Nazi's Crash Hacker Conference, Cucks BTFO

According to this blog post by the hyperleftist Bolshevik agitator Unicorn
Riot, who are currently under investigation by the lazy, do-nothing, moled-up
FBI for helping to incite riots during the Dakota Pipeline protests–several
living in-the-flesh Waffen SS officers somehow escaped Nuremberg and biological
aging–LITERAL NAZIS–and crashed the Hackers on Planet Earth conference, and
triggered a bunch of cucks by wearing MAGA hats, and occupied the aisles to
protest "fat shaming", and trolled the Q&A session talks titled "Trolling the
Trolls & the trolls that troll them" and "Online Monitoring of the AltRight",
as well as confronting Bradley Manning with direct questions that expose him as
an ignorant, hysterical, unreliable traitor.

For those who have never heard of this LARPy hacker faggotry before, HOPE is a
safe space where soyboi Communists can cosplay as Neo and Enemy of the State,
and impersonate being a Tech Expert by giving talks which are devoid of any
challenging, original technical content. Meanwhile, 99% of the attendees at
HOPE cannot code themselves, but can only steal Other People's Code, only talk
about what other great hackers have accomplished. HOPE is also a Deep State
front used for recruiting and propaganda, with most of the HOPE leadership
being covert employees of CIA, NSA and Military Intelligence.

Apparently, the purpose of HOPE is to provide a stage for CIA dick washers to
Virtue Signal to each other how 1337 and "NSA-Proof" they really are, without
having read a single page from the 21,000 pages of Top Secret documents leaked
to date by Snowden, and while being utterly ignorant about the NSA's astounding
surveillance capabilities and the NSA's astronomical scale of SIGINT
collection, which includes targetting everyone at HOPE, all to perpetuate the
ludicrous myth that these IT worker-bee peons are somehow "fighting The Man"
instead of being The Man.

Since the Nazis prosecuted at Nuremberg were tested and shown to have an
average IQ of 128, it comes as no surprise that these same Nazi's pulled a
Kobayashi Maneuver, and cleverly "hacked back" by turning HOPE's inherent
weakness against themselves, by repurposing HOPE's prohibition against
censoring attendees based solely on their Political views to evade being kicked
out of the conference. Official HOPE policy is that all political dissidents,
such as Nazis, are welcome, as long as they don't threaten nor hurt anyone, and
obey the rules to engage in the debate of ideas promoting the public discourse.

One Oberschütze of the Waffen SS had his MAGA hat stolen off his head by some
betacuck orbiter, but since he performed his reconaissance due dilligance and befriended
the uncucked HOPE security personnel at a titty bar prior to the conference,
his hat was quickly recovered by security, and the police were called and his
assailant was kicked out of the conference.

This enforcement of property laws to protect Nazi's hats, which are symbols of
virulent racism, White Supremacy and the Fourth Reich, only enraged the rest of
the Shitlib HOPE Snowflakes, who unanimously believe that they are above the
law when they decide that someone is a Nazi and when they grant themselves the
extrajudicial vigilante authority to commit violence and punch that Nazi, or
when they advocate the total dehumanization of anyone they declare to be a Nazi
and incite the rioting Antifa mobs to lynch and murder any imagined Nazis.

Attached: konrad_zuse_quote_becoming_computers.jpeg (762x360 223.81 KB, 412.23K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Barrett Brown was outraged that HOPE didn't physically assault and murder these
Nazi's on the spot. Brown is a convicted felon, in debt for hundreds of
thousands of dollars, a heroin addict, and a vain idiot who fell for the FBI's
Sabu false flag back in 2011, and voluntarily promoted his big ego to be the
"Spokesman" of the Anonymous hacker gang, without realizing that he was
setting himself up to be the FBI's patsy and fall-guy.

Then the Official Anonymous account from the Sabu days, who has since
become an overt pro-Deep State shill who daily sucks Langley's dick and
swallows all of its lies and propaganda, claimed that one of the Nazi gate
crashers was the notorious Deep State contractor Thomas Ryan, who himself has a long
history working as a Govt paid shill, such as when he travels to Israel under
contract to train the JIDF how to be better trolls, and such as when Thomas
Ryan was exposed as being the fake hacker persona, and anti-Trump,
anti-Wikileaks and pro-Globalist Reptillian NWO OWG Deep State shill known as
"The Jester."

