fucking threads though.

I can attest, no knowledge of any of our sacred memes, specially gondola, and a bunch of them were just bargain basement conservatives motivated by saving money, not their race, that and I got the feeling that Anglin was being groomed for conservative office and betraying all he promised when he gets power like every other cuckservative.
Bottom line: Epic Fail

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I hear you brother. I live in Commiefornia and would love to hook up with other anons. Let's meet up here 34.138750, -117.105384, when is good for you?

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Yeah! Organization happens after all the means to find any like minded individuals is completely gone!


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Any Middle-Tennessee-Anons here?
I'm in Montgomery County.

I agree with Special Ed. Agent Smith here. All of us goys need to get together, but we need a way to vet our people. Please send me a copy of your driver's license or other state issued photo ID, your home address and telephone number (for a phone interview if we need it), your social security number, and photos of any tattoos (we have to make sure that if you have ink it isn't degenerate).

If you think it’s shifting you’re wrong, if you think we can change public opinion on a grand scale while not having any control over Jewish mass-media you’re wrong. If you think our middle-aged white daddies are not watching football or other Bread & Circuses because of the whole kneeling thing, you’re wrong. They stopped for maybe a week and went right back to it.

They’re still winning and we’re still losing. Meet ups and organization are the steps towards unleashing the truth on the world. If I went to my local Jewish-ran college campus to drop some redpills on my own, the voice of truth would be drowned out by the mindless masses parroting rah others indoctrinated opinions. If you have just 5 healthy looking white men backing you up, then suddenly they’re parroting becomes all the more obvious and insincere to anyone with a brain witnessing

Don't care.

What was the process of vetting user. That's what I was asking, not whether someone was an alcoholic. You seem strangely interested in needlessly talking shit about them and making them look as bad as possible. Oh but then you said you hope he gets better, that's very nice user. I like Enoch, too btw.
Your little picture of him with his ex-wife is not effective. Everyone knows the man was married to a Jew before he was redpilled. And Enoch doesn't hate blacks, he's made that clear.
Our movement's not about all thinking exactly the same thing, that's stupid and counter-productive. So long as you're advancing white interests, that's really all we care about. You can otherwise think how you like. We've got many types of politically aligned people, all working toward advancing white interests.
The jew counts on a monolithic entity to attack. He doesn't like his enemies to be nuanced, or to have multiple ways of thinking, as it makes it that much harder for him to subvert and attack them. I'm sure you understand user.

Don’t post

TRSodomites get the rope too.

Hi rabbi.

You're actually a good troll. That was just subtle enough to be believable. I like you. That being said, I wouldn't COUNT on people like the bookclub, but hey, I'd rather they be able bodies nearer to our end, rather than even more bodies for our enemy.

alt-right quads of faggotry checked
Email was given up here, on hatechan. Emailed and swapped numbers than met at a tex-mex joint.
I'm just putting my experience out there, user. This is Texas btw. Not everyone will rate your favorite restaurant 5 stars.
Enoch is jewish. This something the stormer book club refused to accept. It was pretty sad.

Fuck off.

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Nah he's not Jewish, but you just keep hammering that old shit all you like. Don't forget to drop those Mossad-made memes while you're at it.
And hey, why not throw in the classics, too.
The ones about weev being a jew, Sam Hyde, Adolf Hitler, you name it. They're apparently all jews and we shouldn't listen to anyone, right?
We should just sit here and be the cartoon villain depiction of National Socialists that the jews want us to be, right? Odd how that behavior helps them in the end, isn't it?

Ask him to post his 23andme results. He has them. We'll see how honest he is.

There’s your (you) shill.

You do you user.

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I would have assumed you'd have it already. C'mon, are you gonna sit there and pretend that you don't have a vested interest in smearing the man?
Where's the plethora of memes? You guys are usually right on top of it.

I will. And I'll keep countering you, wherever you shill, friend.

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You make some agreeable points, but I think that the window is shifting among whites since election year; the effect is offset by the reproduction and importation of nonwhites. The jews controlling the media have enormous power but as we've seen with Trump's presidency the white population is willing to distrust the biggest offenders. You can have 5 healthy white men backing you up, but meeting those 5 on the internet isn't necessary. It might take some time but the white race isn't 100% doomed in the absence of a Zig Forums organization, all you need to start is find a guy willing to listen.

What deflection? I've addressed all of your points thus far. Don't pretend you don't have entire folders dedicated to smearing him and any other effective white nationalists. They're all jews right? Anyone who can reach people just so happens to be jews.

No user, I said "ask him to post his results" you said "hurr I thought you'd have them hurr hurr". Ask him to post the results. I dare you.


