
An old topic by now, but media outlets are still brandishing the term like a weapon. What do they have to gain by demonizing such apparently volatile and vulnerable demographics? They are very eager to make comparisons to islamic terrorists and call for anti-terror like measures.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I can be sympathetic towards incels but a lot of them really do cause their own problems. I also noticed that a lot of them are non-white and/or mixed as well. If the media knew their demographics like I do, (in other words if they actually bothered to read their forums and see what they say with an open mind instead of skimming for something to get triggered about) I doubt they would be so vocal. By my rough estimatet least half and possibly more of incels are non-whites.

>make playing video games and being an incel both mental disorders by paying (((psychologists))) to declare it
Sounds about right to me. What about you?

I get the fact that its just another attack vector to shame and attack white males but I honestly don't get why they are hammering this point. Normies already are wary of antisocial virgins and already label such individuals as being outcasts and likely mass shooters. It goes in hand with that "its the quiet ones you gotta watch" thing.

Its just bizarre they feel the need to reinforce a point that the normie public has already swallowed without even one incident needed.

I have a sneaking suspicion that a huge portion of them are poos/mixed poos. Poor little shitters, no one, not even their own women want them.

When women become sexually unavailable, unexamined young men become extremely fucked up. I suppose they have a point in comparing them to muslims, because traditionally the footsoldiers were completely deprived of women and the chief took them all in a harem. No wonder they blow themselves up for the promise of 70 virgins. In China there is a problem with the balance of males to females because of abortion, and because there are so many excess males they have to offload them to africa and the west because they would go full on collapse mode otherwise. It's a huge civilizational mistake to advance sexual non-monogamy, and that's exactly what you know who are doing with this incel brand and promotion of sexual openness.

user, incels were who have almost-always changed the course of history. They weren't called that of course, but it's very often been exactly that type who have made great changes. When you have very little power, influence, and even possessions, you have very little keeping you from taking great chances. When they find themselves as men, then they tend to become capable of amazing things. Hitler could have been described as an incel, for example.

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forgot to add that the reason they're demonized so heavily, is because they know what the incels are doing to the establishment elites, and they want the normies not to listen. So, the media demonizes them.
Who are most likely to be redpilled on the jews for instance? The incel, that's who.
incredible bias, I wasn't expecting this even on wikipedia

Incel is literal newspeak. You're engaging in the dumbing down of language as a whole by continuing to use it.

Side note since I am a fucking friendless shut in but are normies actually talking about this IRL? Anyone have stories?

I miss when we just called them robots and let them live in /r9k/ in peace.

It's one of their go-to insults on (((Faceberg))) when you have a dissenting right wing opinion.

Shitty forced leftist meme, incels are being exaggerated to be an isis themed threat to women when they're just introverted pathetic virgins.
The tell was leafland being the major originator with the isolated van attack, the faggoty "feminist" leadership pushing the talking point.
It's fucking nothing.

I'm careful not to lend the term legitimacy publicly but this is a relevant topic, like says disaffected young men are a primary catalyst of change in history.

This counts as TV now? Is that supposed to be an antagonist they are shaking down? This is why liberal media is so fucking boring, they don't offer the least bit of respect to their opposition. How are you supposed to cheer for the 'heroes' when they are just walking all over your big bad mean right wing stooge?

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what if

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It's just some soy-filled way to call someone a nerd virgin faggot without bullying them because bullying is totally bad.

I think the weirdest part is that the media seems to think these people identify themselves as incels, like it's a club they're totally into.

I've never heard it used outside of leftist news propaganda.

Wait, people actually use this term?

True, and it is only time before the proud incel movement gathers 'alt-right' steam. Maybe not though, most incels are the disabled mixed with the lower end of the dating pool– which has always existed. Violence amongst this particular group likely has stayed the same, low from not being able to physically commit violence or they don't actually leave the house etc. Using these terms helps gather a staging focus point to later utilize the same strawman and slander tactics as well as scare ugly women who are afraid because they have a roastie problem.

By joining nazi with traditional conservative views, then "pepe", and now "incel" they have produced a means to shut down anyone that runs counter to acceptable in the eyes of kike puppetmasters beliefs.

To better phrase my point:
If they run the story incel=nazi, or incel="crazed psychotic killer" for long enough they place a subconscious command in their followers which is used to shut down all rational thought.
It just so happens that this group is highly critical of the gynocentric politics which has infected society.

I predict it should be obvious to everyone that sexual activity profiling will be used in the near future to exclude people from employment or other key parts of society.
Too little and your natural? Obviously subversive.
Too much and your natural? Obviously subversive.
Lose your virginity too late in life? Soulless monster.