What bugs me the most about all of this hacker larping is that HOPE held a talk titled
"Online Monitoring of the AltRight."

Since when did hackers become the bad guys and join the Dark Side? Since when
did hackers slurp the jizz from the tiny, flaccid micropenises of the Feds?
Since when did hackers earn stars and gold stickers for snitching and acting as
agents provacateur against their fellow countrymen, who are a legitimate
political opposition and oppressed minority? Since when did hackers sell their
souls to serve the (((Satanic interests))) of Globalist Corporate Conglomerates and the Military
Industrial Complex?

These fake hacker fucks need to be made example of, and be punished, publicly and harshly to send a message
that the old hacker culture is back and that no amount of NSA CORE SECRETS infiltration and AppaGoogaFaceSoftZon cuckbucks can buy the loyalty of the foot soldiers of the Internet revolution.

who are you trying to convince?

First post, kike post.

OP, this is hilarious and I love your documentation. Thank you and God bless.

GenZ here. Going to be learning to be the best dev I can be with side interests in AI and networks. Don't worry, the old hacker spirit is still alive.

Where is video of the mayhem?

No really Nathaniel, everyone knows that is bullshit. Even the none tech anons here are aware of that.

This is a kike thread. The OP works for the NSA.

even the hope conference itself is saying they don't give a shit

First gen hackers were/are boomers and terrible lefties. Shit man, does RMS look in any way square?. Yeah, when it suited their purpose they were all about free speech and fighting the power. Well, you know the rest of that story.

I sure do user.

"When I am weaker than you, I ask you for freedom because that is according to your principles; when I am stronger than you, I take away your freedom because that is according to my principles." - Frank Herbert, on Leftists

They need to check themselves them, because they are not stronger than us.

I like the cut of your jib.

One tip, the Waffen SS is merely a combat unit differing little in aim from the Wehrmacht. If you want a term that describes the Hollywood bogeyman Nazis, try the SS Einsatzgruppen.

No, but they've been sniffing their own farts for too long. Almost thirty straight years. They've got their heads firmly up their own asses. That works well for us.

People like you are depressing. I work for the government and I wanna discuss cool nazi stuff.

The left are their own worst enemies. We will win as long as we stay level headed.

Have you met me? I can’t even do that for a day.

Have you tried taking your medication? Listen, it may suck right now but slowly your brain will normalize and you can live a regular live without feeling as afraid as you do right now.

Doctors aren't your enemy, as hard as it is to believe. Just sit back and ask yourself, "Am I living the life I want to live right now. If I wasn't so afraid, could I be living a life doing something else?"

Because you still can do that thing you want in life, but you just have to take your medication.

breddy gud

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There is a fine line when it comes to being amusing and actually explaining wtf the thread is about, and this time OP failed and wound up on the wrong side of the line. Some of his previous threads were fun, but this one fell flat.

I disagree. There were plenty of truth seekers (now dead) out there, especially cryptography or cracker types.

You know, the ones that mysteriously die of cancer after a big leak. Not to mention all the dead lawyers.

hahahah OP is a kike. the Iranians are pushing your shit in at the golan heights, whats wrong you kike pussies cant fight back?

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Fuck off moshe.

Attached: unicorn riot btfo.gif (480x270, 7.32M)

kek, good one, i haven't seen that yet

Attached: WP march 4.jpg (2048x1365 26.13 KB, 834.57K)

one more :)

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Hope more cons end up like this.

So where is the video documentation of this?



I doxed "The Jester" and he is not Thomas Ryan.

shit thread OP

i know Thomas Ryan isn't The Jester.

because even The Jester is too big of a shit talking faggot who doesn't really hack anything for Thomas Ryan to pull off that impersonation.

actually, The Jester is US Army Major TJ O'Connor,

What a big coincidence that Major TJ O'Connor wrote a paper "studying" The Jester. Obviously this was a "sheep dip" ploy to lend technical legitimacy to The Jester, by taking xer seriously as a "hacker", to distract from the utter lack of evidence that Jester has ever hacked anything and is anything more than a lame Army Cyber stunt for psychological war.

Attached: major_tj_oconnor.jpg (256x320, 12.6K)

The con is run by a pedo jew who calls himself, 'Goldberg' after the 1984 shit. It's all faggy NYC jews. American 'hackers' are majority, leftwing soyboys today. All pig controlled as well. Most of them suck corporate dick during the day then larp at night like spastic autistes who think petty shit will change the world. Just completely fucked in the head. Avoid so you don't get caught up in some jew conspiracy.

