Pizzagate thread?
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Pizzagate thread?
Other urls found in this thread:
image related was discoverd here:
thread was on autosage
and more findings here
which also went into autosage
This should have probably been posted long ago, but let's face it, I wanted to see how cucked the investigation would get and if it would survive the D&C. Throughout the entire investigation, it seems no one was able to uncover any links like what I had firsthand witnessed a few years ago. I choose now to release this both because the investigation has run very cold, and too many D&C shills have sent it fractured looking for all the wrong red herrings.
A few years ago , an seemingly unrelated chain-of-events occurred that allowed me to be in a position to see the white-slave trade basically firsthand. Due to the sensitive nature regarding the events, only the summary will be given. The involvement from alphabet soup is unbelievable. There are multiple paths that lead to the DOJ via 3 services.
Basic Background
During a routine business trip to Arizona, we sometimes ran into less than reputable folks(fuck it, this is pol, they were fucking niggers, but we couldn't decriminate without getting sued so needless to say, we had to open an account for them). Some of these folks will run a long con in an attempt to eventually steal inventory once they've built up enough credit to run Net15 and Net30 contracts. Company didn't realize we were being set up to be scammed, and on the shipment of the largest (and first net30) I decided to personally oversee the arrival.
Our business contacts greeted me warmly, and entertained me for a few days during when the truck got delayed. That delay would save my company. During my time waiting for our trucker to arrive, I was taken to a few strip joints, etc and basically was told, "this is ours, get whatever you want, it'll be covered" Long story short, a conversation ensues about prostitution, and its management. Within a few sentences I realized, both of the our client company's owners were pimps. I was offered a chance to see some of their operation, and like any bored businessman, said "why not". What I would come to realize I saw, still haunts me.
The Gritty
The establishments I toured allowed me to see a network where these by the book definition of "Pimps" operated. It turns out most of the pimps were connected to all of the other pimps in the area, nationwide, and worldwide. Once a girl disaepears into any of these networks, she can be moved anywhere to anyone within the "players" association. Furthermore, of the (eventually) 5 pimps I met in AZ, 3 admitted to being in WitPro, and spoke at length how a lot of the shady things they do were basically covered by the Marshalls.
Girls are found and poached from anywhere. They think they are going on dates with these businessmen players, but in fact they are getting trained to turn tricks. After a few dates, lines get pushed and either a girl becomes his hoe or he moves on. Other girls are plucked homeless from the streets, etc. Since the national attention has been on Vegas, operating on the other side of the border in a state with less resources than Nevada to investigate made great sense. Bullhead City, Pheonix, and Tempe have been major operations points for a number of years. The access these guys have to change a girl's identity is unbelievable including contacts for ID's and passports, they regularly whored these women out to the Middle East, private planes, etc before Sand Niggers figured out they could wrangle them on Facebook directly and not pay the pimps their cut.
Once a girl was in their local cell, she would do whatever they asked, high or low end clients. They spoke of how they knew certain city council members, etc because they were/are clients. Business licenses, etc the whole 9 yards.
If a girl got pregnant, then the real fun began. Once pregant, they would usually throw her on the local WIC or assistance program. From here, they would get stipends for livings, etc. They would then move the girl into an apt complex they controlled about half of. Landlord rented them an entire wing basically, 15 or so apts. The apts were split up into living, daycare, cam areas, etc and all the girls WIC and other assitance money was pooled, and all food was centrally cooked which left about half their foodstamps available for sale (40-60 cents on dollar) Once birthed, the girls would have to go back to work, and the pimps would keep them in that state until the welfare assistance ran out (usually 12 - 18 mnths).
It was during this time, that some of the most horrific thing would happen. The kids would be put up for sale, basically. Offered, as I was told, to couples who wanted to jump in line at adoption agencies or couldn't qualify otherwise. They would take deposit after deposit on the child and never deliver until it was about 9-18 months old. The tally for how much a "hoe" could make in revenue during a 24-30 month stint including a child was over 1 million. Once the child was sold, the hoe was moved to another state and her name was changed and the cycle started again. Some of these women already had 2-4 kids, and never saw any of them past 3 years old.
Back then, they spoke of the coming cam-hoe as a non-threat to their enterprises, in fact a huge boon because it meant "my hoes won't ever get sick or beaten, security is so much easier". It allowed any "mis behaving" girl to be locked up in a room until she made money. There was no chance for escape now, since these girls never even see daylight, let alone walk the streets and have a chance to run. The emotional breakdown most of these girls go through, they are completely stolkholm syndrome and brainwashed into protecting their pimp. You can't get a conviction when you have 5 women take the stand and say you're "their savior".