COINTELPRO to this day still probably dedicates more resources to infiltrating "white supremacist" groups than Muslim or even Communist groups. Be careful. You will end up on a list. If you do end going to one use an alias and don't disclose too much information about yourself.

Ask Enoch to post his results? I don't know the man. Wish I did, though. Seems like a funny and smart guy.
Don't act like you don't already have it. Why don't you post it? He released it a while ago, and you apparently scour through his shit. You've even got old personal photos of his. You should definitely have his DNA results already.

You're stating to come unglued. Just ask him on the forum. He never released his results he read them to his audience. Ask him. I dare you.

Translation from jibber jabber to English:

Don't do anything, goy.

1 - The Forum isn't around anymore. Shut down by jews.
2 - I recall quite clearly that Anglin published them on the Daily Stormer. If you scour through, I'm sure you can still find it.
Btw, how am I coming unglued exactly? Oh, is that just what you want anyone reading our exchange to think? Kinda asking a question that's really a suggestion. I gotcha user. Yeah man, I'm completely unhinged over here.

What should women do for their fellow volk when most of these groups are aimed at men? I agree they often need to be kept separate, but we also should encourage the movement for all whites. Asking because most of my local groups are vehemently male only and its not been a fruitful search for a feminine counterpart.

Well, I'm not too well versed on female-oriented groups, but I know of some pretty great white nationalist women that might be able to help.
One is @CarolynEmerick on Gab. She's the creator and editor of the magazine, Europa Sun.
The other is @realemilyyoucis on Gab. You should probably know her already. Animator and comedian/crazy person.
Sorry I can't really do more for you. Maybe some other anons can, though.

sage, op is a loser

Thanks user, thats enough to get started

How new are you?

This was in Leafland BTW, and they had no idea what the 8 of diamonds was. That and they were collecting donations then too. They were also quite out of shape, and intellectually and morally cowardly, like little lost sheep seeking a shepherd, not wolves seeking a pack.

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Totally unhinged. Ask him to post the full list.

This is shilling. Tell cow-tits to take tradthot bullshit elsewhere.

user emilyyoucis is a fucking furfag. Not 10 minutes of researching has been positively hair raising.

Holy fuck, maybe you are just a legit newfriend. Youcis is a fucking tire fire.

I said she was crazy user. But, she is a white nationalist, and I don't know too many legitimate female ones that are out in the open. So, I gave who I could think of in the moment. Youcis is crazy, but she's also incredibly funny.

It’s not so much a Zig Forums organization I’m advocating here. More we need to bring back militias on a state-by-state basis but also have a very basic national structure (like maybe each militia sends 3 of their people to a national conference every few months to a year. Otherwise the militias themselves operate however they see fit to accomplish the ultimate goal. The militias need to be united on a racial-political foundation though.

Notice my OP doesn’t ask for phone numbers or emails, because I guarantee I’m the only user posting from my particular state and posting here won’t help with staying frosty. I just want send a message, that without a form of IRL structure our efforts may ultimately be doomed.

And yeah it’s hilarious that Trump won, but I don’t think he’s any cure to a problem, at best he’s a placebo, at worst a symptom

Well, you said it user, so it must be true. Thanks for warning everybody. Btw, do you have any answers to OP's request? Or are you just here to try to shit on me?

Tell me more about how shilling for cow-tits isn't shilling.

glow-nigger detected

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user asked me a question and I answered it. Is that considered shilling now?
You're behaving very strangely user. All of this seems like it's very personal.
So, what group would you suggest OP get into contact with? Because so far, it looks as though you seem to be doing your hardest to derail everything.

They don't need to be kept separate. You could have three groups, for example, one for each sex and another for both, each with different directions.
I would say that one of the most valuable things that women could provide their societies today is self-sufficiency in the house. The ability to create clothing, utensils, and more was a staple of the female existence for a long time, at least from the Greeks moving forward. The lack of this ultimately weakens the strength of the family within society and increases the social power of entities that solely exist for profit, e.g. corporations. With that said, I'd say that an absolute requirement for both male&female groups would be physical fitness, so an understanding of nutrition, exercise, the usual stuff. The "housewife" of the post-industrial-revolution shouldn't be strived for, at this point she had already been stripped of many useful skills, which were now dominated by cheap outsourced labor. This is also directly attributable to the rise of the Urban environment.
There's a lot to add but I'm not very educated on the topic. The situation isn't very good, sluts will never be right as they simply can't undo all the times they've been fucked. A lot of these "trad" girls are former/current sluts, I wouldn't trust any of them or what they're trying to organize. Any girl who idealizes the 1950s type housewife should be avoided or educated.

