First of all - im german. I used to be a proud german even , until i realized that we are not only being C U C K E D but we are also forbidden to question or dislike it. EVERYONE who even QUESTIONS immigration in my country is instantly some weird REICHSBURGER whackjob who gets dismissed immediately without any citations of spoken or written language which would indicate, that he ,in fact , was a nut. No they tell you that he is a REICHSBURGER who is ARMED TO THE TEETH (for some weird reason thats B A D in germany.C-U-C-K-E-D) and DISMISSED the idea of MODERN STATES and PUBICLY declared he would elect the BADNAZIS (AFD which ALREADY got deconstructed by infiltration and brilliant PR work of the verfassungsschutz quick rundown: All of the established parties where trying to brand the afd the "nazi-party" nobody believed them until the AFD leader got harassed by LITERALLY the ANTI-NAZI bureau of instigation ( verfassungsschutz ,lul) to exclude a certain member of the party because of his "right wing views" and LITERALLY shit like that (FRAUKE PETRY IS NO LONGER IN THE AFD BECAUSE OF CORRUPTION- she said herself that the party cannot be saved AND CREATED A NEW ONE. SUPPORT DIE BLAUE PARTEI) I can handle that; its actually not even that big of a deal for me. But now that i found out there have been MULTIPLE cases where german police had to "adjust" certain facts (the most known one being the New years eve shit in cologne which took DAYS before anybody was talking about rape (they were talking "übergriff" which can basically mean anything but probably is best translated with something like "incident"…. cant make this shit up… 1054 incidents in ONE night.In one spot. Cool. ) Now a few moments ago i read that there was ANOTHER case of censorship i was blissfully unaware of (im in SEETHING rage right now) The SAME day that happened leftist media already goes NUTS about how the right wing ABUSES that POOR baby for BAD ADOLF PROPAGANDA when the only reason they talked about a "severe cut on the throat" was to safe the childs dignity- despite the fact that they can explain details in GRUESOME fashion when some german retard completely flips and knifes his whole family.EVERY news outlet had E V E R Y detail he was a reichsburger btw) yea. a severe cut. more like a severING cut but whatever. Nothing of value was lost i guess. How do we turn this around. It is no longer do-able from the inside.Certainly not alone. The system is too corrupt. The corruption goes too deep. We need help from the outside
tl/dr : Gerfag crying for help from his ancestral brothers in south america /south africa/ U S A (not even gonna bother with cucknada - these guys are DONE)
lmao about the text. Its not only wrong. the one who did it knew it was wrong. its not even close to being accurate
Juan Allen
Who is this cute jewish girl?
Nathan Miller
TYPING like THIS makes you LOOK like a fruity FAGGOT. Learn to properly format your text, nigger.
Henry Collins
I strongly believe, that the road to recovery is related to the army. As you see in Japan there are talks of creating a legitimate army other than the JDF. The problem is that Japan has it easier internationally, compared to germany with all the EU shit.
What would it take to unfuck germany anyway ? It seems like things have to get weimar tier again to unfuck everything.
Xavier Bennett
I hate autistic fucks who can't into obvious satire.
Robert Davis
They already are. IMO USA just needs to back off the European Union and dismantle UN and NATO The system will return to equilibrium once the outside forces stop forcing a certain ((( status )))
Chase Lee
Yeah, but at the same time there is no external threat. Around WW2 there was leigitmate threat from neighbors, both brits and french. Now they feel like there is no way a war can erupt. That breeds cucked nations like nothing else. This is the reason why eastern and southern europe are against migration, while western and norther are for.
Austin Lopez
i hate autistic fucks who think this kind of misinformation is actually something funny
oh yeah my german side of fam are total fags, they dont dare say shit even when they come visit here. but secretly after a couple hours of talk they let their inner aryan emerge. things will change.
Gavin Roberts
I've always thought it'd be so fun to tell Merkel to her face what she has done to the Great nation of Germany, I truly hope that Trump did just that.