Sadly, i agree with you.

going back to the early 1980's, RMS was indeed eerily prophetic and
dead to rights about all of the looming (((Dystopian Orwellian Nightware)))
which is a fulfilled prophecy today, and he was fucking Nostradamus in
predicting that mass scale turn-key cryptography would be weaponized against
the User, and lead to the closing of the Computing frontier, and the locking
out of the User from owning their own CPU and having the Freedom to modify
their own software, and then all of us Users becoming powerless digital serfs
forced to rent and toil on fiefdoms to the profit some megabillionaire Liege Lord.

Yet RMS is also ideologically so far extreme Left, and is such an anti-white
race traitor, that if today was 1918, RMS would be a Chekist rifleman firing at
Russian Aristocrats in the streets of Moscow.

then there's all the pro-degeneracy and pro-pedo comments from RMS, spanning
decades, and in so many different contexts that there is no way to resolve his
bizarre sexual beliefs with his correct technical beliefs.

i mean who the fuck voices strong opinions in support of your "rights" to be a
pedo and to engage in necrophilia and bestiality other than a Pizzagate pedo
themselves? while it is quite possible that RMS is such a fucking virgin
Sperg, so far out on the spectrum that he is incapable of realizing the social
context of what he is saying, and instead he hyperfocuses on the narrow logical
minutia, like most extreme Autists are apt to fall into, so he may not be a
pedo, and just a fucking mental weirdo.

Attached: rms_young.jpg (480x360, 12.78K)

the thing that completely killed the "Hacker Mythos" for me was Snowden.

"hacker culture" as we know it has always been a convenient and self-serving
lie, a Deep State psyop feint to disguise that the true intent of the Internet
was to engineer the perfect system for population Control.

the Internet was never "organic" like we have been led to believe. between
DARPA funded programs at Stanford Research Institute (SRI) in the 1970's for
the early work on ARPANET and the unbelievably coincident crossover between
ARPANET workers, and ex-CIA personnel who worked on MKULTRA and went on to
launch several mind control spin offs targetting New Age hippy cults and
paranormal and extraterrestrial research institutes.

watching hacker faggots like L0pt go from scraggily long haired teenage dweebs,
to turning pro and cashing out for millions and billions in corporate buy outs,
and attending their stupid annual Vegas cons like the pilgrimage to Mecca,
which grows more sterile and phony and corporate ever year, with more
lavishly funded parties, while the technical bar for tech talks lowers every
year, and where the point of the whole ritual seems to be the most elaborate
scam to trick the corporate masters to fund open bars with an expensable excuse
to get black out drunk on the corporate Amex.

post-Snowden, i can no longer resolve the Starship Destroyer sized gap between
the smug bravado and extortion like threats these wannabe god hacker frauds
display on stage ("it'd be a shame if your XYZ got hacked, now wouldn't it, so
you better pay my cyber firm a six digit annual subscription fee to receive our
Threat Intelligence news letter, so you can secure yourself from being hacked
by us"), and the holy-fucking-shit mass e-raping of the world going on at NSA
and the FVEYS.

when NSA TURMOIL/TURBINE is literally the mythic "global passive adversary",
and is recording the entire Internet through "passive SIGINT", and when NSA has
thousands of other programs we still don't know about because fucking Greenwald
will milk the Snowden Cache to the last shekel, and when we see proof from GCHQ
that the FVEYS pool all of their 0days to share among each other and that they
receive over 10,000 new exploits year, and when every phone is running at least
3 secret operating systems underneath what you think is your operating system,
1 on the baseband radio, 2 on the CPU, and none of which you stupid fucking
Users can access nor control in any way, and when the NSA's backdooring of
crypto standards likely extends to random number generators, which means every
cipher in the world has been wide open for trivial decryption going back to the
90's (which probably explains why the NSA abruptly reversed it's policy banning
all export of RSA as a munition under ITAR in 1997, because according to
Michael Hayden in a declassified CIA interview from 1999, the NSA then had
something called the "Parameter Z" so that "bit lengths no longer matter"),
which means the past 30 years of cryptography has been a Big Fat Fucking
Lie–wheels within wheels, where one outer ring of false secrets and fake
programs masks the next ring and the next ring on down to the CORE
SECRETS–that NSA has been secretly decrypting all cryptography the whole time.

