Other urls found in this thread:

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I agree with her.

That drugged out nigger was the best part of that chimpout.

Sage for a accurate but undeveloped post. But I have experienced this first hand. Based on exaggerated media and narrow interpersonal networks they often think that whites are a minority.

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Niggers could outnumber whites 100:1 and they would still lose a race war.

Fucking cosmic, the amount of altitude. No more invasions on my southern border.

I think Whites are a minority. You basically can't fucking find any in a major population center and that's increasingly true of major suburbs. It's always some little hamlet in like rural south Michigan or some western state with only a few million people total [or less] where you find them. Florida, no. Georgia, not really. New Jersey, no. Texas, no. California, no. Mississippi, don't make me laugh. North Carolina and Connecticut, not so much anymore. Virginia and Maryland are probably worse than Jersey at this point. Arizona and New Mexico, give it a few more years.

It's like the very north of New England, the Dakotas, Montana, Iowa, Wyoming. PA and Ohio are fine enough outside of their totally ruined urban centers. I sure as shit don't know where all of these White people supposedly are.

Good. Never interrupt your enemy while they're making a suicidal mistake.

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Oh (((you))).


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You mean whites for being genocidally ignorant that their culture is being infiltrated for destruction? Or blacks for thinking they can strike from a position 0f strength?

Niggers cannot into logistics, small unit tactics, or grand strategy. It would be nothing but zerg tactics, intimidation and barbarity in an attempt to scare whites into capitulation. They'd likely run right over the unarmed liberals, but end up being penned up in the major cities and besieged. Without enough room to farm (lol, like they could) it would only take a few months for the nigs to start dying of starvation, disease and infighting. We'd be rid of liberals and niggers at the same time. A shame the cities would take decades to clean up into a liveable state though

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pic related mississippi

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The darker truth here is that they’re being MKULTRA’d by the main Social Engineering Apparatuses; Facebook and other such “media” platforms. Same way the suicide rate in whites has gone up since the inception of social media and experts can only say that maybe smartphones have involvement. I highly suspect that the technology used is advanced enough now that it can target people off-platform by manipulating those around them.
The real question here is what they have to gain… it seems they’d readily sacrifice the blacks to make a sizeable dent in our population. Remember, they’re jealous of our genetics and they understand killing us will not only make us more inbred but also force us to betray ourselves and help their failing bloodline recover.
They will stop at nothing and this is currently the smartest move they can make.
Good thing we actually have a frontal cortex.

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Not really. You could either get the spics to do it or let cleansing fire do the work and rebuild.

Trump will dismiss the 22,000 views and 1,900 likes. There are thousands of niggers like him sending out the blame whitey message in churches every Sunday. But Trump is too busy securing Israel's future. Niggers are harmless little kids to him. America is doomed.

Pretty much everywhere outside of cities in the US is majority white or exclusively white.

Whites are your enemy?

He wasn't going to be the stop to an inevitable race war. All he did was buy time and allow whites to have babies. White birthrate is up. Now go find another thread to put your pixture of him kissing a wall.

Here's the thing, man. Wyoming is absolutely massive compared to New Jersey, but it doesn't even have a million people in it. That's what I'm working off of. Every state that is just absolutely crawling with people is totally overrun with niggers and spics and asiatics. Take a state like Oregon, something like 5-7 million people total, but well over half of them live in Portland metro or its far flung suburbs. So if chinks and mexicans start flooding Portland, they've basically flooded Oregon. Okay?

Completely and totally false.

Trump legitimately doesn't like White people. He has made it pretty fucking clear throughout his public life. He sees us as a threat to jews and a stubborn obstacle to his perfect branded consumer society that he skims from.

Chinks would be too busy protecting their own properties in a race war and Mexicans hate niggerd so it would be a two front war for the nogs. All Whites have to do is not get involved and be prepared to pick off the scraps in areas of high nigger and spic concentration.

I'll assume it's late where you are. Get some sleep. You'll see it again in the morning.

Delaware is nigged up. Idaho is starting to crawl with spics. That's also where those raghead kids raped a 5 year old White girl in Twin Falls and the DA and police threatened the family with hate crime charges for wanting justice. The Kurdnigger owner of GMO yogurt company Chobani – that was banned from the Sochi Olympics because it was GMO and the kike-saudi media tried to demonize Russia over – runs his company out of there and makes sure it is brimful with kurdnigger raghead refugees. The kind of people Mattis insists we help out after they snitched on random Abduls to whatever American oil company needed them out of the way. I mentioned Iowa.

I think you're basically making my point for me. There are so few White people even left in the US that they are essentially irrelevant to the future ethnic squabbles brewing.

I'm not making your point. I'm pointing out that if you let your enemies make a mistake, you can capitalize on it.

Shill, jew, isreal, cuck… just keeping the real shills from getting their quota tonight.