Jaxson Nelson
This time we come to Germany as Crusaders
Matthew Sullivan
I am German-American. My state and much of the Midwest US are infused with German culture and blood. We celebrate it still. Though my ancestral home is now in Polska, I would proudly resettle the Vaterland with my 6 children. There are pockets of pure German blood all around here, and our blood is our destiny.
I won't tell you what to do from across an ocean, but things can not stay this way forever. I will be bettering myself for the days to come and will proudly stand by your side. Most important for now is to keep the blood pure, it will always find a way to rise again.
Carter King
Reading history, you germs always manage to pull through so I'm not that worried. I wish I could say the same about the rest of europe.
Nicholas Harris
You say you dont want to tell me what to do while being divided by the ocean , i get that my adventurous brother but tell me what you would suggest if you were to suggest something? Do you see a path?
Thomas Perez
I believe in you Krautbro. Steel yourself, make more German children. The time will come.
Hudson Perez
German women have been brainwashed into believing being a slut = being free there literally are no german women anymore only brainwashed fat cattle
Cameron Young
Your blood will find a way because your will is there. Whatever you choose, don't get discouraged. You will not save Germany in a day, you will not save it alone. Make small, attainable goals that lead to a larger goal.
Most important is blood, whether "Germany" the illegitimate occupational state lives or dies, your blood must live. Find a pure, beautiful Fraulein, more rare and valuable than rubies. Germanic children are gifts from God and a blessing to you and your nation.
I personally work in the field of machining in order to learn to potentially build my own firearms and perhaps design weapons for the future. I have learned to read and understand blueprints, to see the fabrication of everyday objects and understand the processes that each material went through to the finished process. It is a power that can both destroy and build.
You could learn chemistry in order to create propellants and combustible materials.
You could become a propagandist and influence your local community, pull on the threads of truth until they can't hide it from themselves any longer. "It's OK to be White" was a master stroke of propaganda, what can you do to replicate or improve upon that? Does your community have pride in its Volk? Can you start that fire? Be anonymous and subtle, especially at first, but never timid.
Who are you, and what calls to your blood? You will have to decide, I can only show paths but you must walk them.
Eli Gomez
Women will follow what is strong, simply because it is their nature. If they think that foreigners are stronger, they will turn out bad, but women are also easily convinced if you are the strongest person nearby. Don't give up, because you cannot.
Carter Perez
thank you for your kind words user god bless you
Kayden Butler
Take heart, Germanbro.
Da kann ich dir nicht ganz zustimmen. Zwar, deutsche Mädels sind irgendwie cuck'ter als normal (was immer "normal" heißen soll), doch der andere user hat recht, Frauen folgen den stärksten Männern. Daher, Schritt eins: Sei ein starker Mann, dann kommen die Weibe. Meiner Meinung nach sind Deutschland/Österreich mehr als bereit für eine Verwandlung. Man spürt das halt, siehts manchmal in Graffiti, zwischen den Kopftüchern und blauhaarigen Femifotzen. Alles wird schon, user, vertrau mir.
…it's nice for once to encounter a German on Zig Forums who doesn't hate Americans
Dude you lost two world wars. You now exist only to serve Israel.
Nolan Ramirez
Hi Rabbi, Whatcha doing? How's the divide the goy shtick going?
Robert Ortiz
Only Crusade can help Germany now. Your country is cucked to the ground, I recommend you leave Germanistan. At this point, German needs to burn to the ground to make it better.
German is in a point of no return. You probably should leave Germany asap.
Samuel Harris
That is only valid for as long as you let it be valid. Of course you're gonna get busted, but, hey, Adolf himself spent some time in the slammer, too.
Jaxon Barnes
It is neither Germanistan nor will it ever be burned to the ground by anyone but self destructive idiots. Livestreaming the punishment of a jew for the crimes of all jews (they use chickens for that) and you'll drive the cost "for fucking things up" up by quite a bit.
Remember, the ADL was created when whitey hung a kike (Leo Frank) who tried to blame the murder rape of a white girl on some nigger by blackmailing another nigger to incriminate the other nigger. The full white jury, persecutor, judge and co believed the nogs and hung the jew.