As a result of the tours, I quietly snuck away and called our company to tell them to figure out some excuse why we can't complete this sale because things were wrong. One of the pimps began to get suspicious of me when they had stopped getting updates from the trucking company about the status of our trailer. I ended up leaving Arizona under conditions that would have made most folks quit their job. Only quick thinking and luck saved me from getting shot, and thankful for AZ's weapons laws, which allowed me to quickly obtain some protection(after hearing the story, company reinbursed me all my costs that week, and asked me to never speak of this again). They looked at me like a ghost when I walked back into the office.
These guys run their network under the protectiong of the DOJ, the Marshals, the FBI, and whatever local assholes they have paid off. Although I couldn't see any Agency connections, I was pretty sure they were around, with the amount of drugs there and their purity. All of these organizations must be purged. Comey's firing is a good start, but you must understand things need to shake much further than him. To the agents who knowingly move these guys around and allow them to set up a new shop, with all their resources at the disposal.
The pizzagate connections you need are a mere 3 degrees of separation or less from the average street hoe or owned piece of white meat.
Reader's Digest for those who can't into reading paragraphs:
These guys run their network under the protectiong of the DOJ, the Marshals, the FBI, and whatever local assholes they have paid off. Although I couldn't see any (((Agency))) connections, I was pretty sure they were around, with the amount of drugs there and their purity. All of these organizations must be purged. Comey's firing is a good start, but you must understand things need to shake much further than him. To the agents who knowingly move these guys around and allow them to set up a new shop, with all their resources at the disposal. These guys aren't you're average low level agent, they carry security clearances and are involved with undercovers and CI's. Because of their drug use, I don't see them as agents themselves, but rats turned CIs and allowed to run rampant while they feed the other things their master want:
-incriminating local politicians into being their stooges
-providing a source for prostitutes, etc
-providing a source of children or controlled abortions (satanic ritual shit)
-funneling drugs and money laundering into these same situations (one hand washes the other providing cover for cover for IDs etc)
-providing as go betweens for the cartel and whoever the fuck these guys serve
The pizzagate connections you need are a mere 3 degrees of separation or less from the average street hoe ===> her pimp/madame ======> bigger PIMP who is directly connected in child trafficking and other crazy level shit.
Would love to see if this links in with anything anyone else has experianced or seen something etc.
Good luck.
Pepperoni is code for nipples
Good read user. Thankyou for posting
damn, anons on 4cuck are lazy as fuck
take a looka t this
For those who come after the links 404 the context is
E.g., pic related is what you get when you type in the password "joint". Doesn't seem that serious to me.
take a second look at the image in op
you can't type the password 'joint' becasue it doesn't have the letters.
But if you type
you get the secret message.
if you fill the password with the missing letters you get
this seems to be serious
On top of that, only the gbc version is like that, only the gbc version has the pedo symbols on the cover.
Good to know. Thanks user. If more people shared stuff like this we could make a real difference.
Dont worry im saving every thread
i really wonder why this thread is slow
is there anything about pizzagate i need to know?
or is it because the jew who made this game for the gbc worked for the israel defense force?
I really don't get it.
I mean, right here, right here in the fucking face, only this version for gbc has this anomaly in the password and yet, nobody seems to care?
this is odd.
What was that I saw last thread the picture of Riley Reid, Ethan and Hila Klein, with some allegedly naked kid in the background? Anyone have any more info?
My big find is that the glownigger they're accusing of leaking Vault 7 stuff was also v& for running a pizza server and he has the same last name as a Hollywood pedophile. Sorry it's low-res.
I just can't picture the biggest normie couple on youtube as satanic pedos
Lurk more and learn to make a proper thread, faggot.
Why the fuck would anyone want to play a game where you are a naked niglet? anyway, among the list of password cheat codes for that game from
It had missing letters, odd for a password input.
again, non of the cheat codes work because the gbc version,d eveloped by planet interactive, doesn't have all letters!
Threads take a while on the 8ch. Have patients user
Except "BLVPZZ0" was literally the first thing the guy says he tried. And the secret message looks like an error message. Wow, what an amazing coincidence!! You fucking idiot boomer.
that is fucking chilling… I know this shit goes on and sometimes wish I could just unknow it but that just isn't possible. "What is seen… etc."
I have a friend who was an "escort" once in a while she'll drop me a line but she disappears sometimes and I'm pretty sure it's generally related to her fucking pimp du jour. I have a small business and offered her a job if she wanted to get out of the life, but in between the drugs and the excitement I think she was just hooked. She was 19 when we met probably not 21 yet. Still some fire in her eyes… for now.