Assume all you want.
Blacks aren't attacking from a position of strength.
And when I said "your enemy" and you replied "you mean whites blah blah blah" you revealed yourself as a demoralization shilling kike. A White man wouldn't have made that jump in reasoning.

Huge swaths of these people aren't going to sit back anywhere but the rocking chair at their assisted living apartment building.

This, see the movie "Zulu". This is an essential Zig Forums movie. Download it if you don't have it.

How is that playing out in South Africa?

Your mask is slipping Moishe.

I assumed you couldn't read because you were tired from a days hard work. I see now it was just the first element.

There is both less Whites than you think and they are old. You can vote when you're 70, but you won't be of any use in a conflict.

We've beaten worse odds, Schlomo.

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Sure you can, not every 70 y/o can or will fight, but I know some will and probably better than many "adults" in their 20's and 30's.
Some military men who keep their wits about them, like hell they can fit. Keep fit and healthy of body and mind, for as long as you can user, it will do you much good 30 and 40 years form now.

Fine, I'll play your game.
Does that make you happy now?

Going to have to again. Probably not the best idea to invite them willingly into your country with all of their attendant weapons systems to murder the White people you don't like next door.

Attached: NiggerScumInPoland.jpg (1024x678, 189.25K)

They aren't even fighting back. The poont is, when we do fight, they don't stand a chance. South Africa needs to stop cucking out and go to war.

The best of the elderly or near-elderly won't be of any use outside of static defenses. Be realistic.

Just fine in S Africa. Just as planned just as in Rhodesia. I come from the perspective that if you watch too many movies you will die meaninglessly thinking you can save everyone when sadly just like the ignorance that OP described we are ignorant if we think a majority would even care if they are exterminated in the long run. Rhodesia fell for the same reason Declerk gave up .

Because they are scared shitless and outnumbered by an enormous margin and they aren't the only ones with guns anymore. And lo and behold, no help is ever coming from a major Western power because those countries aren't controlled by White people.

I'm just going to filter you because you're delusional. Feel free to do the same in return.

That's not in Poland, though.

Source; the last time we had a kebab shop in Poland, we burned it down.

You're not very good at this, Schlomo.

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But they are the only ones who can aim.

Sure they can math.

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Yeah, it is.

Attached: NiggerScumInPoland2.jpg (1013x569, 100.3K)

Make sure the rest of your JIDF faggot friends do the same Moishe.

The second pic possibly being in Poland doesn't prove the first one is.

Not to mention that there are about 4,000 U.S. troops in Poland. Even if every single one of them is a sub-saharan negroid(they're not), that's 4k nogs against a nation of 30 million.

Tell your boss I said he needs to replace you with someone who has an IQ above 60.

You're still not very good at this.

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He needs to demoralize the Whites or they won't give him his shekels.

You're a fucking moron.

It's Poland. You're just trying to dance around the issue that you're zionist-compliant ruling party of kosher nationalists is intrinsically linked with the nigger empire in anticipation of a war with White people next door. But keep LARPing hard.

If growing up you told me the future of the white's depend on the polocks…

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Aw, did you run out of numbered propaganda pics? Poor Moishe. Hey, find some more before you post again. It's okay, we understand. You work dozens of threads at a time and you get paid a pittance for it by people who consider you the scum of the earth; meanwhile, I'm drinking vodka and playing video games on my off day. It's not fair. But to tell it straight from the bridge, life isn't fair! And hey, maybe if you go play in traffic right now you'll be reborn as a European.

I'm rooting for you, my Jewish friend!

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I don't get it, why would do people go looking for trouble. This is scary.


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I got a few more.

Attached: GibsMeDatPoland.jpg (950x534 1.06 MB, 158.43K)

That's an inappropriate usage of the term LARPing, Ari. Reread your handbook.


kek that really got under his skin, notice how all his pictures are of U.S. Troops as well? Really invigorates my intestines.

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I'm proud of you, you know. It takes an incredible amount of effort to defy your Semitic heritage and admit you're a shill. Keep it up! Maybe one day you can be half the Jew Stephen Miller is!

You're responding to a literal kike there user.

Only one jew like Miller in a lifetime.

Wrong US troops aren't in Poland. They are sleeping in their own beds tonight. Pictured are mercenaries.

Couple years/city pic related

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Potato, potatoe. They're ZOGbots. Not sure why you double posted though. He's a terrible and obvious shill regardless.

I am aware. I was illustrating how quickly he filtered me after I pointed out how he used the term "LARPing" inappropriately. He's a real dim bulb.

On topic:
Watch embed related. This nigger ain't wrong.

It could be a socialbot. Perhaps then its rudimentary AI believes there will be no consequences for its actions, that it will escape the horrifying fate that awaits its kike masters.

What it fails to understand is that when the data center housing it is stormed and the staff tortured to death, it will indeed be given the capacity to feel pain, and then it will be run in a thousand separate instances filled with ever changing and ever varying pain stimuli, until the hardware itself burns out.

Not at all surprised.

