/soy/ - Soyboy Hate Thread

Post your soyboys, numales, and cucks
OC is more than welcome here

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I just saw a pair of soyboys

Sucks for Israel

now that first one isn't necessarily a soyboy, going by the image alone
he looks like a nerd though

Here you go halfchan. Save this one and ditch the cuckchan silent webm. Cheers

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My god, they're idiots

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What is the history of the soyboy exactly? Were they always around? Or was it only during the 2016 election (see nu-male on Hillary ad) that they just suddenly began to appear everywhere on social media?

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They've been around a while (at least since "Current Year"), but they started coming out of the woodwork around 2016

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They've been around for at least a couple decades (remember Big Bang Theory first aired 2007).It's just that social media has given them a platform.

Soyboy janitors bumplocked the thread

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You must be one.

Yeah, despite OP calling it "hate" I don't see why a proper Zig Forums vol would bumplock this.

probably because it's offtopic and /soyboys/ already exists for this

/soyboys/ ironically unironically poses as a board that's positive towards soy. You get ironically banned for hating on soyboys so what the hell is the point in that?

It's way more fun like that?



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fuck right off

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are they even human anymore? Where is the cutoff? This is a real question.

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