Do you have a list of archive links? Man, would be nice if there was an "archives" board where people could dump important threads that have been archived. I honestly need to get all mine in order myself.
I don't think THAT Schulte is guilty. Remember when a bunch of DOD personnel were found guilty of having cp on their GOV'T DEVICES? Most of them were never charged even though it was shown that some of them paid from their plush seats in the Pentagon.
They also tried to pin a "rape" on him, I don't remember all the details off the top of my head but sounded way too much like the shit they tried to stick on Assange for me to buy it. Most of his family believe he was set up for being the whistleblower.
Remember the Paddock brother who ISN'T a cokehead connected to an acting troupe that has ties to DNC heavies? He was "arrested for cp" shortly after the Vegas false flag as well.
"Found child abuse images on your device" will be a go-to poison pill to get rid of other undesirables and whistleblowers, just watch.
Youll have to give me a URL because im using non-compatible software so sadly, it's very inconsistent, but the oldest thread I have archived is from 08/28/17
copy anun i receive you, over
you were looking at french games? how the hell did that happen? work on something useful. crush the french later. big dogs go down first.
Nevermind I'm an idiot. Should really read the OP fully before I shitpost.
Btw, notice how much the shills are sliding this thread?
They're out in full force in any of the decent threads. Part of that is cuckchan banning anyone doing serious digging, the rest though is shariablue and JIDF working overtime since the Pedowood story started breaking bigtime.
in that case, bump.
Much appreciated. While I'm here and since it's fairly relevant to the thread, have you noticed that
#MeToo only matters when it's a grown man or woman who was groped.
#TimesUp if you ogled a woman and Disney fired their Gunn out of embarassment, but that bit about "indefensible and not in line with our company values" falls kind of flat when you remember that serial child rapist and pornographer Victor Salva's "kid friendly" film Powder was from a Disney owned company or how Bryan Peck after getting fired for molesting a kid he worked with at Nickelodeon got a job working on Suite life of zach and cody at Disney or even MORE recently how Joel Iwataki is STILL working at Disney despite his child molestation conviction.
While Thyernovich (who is friends with Jeffrey Epstein's buddy Dershowitz who was implicated in child rape and the Lolita Airlines scandal, even wrote the "sweetheart deal" that gives immunity to ALL co-defendants) keeps focusing on "so and so tweeted" there are literal child molesters and rapists working in the industry who get a pass because "it was only a kid."
Pendleton Ward (Adventure Time creator) has deleted most of his Twitter feed, it only goes as far back as 2016 with the exception of a single 2011 tweet despite of the fact that his account was created back in 2008. You might think that he was simply inactive during all that time in between but both other people mentioning him on Twitter during that period and prove that he was active except for 2012 which oddly shows no archived pages.
These pics are from Alex Hirsch's twitter account.
this is innocent
100% guarantee
pizza ref. from almost a year before,
dead baby jokes were huge in his era
I'm digging through this right now.
Seth Rogan did the same thing. He deleted all his tweets prior to Oct 2016 and it looks like he pruned a few after because you KNOW that kike had to be salty as hell right after election day.
I'll tell you what I found.
Assholes who want the pedowood threads way way down the catalog.
Wait a minute. There's something here, but it's wrapped up in an insane amount of attempts at misdirection.
This lead seems like there's something there, but it's wrapped up in bullshit. Jesus, there's a lot to untangle.
Mossad is all over this shit, too. Definitely worth digging further.
oh yeah, fucking Jewish intel is all over this shit
insidious !
Any misdirection from me would be entirely accidental. I know a lot of people hate when you disparage "figures" like Cerno, but I genuinely don't trust him and believe he was planted as the "pizzagate guy" so that the story could be easily quashed. He takes pages straight from Alex Jonestein's playbook.
Speaking of Mossad, there was an image shared in another pedowood thread here with Cerno grinning next to Dersho and a very "our man in Damascus" looking dude with a gold necklace with a hebrew letter of some sort (shin-bet? who knows, I don't read kike).
More interesting as far as Israeli Secret Intelligence Service (ISIS) is concerned though is Epstein's connections to some even richer and more powerful Zionist influence brokers.
I think Epstein's black op was blackmailing influential figures for Israhell.
Look into judge David Hafele as well…
Hafele pushed back Epstein's trial again and again ruled that no "salacious" or "pornographic" material could be entered into the record. Literally stated: “I don’t want this to turn into whether Jeffrey Epstein is a serial child molester." Lol wat?