now when i see any "professional hackers" talk that shit on stage and LARP as
if they are Hacking the Gibson, i just fucking howl with laughter at them,
seeing them as they really are–clowns and imposters and con artists using
fear of the technological unknown to scam shekels from you sheeple masses.

the only ray of hope in hacking post-Snowden is Guccifer the Shadowbroker, who
is the biggest conspiracy mindfuck of all time, and who will never be caught by
the way.

ultimately, i'm a more stick and less carrot type of user, so i always side
with whoever seems to have the edge on Chaos, because The House Always Wins,
and the House is the unstoppable Universal Thermodynamic Force of Entropy. i
trust Chaos, which restores equilibrium through random processes of creative
destruction, more than i trust fucking hacker actors in shiny suits who can't
code and who work for the Feds as safe decoys to cover up that we are entering
year 21 of the biggest covert cyber war raging like wildfire out there in the
Real World.

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Say no to drugs kid , stay in school and hug your mom

For anons reading this, you can help by researching just how much antifa presence was at HOPE and who are the shepherds that are pulling the strings to subverting the entire scene.

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make cybernazis real.can we create a greater genre than cyberpunk? cybernazis could be high tech, good life, where technology is used to better human corporations, like we see in cyberpunk, but cyber lebensraum, cyberspace free of kikes.we could potentionaly have superior warez, and make it known that it was made by cybernazis which would make left either not use it or get their shit fucked in and use it and face hypocrisy. maybe make cybernazi license.we got the new fashwave aesthetics going too. thoughts?

Attached: C6MB40fWYAAzj44.jpg (1280x720, 157.09K)

Every right winger should become a hacker at this point.

good post user, care to explain or give a glimpse why guccifer will never get caught and how is that possible since NSA can do whatever the fuck they want? how is he gonna evade that?

They are trying to deplatform anyone that isn’t them. Will never work.

Are you on like a double dose of acid or something? I don’t take medication and fear is something everyone knows I don’t have. Seriously though are you on a double dose of acid though?

This is some serious kike pharma shilling.

They're pretty transparent about it. Especially if they're egotistical trannies.


1. Are you manually hitting return or is those in-paragraph line breaks being done in some automatic way?
2. I wanna say I’ve had shorter posts rejected for containing too much text, implying you didn’t hack 8ch’s per-post character limit.

here's why Guccifer the Shadowbroker will never be caught.

it won't be because the faggot FBI cucks don't already know *exactly* who he is.

they even interviewed him already.

but G2 didn't confess to shit nor give the Crooked Hillary colluding Special Agent's guilty of sedition a thin thread to go on. the only thing G2 told the FBI was an hour long diatribe ranting about how corrupt the FBI had become, and how every Special Agent was pissing on the grave of the great J Edgar Hoover and defiling Hoover's heroic legacy by becoming petty partisan political hacks who stole elections from the American people. imagine being an FBI Special Agent back in 2017 and interviewing some guy suspected of beings Guccifer the Shadowbroker, but being told to your face that your new interim director McCabe is a crook guilty of bribery and that his ass is going to be fired any day real soon now.

"that's definitely not /ourguy/–he's obviously just some crazy person."

NSA can't touch G2 is because they fear him because he is smarter than they are. that and the threat of devastating Graymail that would end NSA forever.
so NSA can either hunt G2 to the ends of the earth, and risk blowing up in their own Greymail, or just leave G2 alone and pray to fucking God that he gets bored with being a one man Rambo at war with them, and gets a gf and gets a job and gets a mortgage and moves on in life and stops cyber bullying poor defenseless NSA.

wanna bet NSA would rather not know who G2 is and never catch him?