The "incel" meme is a sexual degeneracy meme. It specifically targets the cultural meme "dudes who really want to get laid but cant". This will be reduced to "dudes that don't get laid". Incels are as much a product of degenerate culture as whores. Do NOT identify as an incel (or anything else for that matter), because it is a sneaky "muh dick" culture ideologue. THe idea being that
1>you really want something you can't have
2>The something just happens to be the most abused marketing trope (theres are even fucking Hardees commercials with supermodel sex symbols selling garbage fast food)

They are campaigning against free thinkers trying to tune out from the "Muh dick" programming. Advertisement would lose a valuable tool if suddenly sexualization of literally everything imaginable lost its appeal power

Remember to have lots of sex with anything that moves or youre probably a spree killer in waiting. Sex is freedom

"Incel retort" - I'd rather never get laid again than support the normalization of pedo culture.

Steer the conversation away from degeneracy that normal people can be on board with(summer of love fuckfest type shit). Then point out how these faggots hire pedos to direct Disney Movies and kids cartoons. Use the incel meme against them, pedos are fucking incels that become predatory. This is the point of even pushing the meme to begin with

How are these your alternates? I mean it, how does a retard jump from the idea someone is an incel to them being a pedo?

How in the fuck does that work?

Why having (or not having) sex is any issue for anyone else besides the person in that situation?
Aren´t libshits all pro abortion and anti white pregnancy?

Sex is overvalued, it is just a bodily function

A better retort is to steer the conversation into why it's okay to attack men who cannot find a partner, but it's wrong to mock a woman who doesn't have a husband and kids by 30, eschewing family for labor.

You must use an amygdala hijack to beat logic into these people.

How about you don't fall for the trap of discussing your sexual exploits (or lack thereof) altogether? That's a private issue and is never relevant to any discussion outside of your significant other or under doctor confidentiality. Certainly not with some fucking kike you are arguing with.

I never really considered Hitler to be "incel", but rather "volcel" i.e. "Voluntary celibate". like Tesla
Even with that being stated; Hitler still saw the value in the opposite sex.

A reflection of the so called "Law of the Land" eh?
Hard times create great men. Are you a great man?

An opportunity has presented itself to you, and a choice must be taken.

Be a victim of the curse, or a cure.

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I doubt it. The alt-right actually never existed for the first few months that the term was being used. It was just a way to distance nationalist movements from mainstream kosher right-wing politics. Basically Jews were telling everyone 'stop goyim, the only right wing views are the ones we approve of, don't get swept up in that nazi stuff.' Once the term showed up on every damn news channel, then you had jackasses like Implicit Dick and Fag Anglin reenacting Spartacus by suddenly standing up and claiming to be the alt-right. NEETs don't want fame and fortune like internet celebs do.

incel meme is a step toward normalizing pedo culture, be weary of them trying to turn incels into victims. If you can feel bad for dudes that are socially awkward and just a bit misunderstood and really nice guys that just have a problem engaging with women, what do you think the next step from there is? Just tick a few more points behind that initial paradigm

Do not give them an inch ever, there is no such thing as an incel. Celibacy is a choice

The only angle that makes sense for me on why they keep hard selling the "incel" terrorist threat, is because they're hoping it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

I see the left constant with assuming anyone that doesn’t have a female with them all the time is incel.

Never mind that person is typically screwing their girlfriends or wives when they aren’t around.

The left like many of the fucking posters here are just plain retarded.


Yes, I am impregnating your girlfriends and wives you retards.

I have been for months.

Reminder that many incels are disabled.

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Most fags that go on and on about incels are either trend hopping men, or women.
With the women it's as easy as attacking them for not being a good mother. Most modern women are not good mothers, and most of them know it.
With the men, attack their sexuality. Any trend hopping faggot questions his sexuality at some point.

The key is to be as much of an asshole while telling the truth in order to put their minds into fight or flight.
If there's more than one person in the room, play them against your target.
You'll see them start to break at some point. If they don't, a bystander typically does, and that's when you give them an out by accepting a little truth, like
Once they accept the little truth, the bigger one can slide in just a little easier.

So what you’re saying is that you’re a faggot. Was that your wife I impregnated yesterday afternoon? Blonde hair about 5’10”? Right flat ass? Wearing a grey shirt?

Oh shit it was. Here you are being a faggot in uniform and your wife or whatever she is is running around the country getting impregnated by dudes you are trying to convince are incel.

hotwheels gets pussy though

Sad fact. Riding dick all the time, especially a bunch of different ones, ruins a woman's oxytocin receptors. They're chemically incapable of loving or trusting anyone or anything ever again. This applies equally to future lovers and children.