Never underestimate the actual power we still have. I specifically didn't say "you" because you're not one of us.
The jews power lives and dies in the mind, the jew cannot harm you itself in the physical, non thought realm. This is the solution to all the problems.
"So what?" "No, this is not racist." "It is not a problem to hang kikes. It is perfectly moral." "There is no drawback to anyone to kill communists." "Nope. I'm not a bigot." Etc, human rights and laws and co are a game we invented and they're cheating it, it's absolutely 1488% legitimate for anyone to stop playing at any given moment in time. They are not physical or universal laws, they're our game of society laws.
Unlike genders, and race, they really are the construct. This is like saying go for nonwhite women instead of whites. The entire nonwhite world is stepping over one another in a mad, law disregarding, culture disregadrding, etiquette disregarding, everything disregarding dash to fuck our women and we should go to second rates? Just because some of our women have a streak of the dumbfaggotry?
Never. Burn those who stand against Germany and the Germanic people, which includes pretty much everyone relevant in the world.
Nicholas Murphy
yep yep nope, wrong conclusion
Jonathan Young
SA German-mutt here.
Move to SA if you want to escape. Plenty of people to hook you up with a job that can pay you a home. We forgot our mothertongue because WW I forbid germans and italians to spread their language. Today however, Southern SA is more german than Germany itself. Saint Katherine. Itajai Valley. Small cities. The only bad part is learning Portuguese. But even the italians there are friendly.
Elijah Bell
I don't know a lick of german but I could see that was satire and it was funny af.
Jaxson Phillips
Germany is still in far better shapes than France & Spain.
Never despair. Never lose hopes.
Brayden Jackson
user, there's something we need to tell you…..
Brayden Brooks
Süddeutscher hier, ich muss dir zustimmen, es gibt den Drang zu Veränderung. Ich spüre Ihn hier und lege Ihn im Freundeskreis, dennoch lässt mich mein Gefühl nicht los, dass es in vielen Städten unmöglich wird.
was mich immer beruhigt, WIR, die Deutschen, waren immer schon zerstritten und uneins, doch wenn es hart auf hart kommt, dann stehen wir zusammen wie schon Arminius es schaffte. Wir brauchen nur den Moment, den Menschen oder der Verlust eines solchen der dazu führt, dass wir aufwachen. Erwachen. Unser "persönlicher" Kronprinz oder Wessel.
Der Tag wird kommen, bereite dich und alle die dir lieb sind oder der Sache helfen könnten darauf vor, darauf dass wir herausbrechen und uns zurückholen was uns genommen wurde. Unser Land, unsere Führung und unsere Tugenden.
Zurück zu höher, weiter und schneller. Zurück zu Recken die Stahl schmieden und nur Gott und sonst Nichts fürchten in dieser Welt.
Parker Jenkins
Look, m8, for my cousins who are generally so intelligent to believe such open and obvious brainwashing is embarrassing. I live in the US and I never believed the government. I'm glad you woke up though.
Why don't you faggots turn off your TVs and tell your government to eat shit? Do it as one. You don't have to use rhetoric they have banned. Just call them liars over and over and shut them out. Most people in the 30 and under crowd in the US do not watch TV anymore.
Nolan Garcia
Precisely. It begins and ends with thoughts.
It could go as far as removing oneself from every digital screen. That has been a source of a lot of inaction. (I'm a little tipsy, so yes I'm on Zig Forums)
Indeed saying that Germany should be emptied and rebuilt is totally insane, american idealism if anything.
Ich weiß nicht was bei dir los ist, aber ich hab ne Gemeinde von 17~20 jährigen in meiner Nachbarschaft gegründet die sich mit 'Sieg Heil' grüßen und 14/88 überall hinschreiben (Alles sozial vernachlässigte kids). Im Rheingebiet.
The USA, Germany, the UK, and France are all either in, or rapidly approaching Weimar tiers of bad. The situation will correct itself, I think a lot of people get trapped in the moment and unfortunately cannot see the grander historical forces for what they are. The collapse of our internationalist order is inevitable, within this decade.