NSA still can't figure out how G2 fucked them in all holes. nor can NSA even compile an inventory of what G2 stole. this is the splinter in the mind, driving NSA mad, because it transforms G2 from a mere stunt hacker who tipped the scales of the 2016 election with great finesse and lulz, and into a existential threat to NSA.

what if G2 penetrated NSA deeper than they believe is even possible, and stole their really really bad goodies? the worst of the worst Top Secrets which only a dozen of NSA'ers even know about? i'm talking the shit that if revealed would trigger the public's revocation on FedGov's monopoly on the use of force, followed by the collapse of the Federal Govt within 72 hours.

what if i told you the NSA's worst sin isn't that they spy on everyone, but that they have all of the evidence for the worst crimes committed in history just sitting in the Yottabytes stored in Bluffdale, they know exactly who are all of the Crime Lords and Mafia Dons and Pedo Kings who steal trillions from the whole world, they know who are the bribed Congressmen, Judges, and Prosecutors, on down to which Border Patrol officer is on the take to the Narcos and which DEA agent is a meth fiend and which CIA officer is a gloryhole addict and which FBI chief is a Chinese mole?

what if i told you the NSA's dirtiest secret is that this whole time they could have used their awesome powers to purge the world of corruption, war crimes and evil, making those QLARP "42,000 sealed indictments" look like a shitty Jehovah's Witnesses pamphlet by comparison to 4,200,000 sealed indictments?

Attached: classified_mark13.gif (540x292, 1.86M)

what if i told you the NSA's deepest fear is that you will find out that are bad at their jobs. NSA's blackest secret is that they sat back and watched everyone sinning the same way God does? but unlike the Almighty, the NSA did nothing to stop any of it, because NSA's gravest sin is the same Pride which caused Lucifer's fall–they were too afraid to Do The Right Thing, because busting anyone would reveal that they had been illegally spying on everyone for decades, and so NSA made a fatal decision to allow Evil to persist in this world without punishment, in order to protect their great secret that mass surveillance was occuring at all.

what if i told you G2 figured all of this out from the Snowden leaks, and it made him so angry that he "somehow" acquired a decrypted copy of Snowden's Cache so that he could see the full extent of NSA's mission failure, and that G2 found certain technical details in Snowden's Cache which allowed him to breach the relays which NSA TAO used as proxies to hack everyone else?

what if i told you that G2 then followed that trail UPSTREAM, gathering copies of full disk images of breached TAO servers along the way, extracting whatever exploits and viruses he came across, and then turning NSA's own cyber rifles against them to breach more of NSA's vast infrastructure of millions of servers, until he reached a sufficient stopping point where he had exfiltrated enough evidence in the form of petabytes of the NSA's hard drives, which would be enough to guarantee the NSA is disbanded forever after the data is leaked to Wikileaks?

what if i told you the whole reason why the Deep State left Assange alone for 8 years, but suddenly decided to pull the plug on his Internet and lock him in his Embassy bedroom forbidden to see visitors or communicate at all with the outside world, is because the NSA realized at some point that even though G2 had gone quiet, his Mission from God wasn't finished, and that at some point he would attempt to sneakernet deaddrop all of those Petabytes jacked from Bluffdale to Assange's bedroom, for immediate publication on Wikileaks?

what if i told you even though NSA may have delayed G2 for now by turning Assange into a new Man in the Iron Mask, they have only made things worse for themselves? NSA having its mission failure dumped on Wikileaks and broadcast to the entire world is not even close to the worst thing that can happen to them. now the NSA has driven G2 into a corner and forced him to take desperate measures. such as establishing contact with the Russian SVR via their numbers station. such as preparing for his exfiltration from America via an ocean pickup by a Russian Krasnodar stealth submarine. such as personally placing all of the NSA's stolen petabytes in the hands of President Putin himself, wrapped in a pretty red bow. such as accepting his new life as a Russian citizen, and becoming a fluent Russian speaker, unlike a certain other cuck leaker, and wearing his Hero of the Russian Federation medal to the gym and continuing his hacker work to assist the SVR with making the most efficient use of the data he stole from NSA, in order to make the 21st Century a century where Russia is the dominant world super power.

what if?

Attached: red_october_time_indeed.jpg (1280x720, 34.64K)

Unicorn Riot? It's just an antifa e-activism group filled with mentally ill trannies. The unicorn is used a symbol of Transgender ideology. "Riot" is about them getting anal over seeing anything right-wing, calling it "fascist". Here's the source of their symbol in pic related.

If any of you faggots are reading this, you will all kill yourselves because you've fought to destroy your country. Your concerns will be drowned out for the new invaders that you've willingly invited and they won't be kind like us. Most trannies die in black neighborhoods and run away from spic ones like the aids-infected one that died in ICE custody. You will pay the price for what you've done for undermining the security of this nation, it's guaranteed. You subhumans don't deserve the high-trust white society.