Trips wasted on schizophrenic nonsense.


Shut up sperg. This faggot was sitting across the highway from me.

Are you using retarded individuals as a tool for your propaganda?

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Hahahahaha. You’re going to fail pigs.

incel is just a faggot buzzword started by /r9k/ and those virgins just spammed it all over the place

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What the fuck are you talking about? Him and Eva were together until their last days.

Says the queen that made a pass at me yesterday

Hitler had a harem.

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Your guys are just pissed I made fun of you on your own forum.


Tell "us" more.

The fuck is the logic supposed to be on that video.
He is threatening the guy with Guantanomo but neither hosting a website on an alternative network structure("The Dark Web") or having people post things in a website you own(as long as you dont edit posts) illegal in the United States.Though I am sure that (((they))) would love it if they were.

Attached: The_Dark_Web.webm (1366x768, 5.05M)

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I know you’re TRS

TRS can’t meme like I can.

I would do the counter girl. Sure I have been there before though with the way she looks at me.

I dunno OP. Really makes you think. I mean, it's not like itinerant groups of angry young men have ever changed anything in the world. Nope, I can't think of a single historical instance of angry young men ever posing a threat to any institution ever.

Is great for Zig Forums because it makes it easy to spot faggots using it.
Just like all the other silly buzzwords the shills use ;^)

It's nothing but the next stage of the war on men. Don't call it a grave; this is the future you chose.

there is no point in arguing logic against them
the (((owned))) media is doing their masters bidding and the true believers can only be convinced by a rope
with this shit they are pushing the standard version is already into wierd territory for normies so just agree and amplify
let them make their own position so abhorrent normies run away with the added bonus of attacking and marginalizing fringe groups directly into our camp

This. Also, there are virgins in all parts of the political spectrum. Labeling a political group as "incels" is basically on the level of calling them poopyheads.

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There is no topic to be had.

I remeber some book written by hitlers friend where uncle Adolf was pinning after some girl who never even knew he existed until he became fuhrer. alot of the stories about him in it arnt demonizing him either it just points out i think he wouldve fit in here nicely in regards to social aspects

It's essentially the establishment going against what they perceive us to be—basement dwelling virgins. Of course, that's not the case for many, but that's how they chose to demonize us. It's actually pretty clever, because women are retarded socially-motivated animals, and they love to demonize men they perceive as weak. Like always, it's (((them))) using our women against us.

It also presumably has the bonus of agitating especially emotionally unstable virgins into committing violence that the media can then have a field day over.

They are a threat because they have renounced the flesh and live in spirit so they refuse to sleep around. You have to have spiritual discernment to understand these issues since there is a spiritual war going on right now. Sleeping around is not good for the spirit since soul ties can be formed through sex, and allows the transmission of demonic entities. It could leave you spiritually dead and fallen. Most women are not women, they are spiritually dead and are empty vessels, used for possession by negative entities. And modern day relationships are not based on love but based upon fleshly desires. You're not supposed to sleep around, that is demonic teaching. You're supposed to allow the right person to enter into your life, and sleep with them, based on love and procreation. By resisting to sleep around or masturbating, you are not feeding the kingdom of darkness, and through semen retention, you are empowering yourself spiritually. And that is why they are a threat. The main agenda of this world is to spiritually kill humans and to make them soulless materialistic zombies. It started since childhood through indoctrination by schooling, shunning off creativity. Bullies, teachers, authoritative figures act as gatekeepers to keep you in line. They allow various people to be spiritually alive so that society could use their creative powers for evil and to feed off the spiritual people. You should listen to your inner promptings no matter what society or your flesh wants you to do. That is the voice of your spirit and is proof of God within.

>What do (((they))) gain comparing incels to terrorists
Control. Power. What happening is the (((narrative))) is being cast before the (((false flag))) happens to demonize young white males for at least another generation. Non-whites are mixed in fucking pun to obfuscate the fact that whites are the target.

Total fabricated propaganda. You're all definitely being falsely pinned. Zig Forums's real views are pro-natal about love for women and children.