There wasn't an necessarily an external threat the last time either, in so far as Britain and France weren't planning on further cutting up a castrated Germany. They would've let pozzed Germany continue on, in the same way our (((current world order))) will let us continue on, so long as we don't rock the boat as it sinks and is subsumed in brown sewage. Germans felt like they were being replaced, and that their culture was gone. In a way there's more of an external threat now with the global south, more than there was with ethnic Germans at the time, unless you subscribe to Nordicism(not here to tell you you're wrong if you do, just an example). Going further, the cultural breakdown we are experiencing now might be likened to the cultural effects of World War I, except it is Neoliberalism being broken down, and not Monarchy in favor of Democracy. History can rhyme, so I think it's fair to say democracy will give way to more traditional or neo-traditional systems and philosophies as we move forward. This is combined with the fact all Western/white countries are occupied, either by nonwhites or are being used against other Whites/Europeans. Imagine what happened in Germany in the 20s and 30s, but on a Pan-European scale, i.e., across North America, Europa, and Russo-Siberia(and Austrailia). I honestly think that's what we're going to be dealing with. There's parallels enough this may either go down like the Roman collapse or Caesar's rise too, I tend to think the latter, but that's me. Regardless of my own farther speculations, I think we are at least on track for right wing autocracy to make traction in earnest, combined with even more heavily racialized politics. So, uh, I guess be happy it's you living through now and not your grandkids.
You in brazil? How is it down there? Will your right wing win the election?
Thomas Mitchell
it's too late - winter in coming. nuclear winter.
Jeremiah Sanchez
Reminder that Germany is a non country. Reminder that "german identity" was created out of thin air by Bismarck. I'm swabian, not german. I'm ready to fight for Swabia againt Prussian(Berlin) ocupation
I'm not sure how that help would come. I'm afraid that you are on your own for the moment.
Some time you just have to let go. Get your passport ready. And learn second language When they start to talk about sending the Rapefugee back to Syria. This is when it will happen. Syria was not suppose to be stable again. The boat full of Rapefugee from Libya where not suppose to be stop by Italy. They wanted to wait longer in order to bring a few millions more. But the time is up. So they either give up or go ahead.
The Shit is about to hit the fan. You know it I know it and everybody can feel that something is very, very wrong. You are probably aware that Police force all around the EU have found over the last 5 years massive weapon cache in the hand of Islamist.
I think dictatorship is the solution. The only white countries which aren't being flooded with subhumans are the only ones that aren't democracies, Russia and Belarus. Lukashenko has ruled Belarus with an iron fist for over 20 years. Yeah they're poor, but they're over 95% white. I'd rather live in a poor white country than a rich country full of subhumans.
Parker Moore
Busted or killed. People have to make peace with death. The only way to make peace with death. It is to feel like you accomplished something that was worthwhile in life. Something you can be proud of no matter what happens to your physical body. This is the heart and soul of the Germanic people…but it has been sidelined in favor of 'consumerism' so now we think that we are 'worth something' if we consume or consume with the most vigor (something more vacuous and meaningless is hard to find on Earth). This leaves one afraid of death because your PURPOSE remains unfulfilled and your soul rebels against itself in conflict. Fulfill your purpose! Do something with your life that will make your death meaningful! We all die, there is no escape…live to the absolute fullness giving everything you possibly have to something you love, something that will advance your people. Up until that moment, that very moment when you REALLY KNOW that you have given EVERYTHING you ever were or wanted to be to something that is bigger than yourself (whatever your heart/soul desired), you will always be afraid of death. When you reach that moment where you KNOW that you have given every part of your being to what you love…the fear of death, the fear of punishment, the fear of the enemy…all that angst just vanished like smoke in a strong wind. It is then that you understand what it means to be German and you are free to join the company of the gods of men upon your death. There is no moment in your whole life that will be as freeing for the soul from the slavery that you are enduring. There is really nothing that compares to looking back and seeing a life well lived with a soul that has attained its purpose.