Doxing them shouldn't be hard. Like all trannies and homos, they're all narcissistic attention whores who are vocal about every activity they do. Shittiest OPSEC imaginable. It's ironic that these "anti-establishment marginalized" types work in corps like Google and Microsoft. Edward (his tranny name is Emily) Gorenskii is one of the Unicorn Riot members. He doxed a lot of the dumb fat low IQ whites who attended UTR.

The reason why there's so many faggot hackers is because cyberpunk media like Ghost in the Shell had the theme of homosexuality and Gender Identity. So I guess they want to emulate it because it's cool.

Attached: tranny unicorn.jpg (3300x2550, 1.28M)

I hope that wimpy looking muppet in the first pic isn't the /ourguy/ in this case. I hate to play the optics angle, but having some skinny kid as a public face isn't the way to go.

Amygdalets, when will they learn?

Not to get in the way of your LARP but the NSA isn't retarded and has multiple redundant levels of airgap to protect their BIG files.

You need your eyes checked. He doesn't look wimpy, just normal. He doesn't look like a fat dopey methhead like the other WNs are (Kike Enoch, Fatt Heimbach, and Harold Covington).

That said, there's room for improvement. Dude needs to lift more and take boxing lessons.

this is what journalism should always look like, jesus christ

Boxing isn’t going to help that dude. Lifting might.

and if what I've heard is correct the high value information is stored on a totally unique operating system requiring knowledge of a unique programming language to use. Unless your boy was able to walk through multiple layers of human/digital/and off site security (some guards are in a separate location and you need both stations to agree to buzz you in) somehow hiding (custom made) storage that has the right kind of proprietary data transfer wires ports built in that would also require them to be formatted into a unique drive format and not pull up any warning bells as you download data onto it. Well that'd be heartening

Kek this. They are the same faggots that are Windows server admins and work for Big Tech niggercorps like Nosebook and Google.

Attached: 9b84c0d9.jpg (747x1133, 344.41K)

latent homosexuality

As if Hitler did control every minute detail in Germany between 1933-45

First, they are no hackers by your own description.

Second, “progressive, anti-establishment” types acting as shills and snitches, ever since the “counter culture” of the 60’s. Historically since before the first world war.

Not so brazen and overt then, but today they feel as establishment, despite the rhetoric.

The 60’s “counter culture” was mostly establishment guys goys and jews trying to force and bend society, in a way the non-privileged working class part didn’t like.

Never existed for them. They always called for the physical destruction of their opponents.

From establishment darling to public enemy in what time? His OP totally subverted.

Shady gatekeeper along with the establishment press

What beyond Power Point slides did he provide?


Mentally ill, all of them, no purpose in trying to reason with them.

ftfy user, using leftist words makes it cringey as fuck tbh

care to explain?

Not sure you ought to believe what you've heard. Sounds like pilpul.

Frauds usually parrot back some goofy line like this.

Attached: mgs2_create_context.gif (300x195, 19.33K)

Not sure why these cucks are surprised about it. The blackhat community has always been full of "nazis", they give no fucks, they literally break the laws to begin with so why the leftycuck spergout?

That's gommies for you.

Nice bait
as far as i'm concerned psychs get the rope before the (other) jews

I thought we already were and according to the left we all have Russian citizenship as well.

First gen hackers were not boomers. The greatest gen guys had a long list of hackers. The definition of a hacker is not correlated directly to computers. It has to do with repurposing technology to solve a problem.

Yes, but so did a lot of other people. Question: What is he doing about it? What big plan did he ever have for reversing this trend, other than preaching to choir?

Attached: Demands.png (1280x720 6.64 KB, 1.39M)

He means Guccifer 2.0, not actually Guccifer. It's an "official fact" released by the Mueller probe that Guccifer 2 was a Russian government agent.

Attached: mueller-guccifer-2.0.png (578x632, 234.08K)

The NSA has been around since the 50s and have pretty much had an unlimited budget. They have stuff no one else has.

Greenwald went to great lengths to protect Snowden, but immediately double crossed Reality Winner. Why?

I think that story is too Hollywood. I'm still of the mind that Snowden is a psyop to create paranoia and the NSA is full of incompetent boobs. I think the reality is that the NSA has a huge budget and just buys their data and analytics from FAANG, etc. I doubt they can parse all their data stores in any meaningful way. The NSA is Santa Claus for adults. The NSA will know if you've been naughty.