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incwl is an ideology now? didn't it meant involuntary celibate? how the fuck can you make an ideology out of that?
what i find the most funny is that incels actually cry about women not loving then while real missoginist simply don't care about woman for anything else than a lust reliever, some are charming enough to become pump and dump chads, others just loose themselves into whores and degenerasy
these 2 groups treat woman like disposable cumdumpsters while incels are quite often bitter men tormented by their inavility to start a family and that is the group the media demonizes? i could understand MGTOW who, even if just as pathethic, are at least openly hostile towards women often with good reasons to be so but incels?
only incel i've ever known about that went on a killing spree was Elliot Rogers and that kid seemed to have way more problems that just his inability to get laid, the fact that he went after feminist is clear proof that there was nothing wrong with his head

same shit, different millenia

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Interestingly within the first six words everything framed (((correctly))).
I wonder if blacks in the US at one point chimpout over this. I imagine that single motherhood and complete lack of any social regulations leads to one fucker impregnate the whole hood, while the rest of males don't get any gina at all. Wrong nutrition, giant landwhales - on both sides - and no manners. One black guy who can see his own dick and says hello and good by can fuck until his dick falls off.

A lot of effort has gone into making InCel a common derogatory comment in these circles and on alt alt media. The term has been around a couple of years with in-depth conversations that range from hating PorkyPines to coal burners to "You need to lift bro".
tl;dr Whitey should concern himself with colonizing space and getting the hell off of this rock; before it's far too late. Merit is not limited to how much pussy one gets. When Whitey is at the top of game both physically and mentally, all things come to him not vice~versa

I thought it was because society has become so sexualized, they need a scapegoat to escape shame. Can't say I've thought much about it. Some of those mgtow types on youtube are a bit strange. I think they play up stereotypes in order to flog sex toys and PUA tips. They're weird. Guys being nervous about exploitation is just common sense.

it's alrready being used to some extent to fill the diversity quotas of trannys in corporations
that said i don't totally agree with your second paragraph, kikes may run this story into the ground as much as they like but, not only did it backfire with pepe cus everyone laugher at the ADL, but incels do not identify themselves as such and in orther to find out if someone is an incel you need to interrogate them long and hard until you get their profile down.
the Incel lable won't do much to discredit an user who does nothing but bitch at the Rostchilds and federal reserve all day while positn jpg of the bilderberg group
anyone bringing up sexual topics when discusing economy will just make ann ass of himself with a rather pathethic attempt at addhominem

fresh OC

Attached: incels-are-not-terrorists.png (1550x757, 691.97K)

This. They're pushing the "incel" meme pretty hard and, attempting to associate it with online imageboard culture.

Attached: viceincelyoutubetrending.webm (640x360, 12.24M)

Never interrupt your enemy when they're making a mistake.
< kike left wing calls them incels, abuses them ad infinitum
< nationalist right says 'come hither, incel man, i will teach you the way of masculinity'

god damn it of course its fucking sid the sloth

well played! It isn't his fault that he was born disabled and NOT a number 1 choice
(Interesting that the China Roasty summarizes the "InCel" condition as "Since women don't offer up some cootie; it's terrorism by men. What sort of f'd up logic is that) Bear in mind, she's from an overpopulated shit hole nation with Billions of useless eaters. She doesn't mention that every "InCel" that gets laid could potentially bring another useless eater into he world

it was foretold in the great GET

Attached: spacerocketcolonizethestars_theGETpaintbucketworldkillwithfiretet.png (1424x1883, 1010.42K)

They've even given us the blueprint for how to achieve a breakaway civilization.
(the newfag doesn't know how to post an already posted image)


Eh, you're probably right.

All I've ever saw are mutts.
That's the thing with race mixing, women of mixed race are average (way better than an average west african sheboon), man of mixed race are nearly all invariably butt ugly.

Frankly I'll hazard it's a species trait at this point, something to do with tribal genetic selection for heirs or some shit.

You can start by using that sarcasm more efficiently

Then why are you here?

Finally. Someone with some common sense left.

IMO, they probably think that most chan users are incels pushing "dangerous memes".
So ostracizing them would make them stop posting memes.

Wait, what?

The more they vilify them the more dangerous they will become. Haven't they learned anything from the past dealing with dune coons?

This but more for whores than incels.

That shit will backfire too

incel is a forced meme as revenge by thots and roasties for the thot and roastie memes

No such thing. She’s cute

embedded is a literal documentary on incels before the meme word spread


i liked the beta term better
beta uprising sounds more radical than incel uprising
labels are for faggots anyhow

White actual incel here I find it hilarious we are the bogeymen even though we are harmless white nerds
It's almost like these faggot media kikes wunna make a silent majority of the internet and their own generation mad for the sake of kicking up shit.
On the flip side the stupider this shit gets on their part the more average incel neet types will get fed up and end up angry disenfranchised Madmen (hopefully on "our side")