I would describe Trump as a sign of the times. His election, under an exceptionally aggressive media attack, is a sign that whites are not fully controlled, even if the other races are.


Also, that white sharia poster is hilarious.
Why don't you post the videos instead of stills?

I recommend OP get their fucking life together and avoid the feds and degenerates. E-celebs are cancer because they create mindless drones like you.

Well, you made your opinion known. Thanks user. You blended in perfectly, btw.

Anyone preaching anything other than this probably isn’t one of us. If they are, they’re an idiot one of us.

K, user.

Make friends, dumbass. That's all you have to do, make friends and get them up to speed. I have hundreds of valuable connections in /biz/ that are all redpilled to useful extents and many are full 1488. The tide has turned, now we build our might, take positions of power, gain financial clout, and move ever onward to our goals.

You clearly just want white people to do nothing. Be hyper-individualists. You know who beats individuals? Groups, and you know it.
Also, if you think these fucking intelligence agency kikes don't already have your dox, then you're an idiot or a lying kike.
At least has a helpful suggestion. Yours was vague and amounted to 'clean yer room bucko'.

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I am a canuck in winnipegn manitoba, I am really desperate to meet other Zig Forumsacks in my area, contact me at (204) 218-2252.
I live by the concordia hospital, and would love to go for drinks or something with a white nationalist.
14/88 WP/WW

Notice how he built himself a following too and drains them of resources while helping them form a "community"? How does it feel to be livestock?
Yeah. If you think a bunch of drunks and feds are going to help you get your life together then you're already done.

I may or may not have lost all of my firearms in a boating accident

Well why do you think I want to find a way to meet up with similar minded people? Every single person I would’ve called a friend are the most sedated and unambitious people in the world. Even the ones who consider themselves right-wing just want to smoke pot and watch Rick & Morty while claiming that liberals and Jews have zero influence in the real world (yes they’re that stupid and have zero self-awareness). Most of the people I grew up with laughed at me for going to trade school (I put up with some liberal bullshit for a few years but I have a real job and little concern for the future financially speaking). The few people I met who would agree with me politically are often bogged down by their need to be comfortable with their families (ie a wife who doesn’t work and wouldn’t put up with politics taking hold of your lifestyle). Sure it’s their fault they let an unskilled woman run their life, but you can’t tell them to ditch all that for the greater good. Malaise is powerful with the whites today. I got plenty to offer the community but in my particular corner of the world I have no one to share it with.

Whites are probably 50-55% of the population. America is finished. You're wasting your time.

Nice to see the first post is still a homosexual from the jidf.

OP just wants a friend to go bowling with xD. Print out books in 2018 ? haha. Very efficient means of spreading our message. Here ya go kiddo, 9 terrabytes of doc's in hardcopy form. Probably couldn't even get that in a 14ft cube van.

We change shit with our MONEY. Boycott all jew businesses. Shitskins have been doing well with that. Divorce yourself from the teet of jew media. No more hollywood 'entertainment'. Support fellows Whites and yes, vote you neet motherfuckers.

Periodic, random voice stress analysis and polygraph interviews. Everybody trained on how to administer exams. All results reviewed and signed off on by third parties. Interviewers and interviewees randomly matched.

Everybody must be examined at least, say, once per quarter.

This. It should be pretty obvious what the goal is and what to look out for. Find a few well known trusted friends and survive.

You say that, but if we can print out books and other materials quickly with as little money as possible we can get people copies of The Turner Diaries, 200 Years Together, or anything else they plan to completely ban in the next few years. Think manuals

Love how every group uses the ginger women as bait these days and no one says a fucking thing.

Also while I’m fully on board with boycotting media and Pedowood, the average apolitical normie is not socially capable of doing so right away. We’re gonna need to find a way to better help them see the light so they can be ready for more extreme measures. The problem I think is the importance the average person places in being accepted socially. By that I mean what the media considers socially acceptable, they dictate trends which consumes the normie mind so they don’t pay attention to how hard their ass is being rammed on a daily basis.

Easily printable books and materials can help us peel away some of these layers while also leaving no digital traces that could be tracked back to us


When pol meets up…. People die. Nice try fbi. Don't forget clowns, we are anonymous. We haven't gone anywhere

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Thankfully bugmen who love pedo & Morty don’t have any gingers to bait with

Checked and kek'd

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I save every relevant post and image i can. Then feed it to my facebook network

Yeah. How many years any Zig Forums is still hiding indoors when their favorite Gawd Emprah Zionist doesn't make them dance outside like retarded monkeys. Zig Forums is a joke.