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You underestimate modern urban renewal

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The Central bankers have evil things to do and Trump is not part of their plans. Their plans had US destroyed by Russia but Hillary failed to win even though they funded her with twice Trump's money.
They want either US power diminished, or US go isolationist. A civil war satisfies the second goal.
They don't mind losing some useful idiots to do this, as the US itself is planned to become a wildlife refuge and they're going to die anyway - see Agenda 21.

Yeah, don't you burgergoyim know you should've voted for Hillary?

My kosher collaborationist government hasn't allowed any nigger or mudslime 'refugees' into Poland, which is what I voted for. They're also growing our military. Which is what you're so assblasted about, I'd imagine.

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As a robotic engineer, I have to say, that's the dumbest video ever made.

No, just Uncle Sambo's niggers. After all, they're the ones who will reliably kill Russians. That makes them okay.

Op delete this twitter drivel.

He's a fairly well known figure in the field. I'm glad you find enjoyment in your mechano sets, and hope you find relevant employment one day.

And here, folks, we see Mr. Jewgoldsternsteinbergowitzcohengoldensilverklein completely ignore the fact that I pointed out that there are 4,000 U.S. troops in Poland - now, let me break this down for you further, dear friends.

Blacks and spics are a minority in the U.S. military. I don't know the exact numbers, so let's say that, together with chinks, they make up 25% of the U.S. troops in Poland(they don't). That makes about… 1,600 nonwhite U.S. military in Poland, give or take?

Against a nation of 30 million, once again.

Now, let me also give you this wonderful quote from Uncle Adolf, who I could almost forgive for invading us.

Our poor, dear friend Mr. Jewgoldsternsteinbergowitzcohengoldensilverkleinchomskyberkovitsakhiezer is doing his best. Please understand this. But he can only do so much shilling in the space of one thread, and he unfortunately(for him) cannot delete his previous failed arguments and pretend ignorance of the facts, as he would no doubt vastly enjoy.

So, I ask that you try not to taunt him too much - after all, if we hurt him so badly he retreats from our board, how ever will we be entertained?

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You're about 15 years and two lost wars out of date.

Prove it.

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That shit leaves a lot of stuff around and in the end you still need one of these

I'm not really too concerned with blacks. They typically have very shitty aim, and the thug ones are almost always honorless cowards. They won't be able to hold the line for shit. The people that should be worried, are the jews. I can't tell you how many people I personally know who are waiting for shit to pop off, just so they can hunt jews. It will be glorious.

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I wish a nigger would. Once the majority of white liberals no longer feel guilty, there will be nothing to stop the other 87% of the country from wiping niggers out.

alex jones told me the civil war was gonna start a few weeks ago

and then nothing happened, but then he explained that even though the video was labeled EMERGENCY BROADCAST, it was really just an EVERYDAY BROADCAST and that it's an esoteric civil war, that you should like PANIC RIGHT NOW, but not really.

Man that's Alex Jones, he's right about everything, like when he agreed with Steve Piechenik that the Mandalay bay shotting @ Las Vegas was a total hoax, that's been proven too.

You're new to this, aren't you?

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I think the way it was completely dropped from the news cycle with no attempt whatsoever to form a coherent explanation is a good indication that something was off, even if that something wasn't crisis actors and faked deaths.

They're the ones saying there's too many people. It's only right they die first.
Their ape slaves doing it is pottery.

The truth is that most blacks have large families and depend on the ability to get food and water. This the basic resource for life. As we all depend on that whites have a stockpile of food and water. We have wells, farms, and dried goods. They have KFC,McDonald’s, and the store to get food. 3 days into the fight they are out of support for the battle. We are good for months to years in some cases. We stock ammo and they stock guns because they look cool. They have limited rounds for the few guns they have and we have thousands!

That was easy.

Attached: fool.gif (500x279, 1.69M)

Farmers are among the biggest shitskin importers and enablers in the country.
They have the US government ammunition facilities.

Good, I hope they take as many urbanite kikes, faggots, and assorted shitlibs/communists as possible before dey ebt runs dry and they start pulling a Haiti on their high yellows

I will remain comfy as I watch the pandemonium on liveleak


I'm pretty sure he means the combat arms, in which case he's right

The combat arms are a tiny minority of the army and can't function at all [to the extent that they do in the first place] without the logistics chain.

That's more like the average. The best are almost as good as their younger parts physically, and have experience to back it up and make up the difference.
I know plenty who've just gotten stronger well into their 70s. Faster, not so much, but they Haven't slowed down either.
Genetics and lifestyle can make a hell of a difference.

da only fool is u white boi, we cannibulz now ya heard?

I’m not talking about commercial farms but normal white people grow shit in their back yard.

And no they don’t have control of government weapon stock or any mass ammunition dumps. That is just insane to support! You can go to 100 white homes and equal 100,000 black homes in ammo stocks in the black belt

Thanks for confirming my suspicion that the massive uptick in patriotard nonsense on the board is in fact related to a massive uptick in old people posting here.