There are of course, bright moments, first loves, children, challenges, struggles…but all this is NOTHING when one attains the knowledge that your PURPOSE is fulfilled.
This is the first death of the Aryan soul and the rebirth of NOBILITY. When you are born the second time into NOBILITY (something that is only available to the Aryan soul) you can move and act without reservation or care for the worries of others, the buzzing of the 'slave cultures values' is far beneath your perspective and your concerns. You care nothing for their values or their laws or their constant kvetching and trivial nonsense. See the prize and move forward unrelenting, without distraction you will not be dissuaded or deceived, for one thing, the fulfillment of the souls purpose, is primary and all other things fall away.
Daniel Barnes
Kek You know you're living in clown world when you can't tell if its satire.
Grayson Russell
Its either my Prussian boot or a nigger french boot. Take your pick.
Jaxon Morales
You're German yet you write like a burger. Fuck off back to Kohlchan or wherever it is Hauptschüler shitpost these days.
Logan Robinson
That's what Trump needs to do, expose these traitors for what they are and shame them in front of their people
Ryder Allen
We can't really do anything. You're going to have to go to the Poles and Hungarians. Ironic I know.
Christopher Baker
The Poles and the Hungarians are most likely backed by China…does Germany really wish to be operated by the Chinese/Jews? I mean the genocidal Chinese are bad enough…but the toxic combo of the jews of asia [china] and the actual filthy jew seems like a pretty unfortunate combo to me.
Camden Diaz
im also in germany. and im going to gtfo. ill just finish my uni, one more year and i have my masters, and then ill fuck off. to a place thats less shit. ive lived in belarus and in russia and germany beats by far every other country in the world in nepotism, corruption and socialism. everything is taxed, everything is censored, everything is adjusted to normies and if you are not an insect in the hivemind colony you get locked away. in this country it is illegal to research the holocaust and at the same time its so real that questioning it gets you into jail. but in this country you will also get into jail for fishing without a license. i dont want to blogpost because im not a degenerate HPD social media tars but if someone cares i would explain to you how life here truly is as a person with a brain that functions
Joshua Morales
I saw this one interview months ago with this Syrian 'refugee' living in Germany. Anyway she said in the interview, "I am going back to Syria." and I could tell that the interviewer thought this was interesting…so they followed up on it. And the woman explained, "Being in the west is much more dangerous and restricted than being [in war torn] Syria. You can't speak your mind, no one will tell the truth, information is suppressed and destroyed." I was practically laughing/appalled at the end of the interview. This was a woman who would rather be in a country in an active war than in Germany because she valued her ability to speak and think as she pleased. It just seemed so ironic…all hail the 'freedumb of the West' where every thought is controlled so thoroughly that a non-native when exposed would rather be in a war than continue to live another day in oppression. :)
Luis Mitchell
the european union is garbage and germany begs to suck the cock of the usa. for years the usa has been trying to get germany to build its army back up and they refuse. we want germany to defend itself yet the usa being your slaves is too good to pass up. it saves the germans money while also gives them an enemy to point their finger at yurofags are delusional about who controls the world and they have brainwashed their people into thinking the usa controls their countries. all the decisions they make are their own and you even have yurofag nations at the un attempting to push policy on my country
Lucas Powell
There was this Somalian female reporter who said the same thing about Sweden a few years ago. It's easier to be a reporter in her niggerland than commie sweden.
Christian Thompson
Zogbot here I see niggers from the US army in the Bavarian area constantly picking up German girls, hell one in my squad got one pregnant and another in my platoon is getting married. Its disgusts me, which funnily enough nobody suspects. Drove around Germany visiting castles with my spic mutt roommate who is actually pretty cool and fell in love with the country side, and oremnants of old traditions. Most of it is dead, and it pains me so much that it will very likely disappear one day.
Germanon is right. The propaganda is so strong and the brainwashing goes so deep, that change from the inside is not on the menue. (not wanting to blckpll, this is simple truth) The last hope, the army, got purged (yet anudda purge, so to speak) quite recently under the guise of de-nazification.