He also okayed Dersho's sweetheart immunity deal and turned a case about a guy who was pimping out minors into a civil trial?!? Allowed Epstein to come and go despite his "house arrest"
Here's the REALLY relevant portion (tl;dr from the link below):
It's also interesting to note the connection between Judge David Hafele and Charlie Crist. Crist was connected to the $1.5 billion Ponzi schemer David Rothstein who said the key to his success was "wooing" politicians like Governor Crist and Senator John McCain. Rothstein says he used his bankroll to "curry favor with politicians, lawyers, bank presidents and cops to create the aura of respectability" necessary to enact his confidence scheme.
He describes a "quid pro quo" relationship with Crist that involves the Governor doing favors for him. Rothstein says one of the "favors" Crist returned was consulting with the Governor in regards to his official duties with the Judicial Nominating Commission.
After Crist appointed him, he said he would regularly consult the governor on which of the applicants should get the nod. When the search committee selected finalists, Rothstein said he made sure those Crist wanted were on the list.
Further, he said, he talked to Crist about who the governor should appoint to vacancies on the Broward County bench. He urged Crist to appoint those he believed would make favorable rulings for his law firm once they donned their judicial robes.
I've been researching institutional pedophilia since it was called teh "conspiracy of silence" and the BBC was still covering up for Prince Andrew and Jimmy Sovile.
read the image again, not french, planet interacticesa ceo is jewisch
SNCTM is the club that is organizing all the shit going on now.
you guys can check it yourself
i'm in right now and there is no way to type the normal passwords for the easteregss since there is no i-letter.
what else to try? give some pizzagate terms i will try them all.
See what? He entered some random gibberish and got a nonsense error message on his first try. Whereas there are actual codes that you can enter to get actual easter-egg messages and drawings like you see in
By all means, dive into this game's source code. Follow the instructions on
it was't the first try. Why are you not reading?
why are you not reading?
the gbc version doesn't work with the easteregg codes
do i talk to a wall? am i shadowbanned or something? It's like specific information don't get to the brain of anons! you are fucking kidding me right?
Your picture is not that interesting or worth digging into, its just a fucking shitty GBC licensed title with some crappy easter eggs.
it's an interesting find that has it's place in infographic #43289 on pizzagate
only the gbc version was developed by planet interactive, which ceo's was a former soldier for israel defense force.
Only the gbc version has the pedo symbols.
only the gbc version have missing letters
only with the gbc version the normal passwords for the eastereggs don't work
only the gbc version use other passwords for the gbc version
only with the gbc version you get the secret message (or error codes) by typing pizzagate terms in
the only version, developed by a someone who was a former soldier for israel defense force
not only is there a pedo symbol on the box cover, but also do pizzagate terms work in the password section
only on the gbc version
if the guy who dig depper would have said this too, he wouldn't know now that the developer ceo was a former israel defense force soldier
people like you who jump immiditley from the ship and start telling everyone else to do so are the reason why this planet went to shit
this concern is real
the symbolic on the cover is real
the pedo terms in the password section are real
now fuck off jidf shill
Isn't that a Shriners/Jesters fez he's wearing?
Not sure if you all have seen this video, but it's a kike named Vicki Polin speaking on oprah about how she has personally witnessed and taken part of satanic rituals and sacrifices with other kikes. She started a nonprofit called The Awareness Center https://
Could be nothing, but there might be links with her group that haven't been found yet.
Sometimes I feel like I'm in hell. You're lucky to be alive by the way. Any weird shit happen since then? Strange phone calls or intimidation?
You could probably try making one on >>>/polarchive/ , it should be willing to host that content.
Of course, that's the misdirection and distraction the juden forced out of fear the people would catch on to their child rape and sacrifice cult.
Zig Forums doesn't have shadowbans. What you're dealing with from 897e95 and his alternate VPN 3406b7 is a pretty typical fucking shill of the "it's nothing you're looking at nothing" variety. I'm almost surprised he hasn't tried the "this is nothing let's go to sleep aren't you feeling tired?" line yet.
I reported that drag queen kids cartoon for child abuse but I don't think much will come of it.
What does that stand for?
You won't find them here. Him reporting on it honestly hurts the whole thing because of how untrusted he is on the right.
May They All Swing From The Lowest Door Knobs
Apparently a lot of these Jewminati sex clubs like to leave out vowels from the names of their clubs. Snctm = sanctum. Seems intended as a mockery of God, since a sanctum is supposed to be a holy place. (437 MB) (202 MB)
in there is the original obama moloch photo that was big on 4chan a few months ago. Since the pizzagate threads where unstickied after I pretty much proved masonic conspiracy is pizzzagate in the last Zig Forums investigations thread. Since they stopped allowing that to be a sticky I posted the obama photo on /qresearch/ in a pizzagate thread the investigation continued there.