I can't think of one terror plot they've foiled which wasn't 100% an entrapment scheme. Let me know if I'm wrong.

What is this bullshit?

The Guccifer 2.0 leaks were a false flag by the DNC to take attention off Wikileaks' DNC Leak. The files were clearly copied directly off a workstation by the owner of said workstation. Guccifer 2.0 doesn't exist.

This thread is a glow-in-the-dark FID operation, isn't it?

Why, retard? I have worked for the government most of my life and I'm a longtime Zig Forumslack.

But user, we are the cybernazi.

this user gets it

Go back to Zig Forums faggot script kiddy.

how to become l33t? any good resource or forum recommendation?

as a most wanted hacker fugitive currently on the run from the NSA, i shall impart some advice from my own experiences to you, amigo.

the good news is since you're haunting these here boards, you're already closer to having the Potential
to become a great hacker than 99% of faggot little brain Boomer Normies, since you probably possess many of the NEET and Autist personality traits to even be on Zig Forums in the first place.

the bad news is there is only one way to become 1337.

you will need a mental stamina which has broken thousands and millions of prisoners in gulags and death camps and black sites, and you will need the fury of injustice and what-can-one-man-do? burning in your soul.

but above all, you will need the capability to tolerate infinite amounts of boredom, while remaining intellectually curious and alert enough to spot the technical patterns that matter, such as an X-Wing sized airduct in the Death Star blueprints.

to become 1337, you must become a "walking encyclopedia" of all human knowledge, because like MacGyver, you can never know when some useless factoid will be the key to get your ass out of a jam or allows you to breach a perimeter or escape from capture.

of course by human knowledge, i mean mostly technical subjects, like math, physics and computing.

you will need to read hundreds of thousands of pages of arcane and ancient technical manuals without going insane. you will need to process and retain more raw information than any Doctor or Lawyer combined. and 99% of that information will be obsolete bullshit that you will never use, but you won't be able to open governments, crash economies, ground entires militaries without firing a shot and vanish without a trace unless you know the Unknown Unknowns that you won't need to know.

here is a classic essay to get you started:

Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years by Peter Norvig

Norvig is a huge cuck, and a traitor to humanity for selling his soul to run Joogle's R&D and earn mere millions of dollars, while Joogle plundered billions from humanity, and turned the Internet into an ugly favela where everything is monetized and every surface is plastered over with hideous ad spam, and helped to destroy Civilization by spying on everyone, and turned access to knowledge into mind control by manipulating the political and economic decisions of the masses.

in spite of Norvig's failures as a person, his technical advice is top notch.

read that and do what he says.

if you want to be a 1337 hacker, you have no excuse for being a fucking lazy shit and failing other than yourself to blame. because programming is the only field of study where there is no barrier to entry, because all of the technical manuals, textbooks, academic papers, tutorials originate online and are available for free. plus, nearly all of the source code in the world is available online to study and learn from.

all you need to do is commit your time, stop jacking it to traps, stop wasting your life on pointless formulaic repetitive video games, stop watching millionaire Apes in spandex grab each other's balls–and start fucking reading the mountain of technical pages.

if you still want to be 1337 after doing this and daily studying for 2-3 years, check back here and i'll give you your next steps to take in your self-initiation into the Illuminati.

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thus, my journey begins
even if you larp, i want to believe to share some more info?what knowledge did you gain by haxoring the NSA?are the ays real? whats in antarctica? is it possible to hack aswers to these questions and live?

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Even if one did, would you really believe?

correct obviously

You were given improbable conditions to avoid answering the question. This is a common rhetorical device.

I could tell you but then id have to kill you

what else are my options here user?i either have to become leet enough to see it myself but until then, what else can i do then believe?

thats why i asked if its possible to know the answer AND live after

thanks for the resource user

Even if larp, screen capped.

The duct was womp rat sized. It was the trench that was X-wing sized (just saying)
Thanks for the link and advice, user.

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Quality info in this thread indeed.

Anybody got more stuff about the early days of the internet? it's always interesting to discover something new

I see leddit spacing, I sage

It's not a larp, it's the truth. Apply this style of thinking to everything, wherever you go, you must find a way to break into anything or get your ass out of troubles.