Wow Imagine wanting to go back to fucking Somalia, the shithole of Africa, rather than to continue living in Sweden. The frogs in the pot never know they are in boiling water if the water is turned up slowly enough.
Nathan Taylor
Julian Smith
Yes. Maybe, we dont know because there will be massive tampering with the (((100% digital votes))). Up until today we know there is massive vote fraud but the right wing candidate has so much support its going to be a huge risk to manipulate in such large scale. The question here in brazil is not if the right wing guy is going to win or not. Its if the voter fraud will be big enough to deny him the chair.
Mason Cruz
The change from the inside will take place once shit hits the fan. The last 3 years have done more for our cause than you realize. But you cannot undo 50 years of ideology in such a short time. The (((politicians))) are switching and kosher Nationalism is being implemented as a last resort due to the fact that reality is too obvious to keep pushing for stupid shit like open borders. Something, somewhere fucked up (((their))) plan and is fighting back against (((their))) craziness. You can feel (((they))) are desperate to cling to the old dialog that has worked for the past 50 years on the boomers, but our generation is different since we had to live with the consequences of these shitty decisions. Some of (((them))) are smarter and push for kosher nationalism but it is a pandora box that will bite them in the ass since they won’t be able to pretend to be for free speech on Islam and yet prevent us from talking about the 6 gorillions. Take heart my German friend, I’m sure Hitler was desperate when he saw German kids being prostitutes in the Weirmar Germany since they would be traumatized for life, yet your people prevailed. Do not let go of your hatred, do not give up training your body and mind and you will see the day the Europeans come back to their senses and fight back. t. A french fag
Sebastian Jones
>Something, somewhere fucked up (((their))) plan and is fighting back against (((their))) craziness. It is a question of balance in Europe. UK and France were fucked up much worse than Germany. So while it was attempted to “enrich” Germany with diversity since the 1950’s that did go nowhere, was way behind the situation in France or England.
That did draw the attention of the (((USA))) and their loudspeaker started to play the song of how “racist” Germany is, no diversity and nigger in TV. In Germany as a response naturalization law was changed and the “diversity” and “integration” propaganda cranked up to eleven.
Still compared to France and England, Germany was a bastion of ethnic stability even after taking millions of Balkan nigger. France and the UK is on the border of a crash. The UK is now transforming into unironic islamic emirates and France is torn apart by the violent niggers they have imported by the millions. Now imagine, UK and France going under, turning into dysfunctional third world shitholes, while Germany is still overwhelming German and stable. This would quite affect the balance of power in Europe. Even as a American puppet regime, such a sole functional state might develop a live of its own, not unlike Turkey now.
So my theory is, 2015 was an emergency brake, to flood Germany with so many shitskins at once that the ethnic composition in Germany is corrupted and altered irrecoverably. Of course this has some disadvantages, like waking up and alerting the deluded normies. (((TPTB))) now try to play for time, until the damage becomes irreparable. In come the kosher nationalists and civ-nats. In that respect you have to see the Brexit as well. It does nothing to prevent Britain turning into an islamic colony of Pakistan.
Caleb Garcia
Thank you user. Stuff like this … creates hope
Lincoln Murphy
Do you guys see this faggot? Laugh at him. Laugh at him for being a civ-nat. Laugh at him for calling people greeting each other with Sieg Heil edgelords because he is still brainwashed by the german media and thinks the natzis where evil.
Nolan Barnes
>Something, somewhere fucked up (((their))) plan and is fighting back against (((their))) craziness. yurofag peasants are not fighting back. sorry, bud. your generation is perhaps even shittier than the one that preceded you. you still don't even know the cause of the problems. you blame the usa yet your country is one of the most devious kike countries of them all. deposing gadaffi was france's operation and you continue to have your little destabilizing wars in africa that flood niggers into yurop and the usa
all of you yurofags are fucking stupid especially the french and english. it would be better off if you stopped existing
Jaxon Morales
kannst du nen anderen thread verniggern? danke
Thomas Green
How is the water level Israel
Brody Smith
i don't know, perhaps we should ask the yurofags about since a thousand years of jew rule was because of them
Leo Reyes
Or maybe we should ask the Americans who "liberated" the country that dared to fight against that jew rule and brainwashed them to hell and back so they would never do something like that again.