That's not very clever.
I assumed it was an acronym.
Sanctum is masonic term
sanctum has masonic logo
snctm is masonic
Meet David R. Jones - that photo of the girl surrounded by horsemen is from a scene in True Detective, of a pedophile cult and one of their assumed victims. Why would this guy make it his cover photo on facebook?
"David R. Jones is the Past Master of both Coph Nia and Thelema Lodges, O.T.O.. He was initiated into O.T.O. in 1984 e.v. and has been studying and practicing Thelemic magick and yoga since 1978. Brother Jones is a founding member of the Center for Enochian Studies and the John Dee Society and has published articles in the Thelema Lodge Calendar, The Coph Nia Wand and Sekhet-Maat’s Lion & Serpent. His life and work have been discussed in The Black Lodge of Santa Cruz, Synchronicity and the Seventh Seal and recently in Lon DuQuette’s Enochian Vision Magick. He holds degrees in Classics and Religious Studies from the University of Oregon magna cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa."
Anyone who forgot to save most of these images should definitely grab this archive.
forgot this one
I remember that oto thread. Glad you keep digging I want to dig too the oto is involved with snctm
Good researcher and goyim
good work
I am sure that is a time limited passport because it is a State Deptartment one, not the penal blue civilian version.
Penal should be regular. Fucking mobile shitboasting.
I say again
I mean fuck, not checking this bump would be criminal.
sliding the info eh schlomo?
link to guy who attended nxivm party in 2007. attended by james alefantis, anthony weiner, uma abadeen and others. theres also a vid on youtube of him passing a polygraph if you look for it
vid of dude detailing blind item reveal from which alleges nxivm involvement with human trafficing from middle east and murder
if all true then pizzagate and nxivm connected
i dont know much about what happened in lybia but my gut tells me hrc is involved. she seemed pretty keen on fucken that place up didnt she??
yaas queen, bump
I have been doxing girls that did pedoshoots while they were younger
this girl was called "Miss Alli" when she was younger and was working for Ukrainian photoshoot company that did a lot of cp in early 2000s
She has a twitch and twitter
You could probably blackmail her and send a message to those pedos
why the fuck would you dox victims of human trafficking?
so tired of you perverts spending all day shitting up pol with celebrity threads and sick obsessions wanting to talk about pedo theories. Anyone that interested in that topic has something unnatural going on.
Its not an obsession about people who are pedos like people shouting about dan harmon. My problem with dan harmon is his usage of masonic symbology. I am obsessed with the secret rumors about what the freemasons are doing because I think it is the truest conspiracy of them all. The fact that they are secretly killing mostly killing but also raping and torturing children is one of the only things I can use to get people on my side. And it since the beginning of pizzagate there is talk of not just people liking young kids its about this secret underworld that undergirds all other conspiracies and positions of influence. The so called satanic aspect of pizzagate can best be described as dark masonry. Like the dark lodge in twin peaks there is dark masonic lodges in which secret societies within secret societies can perform the most inhumane and horrible actions that can be done. Even when you look into snuff films and people online like the red rooms. Always will there be masonic symbolism like the number 33 being in the name of a spanish languaged deep web killing cartel. There is a knights templar drug cartel. This is a masonic conspiracy and I knew about pedowood. I knew about dan schneider and I knew abou the masonic symbology within the rita pratts ritual abuse art. But I had no idea how sick it was until pizzagate. Pizza is some kind of masonic inside joke that is firstly a masonic thing then its known by people not in masonry to mean people wanting cp on /b/. But the whole snuff and killing murder underworld is real and its masonic and you need to realize that. This isn't reddit. Ok you need to stop with the concern trolling because why are you trying to stop a pizzagate thread? Did the man in the glasses on cnn make you feel guilty about trolling or something?
There is a masonic conspiracy going on and you are concern trolling.
And its actually depressing doing this i have put off investigating it for that reason. I don't enjoy this. I feel obligated to do it because not a lot of people have the basic common sense to understand that its simply freemasons doing this and that can be seen in their symbolism.
The Denver airport murals show all the world militaries getting btfo. All three religions falling. No more towers of jugement. Nature dying, some being preserved. So I don't think the Mason's murals in Denver are entirely bad.
I think it also depicts the fall of the Catholic Church.
where can one find more information about the so called "watchers" as I have heard this term before but can't find any info.
you don't think gun control is bad?All the nations are bringing their guns wrapped in their national flags.
Neither can I. There is info about some kind of alien watchers but I think that's meant to distract.