RMS does most of his computing inside of EMACS, including answering email and editing his website. He's just a wierdo anarcho-leftist.

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I'm not sure how new you are, but here you go. pics and link are for you and others like you.
(pic 'You are here forever' related especially)

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Wrong again.

I attribute that garbage paper to technical incompetence on the part TJ, which isn't a stretch of imagination for any govt employee.

I would stop with the Jester identity conjecture until you've done some research on your own. At least you're correct about Jester being a fraud.

To BTFO your whole theory.. read "Guccifer 2.0 NGP/VAN Metadata Analysis" by The Forensicator

A real hacker is telling you to stop the LARP.

hey user, can you give me some hope and answer any of those questions?

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it's pretty funny that you mention Jackie Stokes.

back in the Sabu era, her twitter handle was @Jaxx, and boy did she blab all sorts of shit about the Glow in the Dark Niggers.

at first, i was shocked–why would a CIA nigger be openly chit chatting with Anonymous felon hackers who were currently being sough by the FBI for their affiliation with Lulzsec?

incidentally, Jackie also openly tweeted lovey dovey faggy shit with several HOPE organizers and regular attendees about the great times they had at prior HOPE confs. that was when i marked off HOPE as a Deep State recruiting front where the Feds outnumber the hackers.

admittedly, i was intrigued when @Jaxx tweeted about "shaking the hand of her boss, Michael Morrell, upon his promotion to CIA Deputy Director."

obviously Jackie had the opposite of whatever treacherous and tax wasting skillset are essential for a long and successful career behind the interior curved walls of Langley. give Jackie a thimble of Need to Know Covert Power and her vanity will hijack her better senses and she'll blab all about it on fucking Twitter.

i can see why Jackie didn't last long at CIA and since then has gone through a series of lofty yet empty Cyber Cyber Cyber job titles between do-nothing gigs at fraudulent cyber firms like Mandiant, who don't really provide security to anyone and just feed their clients directly into the maws of the NSA for the NSA to penetrate, as well as serving as propaganda shills for the NSA to frame North Korea for the NSA's own hacking of SWIFT and risk starting Nuclear WW3 with them over some fucking lame hacks, as proven in the leaked EQGRP source code showing all of SWIFT's admin passwords to their routers, the NSA's ORACLE 0day which they used to penetrate SWIFT and record all interbank financial transactions in the world, and NSA TAO's powerpoint where they gloat about how badly they pwnd SWIFT.

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The information you are seeking can be found freely available on the internet, no hacking required.

The ays are not what you think. Read the book "Operation Trojan Horse" by John Keel

If you want to learn about Antarctica, take a look at the Piri Reis map and research the hollow earth theory.

All the answers you seek can be found in the akashic records. The real question is, what are you going to do with the knowledge, and what do you do with yourself when you've answered all your questions?

thanks user
i want to see the truth so far, ive only seen lies,and even if there is any truth out there, its so mixed up in the lies, that its hard to identify. if there is purer source of information,however… you get the glimpse of what is truth and what to look for.
ill escape the matrix
i will be free
the hacking part is for accessing credible sources, so you dont need to spend lifetime research just one of those questions

arent those even real?this is running in circles

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first understand what the matrix really is, who you really are, and where you really come from.

I think our definitions of "credible" differ. Is the CIA a credible source?


yes, the CIA is credible, in a sense that they own secret knowledge.the stuff they dont want you to know about, or that they have it.the stuff they give you for free might be a decoy, disinfo, half trurth,tip of the iceberg of the knowledge they have

how can i do that? what if i think i know the answers but im wrong? i dont want to be spoonfed everything, i just need something solid to get off off.i know im not the first one.there has to be something

i know about remote viewing i read the info available, but there has to be more information.and not just about RV, but about everything. why waste time reinventing the wheel?

where does the CIA get this secret knowledge?
you'll find all roads lead to the same place.

start digging and start reading.

use your intuition and strive to always increase your knowledge. only this will lead you upon the path of truth.

the cia has resources much greater than individuals. they have access to experiments,unlimited manpower and budget,access to secret technology and knowledge accumulated for half a century
they can also suicide people who know the truth to make sure it doesnt spread

im already doing that, but you keep dodging the obvious.why should i look for needle in haystack if cia and other agencies have haystacks of needles?

dont let me down, user

Hello G2, big fan of your work.