Aaron Torres
Of course this isn't the fault of Americans nowadays, but saying "dumb eurofags never did anything to stop the jews" while their own country did everything to stop them from rising up is pretty dumb.
Nathaniel Smith
I'll use that term from now on like I use that Chinese Terror Province for Uygurs.
Charles Powell
Germany had this Turk problem all along, but it was just wiped under the rug. Ragheads in all cities, even small towns where France was purely bagetted and not because only elderly lived there, but because beurs did not live there. Germany has even Turks and many ragheads in Schwarzwald and in the plains with lots of forests. 2015 was a Notbremse for all Western world. Those deluded normies wont do anything anyways. Sad state.
Jace Sullivan
you are part of the problem
Joseph Collins
Delusional nonsense, that does not square with population numbers and happenings, France already had in the 1980’s
Eli Howard
All of this is true. It's coming, and they know it: the Great Awakening of the entire White Race.
The people of the west are poor as shit. Only kikes and their puppets are wealthy.
Ian Long
piss dich
Juan Turner
You have to go deeper you idiot. It's the lingering effect of WW2. It's the destruction of relatively democratic republics.The only reason why it was delayed was because the West had to go conservative and vigilant against communism abroad and at home. Once communists intentionally imploded their countries, people went lax in 1991 and allowed communists even greater infiltration into all pores of society. How the fuck do you think Merkel got elected. She is a FORMER STASI PROPAGANDA OFFICER. Why didn't the media blow that up? A: They had agents slowly working up the ladder during the Cold War years and hired like minded people. This is why you have Poland and the rest of the East rebelling. They see the same snakes under Western masks. And the most scary thing is that they basically wormed their way up in the whole West. Just look at EU leadership. Junker: social democrat Morgerini: unironically went to a communist youth camp, now social democrat Barroso: a fucking maoist in his youth. The only one in the top position in the EU is Tajani. Head of the parliament. And the parliament only has the power to suggest laws to the commision. Traitors. All of them.
Blake Lee
Dominic James
Fuck you, I do it too, it's faster.
Joseph Clark
He didn't. That's not how you achieve things, by giving the enemy ammo to use against you.
Connor Williams
Both already flooded with mudslimes.
Ian Harris
Every good hearted German (aka not Gutmensch) must be powerful enough to stay in their homeland and have kids. What are you gonna do, go to a different country and lose whatever your have left of your culture? That would make your worse than the so called refugees. Just find a woman, pump her up, suck some Hartz IV and actually take care of your kids' education. If you believe that the future matters, then don't be a selfish asshole and do something about it. I'm so tired of seeing westerners just flee. There's already enough mixing happening between europeans, we don't need more of it.
Jackson Ward
True, Russia is like 30% or something outrageous…combined that with the jews and what do you have? A permanent slave class of actual Russian people under the slave state of SEMITIC people.
Germany hasn't had a culture since WWII the dominant narrative of Germany became the abuse and destruction and slavery of the German people. They are 'captured' by the horrifying semitic cult that rules over them. They don't even need chains because the Germans in Germany are subjugated by their own government and the replacement of their cultural narrative with one of their own destruction. So the whole purpose of WWII was to replace the Germanic peoples narrative with one that would gradually destroy them. If this hadn't already been done SUCCESSFULLY do you think German men would just be sitting around like broken slaves while they were replaced in their own nation?
No, Germany's spirit is utterly broken and they are nothing more than slaves to feed, clothe, shelter, educate their semitic overlords.
Same with the USA…no planet on earth has ever just stood there dumbfounded while they were utterly replaced like the European people…at least a handful of them fought back and fought for survival.